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A regularly adjourned meeting of the C~t,~ Oouncil of the C~y of South San Francisco wss~ held
Monday evening, ~anuary ~Zrd,19~8.
The meetin~ was called to order at 7'~'~ ' ~ '
_~ ,~0 o clock D.~,.~. by Councilman A.J.Eschelbach, 2~ayor of
South San Francisco
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, 1.2.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach.
The minutes of the two -'revious meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions
Councilman Lloyd moved theybe adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hynding
an8 regularly carried.
A communication was received from ~12 Xardos of the 2~etal & Thermit Corporation, acknowledging
receirt of the city's letter offering his cor. u~any the service~ and counsel of Fire Protection
expert~ Edward Lamb.
l~r. }[ardos thanked the city for its generous offer and gratefully accepted the same. lie
requested that the city ask L~r. Lamb to call u~'mn their Mr. L~iehe at his convenience and go ov~.~r the
Chief Engineer Thcs :-..~,~urony re'olied to the city's request for -~ermission to ~'end three or
four of this city's volunteer firemen to the 2an Francisco ~iFire D~pertment's Training Yards at
Division & Bryant Streets for a ~,~,eriod of training, ~,t~z~o he would be glad to accommodate this
city at any time· He advised that our fire chief call on him in advance at his cfi'ice in San Francisco
to arrange for the service. Communication accepted with ti~e thanks of the city.
~e'quest was made by the Regicidal plan Association of the San Francisco Bay Counties to hsve the
City of South San Francisco pass a resolution reque~'ting the United States Bureau of Census to
include the City Of South San Francisco in the general census of the San Francisco Bay F~egion
Metropolitan Ar~a, which includes the nine bay. counties. Councilman ~inucciani introduced a reselution
making the request. The resolution was adopted by' the unanimous vote of all the members of the council.
Recor0ed in Book of Resolutions, Vol o at p~ge 177
A communication "'~
~,~ received from the Laague of California IYhunici'i~a]ities s,t'ating they are in
possession of 5000 ordinances from various cities .throughout thc State of California. The~e~are'loaned
to any city officials requestin.g same, City attorneys being po.~tmc~]arl~ inte~'ested. The eague
requested the city to pass a-r~eso!ution~o~mn.~~o~'- '~ tLe official newsL, aper ~.ub!isher of ordinances to
forward two copies of all ordinances printed to the League of California League LRmiciDalities,
Chancery Building, ,Tan 2rancisco. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a~ resolution
~r~n~mna~ this request,
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote o~,' a?l -he members of the 2iecorde.~ in Book of F. esolutions, Vol £, ~t page 178.
This being the date set for the opening 6>f bids for the construction of {he uew fire house
east o2 the Railroad Councilman l-iyndin~ moved that the bids' be opened. The motion wa~~, seconded by
Councilman.Lloyd and' regularly carried.-~
The fo!lowin,T bids were then opened;-
A.Zangrando & Comyauy, all t~ateriat, labor, etc as ~',er specifications,
Antonio 2ianca, " " " " " " "
R.C.Stickle " " " " " ' "
Zangrando & Company ap]earin~ the lowest res onsib!e bidder Councilman Hynding introduOed~a
resolution of award. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all t~m ~embers of the
Council, to-wit ~-
Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hyndin~, i~.Lloyd, ]2.h~inucciani, E.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach.
Noes, Councilmen, I~one.
Absent, Cou~cilmen, i~one.
Attest, Laniel IdtSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vel. E, at Dage 179.~
;~8375.00 Prooosition
~9Z'50.00 "~ ~
10,~00.00 "' "
~9,5t2.00 " ' "
In the matter of the request of the Pacific Tele::hone and Te.legral~h Com.~?any in their petition
to the Railroad Commission of the .ttate of California for an increase in rates, the 'council was of the
opinion that even the~resent rates are too hi?h,~ owing to re-~:.orted affiliations with the ~omer~can' ', ~
Teievhone and Telegraph Company of ~"ew York and the ~'estern Ztectric Company of l~eu' York,as a subsid~-...
iary~ company. Accordingly Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution reqdesting Congress to cause
a Federal Investigation of the affairs of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, the Dnnemican Telephone
and Telegraph Coml'..any and the 'Restern Electric Company to be conducted for the purpose of ascertaining
if the relations between these companies constitute a :~onopoly, etc. The City attorney v.~s instructed
to forward a coty of this resolution to Sanators Johnson and ~:hortridge and all members of the .
House of Representatives from California requesting t}:em to take the necesa'ary steps to cause the.
desired investigation. The resolutiou v:a.? ado?ted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the
City Council, to-wit;-
~y s, Co~:_~cm!men, A Hyndin?, R.Lloyd, ~,..L.'inucciani, ]-'..Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach.
Noes, Com?~cilmen,i./one.
