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Minutes 1927-07-05
272 REGULAR ' ~ .... z~I~G OF THE BOARD 0'~~ tRUSTEES OF THE OF TEE CITY OF S0b'TH SAN FRANCISCO MELD TUESDAY, JULY 5TH,192?. A regular meeting of the BQard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco was held on Tuesday, July 5th,1927. The meeting was called to order at ?;S0 o'clock p,m. by Trustee A.J.Eschelbach, P~esident of the Board. ROLL CALL. R011 call found all ~enbers of the board present, to-wit~- Trustees A.J.Lschelb~ch, A.H~ding, R.Lloyd, L~.Einucciani ~nd R.Tibbetts. The minutes o£ the ~vo prev&ous meetings were read, and there being no errors or omissions were approved as read, on motion ~uade by trustee Tibbetts, seconded~by ~rustoe Einucciani ~nd regularly carried.~Frank Gifff~ra applied for permissio~ to erect an electric sign over his hotel door, EEB '' Grand Avenue. Referred to the buildin~ inspector. A co~mmunication was received from B.'J.Rodondi asking the bo~rd to t~ke action regarding a ~eed cleaning bill sent in by him previous~y ~for cleaning wee~s off certain lots. Action deferred until ne~t meeting. A re~uest fro~u the h~ack Ester Truck Corporation urging the fire chief to attend the Firemen's Convention in Portland in ~ugust was ordered placed on file. An application for a ~ool roo~ license was receive fro~ Antonio Veroni, ~l? ~inden Avenue Application denied. ~ Applicationsfor soft drink licenses were received from Frank Scarrone, Henry Sca~pini~ Blandini & Son and 01iris CortesD an~ permits granted. The monthly ~eports of the City Recorder, Police Chief, fire chief, City Trea~'urer and City Clerk for June were read and accepted. ~An affidavit of E.E.Bramble, the publisher and printer of"~he Enterprise and ~he South. San Francisco Journal", dated July Bth,19E?, testifyimg and certifying to the publicati6n of 0rdin~nce ~.144, in all respects as in said Ordinance ~1~4 required and in all respects ~.s required by law, was - then presented to said Board and filed. The City Clerk th~n presented to the bo~rd ~l~. the returns cT and from the special election held in the City of South S~n Francisco, the ~ESth day of June,192~, which returns were examined and inspected by the Board and found by them ~o be in al~ re~pect~ in re~u~r a~d proper order. Upon ~otion made by Trustee Hynding ~nd seconded by Trustee Tibbetts , and regularly carried siad Board o£ Trustees thereu~on proceeded to canvass and did canvass said returns in public by opening said returns and canvassing and c~oun~i~g the vetoes for and acainst the proposition voted upon at said specia~ election. The vote as £ound by said Board of Trustees was ~s follows, to-wit; "The proposition to incur a ~onded indebtedness of $~0,000.00 £or the pure, ese of the acquisition, constructi~.n and completion by said Cit~~ of South San Francisco, a m~naicipal core, oration, of One Hundred Thirty, (lB0) fire hydrants, the acquisition, constructio~ ~nd co~pletion of an e~tension ~o the fire alar~ '~elegraph system now e~isting in ~aid city, the acquisitio~ of a ?50 'g~l~on pump to be installed on the combination chenica~ engine and hose car now owned by said city, the acquisition of a new ~§0~ ~all0n~combination pu~ping e~?ine ~ d hose car with water tank equipment, the acquisition of twenty-fi~e Ht~ndred?~E§~0~ ~eet'of ~tanda~d fire hose and the ~cquisition,con- struction and completion of a building on the easterly side of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for ~he purposes o£ housing fire fighting apparatus. For said proposition SS0 votes Against said pro osition £Z6 votes ~otal votes cast~ ?68 Trustee Lloyd ~then of£ereg the following reso!ution,"H','-and moved i~s adoption,~o-wit;- ~ Whereas, at a special election held in -bke Cit~~ of South San ".':rancisco on Tuesday, the ~8th day of June, 19E'?, p',~rsuant to the provisio~s of ordinance .