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TRU~ ~
~~ 0F T~ BOARD 0F
A regularly adjourned meeting of the Bosrd of Trustees of lhe City of South San Francisco was
held in the City Hall ~onday evening, April ~Sth,19~?.
The meetin~ was called to order at 7'~0 o'clock p.m. b-~· Trustee ~.A.Cunningham, President of
the Board.
Roll call found the following trus%eespresent, to-wit;
Trustees, Lloyd, Tibbetts and Cunningham.
Absent, trustees, Eschelbach and L~inucciani.
Trustee Eschelbach appeared after roll call.
The minutes of the previous me~t~:a~ v:ore read, and there being no errors or omissions w~re
approved ss read.
A co~unication was receive¢ from Ellen ~ '~ ~
,,Ic~raw asking permission to hold ads. nce in Fraternal
Hall S~daY afternoon, Lay 15th,1927 ,under the aus'ices of"The Derby Club". ~ermission granted.
Applications f.::r the position of Truck Driver-Firemen were receive~ from Arthur Johnson and
Clyd,~ Emerson. A~:Tlications placed o:~ file.
The fire Chief recommended the'following members of the Uol~mteer Fire Department for
appointment in case of vacancy; Sam Xie~sling, Joesph Bernsrdo, Clyde Emerson, William Byrne,
Peier :,:ariani, Arthur Johnson, Otto ~isseit, John uastro.
~_ communicat[on-~as r~ceiFed from the VolUnteer Fire Department favoring and reco:rmlending
all a"~pointments to positions in the fire depar~nent fro:u among ~embers of the department, and asked
that their applications be considered first. Communication filed.
In a separate comr~unication the Vol~teer Firemen and regulars thanked the board for the
Firemen's Hand ~f~ook recently purchased for them by the Board of Trustees.
San i,[ateo Coun",y Chapter of ,the American Red Cross co,~icated ~,ith the board through
President C~ningham asking the city to contribute toward the relief of the flood sufferers in the
~,i~'~ ~, ~sissi~pi Val~ey. ?he San L~ateo County quota was given at ~4000. President C~ningham stated ways
and r~eans wo.~!d' ~ be ~.'orked out at the earliest possible date~to raise the city's portion of !he relief
ilartin ~asagrande, 317 Co~nercial Avenue, submitted a propositio~-~ to the board, ofiering
the s~ of $~500 per ann~n for a period of eight, nine or 'ten years for the ?rivilegel~of removing the
city ~'-~ b~
o~r~e to the dum~-,a, . ~, there is no ordinance covering garbage removal the matter rested
~ em?, o rar i ly.
. Application for the refund of ~;?10.62, taz~s collected on improvements on So 16, 2/3
feet of lot gZ and ~orth ZZ !/Z feet of !et ~4, block 1Z0, the house h[ving beenmoved orburned,
made by Ermelindo Venturini. 0n assurance by the ci*~ cl<~rk that no hou~e exists there now the ref~d
was granted.
A communication u~as received ~rom the Pacific Gas & Electric Company re~uesting ~r~ermission
to set poles in,i~agnolia and ~!m Avenues. Referred to t~e str+et committee. The street cor~uittee
auth$r~zed the desired >ermission.
The Market Street Railv~ay Company submitted plane~ for bui]din~ a culvert at LieD~ic~s
crossing. Deferred to the city engineer.
i~his being the date set for op~n~ng bids for a neu~ ~od~e car for the city Trustee Eschelba~
~boetts and regularly carried.
moved ~hat the bids be opened. The motion was seoonded by Trustee ~
The following bids were ~then opened.
Bid of David A.Arata,
one new Dodge Touring car
Allowance for city's 19£5 Dod~e car
405. O0 '
Bid of Service Garage & %achine She-'
One new Dodge l~,..~uri~,j car ~1065.00'
Allo~vance for '~ ' '192 ~; 4£5.00
c~y s 5 ~;odge car
Balance ;j 040.00
The .~ervice "'" ~,~ .
re~-~.,on=~ te bidder Truslee Tibbetis
~ar=~:e & L;aohine 2ho~ a>pearin~ 't. he !o'~',est o~ ~.]-
moved th%y be awarded the bid' The mu%ion was teconded by Trust~e Lloyd and regularly carried, and
accordi;'~gly, Trustee Tibbets introduced a resolution of award. The resolution was adopted by %he unan-
imous vote of %he members of the board present, to-wit:-
.ATfes, ~r,,~tees,~.,:chelbach,Lloaa, ~ibbetts,' ~ ' ~
Noes, True, tees, Kone.
Ah,~ ent, Truzbee~ i;inuccisni, Attest, Daniel LlcSwe':~ney,
Ozt,~ Clerk
iiecorEed in Book of ~esolutions, Vol 2, at page l&l. ~
9he following claims a~ains( the ci,_y were hex% ~'~resent for pa~ient;-
"The Enterprise" ~,rintin~ ,'~ealed propo£
" " " Letter-heads
Jack Welch painting zones
Otto Bissett ,,1 ,,
~'estern ~and & Rock Co., materials
C.Xroner desk and files
Patrick- & Company dates, stamps eta
~udbe Farrell
;.,,odso Car
donation to convention expenses
refund of taxes
J~ 18.00
!~7 ZZ. O0
,t 2.84
225 O0
The claims havin7 been aud'ited by the finance committee trim, tee Lloyd moved they be paid.
The motion was seconde by trustee Tibbetts and regularly carried.
