HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1926-01-18198 REGULAR MEETING OF '~ ~ .... ~H~, BOA_qD 0F TRUSTEES 0F THE CITY ~,AL F~J~CISCO HE, LD ~iONDAY, J~d~TU~.,Y 18TH, ] 9~.,0. The regular meeting of the Bo,rd. of '~ ~ ~ .. ~ru~'tee~ of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall .:~ond~y evening, Jsnuary 18th,1926. The meeting w~s called to order at 7:~0 o'clock p.r,. by Trustee H.F.McNe!lis, President of Ihs Board. ROLL CALL. ~oll call found all trustees ~oresent, to-wit,; Eschelb~ch, L~cCaffrey, L~cNellis Trustees, Blank, Cunnlngham, . The minu~tes of the previous meeting were read and there bei~g no errors or omissions were approved as read. A comr~unicstion w~s received ~ ~rom the Governor of California in answer lo the city's letter requesting him to endaevor to maintsin the fire boats in the Man Fr n '~ , a~c~co Bay reports h~ving reached the city to the effect that there was a deficit in ~he fire.boar maintenance fund. The Governor state8 there w~s no deficit in said fund, the ]e~i?lature having approved the budget and the money was available. Wm. A.Sherman, President of the Board o~' Harbor Commissioners, replying to the City's letter on the same subject ~tated the salaries of fir.nee and other, connected with the boats had been raised at am election since the budget w~s approved, and that there would be a deficit. He stated he would do all in his power to held maintain the fire boats. Communications ordered filed. A communic~ti0n wes received from bui]dinT Inspector Ed~r ~ewis stating that outside contractors were placing inferior mat ria.! in homes, and reuonmended that a committee he appointed to look into the matter with ~ v~ew to putting an ordinance in foree to halt the practise. The President of th~'Boar, d ar,~ointed~ Atlorney A.Sc~m~ini~ e, ud Ed~ero~ Lewis a committee of two on the work, and instructed them to confer with Architect Norberg. P.J.Shaw, general manager of the 8outh San Francisco %%'ater Company, replying to the city' resolution requesting them to a~ply to %he city for a water franchise stated that the matter was being ~iven due consideration. The Hanrahan Com]:sny m~de application for an extension of 60 days in which to complete their contract to grade 'Rnd'pav~-Br~den Avenue. E:~tension ~ranted. Druids, An application was received from the Regina E'-ena Circle '$97'a~king the board's permission tel hold a dance in Fraternal Hall February 6th,!926, until '1 A.I,[. ~ermit granted. An ap!~lication wa~ received from W.l~Brazleton & Sons askint~ for a ?ermit to build three houses on lo't ~/6, ~lock 100, MaD of ~ouih San Francisco. 2ermits grated. .Estim&ted coe, t $8000. App!icatione for ?oft drink licenses were received from Oliver Cortesi and A.Ferrari and granted by. the following vote,- ~es, B.]ank, Cunnlngham,. ~Es. cn,~!bsch,!IcCai'frey,kcAe].!is,No~s. ~rustees non, Absent, Triter.es, None. Resolutions adopting n:ans and s~ecifications for the c~.a~truction of sewers in Industriai Way and in LIission Road and ordering the construstion of same and ordering notice calling for sealed proposals for the construction of s:a~e were passed and ado~oted by the board, l[otice called for bids for ~[ond~y evening February Ist,lgE6 at 7:lO o'c]oci: ]~.t . -~ecorded in Boo:~ of Resolutions, Vol ~2 " at ~sge 76. City Engineer Em.ese was instructed to give an estimate of %he cost of .grading ' the Orange ~.venue Ro~wy from the foot of ~h_rd ~t:-.et, Lo. O~riti~ ~o h~i]r~o~ Avenue to a height of ~,-~- ject w: s still under about ~ree feet. The endineer stated the recl~.:a~ion pro ~-, and expected it to be c~rrie8 throu~vh. The matter of re~airin~ Butler ~osd ~.:as ~ ag~.n referred to the street com~ittee with full power to act. The reverts, of City Attorney Sca:m ni ~nd ~t~ ~rney Davis._ ,, remresentix~o the city in the protest ags. i~st the closin~ of Linden Avenue by the "ailro~d Co~mi~sion were ~'eceived, v ith information that the hea~rin~ had been most'~oned two weeks. B.H.Truaa~, Fire 2~arsha!, was .nstructed hy the board to ~rocure drive chains and fomide %anks for the fire truck. The monthly reports of the ~ire .,~ar,~hsl, Cily -rea?