HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1927-04-04REGULAR ~',~ETIi:G OF r2H-'.i BOARD 0F ~..uo~ .... 0F THE
CITY OF SOUTH ~'" ~ "~
,.,.,-,.i~, PPulNO Igc 0, ~LD MONDAY
AP.~IL 4TH, 1927
The regular meeting of 'the Board of Trustees of the City of South San 'Francisco was held in
the City Hall Monday evening, April 4th,192?.
The meeting was called to order at 7;Z0 o'clock ?.m. by Trustee P.A.Cunningham, President of
the Board.
Roll cai1 found all trustees present, to-wit, Trustees, Eschelbach, Lloyd, ~linucciani,
Tibbetts, Cunningham.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and there being no errors or omissions were
approVed as read.
A communication was received from the So th ~"-'
,~,n Francisco ';,'ater Compeny stating ~.hey were
rendering monthly water biTls to the city on a 5/8 inch meter basis, in error, when the basis should
be on a 2" inch meter. Co~mnunication ordered filed.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Comrany reNlied to the city's request to move a pole from in front
- o~ Eu~aly!,tus and Grand Avenues, stating the matter would be attended to in
of Dr.},~cGovern's ~ar~.e,
a few days.
The South San Prancisxo later Co~?any made reouest upon the board to i'urnish numbers for
the lots on the North::side of Armour Avenue, in Valley Park and in Park~-~ay Terrace. Referred to City
Engineer George A.Eneese.
The Electrical Producers Corporation made aN?lication to the board for permission to erect
a double horizontal electric sign in fronted Pithily 'Wiggly, on Grand Avenue. Permit granted.
A reply was received from Governoy Youmg~in r-e the widening of the Bay Shore Highway from
the underpass to Armour Avenue in South San Francisco, stating he was bringing the matter to the
attention of the Highway Commission for consideration, comm~mication filed.
Notice was received from the Railroad Commission of the State of California, giving the ,3ate
:: et for the hearing of the petition 6f the Peerless .~taoes !nc.to operate a bus, line between l~e'¢..'ark
and 2ale Alto, and the petition of E.O.Peck to operate a bus and truck line between San Francisco and
San Bruno, and between Newark and Fresno and Stockton and Bakersfield, setting the date ar' ~,~,[ay 3, 1927
at 10:00 a.m. in the Oourt ~too;: of !he ~ommission, 520 State Building, San Fram;isco. Communication
A reply v:as received from the State Highway CoP. mission relative to the ikmediate widening
of the Bay Shore Highway between the underpass and Armour Avenue. The Commission stated the improvement
is highly ne~:essary but thought the Chamber of Commerce and City officials sholud procure the necessary
rights of way. ComP. unication filed.
The E:acific Telethons and Telegraph Company made a second application for permission to
place conduit and '-,~oles at Linden and Baden Avenues and alon~l the old San Bruno Road. Permission granted
The Federation Cattolica Italiana No 7 al'plied for a ~:,ermit to hold a dance in South San
Francisco on April 23 next. Permit g~anted.
lengthy coP, munications were received i~rom the Chief of the Fire Department and Captain Lamb
of the San Francisco Fire Department making recomznendations for the im?rovement of the service, more
and superior mfire hydrants, water main extensions, two fire com~{~anies and additional firemen and
officers. The report was well received. President Cunningham stated that for an expenditure of
approximately ~20,000 i'or fire a}?aratus for ~,.he !'revention of fires houseown,,:~rs v,,~ould save ~,~20,000
per annum in the reduckion of fire insurance. Captain Lamb stated ie city is absolutely at '~he
mercy of a bad fire for lack of hydrants, hose, :~,ater mains and Dumping engine, and advocated imme{:iate
relief from the dang,:~rous situation the city is placed in. Recom~,~endations acce-cted and will be ~:cted
'aEon at ,.he earliestpossible :::on'.~ nt.
Progress estimate No.2 w~s received from City Engineer Ceo.Xneese, showing the
~2880.48 due Lar~on Broth,~rs for work done in ihe Civ:lc Center. Amount ordered ii'aid.
Comi,laint was made to the board that -,~lumbers a-~-:plying for ~,:lumbers license~ ,;,'ere not all
master ?lumbers and .¢hould not be granted licenses on the ground they were doing inferior work. Jules
Ferre stated his work would pass inspection by any plunber;' board and was allowed to continue with'
his present contract till finished, when inspection v:ould be m~de and if rou:~d satisfactory he, will
be alleviated to ~ontinue in busJ. ness.
The ro'i.orts of the City Treasurer, Building Inspector, School Nurse,Chiei' of ~olice, auditor
and City clerk for th :-.onth ending ~arch ~1 v~ere next read and accepted.
