HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1926-09-20228 REGULAR ~ETING 0F Tile BOARD OF TRUBTEES OF 'TiiE CITY OF SOUTH SAi~ FP~NC ISC 0 ,HELD t~0NDAY, SEPT. £0,1926. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City o£ South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Lionday evening,September 20th,1~26. In the absence of President Cunningham Trustee Eschelbach was selected President Pro. Tem., and called the meeting to order at ?:ZO o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the board present:-to-v:it:- Trustees, Eschelbach, Lloyd, Hinucciani, Tibbetts. Absent, Trustee Cunningham. A co~nunication was received from the President of the Board, F.AilCunningham ~sking for a leave of absence from the Sta~te for a Feriod of thirty days. On m, otion by trustee Minnucciani, seconded by trustee Tibbetts and regularly carried the leave was granted. The Bank of South San F~ancisco msde request for a duplicate check of ~?.00 for box rent, claiming check #Z92~ for the same was never received. On motion by trustee Lloyd seconded by Trust~e Tibbetts amd regularly carried the cl~rk was empowered to v~rite a duplicate check for the amount, stopping pa~ent on check A communication was received from Guy J.Roney inviting the Board of Trustees and city officials to visit ~nd ins~-~ect the High School ~t any and all times suiting their convenience. The clerk v,as in~'tructe~ to reply accepting the invitation and thsnkin!~ the Surerintendent for the same. Teresa ~'Iorazzin~, on behalf of the Sacre8 Heart Society made application for a permit to hold a 8ante on ;~aturday evening, September £Sth, in Praterna! Hall. Permit granted. B.H.Truax, Chief of the Fire Department, placed his resignation before the bosrd, asking that the same be accepted on or before the ZOth Of September. On motion regularly carried the resignation was accepted, and the board ~assed a vote of thanks to Mr. Truax for r, ast services to the city. The clerk was instructed to ~o communicate $o him. City Marshal L.Belloni was appointed t m~orary Fire Chief. Applications for the position of combined building, plumbing and electrical Inspector were received from W.W.Brawn ~nd Michael Gu~tshalk. Laid over for future consideration. Nine property owners and residents on the alley of bloc~ 9& petitioned the board i~or permission to grade and pave the alley by private contract under whatever ~,lans and ~pecifications the board shoild adopt. The alley is between Miller on the south and between _~agnolia and Orange Avenues. The city engineer w~s instructed to draw up plans and specifioations for ~he work. The application of Jo~,e~h Lombardi for a soft drin~ license w~s withdrawn. Assistan~ City Engineer Robert Elarsen was instructed to pre,are plans and specifications for the grading of the Civic Center Site and the paving of Orange Avenue with the material taken from from the Civic C~.~nter, same to be in readiness at the next meeting. RESOL~TION FIXINg) T/~! RATE FISCAL YLAIq 1926-1927 Trustee Tibbetts introduced a resolution, fixing th0~ tax rate on all pro~-erty contained within the original corporate boundaries of the city at, Genera]. Fund ~jl. O0, 19IZ sewer Fur, d, ~0.07, Library Fund ~0.07 , 1919 Smp. Bonds ~0.17, 19~ sewer F~d ~/0.16. Park F~d ~0.~0, and on the property annezed to the city by the annexa~ion election of March 1Z,~916, at; General Fund, ~t.00 Library Fund 7 cents, ~929 Imp. Bonds, ~7 cents, I~S~ ~'ewer ~d 16 cents, 2ark F~md Z0 cents, oD~. each $100 o~ the property t~xable by the city. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the members of the board present:- to-w~it, Trurtees, Eschelbach, Lloyd, L~inucciani Tibbetts. Tru~'tee Cunningham absent. I~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, vol 2, at ?