~u'er and ·City Clerk were then~read t0 the baord end accepted as read. The following claims aga-inst the city ~ere ne::t ~rcsented for Fred Orown , Labor Pac. Tel & Tel Co City phones I[.A.Borb~ rem. dead dogs etc , ~ol.-e~-.,.~inkner Co Dog &iuense ~]aces Chas. F.Schurk electrical sD?aratus otc E. Ryan, b!ericA~bor ..~ .ate~ Co, Doc. water bi]! Wm Thorpe gsa & Oil fire dev't Dec Jenning's Zharmacy ~ega! 'vs~,~r att'y So.S.F.Hospital cultures 63.50 5 oo 58.30 24.75 184,2£~ 5.60 2.00 12.00 John Figone clean fo~mtainEept0ct l~ov Dec Reliance ~.ara~oe gas oil Dec - to 29 John Welch rem.dead do?s to Jan 18 ?.I,~cCormact~ cleaning manholes A.E.Kauffmann hauling f-,~ei~?~t B.H.Truax ~pkee~-~ of car Dec. Hoy]e v, rinti~-~ Co enve!oyes etc, Attorney & Clerk 4.00 ~" 15.£0 9 co ,~ 50 .zz4 15.00 84.50 J.I,,[urDhy, c['. aah manho].es ~ 4.50 B.H.Truax Firam,en claim~, .[~ 7.50 S.Price blankets etc $ 27.00 W.L.Hickey & Son Clean Sewi'. 26.00 " " " " " " ~' 52 · 80 Chas E.~¢tCrek fees deliv~ sub~oen~s to withes~e~-° & ~ 65.00 " ~ "car fare" " ~jlO$~.O0 C.McGovern for profesz'ion- ai service 2~cal3 ~.etition~=~ Total ~1001.94 Trustee i,!cCaffrey moved !ho claims be ~aid. The motion was seconde~ Blank ~' ~ . ~ru~tees n~che!bach and CunninghaL "-forested a~rainst the c~aims of iiandwr~.ting expert C.~,,IcGo'?rn and Chis E.Storek stating they were not ]e~it_~mate ciairts against the city. Trustees Blank, McCefZrey and tdcNel3 is ,. as met~bers of the finance committee audited the claims and si~ned the same and on notion regularly carried were ordered paid. There bain? no further business before the bo~-:rd Trustee Cunningham r?ov,~5 to adjourn. The motion was r ecofide,-~ b~ '~rustees l~cCaf£rey and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9-50 o'clock ~,.m. , The minu~tes of the previous meeting were read and there being no errors or omissions were approved as read. A,com~unicstion was received .from the Governor of California in answer Io %.he city's letter requesting him to endaevor to maintain the fire boats in the Man Francisco Bay, reports halving reached the city to the effect that there was a deficit in %he fire baal maintenance fund. The Governo~ state~ there w8s no deficit in said fund, the ]esi~'!ature having approved the budget smd the money was available. Wm. A.~herman President of the Board of Harbor Commissioners replying to the City's letter on the same subject ~'tated the salaries of firemen and othere connected with the boats had been raised at am election since the budget wes approved, ~nd that there would be a deficit. He stated he would do all in his power to help maintain the fire boats. Communications or6ered filed. A communicetion was received from bui]din~ Inspector EdFar Lewis stating that outside contractors were placing inferior mat ria~l in homes, &nd recommended that a committee be appointed to look into the matter with ~ v~ew to putting an ordinance in force to halt the practise. The Prosident of t]~Boar, d_~ a~',vointed.. Atlorney A.Scsmrini. ~,nd ~z'~.~.~ Lewis a committee of two on the work, and instructed them to confer with Architect Norberg. P.J.Shaw, general man[,ger of the 8outh San Francisco %'~ater Company, replying to the cit.'~' resolution requesting them to azply to the city for a water franchise stated that the matter was being riven due consideration. The Hanrahan Co~?