The American District Telegrarh Company asked the board's p:.rmission to connect its new v~.atch-
man-fire alarm system at the ~Testern Lieat Company with the city fire a!arr:~ service. It w~s deemed '
advisable to investigate the matter and accordingly v;as referre8 to the fire committees for action.
The application of John I?.Pischer for a soft drink license in '.he place of Sent & West was
s~ranted by ~he following vote:- :'..yes, Eschelbach, Lloyd, I~,[in~cciani, Tibbetts, Cunningham, Noes ,Trustees
None, Absent, Trustees, l{one. Attest, 2aniel 'ic£we._:~ney, Cit~? Clerk.
The application of Joe k'&inini for a pool room license for the Pirenzi Hotel was not acted
up on.
The following claims ~..gainst the city were then presented ~or payment;-
~% q 0
'"'re~ Brown swee?.inL~ streets i,.arch ~ 1.8. 0 ",.
Larson Brom. Est. No.2, grading civic center ~2452.50 -
" " Ext. work " " "~''~ 42~.96
Jack '¢¢elch killing dogs i~iarch ~ 15.00'
So.S.F,Enterprise notices seal pro tire hydrants etc ~ 1£.00
'" 56 '
" " " !~st unpd a,', st's
i?acific ~" ~, 9.75 '
~.._s & Electric Co Hall Str.Lights & Uov: r ~j 50?.50
Charlotte ,*'ardan interpreting ~lecorder's ,~.ourt ~, 5.00
~ .W. Corel dental, supplies i!r~ ~.£0
E.Eserini concrete work re~ streets
Jenningh's Pharmacy ink clerk's o±i'ice ~., 1.25
S0.£.water Company,hall fountain a hydrant water Mar. {¢¢,, lS&.g&
,, 55.36
Schwabacher -Prey Co Treasurer's books
~alif State Auto Ass'n ~ signs ~ 16.00
~ 47.25 '
~.Ryan clerical labor
United Iron "' ~"o
.or~,o 12 hydrants ~,i 68&.00.'
Louis Belloni Food & trans~ortation of pr:i sonars £?.95
Charles Bo!lazzi hops & brooms W; 4.20
B.Pasquale & Co police bi;lies ~, la.22
Plink&s Service °t~tion, . ,, ~
,~ gasoline polic,~ de':,t ? 19.7c
So.S.F.Land Ce.Refund tax a/c property dedicated city ~; 18.5Z
-a 5/8 inch mete~ b~sis, in error, when the basis should
be on a 2" inch meter. Con~nunication ordered filed.
The Paci£ic Gas & Zleetric ComFany re~:lied to t, he city's request to move a pole from in front
of Dr.~,icGovern's Oar~ge, Eu~aly?tus and Grand Avenues, stating the m~tter would be attended to in
~ few days.
~he South S,s~n Francisxo ':,'ater Corrfany made request upon the bo~rd to ±'urnish numbers for
the lots on the North':side of Armour Avenue, in Valley Park ~nd in P~rkway Terrace. Referred to City
Engineer George A.Xneese.
The Electrical Producers Corporation made a~Tlication to the board for permission to erect
a double horizontal electric sign in frontof Piggly '~'iggly, on Grand Avenue. Permit granted.
A reply was received from Governoy Yodng.'in re the widening of the Bay Shore Highway from
the underr:ass to Armour Avenue in South San Francisco, stating he was bringing the matter to ~he
attention o£ the Highway Commission for consideration. Commtmication filed.
Notice was received from the Railroad Commission of the State of California, giving the ,.~ate
:.et for the hearing of the petition 6£ the Peerless Stages !nc.to o~,erate a bus line between lJev;~rk
and falo Alto, and ~he petiticn of Z'.6.!~eck to o~erate a bus and truck line between San ~rancisco and
San Bruno, and between Newark and Fresno and Stockton and Bakersfield, setting zhe date ~r' I~[ay Z, 19~?
at 10:00 a.m. in the Oourt I~oon of the ~o:mission, 520 State Building, San Fram;isco. Communication
A reply was received from the State Highway Commission relative to the i:.:.mediate wiSening
of the Bay Shore Highway between the underpass and Armour Avenue. The Commission stated the improvement
is highly necessary but thought the Chamber of Commerce and City officials sholud procure the necessary
rights of way. Comr:unication filed.
