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.~u.~CISCO, HELD i..v.,DA~. ,,,~.: lgth,
The regular meetixg of the Board of Trustees of the City of gouth San Frazlcisco was' h~ld in
the City Hall on ~on ay, May 16th,!927
By reason off the absence off Trustee P.~:~.Cu~ingham, President off sai~ Board off irustees,
Trustee Eschelbach was chosen by the m~animous vote off all trustees present to act as ~resident
pro tem. off said Board off ~''.ru.~otoes.
The meeting was called to order at 7;gO o'c!oc~ p.m. by Trust.de A.J.Lschelbach, acting as
President pro rem. of said 3card of Trustee~'.
Roll call found the following trustees pres nt,to-wit:
A.J.~'ochelbach,~. Reese Lloyd, ~..~,zmnucciani, and E.Tibbetts.
The minutes of the meeting of said Board of Trustees held on Nay 2nd, 1927, were then read
a:~d upon motion made by Trustee Lloyd, and seconded by TruStee Tibbetts, and regularly carried,
were approved as read.
The minutes of the meeting of~°~d Board of Yrustees held on ~,~u" '~'- 9th,~.~,,~o°~' were then read,
'~'~ ~ru~tee Lloyd, and ~econded by True-tee Tibbet~s, anC.~ regularly carried,
and upon mot=o~, hy ~'~
ap~roved as read.
a commu~:~icstion w~s roceive~, from the O~t~ of San Bruno stating that the piumbin~~ of the
~e,¢ Uire jerks Js connected with the San Bruno CitF Sewer in TanYoran Avenue, makin?' no objections
to the connections ~mt. advisin?.~, the City of ?curb: San Prancisco to this effect to avoid ~.~v possible
future controsers~ It was stated bot~ cities might come to an a~reement to ::':aixtain the sewer
City ~ ~" ~ '
~no~neer Geo.~.~zeese stated the sewer in Tanforan Avenue ~s two
_ z~et inside the city limits
of South San Prancisco. President ].:re ter, :Laths!bach instructed City Attorney Ooleberd to address a
comm~ication to the City of San 3rune, :~Bivinf~ the facts in ~.he case, and a?iowi:'~c7 the City of San
Brvmo the use of -~he se%~ver in the same m~mer as that in which it is now used.
B.!asquale addressed a ~omk~mication to the board asking for Pk~nent for a t:o!ice cap which
he said was ordered paid for some weeks ago.' As there is no recor~ that the board ordered this pay-
ment the comm]mication was ordered filed. "
W.W.Brav~, city inspector made apPlication.:~ for an increase in salary of ~?s5.00~'~ ' per month.
0n motion by trustee Lloyd, seconded by Tru['tee 12inucciani and regularly carrie6 the increase was
A notice was received from the' South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company stating that .
the land now used by the city as~a d~mTinS ground had been Transferred to thc Spring Yalley 'jater'
Company, and any future agreer.:e:,ts should be made through the ~ecretary of the [.empty, i.[r. ~haron.
a=~ow the city to continue the use of the
President Eschelbach stated Su]~erintenden! Lavis wi!]
~rounds~ unless title changes~:~ to ~an Prancisco at %he forthcominr bond election in that city.
The South San~ranc~sco ~ ~'~ Fire Department made application for a -ermit to ho~5_ a dance in
Praterna! Hall Saturday evening, Liay ~st next i'ermission granted
A comm~ication was received from the American District Telegraph Company stating the
voltage maximum used by ti%eir comrany in their conduits is forty uolts with an output of twenty-five
~,i!liamperes. The clerk was instruct:~d to answer stating tl~e c~tF is contemilating the extension
of the city's fire a!arn system, after which arrangements might be made with the city for connections.
The Pacific Gas 3.: Electric a~p!ied for permission i.o set poles for service in Olive and A~Fen
Avenues..~er?ission granted.
A comnR~ioation was re,~e_ve~ from the ;_merican ~.~arbl~ and Moaaic Com~:ny sugzestir? that
Walker and Swift Avenues be ch~!ed io Grsnd Avenl~e ~or its entire length to ~he water. ~resident
Eschelbach and the board,believing the change beneficial to the residents and companies on the
side of She Southern 2aci['ic Railroad Trauks, instruoted tke civy attorney to dray: u-'~ a resolution
making the change.
Jk oomrmmication was received f~o~ lir~._rancis t;arcia, r ecretary of ~he Library Board oi
trustees notif~.__,,':n~-u the' city, lrustees that the Terms of Nra .... dry Jenninss and herself exrire ~uly~
tat next. The City Board of Trustees deferred Yakinf any a]pointments until a later meeting.
