HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1928-01-16 :'..::~,UIJi~l ~EET ~'~ OF CITY ""H
Ii.~ ~i~J'~ .... COUNCIL 0P CITY 0F SOU~i SAN ~.~-~ ~'.~';CISC0
H!:LD ii01[~AY, JAi~U~iY 10TH, ,1928.
The regular meeting of the 5it¥ Council of the City of South San Prancis:co was held in the City
Hall l[onday evening, Jan:~ary 16'th,t928.
The meeting v'a -'~ ~ ': ·
~' c~ ...... ~ to order at 7 ';'" o'
,. ,,;~, clock ~.n. by Councilman A.J.J.sche!bsch, ~:ayor of South
San Francisco.
Eel] call found all members of the council present, to-wit;-
..... ~ Lloyd, "~' ' ....
Councilmen, ~.n~azng,... :...~,mnucczan~, E.Tibbetts., A.J.Lschelbach.
A co::.munication ~:~as received from Lrs. A,~.i.Young asking for a place on the election board ne:~t
AT:tit. C._,m~unication ordered placed on file, for reference.
A co~unica'~ion was received from Lirs. Carrie E.Winterhalter suC:.~)~e[~ting a system of naming the
Zhe advocates offering a prize of ~)10.00 for the best plan for naz_:in~f the alleys, and ~'5.00 for the
second best. She also advocated the ~:~l~ci,~.~ .,~ of flood !iffhts_ on 2raternal iial] to lif:ht ~,','~..~ lhe city
and Civic Center~:~zrounds, and the placing. ~. of si?ns~, reading.~ "~outh~ San 2rancisco" at Grand ~.,~- Linden Ave:
and ,~rand Avenue ~an Bruno_ Road and at the ~5~'-TM.~ ~:. The c]erk .-,..,~:~.o /n[~tructed to an[m~er t~-e~.
tion thankinj Iirs.Winterhalter for the gobd .~'u ~:?~'..-~ion~:, statin~ ~ome of her su::::e' tiGriS had already
been taken ~-,~,~ by... '~he baord, and others would be given con~:id<~ration. In this conne~:tion :'. .... r ~,chelba~
ay:pointed a co~.~.mt~ee on prizes for the best plan of namin[: alleys. The co~::mittee consists of~R.Tibbe'
Dave Ratto, ~,:zs. C.::.,.,~nterhalter, R.Lloyd and Ira Totter.
A reque:-.t was received from the City of Bur!in::jame askin~ this city to adopt a I/et of resolutions
requestin~ the County Board of 2upervisors to made a ~'l:~ecial re-a~]':rai~:al of all ?ro]~erty in San Mate~
County. i,latter laid over for investi~Tation.
~0~U~_u~,~ V~C~I:,~ =,E~0~TI~L~S.~;.i;r,~. ADVAi:CI~,~ ~,~.~'"=~ ~v.,'~'~ u~-~,~li.~'-'~: ' '~ BIDS'~0 ~B,
Councilman Hynding introdzzced a re~-'olution vacaling a resolution t:roviding flor the acquiai'tion
and construction off a ffire alarm system in this city.
The resolution was ado-l'ted by the unanimous vote off all the memners off the cozzncil, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, k.Hynding, !l. Lloyd, ~.~
k.~,.~nucciani, =..Tibbetts, ~.J.Eschelbach.
Noes, Councilmen, leone.
Absent, Councilmen, None.
Recorded in Book off Resolutions, Vol.2, at page !74.
. Attest · ~anie]. i..lcSweeney,
City Clerk.
A resolution vacating a resolution off the 5i-Ly Council off the ~ity off South San Francisco
providing flor the sale off certain fire alj~a~ratus was introd~mea bi: Counc..1,,an Lloyd smd was regularly
adopted by tho ,~ .:~ ~-. -o te ~ ~
..n~.n_.~ou.~ ye of ~.!~. the members of the council, to-wit;-
' Ayes, Council~::en, A.i~ndin~f~, R.!loyd, ~,~i~:ucci~ni, E.Tibbetts, A.J.Esche!bach.
~ Noes, Oo~cil::'~el~. :,ol~e.
