HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1926-03-15204
The regular meeting of the Board Of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco was held in
the Cz o~ Hall Lend y evening, !Jarch 15th,]926.
.r.e meeting was called io order at. 7;g0 o'clock< p.m. by Trustee H.F...~clIell~s', 3resident of the
Boa rd.
Roll call found the fo]lowin~j trace:tee? rresent, to-wit:
Blank, Cunningham, Esche!b~c~, 1,1cCaffrey, ~c~,el~is.
The minutes of the ~revious meetinff were z-'~ad and t~zere being no erasers or omi~sions
apyroved as read.
A communication was received from Emil Oesc:h~?r, tailor, 112 Grand Avenue, asking for the
privilege of making uniforms for the officers Storek, I,ienzie and Purissina. The ~resident of the
board rtsted he wo~]d speak to the offi~ ers on th,-~ subject.
A reply was received from Senator Same7~,.".fShortridge ze~arding._. ~ the liftin/:-.~ of the immi;~mation
ban in favor of Italian s~ldiers who ~erved in the American Army duri~]g the world war. The Senator
stated he would =ive the matter careful consideration
A dance permit was requested by Ti-ptecanoe Tribe ~111 for the evening of April ]Tth next,
in Fraternal Hall, the same to continue until 1 a.m. Permit granted.
Application was ~ade by the local o?der of t[oo~e to hold an indoor celebration to be ,known 49ers
]~ ,, r~:it R'ranted.
ag s!i:~.erv ;~u].ch, from
_. ~l~z~] 20'th,to April 25, in Fraternal itall. Pe
Frederick W.Brown asked ~'.ermis~ion to construct a class A buildin~ on his ]_et on Grand Avenue.
,,.at~.er laid over untO! a future me~:~ting.
..h,~ ~perry Flour Come,any m~:~e request for the return of ~20 paid for an extra ~icense which
they did not require The board instructe6 the tlerk to , eke a ct.ecK for the amount, and return
?r~e!io Cortesi made ar.?licstion to the bo,trd for permia'~ion to instal] ~_.~.~so!ino~- rum~. . and
Stor~ae .~.~.~ at 1to7 Tan Bruno Road He was re queste to wait the required ten days and the matter
v, ou!d c o~e uy. at the next meeting.
A corem unicstion was received ~ ..... ~'~ .
~on: Pierre i. suchere asking ~er..~sior, to ,~o,~e a frame structure
from lot ]0, block 94 to 67! Commercial Avenue, and to make repairs to the same, estir:r*ed cos, t,
(~1500. ~ermit granted.
~he ?acific Gas & Elevtri~ Company wrote the board and enc!os,~d bills covering service on the
........... , .... · of South ~ v-.-,~ ~isc " the ~'eriod end,nE Pet:.ruarl~ 6th
variol)~' $~a'll~ of tile f~}",~,nl~r~" Of 00 ..... eioe ~sn ~z[.!l~ o, ior ~ ' ,
and statin~ *"~'~l 'il~c, ~ of Lh].r' ~.n~.~r,.:uter'~ .... v/ou]d be billed to tho city d_~ect~- . in ibc future, and
~, ' ac~no~:,~ec ~o the recei?t
reque tin~ acxnow/edg~ent of this statement The ~:!eri: v:a~: in~tructed to ~
of the letter..
~.e ~u a~p!ication for ~n exten~-:ion of 90 day[' in which t~ complete their
The i{anrahan Company ~'
,- anted b- the unanimous vote ~= the board
contract to pave Braden Avenue. Extension ~_~r
Street sweeper Borba v/as graven' -oa~sion~ ........ to continue ~..e~p~n~.~ e ~ .'ff the city street~~' and alleys
at the contract ffi?yure until the calling for new bids.
A petition si,ned by many resident~~ in block !]9 vms presented to the board asking for s light
in the alley of that block. The tier): was instructed ~,.~ write the Paciffic ~,~s~. & Electric Company
and request that a light be placed there.
