HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1926-04-05206, REGULAR ~ETI~G OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FP~NCISC0 HELD MONDAY APRIL 5TH,19E6 The regular m~eting of the Bo~rd of Trustees of the City of South S~n Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday ~vening, April §th,1926. The ~eeting ¥,as called to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. by Trustee H.F.~cNe~lis, President of the board. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all trustees,present, to-wit, Trustees Blank, Cunningham Eschelbach, McCaf£rey, McNellis. The ninutes of the previous ~eting were re~d, and there being no errors or omisz~ions were ~ .~pprov~d as read. A resolution of the Board o2 Trustees of the City of South San Francisco calling a special - election to submit to the qualified electors of the said City of Bouth San Francisco the question whether certain trustees, towit, Trustoes Hugh Felix McNellis,, Hugh McCaffrey and Carl Blank of said City of South San ~ranci~co sha~l be recallo'd, was introduce6 by trustee ~cCaffrey and carried by the unanimous vote of the board. ~he resolution set forth the date of the special election to be Saturday, ~lay l~th, 19~6, and. the polling places precints one and two consolidated into Precinct "A", at Laufer's Garage, and Precincts three and four, consolidated into Precinct "B", in the basement o£ the City Hall, and precincts five and six consoTidated into vo~ing Precinct "C", in P~la' Hall, A~A S~n Bruno Road, and precincts ? and 8 consolidated into voting precinct "D", in Robert Burns Garage, ~.E. corner of Cyprez~s and California Avenues. The followir~g person~ were appointed officers £or Consolidated voting precinct 'A" Inspector, Joseph Cs. stro, Judge, Caro~ine Holbrook, Clerks Ann~ Pery an~ Irene M.Shoote. The following persons ~ere aopointed officers for consolidated voting pre~inct "B", I~spector, William L~.Byrne, Judge, Edward Sheehan, C~erks Rebecca Kay and Fern Bowler. The following persons were appointed officers for consolidated voting precinct "C", Inspector, Joseph Bi~dhauer, Judge, ~ary Mercks, Clerks, Mary Maher and Francis G~rcia, The foTlowing persons ~ere appointed officers for consolidated voting precinct "D", Inspector, Peter McCormick, Judge, K~tie Foley, clerks, Geor?e Roll and Enema Daneri. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, vel. S, at page SA. A communication w~s received fro~ Th~odore Fischer asking for a '~permit to hold a dance in Fr~t,rnal Hall, ~aturd~y evening, M~y 8th,19£6, until 1 a.~. under the auspices of ~he Travellers". Permit granted. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for per~'~issio~ to ~et poles in Locust and Miller Avenues and Braden Avenue between Chapman snd Randolph Aves. Permission granted. The gas company also requested the return of a $800 cash bond now on file with t~e city, in lieu of a regul~rTy executed bond. The clerk v:~s instructed to ~eturn the c~sh on the arrival of the regulsr~y executed bond. Lou~i Grasse, 2~0 Csliforni~ Avenue made a~plicstion for a pe~n~it to construct a cottage on his lot, ~6, block ~Z6, the materi~l to be of wood, ~nd at ~n e~timated co~t of $~900. Permit granted on condition that the buiTdlng ~w£ ~re confor~ed with. P.Richi of San Bruno, on behalf of Rich's JuveniTe Orchestra, asked permission to hold a concert in Fratern~ HsT~ £und~y ' mfternoon and evening, May 2nd,1926. No dancing to be indulged in. Permission granted. John Gu~soni made applicstion for a permit to construct a concrete retaining w~ll in rear of his property, lot 9,bTock 8, High School Park, at ~n estimated cost of $1~.00. Permission granted. John Delucchi, S50 Ellington Street,San Francisco, m~de application~for a permit to erect a green House on the E~st side of Chestnut Avenue near the Water Co~'any's ~l~nt,at an estimated cost of $~0. Permit granted, and he w~s reque~'t~d to see the BuiTding Inspector. The Tippecanoe Lrun~ Corps made application to hold a da. nee on Saturday evening, ~ay lst,29£6, in Fraternal Hall. the same to continue u~til 2a.