Abso~.t, Co~zncii!men , i~one
recorded in Book off Resc]utions,~ Vol.2, at ..~oe~'~, 174,
Attest Daniel
City Clerk.
A resolution '~'.rovidin[~ for the ac'quisition and construction of afiz. e alarr?, system in the City
South San Francisco, v,~a~ introdt-ced by Councilman Tibbetis. The re[~olution was. adopte~ by the
~animous wore of all the metaphors of the City Council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Cou::cilmen, A.Hyndi~g, 2.Lloyd, :2.1dinucciani, R.Tibbetts, ~'.,.J.Lsch,~lbach.
Noes, Councilmen, I/one.
Absent, Counc.ilmen,None
~.ecorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.2, at ?.age 175. Attest Danie3.
Cit: 01erk
A resolution T. rovidin~ for the sale of certain fir,:, alar~ apl..aratus was introduced by Councilman
L:inucciani. The resolution was adopte0 by the %manimous vote o!~ all tke members el' tlc Council, to-wit;
~.,yes, Councilman, ~.~ding, R.Lloyd, i.:.Ilinucciani, ,-~.Tibbette, ~.J.Lschelbach.
l~oes, Councilmen, 2one.
Absent, Councilmen, none.
ReCorded in Book of Resolutions, vol.~ 2, at page 176. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Referring to the number of sto~ si.:fns~ to ~e ?laced and desm~:,n~..ted in the F. ropoSed amanen~ent to
the traffic ordinance ~[ayor Lschelbach requested th.::. Chief of '~:~o!ice to ;;ake u~-- a list on the n'~ber
to be included.
In the matter of the request of the facific Tele?hone Com~::any at a ?revious for t~ermission to lay
subway[ construction in Chestnue Avenue and the alley north of Miller Avenue City Attorney C~lbb~rd~
ex?laihed that the company is wit:::in its rights in makein the request, Accordingly Councilman H~ding
moved the request of the company bo ~ranted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lloyd, and regul~l~
carried, with the proviso that a deposit of 50 cenzs for concrete memoval and 15cents for dirt, per sqv
foot be :[p~aced with tl~e city. This work to be done under the supervision of the city engineer, and
all city ordinances affecting such work.
Mayor Eschelbach announced the city could sec~re an o!~tion on a first class tower clock for the
hall tower at an e:ctraordihary low fig~zre. The fire,re v/~s stated to be about ?700, and on good 'terms.
The Mayor stated all rooms in the city hall would Se furni['hed with time clocks, controlled by the
Central Station. The option was a~ztkorized.
Councilman ~i~ding recommended ~t t~e cit[~. clerk write all the !c~ca! _.mu~trm~:~ ofi'erinj~' the
~::ervices of Edward Lamb in layin,f out plans for the new fire ':rotection system, scorn to be installed
throufhout the city '::he reco~.,menaatmon was end ~a," -,~ il
· .r~ ~. by ~e counc and the ~:lerk instructed to write
each coml:.any offering this service.
Councilman Hynding, speaking2 on the subject of fire ]:rotection stated a n~m~ber of volunteer firen
should be trained t:'~ acce~t service in the fire de?artment when the new i'iz'e ho:z['.e i~': co:-~ leted, etc.
ile stated it is possible to have the men trachea in the S~:~n Francisco Fire De'~artment yards under fire
Chi"ef I:ur~':hy. The clerk was instructe(~ to v/rite f?~re Chief I,[~-:hy 'and ·
~ ~ ~ .... ~ the ]~.rivile~e of havi~g seve
:::on trained in the ~an Fz'ancisco fire ~",/~:~. f0r,_:a period of about one month. The :'members in training
wilt be paid a salary by the city.
Councilman H~mding advocS~ted the purchase of three ::~as masks and a first aid o~tfit for the fire
depart:~ent, He was authorized to-urchase the same..
The city engineer was instructed lo prepare suecificati, ns for sidewalk and czzrbinff on the v/est
side, of the San Brmao _,o~d between Grand ,~ B~aen Avenues, for the fjuidance of tl~e pro?erty owners shoul
they wish to have tho work done by ~'-.rivate contract.