~i~144 of ~.aid City of South San Francil~co the number of voters voting and the whole number of votes cast in Consolidated Voting Precinct "A'~ were #1~8, and that of said whole nu~nbe~r o£ votes, 1ES were c~st for and in favor of accepting"~he pro.~ositio to incur ~ bonded ind~.~btedness of ~i'~0,00©.00 for the ?urpo~'e of the ~cquisition, co~_s~ruction and,temple completio~ by said Ci'.y of South Ss~n Francisco, a nuu:~icipa! corporation of 0r~e Hundred Thirty (1~0)~ fire hydrants, the acquisitioz, , construction and completion of an extens-ton to the fire alarm te~Eraph system now e::istin,~, in said city, the acquisition of a ~5~ gallon p~zap to be iz~sts, lled on the co~binati chemical engine and hose car now ov,'ned by said city, 'the acquisition of a new 750 gallon combinati~on pumping engine and hose car with water tank equipment, the acquisition of twenty-five htmdred (250.0) . feet of standard fire hose ar.d the acquisition, construction and completion of a building on the e!aster- side of the right~ of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for the purposes of housing fire~. fighting a?~arattle" and that of said whole n:-a:~ber of votes cast in ss~id Consolidated Voting Precinct "A", 25 votes were cast a~:.inst .... the adoption of said pro~osition; a~d ~' 'i;~hereas, the n'..'~ber of voter~ voting and the whole n~nnber of votes cast in Consolidated Voting_ Precinct "B", Yere 505, and that of said whole n~m~ber o£ votes 2.].0 were cast for and in favor of ~nd a~cepzing "The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~0,000.00 for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and com~:,letion b~? said Cit.? of South San Frs, ncisco, a :--.unicipal corpora, tion, of One Hundred Thirty fire hydrs, nts, (130), the s. cquisition, construction and cc~'~.~letion of an extension the fire s. lar:~ telegraph .~ystez~ now e:~.isting i~". ss, id city, the acquisition, of a-?~0 gallon ~ump to be installed on the combination chemical engine and hose car now owned by sPid Oity, the acquisition of a new ?50 gallon combination pu~,ping engine ~..nd ho~'e ca~ with water tank equipr, ez~t, the acquisition of twenty-five htnudred (2500) feet of st~.ndard fire hose and the acquisition, construction and cpmple- Sion of a bu~.!ding on the easterly side of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Rs_ilroad Company for the purposes of housing fi-.,'e fighting ap. paratus", and that of said whole number of vote~ so ~ast in said Consolidated Voting Pre~inct "B", 95 votes were cast against the adoption of said .pro~oa, ition; and Whereas, at said special election the ntur_ber of voters voting and. the whole nun.~ber of votes cast ~ ~O~O~lS.o,l_~dated Voting Precinct "C~, u~ere blS, s.nd that of said whole ntunber of votes 197 votes .were cast for and in favor of s.?..~ accepting "The t:',ro osition to incur a bonded indebtedness of :~40,000';00 for the purpose of t~_e acciuiSit~on, construction and completion by said Ci~y of ~outh° San .. ~ra~cis-~ co', a municipal corporation, of One Hundred Thirty (150) fire hydrants, t:to acquisition, constructio~ and completion of an extensio~ ~ ti~e fire alar::~ telegrap~ system z~ow e::..stiong in said City, the acquisition of a ?50 gallon i.u:,~p to be installed on ~he ~o~.~biuatloz~ che:zi,al ~ngine and h.ose car now .~.