Ordinance 714o, entitled "AN onDI~,A~ CALLING A SPECIAL ~,,.~Ti0i;~;'" ~:'(' IE ~-~.. ..... CITY 0P ~0UTH S~
E~CTORS 0P 2~ CITY 0FoOU~i,° ~.~.~°"~,~ Pi~i;CISCO,A MDi';ICIPAL CORPOi&Ti0N, A FL01:0ZiUION T0 INC0:~ A DORDED
~a~,~o~ ~.,~ T0 ~AY '~ COST 0F -.r:-~,. ,-,. .. ~ .... .,-, ~ ..... ~,,. .
i,.Uz,,~CiJAL !ZZROVEI~NTS C/ILl 2E .... 100 GR:iA~ "'",~ B~ z~l~ Ou~ ~ .iz= 0;';~'Ii.t~,.Y ~,O~z Ii;C ~.ND R~VEi~UE 0F
SAID CITY 0P o '~'~ SA'~ Pla~CIgC0, ~i;D 'Jill 12 ~ ....... ~
%'? ~i'1~ ' ......~ O,'Rr ~,~ ~,T~T', Z'E'~ i,'~?i;', ..... ,'~% ' '~ ..... , .... t, -T~-
SAi; FRALCiSC0, ~..,C~D ~=~ -,,~v;,~ ¢~.',~ ,~,~7~,~ z':.~¢l~ 2'.U.:'. I*. ~sY 0~'.,~Y~z~R~"~ AND
~ 0F JURE,!927, AS THE DA'EL UiON WHICii ~'-~
~', ...... .. .:'zz L-AID ~nzaaUz.~. THE SAID iZOAOStTION ~'"'.~. 31:zu!C.~iz~=,~,Ai:~.'~'~'~'r' S0 ~:uz~.,.I,_~"~" '""ED 'zoo' ..... .... -"' ;,~UALIP!ED
ELECTORS "P ":-L CITY 0P SOUTH SAN PPSdiCISCO, "' ~'= ..... ' '-'" - ...... -'~-',-~',-.,,:-¢o 0"' ~740,000.00,
~ zC~UI~ITIOz~, COL~,:.uC~iOl? AJD COI...iPLETION BY SAID CI?¢.* OPo -~-,, ~¢iJ ~'"':'~I;CISCO", A NUi;ICIPAL
CO,,,:O~.,I0~, 0~= HUI:DEED THIRTY {!S0) ~-~" "~"-~'~ ..... ¢ .....
~*,~-~--~,~ 0~, THE COL~INATI0i; ,' r,¥,', BY
u~ .... o~ ~:,~II.~ :~D=~ CAR sO'J 0.~sD SAID
C0i~STRUCTIOi( Y~;D C'v:'~'? .... "' ', ........ ":'.~o~,,~--v ~ ~
- ~.. PULFOSES u~ iiOUtli,O ~ I~l. Iz.~ A''':''~ ~
........... ~.,~.U~ ,nad its second reading,
and u~on roll call was ado-ted as an ordinance of the 0ity of South San Pr~cisco by the followiz, f. vote
vote: Ayes, Trustees, L.J.~;'°chelbach, .R,~es~.~ .. Lloyd, !:.Ninucciani, and _,°.Tibbette/
m a None.
NOES, ~r~toes,
Absent, Trustees, F.A.C~minghaml Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk..
This being the date set in, Resolution of Intention No.58 was adol:ted by the
on the 18th, day of ~_pril,192~, for hcarinS any and a!l.~ver~ons~ havinff.~ anv~ objection, to th~ '
proposed work and improvement described in said Resolution o~ Intention ~o.58, Trustee A.J,Eschelbach,
as President Pro tem. of said ~oard of Trustees inquired whether any-person 'c. resent at said meeting
had any objection to oTfer asainst said work. i[o objeCtion was ma~e.
Thereupon Trustee ~ibbetts introduced Resolution Ordering ~he Work, described In Resolution
said Resolution of Intention ~58..
Upon roll c~ll said resolution was adopted by the followin~ vote;
Ayes, Trustees, A.J'Eschelbach,Ree~e Lloyd, ~,I.Einu~cfani, R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Trustees, None..
Absent, Trustees, ~. A?Cunningham.
, Said resolution ordering.the work is recorded in volume 2, of Resolutions, at ~age 145.
Trustee I~inucciani introduced a Resolution of Intention to abate, 1927. Said Resolution
read&~as adopted by -~he fol2 owing vote;-
Ayes, Trustees, A.J.Eschelbach, Reese Lloyd, M.Minnucciani, and R.Tibbetts.
· Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham. Said resolution of Intention to abate weeds, 1927, is
recorded in ~ook of Resolutions, volume 2, at page 147'.
Complain~ having been m~de to the board thzt the city s~reets are being torn up by the wat~
compsny and no,replaced. The City Clerk was instructed address a .o~munication to the water
and inquire when the replecementz will be made.
Dr, Hicks appesrod before the board and suggested that the city' might e~ploy the use of a
fire fighting apparatus in destroying weeds this year. Referred to the city engineer for investi~
The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;-
Oakland California Towel Company Service April 3.40
Superior Steam Laundry 1.71
" " " 8.ZZ
~link's Service Station 11.42
" " " 7.41
South City Lbr & Supply co ~!i: 4.75
Enterprise Foundry Com~an~ $81.86
Servive .Garage & machine. Shop ~l~.S0
J.L.Jayne labortending trees ~ 6.00
E.Ryan clerical Labor ~49.~0
Tony Phillips cleaning Jail ~10.00
Beatty & Deame installing fire ~larm signals v14.50~
Total $214.18
wash ~olice dep't
" fire dep't
gasoline police
" fire dept
frame & Blass
The claims having been audited by ~the finance committeo trustee Tibbetts moved they be paid
The motion was seconded by trustee ~loyd and regularly c~rried.
Upon motion made by trustee ~loyd, and seconded by trustee Minucciani, and regularly carrie
said Board of Trustees adjourned to meet on ~ionday, Liay 2Zrd, 1927, ~t 7;~0 o'Clock p.m.
Approved /'~'/,C~.~( ~.wJ~,.~
Board oi~ tees
True .
Respectfully submitted,