Engineer Klas~en re?ortod ?z'ojre~[- on the lroceedin:~' for the ?aveme~t of G/and Avenue e:::tension.
Fire chief Costa requested %h~ ~e of ti_e Council Chamber~ for a me ,~zng of 'uhe San
Firemen's Asz~ociation Request ~:~r~nted.
.~- e Underpass. The clerk was instructed to ans'v,,er tke cc
tion thankin?'~ Iirs.~Tinterhalter for tke good ~u~.~ c,~'~ions, statin~ ~o~e of ~er ~ e~ tions had alro~
bee~ taken ~v b~ ~k~ baord, and others v'ould be given
co~sioeration In this connection
aFpointed a com:.ittee on ~ '~ ~ ~ -~-.
~.rz.e~ for the best plan of namin~.~ a!ley.~ The co~::r:ittee consists of ~..~
~ave :~atto, ]drs. C.E.Winterhalter, ,,.~loyd and Ira rotter
~L reque~,t v;as reooived ~rol~ the City o~ Burlin,~;ame asking this city to adopt a let o~ re~oluti
reque~ti~,7 the Cou~t~ Beard o~ ?u~ervisors to made a s~>eoial ~ .... ~'"
~ , re-a~.~ra~,.al of all pro)~erty
Co:~.n~y. i;at-Ler laid o~or for investigation.
Councilman Hynding introduced a re?diction vaca~inf~ a resolution !:roviding for the acqui~i'bion
and construction of a fire alarm system in t~.z~ city.
The resolution was ado;?ted by the unanimous vote of all the memners of the council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Co;~czlmen,' ~ ' ' A.Hynding, E.Lloyd, !i.Minucci&ni, E.Tibbetts, A.J.Lschelbach.
Noes,. Councilmen, l{one.
Absent, CoAncilmen, ilone.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.E, at ~age !74.
Attest · ~anie] }2cSweeney,
City Clerk.
A resolution vacating a resolution of tke 6i-Ly Oouncil of the ~itU of South ~an Francisco
providing for the sale of certain fire ap~a~ratus u'as introduced b-~' Counc'lman Lloyd snd was regul~z.
ado~ted by tho ~ -~ ~ '-~'~ a TM
~ _n~n~_o~ vote of ~!= the members of the council, to-wit;-
'~ Ayes, Councilr:ten, ,~ ~' ;"~ !1 ~ 2'ibbetts J.Esche!bach
~ I~oes, Councilmen, !!one.
Abso~.t, Co~ncii!man , i~one
recorded in Book of Reso]utions, Vol.g, at page, 17~,
Attest Daniel l:c tw,:', oney
City Clerk.
.~" resolution >rovidiLo',.:? for the aCouisition and ccnstruction of a fire alarm ~o.'~tem~?.~ in the Cit
~;f South San Prancisco, v,,a.~ introdrced by Councilman Tibbetts. The re~'olution was. adopte~i by the
unanimous ~ote of all the members of ~
~.e City Council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Cou:~cilmen, A.Hynding, E.Lloyd, 12.1linucciani, R.Tibbetts, ~.J.Lsch, lbach.
Noes, Councilmen, t~one.
Absent, C ouncilmen,None
Y~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 175. Attest Daniel. Idc[i~veeney,
C i'[ ~-'-6~ rk-- ---
A resolution ?rovidi~:7 fer the sale of certain fir~_, alarm, api:,ar&tus was introduced by Counci'lma:
ilinucciani. The resolution was adopted by-the ~animous vote of all tke members of tlc Council, to-w:
Ayes,. Councilman, A.H~ding, R.Lloyd, l[.L:inucciani, :7.Tibbette, A.J.Eschelbach.
I~oes, Councilmen, :Ione.
Absent, Councilmen, none.
ReCorded in Book of_,e.~o~.,.tion~. ~ o ~.-, · o, vo~,~ 2, at ~e~ 176. Attest Daniel I,:cSweeney
City 0lerk
Referring? to the nur:ber of stol siFms to ~e plo. ced and desit-,n~ted it: the y, roposed amaneLent
the traffic ordinance L~.yor mschelbach requested tho Chief of y~o!ice to :.:a~:e ufa list on the n~ber
to be included.