~owned by said 0ity, the acquisition of a new 750 gallol~ combination ptunpi, ng engine and hose car with tank equipment, the acquisition of twenty-five hundred (2500) feet of standard fire hose and the ,sing no ·errors·or OhS were appr0ve~d ~-~s read, on notion :..ade by trustee Tibbetts, seconded ~by trust~e ~inuccian: regularly c~rried,~Fra~k GizZr~. aoplied for per~::issio,, to erect an electric sign over hie~ hotel door, ~o~ Grand Avenue, Referred to ~he buildin.~ inspector. A communication was received· fro~ B.'J.Rodondi asking the bo~rd to take action regardiz a ~,¥eed cleaning bill sent in by hin~ previously for cleaning weeds off certain lots. Action defer~ until ne:~t meeting. A re,~ueE~t fro~u the ~,~ack ]~o~or Truck Corporation urging the fire chief to attend the · ~'iremen's Convention in Portland in ~.~ugust was ordered placed on file. An application for a ~ool roo~:, license was receive.·, from Antonio Yeroni, 51V '~inden Ay Application denied. Applicationsfor soft drink licenses were received from Fr&nk Scarrone, Henry Sca~:~pini', ~landini & Son and 01ivio Cortesi. ~nd permits granted. The n~onthly :'eport~~ of the City Recorder, Police Chief, fire Chief, City Trea~'urer and City Clerk for June were read and accepted. ~An affidavit of E.E,Brzmble, the publisher and printer of"~he Enterprise and ~he South San Francisco Journal", dated July ~th,19~?, testifyimg and certifyinj to the ~_:ublicati6n of 0rdina: ~.l~, in all respects as in ~'aid Ordinance ,,l~ required and i:~ all respects. ~: required ~o~ law, wa then presented to said Board and filed. The City Clerk then presented to the board ~]_~ the returns, o-f and from the special election held in the Cit~ of South S~.n ~rancisco, the '~$th day o£ Ju:~e,~.S?, which returns were exa~ and inspected by the Board and found by them ~o be in all reapectE', in re~:~u~r ~f~d proper order. Upon motion made by Trustee Hyndin~ ~nd seconded by ~rustee Tibbetts , .and regularly carried siad Board el' Trustees thereu~:.on proceeded to canv. ass and did canvass said returns in publ~ by opening said returns saud canvassi~g and coun':.i:'~g the votaes for and affainst the proposition vote~ upon at said special election. The vote as found by said Board of Trustees w~s as follows, ~o-wit; "The proposition ~o incur ~. bonded indebtedness of $~0,000.00 i'or the pur~.~:ose of the acquisition, constructi n an8 completion by said Cit~.' of Sou~h San Francisco, a mtuaicipal cor])oratf of One Hundred Thirty, ~l~0) fire hydrants, the acquisition, constructio~'~ and cor;~pletion of an e:~tension ~o the fire ~larr:: ',ele~jraph system ~.ow e~:istin~:: in ~,aid city, the acquisitio,.: of a 750 ge3 pum~ to be installed on the cor.~bination chef:ica3 en~ine and hose car now owned by said city, the acquisition of a new ~0:'gsll0n",combination pu;::]~in~? ez~;':ine ~ c1 hose car wiEh water tank equipment, the acquisition of twenty-fi~e Hdndred?_~E§~0) i~eet~of'~tanda~d fire hose and the acquisition,con- struction and completion of a building on the easterly side of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company £or the pur-;'os'es of housing fire fighting apparatus. For sa~d pro]?,osition 5Z0 votes Against said pro osition 2Z8 votes ~otal votes c~st' 766 "H',' and moved its adoption,%o-wit; True, tee Lloyd .then of£ered the following resolution, - - ~ Whereas, at a special e~.ection held in the Cit? of South San ~rancisco on ~uesd~y, the 28th day of June, 192'?, p'.~.rsuant to the provisio~Ls of ordinance ~:144 of said City of South San Franc: the number of voters voting and the whole number of votes cast in Consolidated Voting Precinct "A'! w~ #148, and that of said whole number of votes, 125 were cast for and in favor of accep~ting"~he pro~os~ to incur a bonded ind~mobtedne,ss of ~i',40,000.00 for the [purpo~'e of the s~cquisition, construction anti,con completio:~ by said Ci:y of South San ~ra. nci?co, s~ n~,icipa! corpoz'ation of 0~e Hundred Thirty [1~0) fire hy~rants, the acquisition , construction and uompletion of an extension to the fire alarm te~ system now e::istin~ TM in said city, the ac:iuisition of a 759 gallon p:~np to be iz~stalled on the co,bit. chemical engine and hose car now o¥,'ned by said city, 'the acquisitioz~ of a new ?50 gallon combinati~on pumping engine and' hose car with ,~.