HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1927-11-21OP SOUTH SAN PP~M.iOISCO,~LD i.iONDAY,
The regular meeting of the~'~,/ 5ouncil of the "~zt~.' - of South San ,~'rancisco was held in the
City Hall Monday evening, November 21st,1927.
.,n , helbach, Mayor of
The ',;~eeting was called to order at 7,~,~ o clock p.m. by Councilman A.J.n
South San Francisco.
nol_ call found all members of txe ~ouncil ]:.resent, to-wit;-
Councilmen, Hynding, Lloyd, ~,[im'_cciani, Tib!~etts and Eschelbach.
The,minutes of the ~wo previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they
they ~'re approved as read·
A comm~icstion was received from the Superior Steam Laundry, askin, g for a permit to stucco
front and west side of their laundry building. Permission was granted provided that the east side of
building also be stuccoed.
A request was ~mde by the"Sociedad Nutualista '~ '
~,~exzcana Chapultepec" for permission to hold a d~
and literary exerc'o , .
· ,:es in the Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, December ~rd 1927, from 8 p.m. until
a.m. Permission ~rante{~.
,ne Onion Discount OomFany made aN~plication for permission to ~onstruct a su].er-servi~e automo]
atation at the north~e~,~ corner of Linden & L'~x Avenues· Action deferred ~mtil the next :~eeting.
John Fischer a-..plied for a soft dri~ license for a restaurant business at $1232 San Bruno Roa~
Re~erred to th~ Police Commiesion.
Co~cilman H,,nd~no called the council's attention to the fact that is no name on the city hall
He ~.oved that the inscri-~tion "City hall, City of ~ou.h San Francisco"be !.laced upon the building.
motion was regularly carried and Council~an i,linucc-'~ ' ~., a
- , .~nm re,create to attend to the hatter.
Councilman Hyi~ding re~:orted having been in conference with the chieff of the Pacific jater
with reference to the extension of fire mains for the city and the cost off same. Fi~yures v/ill be
submitted in due time.
Mayor Esche!bach reported complaint had been ::adc by P.J.Shaw that rubbish had been d.u: ped
his lot. City Attorney coleberd reconm:ended ~hat a reward off ~50 to {~5 be ?aid for infor::~ation lead:
to the arrest and conviction of any'person du:.~:img refuse on vacant lots, and a heavy i'ine imposed b~
the city court. Definite action deferred.
To ~c, revent the breaking o~ windows and otn~,r destruction of vacanu houses Councilman H~mding
recommended the emplo~ent of a Dlai~: clothes man with ~olice authority to watch and arrest ofiendin~
hoodlums. Action will be taken in the matter later.
0n recommendation by Mayor Eschelhach the council ordered the installation of two' safety zone
and ~:edestrian cross'- ....
~ l~a~ mar~ers for two off lhe :~:aJ..n crc~' ~o .
~, mng,- in South San D'rancisco
The erection of automatic ~m~.n~ls at in cro~in?s was considered. The com]~:any erecting acer
type off signal considered charges no nmno for its use or installation, but reserves s~ace for advert:
[~:urposes. The clerk was instruc:ted to co:~m~micate v;ith the Automatic Crossing Signal Company at
~asadena and secure data concernin~ terms, prices etc.
Mayor E~:chelbach called the council's attention to the fee ~aid by the Fca'ret & ~:,le~er
the city flor the yrvilege of ~:a!ntaining bill boards in the city limits, ~aving' heard additional sig~
boards were erected without additional fees being ]aid the city.
After discussion it was decided to secure data from other cities relative to license rates flor
the 'erection of si~n boards and bill posting. The clerk v. as in~tructed to secure the inrornation.
Complaints a~jainst the payment of the weed cuttinj tax were referred to the city engineer. No
rebates to be jrantsd without his reco~muendation.
Purchase of a new chec~riter for th: ~!erk's Office was considered. Action was,-?ost~oned
the cost of r,~TairinC the old ~,.riter could be ascertained.
Chief of ~olice louis Belloni h~v~nb at ended the convention: of tke Traffic 0fficer'~' Assooi~
of California at Sacramento, retorted hi,o ob~ .... ~:tzons to tae Council. Among other topics dlecusz~ed
at the convention the chie~ stated there u~s a strong ~'entiment a<~.inst the ;~resent bad check laws,
and their repeal was advocated.
The fotlowin?l c.~.~mh~ a~ainst the city ~.ere next presented' for paykent;-
Pacific later Company,
J.L. Jayne,
Nocola !ie
Ben Oonzales
ouis Belloni
E. Ryan
Western Pii'e & Steel ',o.,
P!ink Sc.,rvice ttation
Anter!,ri~e l~res,~.
water month October ~:,259.61
rem. Car b e:~le, e tc w 7[ 00
labor on streets ,.' ~, 00
exp. tl~: traffic C onven't { ~0 00
reffund A/C overdeT os it 'i,86100
'~ . 45[00
clerical abor ~125 00
installing jail
gasoline :ol. deft ~,. 3.~
1000 envelopes ~': 5.50
The claims having been audit~a by the finance committee Councilman H~rndin,.' moved they be paid.
,h~ motion :',as seconded by Councilman Lloyd and resuiarlV c~;.rried.
There beini~ no further busi?,e'~s before the co~cil adjournhent was taken ::ntil th~_, next reguls
meeting, ~,;onday, Dece.uber 5th,1927, at ?;tC o'clock p.m.
. i~~. 'Yranc is c o '~
Respectfully submitted,