_ ,~ra~tee Tibbetts moved to -~
There being no further business before the board ~ ~
' aa ~ ourn. The
motion was seconde~ by True'tee Eschelbsch and regularly carried.
Time of adjuurnment 8:00 o.~.]ock ',~,.m.
President of i, he Board of ['ra~tees., ~
~c~ tectl'ull~v su~f~zt ~eo
Trustees, Lloyd, Tibbetts,and Cunningham.
Absent~ trustees. Eschelb~ch and Minucciani
Trustee Eschelbach a~.peared after roll call.
The minutes of the ~revious me~t~n~ ~:~ore read, ~nd there b~~'~ no er~'~ors or omissions w~re
approved ~s read.
A conmunicat~!on was receive,~ from Ellen L~cOraw asking permission to hold a dance in ~ratern~l
Hal! StmdaY afternoon, Lay 15th,1927,under the aus:ices of"The Derby Club". Permission granted.
Applications f~:~r the position of Truck Driver-Firemen were receivef~ from Arthur Johnson and
Clyd~ Emerson. A~?plications placed on file.
The fire Chief recommended the.following members of the Uolmateer Fire Department for
appointment in case of vacancy; Sam iCiest'ling, Joesph Bernard,, Clyde Emerson, William 2yrne,
Pe'i. er :dariani, Arthur Johnson, Otto ~isseit, John ~astro.
~_ communicat~on~as r~cei~ed from the VolUnteer Fire Department favoring and reco~,._~end~no
all a-~pointments to position£ in the fire depar'.ment fro;u among ~embers off the department, and asked
that their applications be considered first. Communication filed.
In a separate cor:m':unicc, tion the Vo!mateer Firemen and re-~''~'~
t..~.~,s thanked the board for the
Firemen's Hand ~ook recently purchased for them by the Board o~' Trustees·
San ~,[ateo Coun'.y Chapter of ,the ~ ~
· ~.mer.can Ked Cross co~ :::unicated with the board through
President Cunningham asking the city to contribute toward the relief of the flood sufi'erers in the.
Mis,.oissi~:pi Val~ey. ?he 2an L[ateo County quota was given at .~.4000. President Cunningham stated ways
and ~eans would be worked out at the earliest possible date, to raise the city's portion of !he relief
Y~artin ~a~a~r ~de, ~17 Commercial Avenue, submitted a propositio~-~ to the board, .fi.ring
the sum of ~500 per annum for a period of eight, nine or !eh years for the ?rivilege"ef red,eying the
city ~. ~ba ~. .
~ ..... o- to the dum?,~ As there is no ordinance covering garbage removal the matter rested
~ ta::~.s collected on improvements on So 16 2/~
Al~plicat~on for the refund of ~.i'10.62, ,
feet of lot 2~ and North Z3 !/~ feet of lot 24, block 130, the house having be.nm,red orburned, was
made by Erin,linde Ven!,urini. On aasurance by thecz't-'~ c!c, rk that no house exists there now the ref'mnd
was granted.
A communication u'as received ~!rom the Pacific Gas & Llectric Company re~iuesting -r?ermission
to set poles ~n,.~,~a, nol~ and Palm Avenues. Referred to the str,:~,et co;nittee The street cor~r~ittee
authSr~zed the desired '~_ermission.
The 12arket Strset Railway Company submitted plans for but_]ding a culvert at Liep?ic(s
crossing. Leferred to the city engineer. ·
,i~his beinf~ the date set for openJ, ng bids for a new I~odge car for the city Trustee Eschelbadh~
moved ~ha~hthe bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Trustee Tib~et'~s and regularly carried.
~ e follou~ins bids were ,then opened.
Bid of David A.Arata,
one new Dodge Tourin,~ car
Allmvance for city's 1925 Dodge car
Bid of Service ,Garage & .~¥[achine Sho-,'-
One new Dodge Tuuri~:~j car ~1065.00
Altmvance for city's '1925 2:odge car ~: 425.00
Balance ~ 640.00
The.Cervice ~ar~a~e & Wachine gho~ a]:pearirtg 'the lot. est responsit, le bidder [rusiee Tibbetts
moved they be av~arded the bid' The mt~Zion was seconded by Trustf~e Lloyd and re~.ul~rl~ carried, and
accordi~-~gly, Trustee Tibbets introduced a resolution of award. The resolution vras adopted by the unan-
imous vote of %he members of the board present, to-wit:-
.Ayes, Trustees, ~ '~ ~
. ~ ::.,~cholbach,Llo~a, Tibbetts, Cunningham,
Noes, Trustees, None.
Ab: ent, Trustees Llinucciani. Attest, Daniel McSwe mey,
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2, at page 141.
_~ .... ags~n~t the cindy were next ~oresent for pa~nent;
"Th~ Enterprise" printing aealed pr,pos'als ,
" " " Letter-heads
Jack Welch painting zones
Otto Bissett "' "
~estern Sand & Hock Co., materials
C.Xroner desk and files
Patrici~ & Company dates, stamps eta
Jddge Farrell donation to convention
E.Venturini refund of taxes
T, od~o Car
!' eel6O
~ 2.84
f 25.00
The claims havin7 been audited by the f=nance comnittee tr~mtee Lloyd moved they be paid.
The motion was second, by trustee Tibbetts and regularly carried.
There bein~ no further' business before the board Trustee Tibbetts ruer.ed to adjourn. The
motion was seconde,~ by Tru[tee Lschelbsch and reoulart~ carried.
Time of adjournment
Presiden! of i, he Board of Y'rustees.