~ater tank equipment, the acquisition of twenty-five htmdred (250~0) feet of standard fire hose ar.d the acquisition, construction and completion of a buildin~j on the e~st side of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for t~_e purposes of housi~tg fire~ fightinj at:.paratus" and that of said whole n:t~;~ber of votes cast in said Consolidated Votin~- Preci.mct "A", 25 votes were cast a~inst the adoption of said prolosition; and ~ iThereas, the nu¥;~ber of voters voting and the whole n',nnber of votes cast in Consolidated Votin~ Precinct "B", Yore 505, and that of said whole ntm~ber of votes 2!0 were cast for and in favor of ~.nd a~cep~zno "The proposition, to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~40,000.00 for the purpose of th acquisition, construction and com]:,letion b~; ss:id Cit.?- of South San Francisco, a r;.unicipal corpore~tion of One Htnad. red Thirty fire hyars, nts, ~130), the s. cquisition, construction and ccmpletion of an e.xtens the fire alar~.~ telegraph syster~ now e:~.isting i~ ss~.id city, the acquisition,of a '750 g&llon ~tunp to be installed on the combination chemical engine and hose car now owned by s$id Oity, the acquisition of a new 750 gallon combination puz~ping engine ~..nd ho~'e cam with water tank equipr:~ent, the acquisition of twenty-five htuadred ~2500) feet of st~.ndard fire hose and the acquisition, construction and cpmple. tion of a buL!ding on ~he easterly side of the right of way of the Southern Pacific R~.ilroad Company for the purposes of housin? fi?e fighting api:aratus", and that of said whole number of vote~~ s.o ~ast in said Consolidated Vot~n~ Pre~nct B , 95 vote,., were c~.t ~.~nst ~he adoption of sa~d .z~ro~o~on, Whereas, at said special election the n~tnr..ber of voter~ voting.and the who.e z~t~tb .r of votes cast :.' ~1 D~o',~l~dated Voting Precinct "CU, ¥.:ere eli, ~.nd that of said whole ntunber o£ votes 19~ votes .wer, ' cast-for and in favor of ~s. acceotin, g ".The ~,~ro ........ osition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~ao,~,~aoa-aa fO~ the purpose of ~._~. ac~u~ion, construction, and ~om~let~on b~ s~d u~y of oouth ~an zranc~sco., a municipal corporation, of One Hundred Thirty Ill0) fire hydrants, the ~cquisiaion, constructio~ and co~mple.tion of an extensio~-~ t~ ti~e fire alar~:~ telegrap~ system ~o~;' e"'~'~, ~ong' in said City, the acquisition efta 750 gallon i:u~p to be installed on -~he con~bi~ati~r~ ch~ni~al ~ngine a~'~d h~se car now by sai~ Oity, the acquisition of a new 750 gallon combination pumping engine and hose car with tank equipment, the acquisition of twenty-five htuudred 12500) feet of standard fire hose and the '1' acquisibion,construction and completion of a building on the easterly side of the right of way of t Southern Pacific ~ailroad Company for the purposes of housing fire fighting apparatus", and that of said whole number o£ votes so cast in said donsolidated Voting Precinct "C" ll6 vetcs were cast against the adoption of said proposition;~ and ~ Whereas, the total number of voters voting and the total number of votes cast in said City were ~66, and that of said total vote 5Z0 votes were cast in favo~ of said prbposition and acceptin the same, and that of said total vote 2Z6 votes were cast against the adoption of said proposition; Whereas the number of votes cast at