This being the da~e set for th~: o~enin~._ of t:,id~~ for the gradin~ of 0ran~ze Avenue ~.~o~..=...,~ ~e
C~ninghsm moved that ~'~.~ bisa b~ opened.
~c .... ~Le motion v;as ~ econded by Trustee Plebe!bach and regularly
carried. The foTM '
. ~_= owi~ b ' ~ ~ ,
.. ~,~ were then opened -
~!d of Ouerin Bros;- ,
IT~:A: Per making emb~n]~ent from Railroad Ave to Baden Tract complete,including all ex~
cavations and all incidental work for the su~ of .36 cents per cubic yard for
completed e~bankment;
IT~ B: For grading Commercial to Railroad Ave complete, including all incidental work
the sum of .30 cents per cubic yard for excavation and .02 cents per cubic
yard for em~bsnkmen$;
IT~,I C: For 36' galvanized corrugated iron pipe culverts, installed,complete4 including
all incidental work at ~5.00 dollars per lineal foot of pipe.
Bid of W.L.Cooley:-
IT~I A:- For making ~mbankments from R~.:ilroad Ave to Baden Tract Complete,including all ex-
cavation~ and al! incidental, work for the.s~ .85 cents per cubic yard for
comp!eted eml~~.,
IT~i B: For gradin~ Commercial Ave to RailrOad Ave complete ,including all incidental work
~ e.~caw~o~_on.and 50 cents per cubic
for the sum o~ .70 cents Der c~bic yard fez ..... .
y~.rd forum bcnkment.,.
IT~{ C: For 56' galvanized ~'orruffate5 iron pipe culverts,installed.complete,including all
incidental work at ~6.50 dollars per lineal foot of pipe
0-0 - 0-0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0-0 -0-0 -0
Bid of A.J. ~ ~.L. F~irbanks,Inc.
IT~i A: Per makinge~bankment from Railroad Ave to Baden Tract complete,including all ~-
cavations and s!t in~identa! work for the Sum of .45 cents per cubic yard for
c omplete5 ~ba~nkment.
IT~{ B: For grsdin~ Commercia~l Ave to Railroad Ave complete, including 'all incidents/ work
for the sum of .60 cents ?per cubic yard for excavation and .40 cents per
cubic yard for ~b~m.ment
IT~i C: Per 36' galvanized corrugated iron pipe cu!verts,ihstal]ed, complete, ~ncluding
~'~, ' all incidental v~ork.~, at ~5.80_ dollars per lineal foot of FiFe.
0-(0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0~0-0-0. ~-0
Bid of Edgar H. Lewis:
I~ A For makin~ embankment from Oai]road Ave to Baden Tract c
_ .. _ o..~._ete includin~ all e::-
caw, tions and ~'!! incidental work .....
~ ~o~ the s~] of.45 cents ~er cubic yard for.
gor~pleted ~bankmen t.
IT~{ B: Per grad.~g Commercia~t Ave to RailToad Ave co~_?!ete, incl~ding a]]~im~identai work
for the sum of .50 cents per cubic yardffo~ excavation and . cents -~.er
cubic yard ~for embs~nent,
Item ~- Per ~a%vanized corrugate<; iron ~' ,
~ ~?e culverts Jus~alla~,comr.lete including all
incidental work at ~ ~.25 dollars per lineal foot of
apTroved ~, read'.
A comm~nication~" oa~.-, received from ........ v~ 0e?~:~.,~er,'' [ tailor, 112 Grand Avenue, a~_mno'':~' ~'~ for i. he
privilege o~ makin~j uniforms for the offficer~' ~torek, IEenzie and Purissina. ~lhe ]~residcnt of the
board ~tated he wo~]d ~.~, ak to t '
he ofl-i~ers on th,, suboect.
A reply ~as received from Senator Same_~ ~,...~hortridge ::egarding the liftin.C of the immigration
ban in favor o:f Italian sb!diers who ~erved in the American Army duri~:g the world war. The Senator
stated he would give the matter careful consideration.