~ge ll6. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATI,OI~ 0F NOTICE zi~V1TING [;~LED PLOPO'ALS FOR PAINTIi~G PORTI01~, 0F .r-~ ~..~RIOR ~. of bids OF THE CITY HALL, was introduced by true, tee Tibbetts, : erring the date for the recermtion'ss October 15th,1926 at 7~;~0 o'clock p.m. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the mamb~rs present' to-wit,Trustee~' Esche~bach,Lloyd, Mim~cciani, Tibbet'ts. Trustee Cunningham absent. Ilecorde5 in Book of Y, esolutions, vol 2, at page 1~7, 0.uDIJii, Cz~ i~0. !41, entitled "Li~ 0;.~li~.~,CE OF ,'~-~w~.~ CITY 0F SOU~H SA.~ FRAi~-IS~0 CREATING THE OFfiCE 0i,' ~JILDii~G ii~['i?LOTOR, ~REiCRiBIi~O l~Z DUTIES ~D 2L0~IDii~G ...... ~- o o · ~', AL~L ' .... ~ ~ PA,~ SED JAN 0ARY FOR .hr. I,:..~UAi:iCE 0F BJtLDii~O ~ 2ND,19fib, AND 0!iDINANCE ~1~8 0F SAID CITY, PASSED JJNE l~TH,19fiS" had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the Ci~y of Sou~h San Francisco by the following vote t- 2yes, Trustees, Eschelbach,Lloyd, Minnuscisni,Tibbetts. Noes, Tru~ ~ees,None. Absent, Trustee C~ningham. i!ecorded in Book of 0rdinances, Attest, Daniel ~cSweeney, vo~ at page City ~lerk The following claims against the city were next presented for pa~mntt- Sank of ,:outh San Francisco, duplicate check for bo:: rent t~ac. Tel & Tel Co oi~y phones 2ugurt Z4.fiO J.J.~eveney 1 ty~'~ew~ite~ ~2. 55.00 So.City Flumbing ~hop zepaizing ffonntain vs¢ 4.00 '" ~va~ clerical labor ~ 40.50 The Enterprise Press postal cards g~ Z1.09 Highway Transr. ort Company freight ,53 Appliance Service Co I cannister , ~ 8.00 Edna Young clerical labor ~ 12.43 V.Bianchini i police cap ~ 3.75 Reliance garage gasoline etc ~ 15.53 Peninsula drug Co msteria]s '2 [68 Total The claim~~ having been audited by the finance committee 1rurtee Lloyd moved they be paid. The motion v:as seconded by trustee [1inucciani and regulsrly carried. There being no further business before the baard trustee Tibbetts moved to adjourn. The notion wat~ te~:Onded by trut:tee Minucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8:50 o'clock ?.~. lief e~ful!y~b d, ' ~ President .t~'tees,2ro. Tem. of ~bsence from the ota. te for a ~er~od of thirty days. On motion by trustee 1,~innucclan~, ~econued by trustee Tibbetts and regu~ar!~ c~rried the leave was granted. The Bank of South Sa~ F:ancisco made request for a duplicate check of ~7.00 for bo:.~ rent, claiming check #Z925 for 'the same was never received. On motion by tru.'~tee Lloyd ~.econded by Trust,-'e Tibbetts and regularly car:led the cl~rk was empowered to write ~ duplicate check for the amount, stopping pa~.~ent on check A communication was receive~ from Guy J.Roney inviting the Bedrid of Trustees ~nd city officials to visit ~nd insT'ect the High School ~t any and all times suiting their convenience. The clerk ° · ~as in~-'tructe¢ so reply accepting the invitation and thankin~ the Su~,ertntendent for the same. Teresa Morazzin~, on behalf of the Sacred Heart Society m~de application for a permit to hold ~ d~nce on .qaturday evening, September 25th, in Fraternal Hall. Permit granted. B.H.Truax, Chief of the Fire Department, placed hi." resignation before the board, ~sking that the same be accepted on or before the Z0th 0f September. On motion regularly csr','ied the resignation was accepted, and the board Tassed a vote of thanks to Mr. Truax for r. ast services to the city. The clerk was instructed to so communicate to him. City Marshal L.Bolloni was appointed t m~orary Fire Chief. Applications for the position of combined building, p~umbing ~nd electrical Inspector were received from W.W.Brawn and Michael Outshalk. Laid over for future conz~ideration. Nine