said ~pecia! election for and in gavor of said proposition and accepting zhe aame as aforesaid, to-wit, 5'30 votes was more zhan two-thirds of all the votes cast a said.special,election and said votes for amd in favor of accepting the said proposition were cast b more than two-thirds of all the voters voting at said special election; and Whereas due notice of sa!.d election was given and said election was held at the time and i man~er and in all re~pect~ as r~quired by law and zne ordinances of said City and said Ordinance No and Whereas said election was in all res~ects legally and fairly conducted and the returns the 'were fully and regularly made and certified to this board. Now., therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of Souzh San Francisco follows; That said yroposition, to-wit, the proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ~40,000.0 for ~he purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion by sia City.of South San Francisco municipal corporation,' of One Hundred Thirty (1S0) fire hydrants, the acquisition and cOmpletion of extension to the fire alarm telegraph system now existing in said ~City, the acquisition of a 750 g pump to be installed on the combination chemical engine and hose car now owned by said City, the acquisition of a new. 750 gallon combination pumpinj engine and hose car with water tank equipment, acquisition of twenty-five hundred (2500) feet of standard fire hose and the .acquisition, constru .and cpmpletion of a building on the easterly side of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Rail Company for the purposes of ho~sing fire fightin~ apparatus, was and this board hereby finds, deter and declares that said proposition, as aforesaid, has carried and was duly accepted by the votes of ~more than two-thirds of all the voters voting at said special election. That said proposition, as aforesaid, has carrie~ and was duly accepted by the qualified v of the said municipality and that said City of South San Francisco is duly authorized to issue bond of said City of South San Francisco in the amo~m~'~ and for the proposition and in the manner in said Ordinance No.144 set forth and specified. I hereby ce~'tify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by t Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, this 5th, day of July, 1927, by the fo]lowing vote;- Ayes, Trustees, A.J.ESchelbach, A.Hyndi~g, R,Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None Attest, ~aniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk· The City Clerk's certificate of the special election was f led in accordinance with the la Recorded in book of resolutions, vol 2, at page 152. RESOLUTI0~ ACCEPTIJG POSSESSION OF PUI4PII~O Ei~GINL. Trustee Tibbetzs introduced a resolution accepting psssession of the new 2aegrave pumping engine, ~ursuant zo ':he ~erms of tLe contract. The resolutiun w~ adopted by the unanimous vote of members of the board, t-wit, Ayes, Trustees, Eschelbach, Hynding, Lloyd, ~inucciani, Tibbetts. l~oes, Trustees, None. Absent, iruszees, Ease. Atteet Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk· Recorded in Book ag Resolutions, ¥ol 2, at page 153. ~r. Rawie of the American Distri~:.t Telegraph co a]mpeared before the board wi-~h the request his company be allowed to connect with the city fire alarm system f~..r the purpose of fire protectio On motion by Trustee" " ~yna~ng seconded by Tr~;tee Minucciani permi~:sion v, as. allov/ed. President Eschelba.ch aTpointed Mrs Angelena Welte and ~¥il!iam Hyland members of ~.he libra board. The appointments were confirme~ by the Board of Trustees. City Engineer En. eese made a report to the board that the proposed draina~ye