A dance permit was requested by Tippecanoe Tribe ~111 for the evening of April lTth ne:.:t,
in Fraternal Hall, the same to cent:hue until 1 a.m. Permit granted.
Applitation was r.ude by the local o?der of ~doo~e to hold an indoor celebration to be ,known 49ers
a~ s!i~'~merw :~u~.ch from April 20th,to April 25 in Pratcrnal itall Pert:it granted
Prederick W.Brown asked ~'.err:is~'ion to construct a class A buildina: on his lot on Grand Avenue.
l.[atter laid over until s. fut,:rteme:'*'~zng.
The Sperry Flour Co~:?any ~:sc]e request for t~e return of ~ paid for an e::tra ~icense which
they did not require The board instructe6 the clerk to ~a~,e a check ~u~ the amount, and return
:'.,m lie Cortes~ m=a.e a?rlic~tion to. +~]~e bo,:_rd for ?ermi~ ion to instal] ~ ~.~,~olino ~ump ~nd
,~tor~ae Tank at 1]o7 Tan Bruno Road He v~'as re queste t~ wait the re~iuired ten days and the matter
;.,ou!d co~e ur. at the ne:[t meeting.
A co~m unic~tion was received ~ ~ _
~or:: Pier're V.~uchere asking ~ '~'~ to ~ove
~.er,.1., o~~, a frame structure
from lot ]0, block 94 to 67! Commercial Aven~e, and to make repairs to the same, esti~':?*ed cost,
~1500. ~ermit ~-rante5.
~he Pacific Gas & Elevtri~ Company wrote tho bo~.rd and enclos.~d bills uovering service on the
variou? ~io,ns of tl~e Chamber of Com:~erce of South ~' ' ,
~ ~ c~n Francksco for ~he ~erio6 ending FeLruar~ 6th.
and statin~ that bi]_~ of ~his ~,n~.~r,~.~ter v,~ou]d be billed to the city direct in tho future and
reque~tinff ecknowledg~ent of this statement. The c]erk was in~tructed to acknowledge the recei])t
of the '
The Hanrahan Compsmy r~,e an a]'p!ication for a~n e:~tension of 90 day~~ in which t[~ complete their
contract to pave Braden Avenue. E~:tension granted by the unanimou? vote of the board.
Street sweeper Borba~ was given permission to continue sw~eeping the city streets and alleys
at the contract figure until the calling for new bids.
A petition si.,ned by many resident? in block !]9 v.:es presented to the board asking for s light
in the alley of that block. The c].erk was instructed to write the Pacific O~s & Electric Company
and request that a Right be ?laced there.
This beins ..... lhe da!e set for the o]~eming Of bid~ for the sradin~ of Ora. n~e Avenue ~-',~u~ ot~e
C~nin~hsm moved that the bid~ bo opened. The motion was ~ econded by Trustee E~ch~lbact~ and regularly
carried. The ~v,~,'- ;
. ~. .... ~-~ bids were 'then opened -
hid of Ouerin Bros;- ~ ,
[T~/A: For making ~banl~ent from Railroad Ave to Baden Tract complete,including all ex~
cavations and all incidental work for the su~.~ of .36 cents per cubic yard for
completed ~mbankment;
IT~ B: For grading Commercial to Railroad Ave complete, including all incidental work
the sum of .30 cents per cubic yard for excavation and .02 cents per cubic
yard for e~bsmkmen$;
IT~I C: For 35' galvanized corrugated iron pipe culverts, insta!led,comp!ete~; including
all incidental work at ~5.00 dollars per lineal foot of pipe.