~. ?er~i~sion gr~nted. The Enter~rise Foundry Company nade application for ~ermi~sion to. construct an addition or extension to ~heir fo~dry building on the east s~.de of Division Street opposite Pine, to cost appro×i~ately $2000. P ermi~ granted. Re~'lies ~ero r~ceived from the De?art~ent of State ~nd Senator Hiram W.Johnson to the city's le~ters~and resolutions endorsing the pa~s~ge of the Reed Bill which would enable aliens who served in the United States Army during the World War to return to this country without being subject to immigration restrictions. They stated every consideretion w,uld be given the subject before the co~ittee on immigration. ~ire chief. Truax submitted a con~unic~tion Zo the board as Chairman of the Industrial Way Committee, stating he h~d conferred with Mr. Williams o£ the Pacific Co~st Stee I Company r~garding the p~vement of Industrial Way. He stated Er. Williams' Company is in favor of ~he improvement, but suggests that ~he stor~ sewer be placed in ~ street before paving. The City ~ngin~er wa~ instructed to con~er with ~ir. Williams on the matter o~ a co~rehensive plan ~o pave and £ewer the ~ s~reet. A request was n~ade for a building per~it to construct a ~we~lling ~nd store beneath on lot 8,block 128 S.E.Cornor of Pine and Olive Avenues. Permafit denied. The CityClerk asked permis~.ion to engage one assistant for a poriod of about AO days on account of April being ~he last month in which to pay t~es, the new assessment season being on and ~wo elections in sight. Permission granted. The matter of an ad in the Iris, yearly school history book, ~as ~gain brought to the attention of the board, ~nd on motion regularly ca~'ried an ~d of $8.00 was allowed. Trustee Cunninghzm ca, led the baard's ~ttenZion to the fact that an auto cam? owner ~ight~ estsblish a cs~p on the Mission Highway north of Tanforan and in the city limits of Sout~ S~n Francis if the ordinance on the subject is not prohibitive. A committee of three, consisting of Trustees, McCaf~rey,Cunnin,~ha~ and blank was a~pointed to investigate th~ m~tter and report ~t the ne~t meeting. Fire Chief Truax reported ~ad holes in ~he ?00 block, Baden Ave~ue.. Reforred to the ~tree~ co~ittee for ~ction. The reverts of the City Treasurer and bity C~erk for the ~onth ending ~rch Zl~t,l~26, were nex read. The report of the City Clerk showod a balance in street funds of $28~?.?0, and in all £unds $A0,~0.69. The reports were acce~'~ted ~s read. 2O7 Applications for t'oft drink licenses were received fron~ Guffante & Vanni , Andrew Gillepses, N,& R.Coredetti and Louis Poulos, and granted by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, Blank, Cu~nin~ham, Eschelb~ch, ~cOaf£rey and L~cNellis, Noes, Truz~tees, None. Abz~ent, Trustees, None. The following claims against the city were next presented for pa~n~ent;- Ray Quinlan R.J.Simpson Daniel McSweeney Jack Welsh Chas. Storek Tony Phillips Tonie Latto Eleano~ Ryan John ~. Davis Nick Re. Labor on Streets $ 4.50 Signs & Xoisons on dumps 14.95 Trip to Redwood Nom. Papers 3.00 Killing ~4 dogs Meals for prisoners Etc. Labor on Streets Cleaning jail etc. Clerical Labo~ Atty. ~ees Removal of 34.00 8.75 40;50 10.00 52.75 ~§0.00 5.50 Superior Stean, Laundry Wash Fire Dep. B.H.Tru~x Upkeep of C~r Pac. Tel & Tel Co. City ~hones ~red. Lautze Tires & Tubes Oak. Cal. Towel Co. Wash Feb. 1926 Oak. Cai.Towel Co. " Jan. " Pac. Gas. &Elec. Co. Gas & Lights City Hall ~Pac. Gas &Elec. Pac .Gas.Elec. Co. Reliance Garage A. Car] isle Co. Oak.. Sewwr Co. Carl ~-, Weller Police Lights Street Lights Gas & Repairs Police Car. Election Supplies 2.85 15.00 57.80 134.20 3.10 5.16 52,11 1.00 447.70 44,16 16.80 1923 Sewers 2571.00 Ad. in Iris 8.00 Tot~!$~?59.S5 The c!aims having been audited by thc finance committee Trustee Eschelbach moved they be paid. The motion was teconded by trustee Cunningham and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Trust~:o Eschelbach ~ovcd to adjourn until the next re~vular meeting. The ~Lotion w~s seconded by trustee Cunningham and ~:egularly csa'ried. Time of adjournnent, 9:06 o'clock. D.~. Ap?r°ve$~esident of the' Bot.,rd(of ~Trustee~o ~. Respectfully t~ubmitted,