property owners and residents on the alley of bloc~ 9& petitioned the board ~or permission to grade and pave the algey by private contract under whatever ~',lans and specifications the board shoild adopt. The alley is between Miller on the south ~nd between _,.agnolia and Orange Avenues. The city engineer was instructed to draw u]> plans and specifications for ~he work. The a?plication of Jo~,e~h Lombardi for a soft drin~ license w~;s withdrawn. Assistant City Engineer Robert Klassen was i~structed Zo pre,are plans and s~ecifications for the grading of the Civic Center Site and the T. aving of Orange Avenue with the material taken from fro~.~ the Civic C~:nter, same to be in readiness at the next meeting. RESOLUTION FIXIi~(~ TAJ.! RATE FISCAL Y3~ 1926-!927 Trustee Tibbetts introduced a roso!utio~ fixing th8 tax rate on all pro!~erty contained within the original corporate boundaries of the city at, Genera]. Fund $1.00, 19IZ sewer Fund, · ~' 1919 Bmp. Bonds ~0 l?, 1925 sewer F~d ~'0.16. Park F~d ~;0.30, ~0.0?, Library Fund ~0.07 , . and on the property anne:-~ed to the city by the anne::a~.ion election of L{aruh 15,1916, at; General Fund, ~l.00 Library Fund ? cents, 1919 Imp. Bonds, 17 cent[', lt25 ~'ewer ~d 16 cents, Park F~md ZO cents, o~;. each $100 of the property taxable by the city. The resolution wa~ adopted by the unanimous vote of the members of the board present:- %o-v,.it, Trustees, Eschelbach, Lloyd, Minucciani Tibbetts. Trustee Cu~ingham absent. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, vol 2, at page ll6. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING FUBLICATI01[ OF NOTICE il~V1TING [~LED~°"~.~u ..... ~o~ FOR PAINTING ?OETI01I~ 0F ~w~. ~'~'~ ...... of bids OF '~H~ ~'' CITY HALL, w~s introduced by tru~tee Tibbett~, :etting' the d~te for the recer, tioz:'ss October ~Sth,~gE6 ~t ?iL0 o'clock p.m. The resolution w~s ~dopted b~ the unanimous vote of the mombers present' to-wi~,Trus~oe~' Esche~bach,Lloyd, Minuoci~ni~ Tibbet'~s. Trustee Cunnin~ham~ ~bsent. Recorded in Book of Resolution~, vol ~'~, at page 0RDIiUH~CE E'0.141, entitled "Li,~ 01'iDii:Ai;CE OF Tile cITY 0~1 £0U~H gal; FRAi.lClSC0 CREATING THE 0F~ICE OF 3JILDIi~G ii~PLOTOR, ~RE2CRI;~li~G iuE DUTIES ~D PL0~IDii~G FOR THE ISSUAi,iOE 0F BJILDii~O PLi{diTS, AL~D LL!?E~.LIi~G 0!{LiNiNGS N0.118 0f ~iD L iTY, PASSED JANOARY DND,1923, AND 0!{DINANCE :~138 0F f~AID CI~, PAf2SED JJNE 15TH,1925" had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance off the City off South San Francisco by the followint~ vote;- Ayes, Trustees, Eschelbach,Lloyd, Minnucciani,Tibbetts. Noes, Trustees,None. Absent, Trustee C~ningham. ilecorded in Book off Ordinances, Attest, D~iel McSweeney, vol at ?age City Clerk The following claims against the city were next presented for pay~'~ent;- 7,00 B~nk of ~?outh San Francisco, 'duplicate check for bo:~ rent<~ Pac. Tel & Tel Co city phones Augu.'~t ~ 54. SO J.J.Deveney 1 ty~ewriter So.City Flumbin~ £hop repairing fountain ~;.Eyan clerical labor The Enterr, rise Press postal cards Highw-ay Tram. st, crt Company freight Appliance ~ervice Co I cannister Edna Young clerical labor V.Bianchini i police cap Reliance garage gasoline eto Peninsula dru~ Co msteria!s ~ 55.00 i! 4.00 ~ 40.50 31.00 , v 8.00 ~ 12.43 5.75 $ 15.53 a~, 55.74 Totala $267.68 The claims having been audited by the finance committee lru.'~tee Lloyd moved they be paid. The motion v:as seconded by trustee [1inucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business before the baard trustee Tibbetts moved to adjourn. The notion was ,.-e¢~Onded by trustee Minucciani iie'~ .... e~ful!y~_~bm'~te d, and regularly carried. Ti.me of adjournment 8:30 o'clock p.~. A~proved ~.~ President ~'tees,Dro. Tem.