system was now under way. Trustee Hynding re~orted that a ~ole of the Market ~tre'~t Railway Company w~ in ~he way i front of the garage of'Chas, Gebhardt, and movod that zhe clerk be instructed to ~rit. e the company asking its removal. The motion was soconded by Trustee Tib~etts and regularly carried. The following claims against the city were next '-re~ented for payment;- Joe Dancak 0.S.Peterson H.0.Hara ~,Ander~on J.Fiorentini A.Savage C.Grandini L.Verna J.R.Spain joe Hayden Wm. Peterson T.McCabe C.Marani 0.Cortesi Ben Gonzales J.L.Jayne hauling erecting & returning eiectio.~ booths weed cleaning # f! assi m:d weed claim of H.Xalberla Need C ~.eaning plantin7 trees The Enterprise Press printing election ballots ets G.Bruno culting and hauling weeds Standard 0il Co zeroline ~7 W.R.Emerick rep fire alar~ A.Vannucci gasoline Flink's Service station gasoline labo~ on park paintin~ zones kil~ing dogs June " May & Jtw~e repaining & g~so!ine gasoline stamped envelopes etc J.Welch John Castro Fred J.Lautze D.~cSweeney JlLne The Seagrave Norp'n reducera Rice &bstract Co real estate transfers Louis Belloni John Figone 0,Landucei food & transportatio~f of prisoners cleaning fo~mtain 6 mo to june Z0,1927 uniform officer Bafnchini 10.00 47.25 45.00 Z7.68' 42.75 22 5o 47.25 27.00 47.25, 40 50 47.25 ~6 O0 ' 47.25' 45.00, 41.00' 259 50' 2.85. 12.00 '20.37' 8.62 22.50' 1Z. 65 65.00- extension to the fire alarm telegraph system now existin~i in said ~.City, the acquisition of a 750 pump to be installed on the combination chemical engine and hose car now owne~ by said City, the acquisition of a new~ 750 gallon combination pumpinj engine and hose car with water tank equipment acquisition of twenty-five hundred (2500) feet of standard fire hose and the acquisition, const and cpmpletion of a building on the easterly side of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Ra Company for the purposes of ho~sing fire fightin~ apparatus, was and ~his board hereby f-inds, det and declares that said proposition, as aforesaid, has carried and was duly accepted by the votes 'more than two-thirds of all the voters voting at said special election. That said proposition, as aforesaid, has carrie~ and v/as duly accepted by the qualified of the said municipality and that said Ci~y of Sou~.h San ~rancisco is duly authorized ~o is~ue bo: of said City of South San Francisco in the amom~-~. and for the proposition and in the manner in sa Ordinance No.144 set forth and specified. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by Board of Trustees of the City of South Ss.: D~ranci~,co, this 5th, day of July, 1927, by the followi: vo. te ;- Ayes, Tru~:toes, A.J.DSchelbach, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, M.l,linucciani, R.Tibbetts, Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, i~on~ Attest, ~aniel [~icSweeney, City Clerk. The City Clerk's certificate of the special election was f led in accordinance with the Recorded in book of resolutions, vol 2, at page 152. OF PU~,iPIIi~f Ei;GINL. Trustee '~ibbet-~.s introduced a resolution accepting possession of the new Laegrave ~urd/3ini engine, .pursuant %o <he ~erms of the contract. The resolution w'~s adopted by the unanimous vote o: members of the board, t-wit, Ayes, Trustees, Eschelbach, H~uading, Lloyd, ~inucciani, Tibbetts. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. Atteet Daniel I~.icSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book ag Resolutions, Vol 2, at page 153. },ir. Eawie of the American Distri~;t Telegraph CO ai:peared before the board wi-~h the reque~ his company be allowed to connect with the city fire alarm system for the purpose of fire protect~ On motion by Trustee Hynding seconded by Trustee Minucciani permi,?sion v, as allowed. President Eschelbach appointed ~rs Angelena Welte and William Hyland membors of <he lib~ board. The appointments were confirme~ by the Board of Trustees. City Engineer Kn, oese made a report to the board that the proposed drainage system v;as no~ reader way. Trustee Hynding re~orted_ that a pole of zhe i',,.iarket ~treot Rail%~'ay Company w~:r in ',.he way front of the garage of 'Chas, Gebhardt, and, moved that the clerk be instructed to %~rit. e the company. asking its removal. The motion ;~s.s seconded by Trustee Tibt~etts and regularly c~rried. The following claims against the city were next 're'~ented for pa~ent;- Joe Dancak 0.S.Peterson H.0.Hara E.Ander~'on J.Fiorentini A.Savage C.Grandini L.Verna J.P.Spain Joe Hayden Wm. Peterson T.EcCabe C.Marani 0.Cortesi Ben &onzales J.L.Jayne haulinj erecting & returning eiectio.:, booths weed cleaning # ~ssi~n:d weed claim., of H.Xalberla Weed C~eaning planting trees John Castro Fred J.Lautze D.I~cSweeney The Enterprise Press G.Bruno culting and hauling weeds Standard 0il Co zeroline '~¥.R.Emerick rep fire alar~ A. Vannuc c i gas aline Flink's Service station gasoline J.Welch labor on park " " paintin~ zones killing dogs June " May & J~e repaining & g~so!ine gasoline stamped envelopes etc The Seagrave Norp'n reducers_ R%ce abstract Co real e~"tate transf~rs J~e LOuis Belloni John Figone C, Landuc c i A.Oar.lisle & printing e!ectio'a ballots ets food & transportatio:~, of Trisond'rs cleanin~ fomutain 6 mo to jmae Z0,1$~t7 ~miform olfic~r Ba/nchini eyelets election suyD!ies 10.00 47.25 42.75 22.50 47.25 27.00 47.25 40.50 47.25 36. O0 47.25 42.18 45.00. 41.00' 259.50 80.00, 2.85 17.75 12.00 20.37 8.62 1.50 1~. 65 65.00 25.62 "' 49.50 E. Ryan clerical labor _ 1] .25 Otto Eiss~tt paintin:,: zones Baden Cash Store traffic white ].5.25 The Oecar Xren Copper ~ Brass 'Jorkssuppiies .~i 290;'45 H.L.Haaker bond City Treasurer ,~ 250.00 " "- " insurance on auto truck wy 6.92 Jack I~cGraw choi?ing wi[ lows , 18.00 Jack 0'Connell " " ¥ 18.00 So. SoF.Furniture Co hauling r, mnho) eC0;,?-'.'l.00 · F.V;.iiobinson fmmigating and mate~ Dudly P~rkins C.McConmell 0 .~IcG onaghy So..S.F.Water Co re~ord hook stationary sweepintl streets, June rey, mo cycle labor on streets cuttin wi] lows water June Service Garage & Machine Shop gasoline J~e Dancak rep hose N.J.F~ink gasoline Felicita Galli ser, onnelection board J.T~. Iago Annie I.Conrad W. lmer Schmidt ~ary Scampini CaSherine Eing M.R. Sites H.!i. Learmouth Chas, E.Stahl Alice Li. Young G. Be It rami Jas. E.Sullivan Chas Sands A.Pinze Tony Phillips ~[.Lucoa Tom Galli Sam Eiessling R.Petrocchi John Castro Joe Bernardo Wm. Byrnes P.G.&~ TM Nm. Peters on C .L.Smith Larson Bros !T IT T! !! I! " l! T! IT attending fires b ,trnlno -rass !! ,! !! !! !! streez lights June hall, road lights & power gas fire ho~zse june cutting weeds !! !, on' account 25'~ held Total ll.10 .65 .40 198.00 71 51 6.45 29.25 ~ 216.25 8.16 12.00 1~.11 lO.OO "' 10.00 lO oo 10. O0 10.00 lO.OO w 10 ..00 10 .'00 10.00 10.00 × lO.OO 7.50 · 2.5o. ~ 15.00 · 5.oo 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 10. O0 7.50 v 744. OZ - 47.80- 1.71 9.00- lS.50- ¢,1449.24 ~4942 ' 65. 'The claims having been s, ~a~ted by the finance committee trustee MlnUcciani moved they be paid Th.e.~, etlon was oeconded ',~.' ~'~'-~*ee Tibbetts and regularly car?ie 'There beinS no furt.:~er busines[~' before the board Trustee Hynding moved to adjourn until Monday,~ July llth,1927, at 7;?.0 o'clock: p.m. The notion was seconded by '?ruszee ~loyd and regularly carrie~. - Time of adjourn~.'.ent, 10.O0 o'clock p.m. ,Approved Pr~i~flt 8f '£he ~oard of X'2rus t e e S. P, espec~fully submitted,