Bid of W.L.Cooley:-
IT~E A:- For making ~mbankments from Railroad Ave to Baden Tract Complete,including all ex-
cavation~~ and all incidental v,~o~ for ~he sum .85 cents per cubic yard for
~omp!eted am~~.,
IT~I B: For grading Comraercial Ave to Rai!r~ad Ave complete ,includinz al! incidental w'crk
for the sum of 70 cents per c~bic -~-
. y~r~ for e:{cav~tion.and .50 cents per cubic
y~rd fo~m:ba~nkment.,
IT~i C: For 36' galvanized ~'orrugated iron pipe culverts,installed.complete,including all
incidental work at $6.50 dollars per lineal foot of pip~
0-0 - 0-0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0-0 - 0-0-0
Bid of A.J. A ~.L. Fairbanks,Inc.
IT~[ A: Pot making e~bs~nkment from Railroad Ave to B~den Tract complete,including all
cavations and all in~identa! work fo~' the S=n of .48 cents per cubic yard for
completed ~bsnkment.
IT~ B: For ~radin~ Commercis~l Ave to Raz!~o~a Ave complete, including 'at! incidental work
for the sum of .60 cents per cubic y[rd for e:~cavation and .40 cents per
cubic yard for'~bankment.
IT~I C: Pot 36' galvanized ~orru~ated iron pipe culverts,ihstal]ed, complete, including
~all incidental ~ork at ~5.80 dollars per !inca:.! foot of piFe.
0-?~0-0-0-0-~,-0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-~"~, , ~ ,-0-,~ ~ ~-0
Bid of Edgar H. Lewis;
I~ A: Pot making enbankment from Railroad Ave to Baden Tract complete includin~ all
cav~,tions and ~:!! incidental work for the s~ of.45 cents ~}er cubic yard for.
go~fleted ~b~nk~ .ut.
IT~{ B: Por~-~:d'~ ~: Commercia~t Ave to Rai!~oad Ave co.~., :-~_ete, including ajaR. iu~identat work,
for the sum of .50 cents per cubic yard:'f~ e:~cavation and . cents ~,e~
~ubic yard ~or embs~ment
Item ~: For ga!vanized corrugate.; 'iron l~i?e culverts, ~u~alla~,com].]ete including all
incidental work at ~ ~.25 do.:.lar~ ~er !inea, l foot of pipe.
Bid of H.White.
ITFR~ A : For making enbankr~ant from R~i!rosd Ave to Baden T~act complete in~]udin~? all e~:-
cavations ~nd all inci~ent~] -' ~ , the ~:um of .~ ants ?ar cubic yard for
Complete5 embankment.
IT~ B For ~rading from Commercic! Ave to ~' ~!road Ave comvlete, including all incidental
work, the sum of.b0 cents ~-~or~ cubic yar8 for eToavation and . ~o cents .: ~r.
cubic yard_ ~,,,-~ ~:.J ~-~aut.
IT~,.~ ~ :For ~6' gal~anizefl corrugated iron i~ipo culv.~rts, in~taltea, complete, inoiuding all
incidental work at ~.i0 dol!~rs ?er iin~] foot of I:ipe. Total ~650.
H.White appearing the lowest responsi,bidder Trustee Eschelbach moved he. be awarded ~he con~
The motion was seconded by ~rustee McCaffrey ~nd regularly carried. Accordingly a resolution of
award w ~ntrod~oe~ · by ~ru~tee ~onc]b~ch and adopted by the unanimous vote of the board.
~ecoroeo in Book of Resolution~ Vol.2, at ~,- 8S
City attorney Scampini r~porte4 ~ Rarge number of delegates at the League o~ Califor~
LIunici-~alities C~nvention at Fresno. He stated the sentiment of the convention was largely a~ain~
an increase in te]e]ohone rates, etc.
~4r. ~ilton Oppenheim of the Pacific Coas~ Steel Company appeared before the board
~nd made an offer to' s~read ~nd ro~ .~r~ve! and rock on Industrial Way if the city would fu.rnish
the material. ~h6 matter was laid over and street committee instructed to investigate the.subject
The monthly re?efts of the Fire Chief,School Nurse, CitF Iiarsha!, City Treasurer and
City Clerk ~.ere next read. The report of the City Clerk showed a balance of ~16,119.0~ in the
General Fund and ~6,~2.~&. The reports were accepted as rea~.