The !~'acific Telerhone ~nd Telegra~,h Company made a ~e~ond applicat~:on for permis~,ion to
~,lace conduit and ",'oles at Linden ~nd Baden Avenues and along the old San Bruno Road. Permi~'sion grante~
The Federation Ca~tolica Italiana No 7 ~]~,plied for a ]~ermit to hold a d~nce in Sou~h San
Francisco on A~:ril 2Z next. Permit granted.
lengthy conmtmications were 'receive6 from the Chief of the Fire Department and Cap,tain Lamb
of the San Francisco Fire Department making recom~nendati~:ns for the imr, rovement of ~he service, more
and superior fire hydrants, water main eztensions, two fire com~,anies and additional firemen and
officers. The ',"sport w~s we].l received. President Cunningh~m stated that for ~n exI~endi~ure of
a?proximately ~£0,000 for fire a]~paratus for ~he Frevention of fires houseowners would s~ve ~720,000
per annum in~ the reduction of fire insurance. ~aptain Lamb stated :.he city is absolutely at 'the
mercy of a b~d fire for lack of hydrants, hose, v,~ter mains and pumT, ing engine, ~nd advocated imme[iate
relief front the dang,:~rous situation the city is placed in. Recommendations ~cceTted ~nd will be ~cted
u?on ~t _he e~rliestpossible r:,or.:~nt.
Progress estimate No.2-~v~s received from City Engineer Ceo.Xneese, showing the sum of
~2880.46 due Lar?on Brothers for work done in the Civic Center. Amount ordered .$~aid.
Com'i-,laint was made to the board that ~.:lumbers a-,:plying for ?lumbers license~ were not all
master ~:lumbers and ~hould not be granted licenses on the ground they were doing inferior work. Jules
Ferre stated his work ~,ould l:~ass inspection by any plumber'~'~ board and was allowed to continue with'
his present contract till finished, when inspection would be made and if ±'ou:;d satisfactory he, wilt
be allov, ed to continue in business.
The r~.~i,orts of the CitF Treas,urer, Building Inspector, School Nurse,6hiei' of Police, auditor
and City Clerk for th :onth ending ~iarch Z1 were next read and accepted.
The American District Telegra~h Company asked the board's p,:,rmission to connect its new v,~,tch-
man-fire alarm system at the Western i~eat Com?any with the city fire alarr:: ~ervice. It w~:s deemed
ad~zisable to inve~'tigate the matter and accordingly ';,'as referre5 to the fire committees for action.
The a?plication of John ~?.Fischer for a soft drink license in '.he place of L'ent & West
f~ranted by the £ollowing vote:- :',,yes, Eschelbach, L].oyd, I,[in~cciani, Tibbetts, Cunningham, Noes,Trustees
None, Absent, True'tees, I;one. Attest, Daniel .'[cSwe'._,ney, City Clerk.
The application of Joe ~i&inint ±'or a pool room license for the Yirenzi Hotel was not acte5
up on.
The following claims against the city were then presented for payment;-
"red Brown swee~in~f streets i,,arch ~
Larson Bro~. Est. No.2, grading civic center ~2452 50 -
" " Ext. work " " " ~ 42V 96
Jack Welch kil].~n~ dogs 21arch ~ 15 O0
So.S.F.Enterprise notices se~:l pro fire hydrants etc ~ 12 O0
~ 56 , 9 75
" " " list unpd a,: st's
i?acific Gas ~i,: Electric Co Hall Str.Lights & Uow r ~ 50? 50
Charlotte rarfan interpreting :Recorder's court '~ 5 O0
C .V~'. Corel dental, su!::,plie s 'J[ 4.20
E.Eserini concrete work rep streets ~ 234.~0
Jenningh's ?harmacy ink clerk's office If 1.25
S0.S.:;iater Company,hall fountain ,~':: hydrant water Liar. ii !84.94
Schwabacher -?rey Co Treasurer's books ~( Z5.S6
~alif State Auto Ass'n Z signs
~2. Ryan clerical labor
~nited Iron Wor~:s 12 hydrants
Zouis Belloni Food & transportation of pr:sorters
Charles Bollazzi ::,cps & brooms
B.Pasquale & Co police billies
Flink&s Service Station, gasoline police de-~t
So.S.F.Land Co.~:efund tax a/c proF, erty dedicated city
16. O0
684'00 ~'
E~penditures continued amount carried
San Francisco Stenoi~ra]~hic ~ureau ?rinting specifications, fire ai~paratus,etc, S 15 20
Fred Lautze materials & ~soline ~ 25 96
A.Vannucci gasoline ~ 5.&l
Service garage & L~achine ~ho~
E.E.Brawn paint and materials
A.Carlisle & Co., 1927 assessment roll
~acific Tel & Te~ Company
gasoline etc
I,larch [~hones
The claims having Peen audited by the finance comuittee Trustee Eschelbach moved they be
paid. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lloyd and reoal~rly carried.
There bein? no furth~.r business before 'he board Trustee Lloyd moved to adjourn~until Tuesd
April 5th,t92V', a~ ~'. o'clock ~...~.'~ Th~ moti0~ was. sec0nd~d by trustee /~schelbach and re~ularly,, carri
Time o£ adjourrm;ent 9:50 o'clock p.m.
President of zhe Board of Trustees
Respec tfully~s ubmi tted, /
C~y Clerk