In the matter of the request of the 5acific Telephone Comlany at a i'revious for permission to
subway construction in Chestnue Avenue and the a!!eU north of Miller Avenue City AttorneI' C~!~b~rd~
exylai~ed that the company is v;itkin its rights i:'~ makein the request. Accordinj!y Cou~cilman H~mdin
moved the request of the company bo granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lloyd, and regular
carried, n~ith tke proviso that a depot:it of 50 cents for co~'mrete removal and ].5cents for dirt, per
foot be ~'p.!aced with tke city. This work to be done under the supervision of the city engineer, and
all city ordinances affecting such work.
hayor Eschelbach announced tho city could secure an option on a first class tower clock for the
. 'C'oS I ~7 ,
hall tower at an extraordinary low figure The fi)rare stated o be about :;/ O0 and on good term
The Mayor sta2ed all rooms i;:~ the cit7 hall would ~e furnished with ti:ce clocks, controlled by the
Central Station. The option was autkorized.
Councilman ti~Sing recommended chat tke tit? clerk ~rite a!l the 1,:ca! ~.mu. trz~:t offering the
~:ervices of Edward Lamb in layi~f out plans for the new fire '~rotection system, soon to be installed
throughout the city. Lhe recommendation was end ,r~'ef by the council and tho ~.lerk instructed to write
each company offering this service.
Councilman Hynding, speakin~T on the subject of fire yrotection stated a n~m~ber of volunteer fir,
should be trained t., accept service in the fire department when the new fi~'e house i~-~ co: ', lcted, otc
He stated it is possible 'to have the men trained in the ?a.n Yrancisco Pire ~e'~artment yards u~'~dor fir(
Chief Iluryhy. The clerk was instructe<~ to v;rita Ffire Chief .,~>ny and as;~ the l. rivile'~e of havi~g
:,on trained in the San Francisco fire yards, for,_:a period of about ozie month. The 'members in tr~iniz
will be paid a ~'alary by tke city.
Councilman H~mding advocated the purchase of thmee gas masf:s and a first aid outfit for the fir~
department. Re was authorized to "urchase the same.
The city engineer was fnstructed to prepare s-~ecificati, ns for sidewalk and curbinc~ on the west
side of the San Br~o =cad between Grand ~ Baden Avenues for the ~-uidance of t]~e ~ro-~erty owners shou
they wish to have the work done by =rivate contract.
Engineer Klas~en reported ~2ro?jre:~' on the i:roceedi~'~:,:' for th~ 7avement of G:and Avenue eztension.
Pire chief Costa requested th~) :.t~e of tko co~nci! ~hamber~ for a me ting of 'the San !lateo Count
Firemen's Association. Request granted.
The following claims against the city v:ere ne::t ~prosented for payment;-
i~'estern Union Telegraph Corn' any
Chas. Bollazzi
C!yde Emerson
Sam Xiessling
Cunningha::: P, ealtT? Co.
E' Ry~n
C. Landucc i
Ethel L~ Da~idson
messages to L.~.etc ~ 1.84.
coal oil etc ¥'~'~1'80.
service special..:olice C 5[[00.'
labor in civic center~ 16 $0 '
rent garage mu~i mater'S
,~.~'"' 45 00,'.
clerical labor
res tyz~,ewrite r
uniform Uenzie
ma~ron services
; 5.00
~:14 6 '. 89
The claims having been audited by the finance co~mnitt~e Councilman Hyndin!~ moved they be.
paid. T~e m,~tion was ~econded by Co~cilm~ Lloyd s~d ~'e~u!ariy carried. -
-:.ere being no further business before the meeting Councilm~ Tihbetts moved to adjourn
until Wednesday morning, January 18th,1928, at 9;~0 o clock a.m. The motion was seconded by Co~ciln~
Councilman ~.linucciani and regularly c~rried.
Time of adjourn~:ent 9;JO o'clock p.m.
~-~ LlaC, or of South San Francis~'o~
Respectfully submitted,