Ordin~me ~IZg, entitled "AI,~ 0RDIITANCE FOR ~!~,~ SUB~,_~ION' ~o; 70 '2:~ .... VOTLR~ OF THE CITY
DULY ADOPTZD LU. RCH 15TH,IT01, STATS.!901,PAGE 296," had its second reading and ~.as duly and regula
adopted as an ordins:nce of the City of Soc.:th.San Francisco by the following vote;
Ayes, Trustees, .Blank, C~ningham, Esche]bach, ],~cCaffrey, },~cNe!lis.
Noes, Trustees None.
Absent, Trustees, None. Attest, Daniel [[cSweeney. City Clerk.
A detail plan and specifications for replacing cuts in ~mvement was submitted to
the board by the Engineer's Office Trustee B!~ ~
. . ~.n-~ introduced a resolution adopting the plan and
specifications. The resolution was adopted by the unt~nimous vote of the boa:rd. Recorded in Book
of Resolutions, Vol.2, at pa~e 82.
An ordinance entitled an "0ZDII~ANCE AL~Ei~DING DZDINANCE ~78 ENTITLED "Ai~
AUD PUBLIC Pi. ZCE~ !17 ?~:? I~-Y
~, FEANClEC0, ,u~,z~,,~ TI{I: ~lJ~PlLl. II~G AIJD RLPAI2 0F
AND WAS L. ID OVER T0 .... UP r~:~r,~:'~ ,-:~.' ~,'O~l, n 0:,b~:: 0F BU~ '~":"~ .........
~,m BOARD 0F
The following claims against the city were then presented for payment;-
Frank Kelly ~,abor o?, streets 0 15.50
~?perry ~lour Company Refind A/C 2 !icenfes ~ 20.00
Native °~'~.~_ , Florist ~:o~,_~. ~ '~ ~ piece i 15.00
B.Pasquale & Company Cap officer Bianchini. 4.00
'Eleanore ~'~ Clerical labor 56.00
E.E.Braun 2 ~hot guns police dept 94.00.
Bender t,,{oss Company Threadwe!l codes etc. ' !!.00
Richfield 0il Co 55 gals Oil ,~ 39.05
San Xiessling hauling tools ~ 2.50 .
B.H.Truax pay e:ctra firemen
E.E.Braun 48 lamps ~
South City Plumbin~ Shop cleaning sea, ers ~ 17.27
.. ~ 49.90_
A.J.Scampini expenses to ca]. League Idunic' Conven't~ 26.20r,
Pac.~aS & EI~ Co rep.ilRf~ninating signs 25.65 .
L~anue 1 '~amber labor 25. O0.
Fontana Food Products Co., repairing sidewalk 33.50
Fac.Tel & Tel Co~::'-any city phones, 37.00-
C.W.Corel dental, su:'plies, school .~ 4.50~
So.°.F.Wator ..... Co ,Hall,Fountain,Hydrant '"',~er "' ~184.66- -
Pacific ~' o '~ ' . ~
~s.: & E_ectr~c Co ~troet,& Ha31 lights&Power 488 51
W.l.Hickey rep hall toilet ~ 4 40 '
Total ~1141.44
~ ' t.ue, be k~
The claims, having, bben audited t),?.~ the finance com:_:ittee Trustee !4cCaffrey moved "y
paid:. The motion ~as seconded by Trustee Es~helback and reffular!y carried.
There bain? no further b.~,.zne.~ before the board Trustee McCa~rey move5 to adjourn. The
motion was seconded by Tru~ tee 7':schelbach and re~fuls'rly carried.
~'~%,e of adjournment 10:10 o'clock p.m.
Appr°vedpresident of tke ~oard of
Recpec~ tfu~_y~' o,,u~::i*~tedY