~sny m~de a!q~lioation for an extension of 60 days in which %o complete their contract to gr~.de ~nd ~ave 'Brsden Avenue ~'~-'~ ~ . ~ten~ ion ~ranted. Druids, An a~pl~cation was received from the Regina E~ena Circle '~97'asking the board's permission to[ hold a dance in Fraternal Hal! February 6th,!~6 until 1 A.IJ. ~ermit granted An ap!~lication wa~ received from W.'i4~Brazleton & Sons askin:~ for a ~-~ermit to build three houses on lot ~/6, ~lock 100, Ma~ of South San Francisco. 2ermits grated. Estimated co~-~% $8000. Application~ for s~oft drink licenses were received from Oliver Cortesi and A.Ferrari and granted by the following vote, , ~ , ~ - Ayes, B.]ank Cunningham ~sche!bach,!Ic~affrey,ldcNe]~!is,No~,s '~rustees non, ~d~sent, Trustees, None. Resolutions adopting n!ans and specifications for the c~ .' ~.a. truction of sewers in Industriai Way and in LIission Road and ordering the construstion of same and ordering notice calling for sealed proposals for the co~structiou of s, ar~e were passed smd addicted by the board, tlotice caR!ed for bids for ~iond~y evening February Ist,lga6 at 7:~0 o'cloc~ p.~. -~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol ~2 ' at ~:a~e 76. City Engineer Kneese was instructed z.o give an estimate of the cost o~' .grading the 0range f~venue Rosdwy from the foot of Third Street , Los Ceritis %o kai]raod Avenue, to a height of abou{ three feet. The engineer stated the reclamation project w~ s still under wa,v, and ~xpected it to be c~rried through. The matter of re~airinE Butler ~osd v~as again referred to the street co~]ittee with full power to act. The ramorts of ~'+~ , ~ c~y Attorney Sca:m ni ~.nd At't~rney Davis re~resenti~ the city in the protest sgai~st the closin~ of Linden Avenue by the "ailroad Co, nip'sion were z'eceived, information tkat the hearin~ had been most-~cned two weeks. B.H.Truax, Fire Liarsha!, was nstructed by the board to procure drive chains and fomide z, anks for the fire truck. The monthly reports of the /ire ,.~ar~hal, City -rea~'~umr and .City Clerk were then' read,to the beard and eccepted as r~ad. The following claims aga-inst the city ~;ere ne::t ~rcsented for Fred °rown, Labor ~ 65.50 Pac. Tel & Tel Co City ~hones ~ 41.11 .~.A Borb~ rem. dead dogs etc , s,oo i,~oz,-e.-~,~zinkner Co Do~ ~iuense ~qaces .~ ~0.60 Chas Y Scnurk e!ectrie~! 8~aratus etc 5~}.~0 E. 2lyan , blericA~bor S~ S.F.Wate~~ Co, Doc. water bi]2 Wm Thorpe gsa & Oil ~ire dev't Dec ~ 8.60 Jenning's Zharmacy ~ega! 'os~,ar att'y ? 2.00 So.S.F.HosDital cultures ~[: 12.00 John Figone clean fountain~e~t0ct Nov Dec 4.00 Reliance ~a. rageo~ss- oil Dec - to 29 John Welch rem.dead do,rs to Jan 18 !! 9.00 P.I~cCormaci~ cleaning m~,~ho]es ~; ,~.50 A. E. Kauffmann hauling fre i,~h t ~i .~4 B.H.Truax ~pkee~ of car DSc. :~, 15.00 Hoyle r, rinti~-,,= Co enve!oyes etc, Attorney & Clerk ~ 84.50 J.Murphy, c?,aan manho].es ~ a.50 B.H.Truax Firemen claim~-, .[~ 7.50 S.Price blankets etc '~ 27.00 W.L.Hic~ey & Son Clean SewS!'~' 26.00 " " " " " " '~' 52 80 Chas E.St~rek fees deliv~ subpoenas to witnesses & ~ 65.00' .... car fare"" ~i0b.O0 C.McGovern for profes'~'ion- a! so. rvice 2acat] ~etition~lSZ.22 Total (~!06!.94 Trustee If. cOaffrey moved !ho claims be ~aid. The motion was seconde~ ~!ank. Trustees Esche!bach and Cunningham -.forested a.~rainst ~;~ying the c~aims of i-iandwr~.t[ng expert C.l,,ic:Jov~rn and Chas E.Storek stating they were not ]e~it_'.,mate clai~".s against the city. Trustees Blank, McCaffrey and L[cNe] !is ,. as members of the finance committee audited the cUaims and si=ned the same and on motion re!~u]arly carried were ordered paid. There bein~r no further business before the bo~rd Trustee Cunningham mov~5 to adjourn. The motion was s ecofide,f by Urustees Ii~[cCaffrey and regul~rly carried. ,Time of sdj0urnment 9:~0 o'c].ock ~,.m. rresident of ~he Bo~rd of Trustees.