Absent, Councilmen, l~one
Attest Dante ]. I~ic SweeneY
~,ecorded in Boo~ of Resolutions, Vol 2, a.t ~a~e 180 City Clerk
No additional rey. orts from city officers hZving been submitted I.,.[ayor ~:~schelbach ina~truc~ed
the city clerk communicate with the Health Officer, the LP..'mici}':,al Judge and the School Nurse, and
request that they send regular]~ monthly re': errs t~ the City Cohncil on or before the second meeting
pf each month. The clerk was also irmtructed to write to ~,Lr. E.l,:yler, 879 Baden Avenue, in ~'e~ard
to the weed change against his pro].:erty, requesting hi~v, to bring witnesses to the council to show
he had cleared the same from the front of his lot.
A co~'~:munication was received from ill Xardos of the ~detal & Thermit Cor],~oration, acknowledging
receirt of the c.ity's letter offering his comy~any the service~ and coun~e~ of fire Protection
expert- Edward Lam~.
ILr. l-[ardos thanP~ed the city for its generous offer and gratefully accepted the same. He
requested that the city ask Air. Lamb to call u?on their ILr. lPiehe at his convenience and go ov.~r the
Chief Engineer Thcs. ~[.Lkurphy replied to Lhe city's request for 'i'ermission to ~'end three or
four of this city's volunteer firemen to the Fan Francisco :Fi~e D~pertment's Training Yards at
Division & Bryant S,~reets for averiod of training, stating he would be ~1~ to accommodate this
city at any time. He advised tha~ our fire chief call on him in advance at his office in San Francis,
to arrange for the service. CommunicatiOn accepted with t:Le thanks of the city,
Request was made by ihe Regional plan Association of the San Francisco Bay Counties to have th~
City of South San Francisco pass a resolution requesting the Unite8 States Bureau of Census to
include the City Of 2outh San Francisco in the general census of t~.e San Francisco Bay ilegion
I,ietropolitan Area, which includes the nine bay counties, Councilman iPinucciani introduced a resolut~
making the request. The resolution was adopted by' the unanimous vote of all the members of the counc~
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2, at p&~ge 177.
A communication was received from the League of California Lkmici'!aHities s.tating they are in
possession o£ 5000 ordinances from various cities .throughout thc State of California. These. are~loane
to any city o£ficiats requesting same, City attorneys being particularly interested. The league
requested the city to pass a resolution asking tke official~.news]:~aper publisher of ordinances to
forward two copies of all ordinances printed to the League of California League Lkmicipalities,
Chancery Building, San j'rancisco. Councilman Tibbetts introduced an reS6!ution ~ranting this reque
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of a?l ike members off the Lecorde;. in Book off Resolutions, Vol 2, ~t Fage 178.
This being the date set for the opening 6T bids for the conz~truction of ~he new fire house
east of~the Railroad, Councilman Hyndin~ moved tkat the bids be opened. 'The motion was s~;conded by
Councilman.Lloyd and r.~gularly carried,
The following bids were then opened;-
A.Zangrando & Corny. any, all material, labor, etc as ~oer specifications,
Antonio ~ianca, " " " " " " "
~'.X. 2Je!son, " " " " " " "
R.C.gt~ckle " " " " " " "
1 8575.00 Proposition ~ ~
9~50.00 "'
~10,~:00.00 ." .
~9,512.00 " ' "
,.angrando & Company -, '- ~ ' ~
~ ab]e~r~n~-~ the lowest res';onsible bidder Comncilman Hynding introdu6ed'a
resolution of award. The resolution was adopted by the maanimous vote of all tke sembers of the
Council, to-wit ;-
Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, :2.Lloyd, I.,i.Limtcoiani, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach.
~[oes, Councilmen, fiche.
~b~,ent, C o~z~cilnen,
Daniel LlOSweeney
Ci'ty Clerk
Recorded in ~
Bo~ of Resolutions, Vel. Z, at page 179.~
In the matter of the request of the Pacific Te!e~u~on and Te].e~-ra-~lh Coral. any in their petition
to the Railroad Commission of the 2rate of Cali]~ornia for ~.n increase in razes, tke'council was of the
opinion that even the present rates are too high, owing to re?-orted affiliations with the American .
~Telephone and Telegraph Company of ~ew York and the lTestern L!ectric Company of jeu~ York,as a sUbsidr..
lary company. Accordingly Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution requesting Congress t0 cause
a Federal Investigation of the affairs of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, the ~emican Telephone
and Telegraph Com]~any and the '2estern Electric Company to be conducted for the purpose o~ ascertaining
if the relations between theme companies constitute a L:onopoly, etc. The City attorney v. as instructed
to ~orward a co,Dy of this. resolution to Senators Johnson and 2hortridge and all members of the ·
House of .,e..re. ent~t~ve~, from California requesting ii,em 'to take the nece~ary steps to cause the
desired investigation. Th~ resolutiou v~ae adopted by the unanimous, vote of all the members of the
City Co~cil, to-wit;-
Ayes, Co.~.mxlmen, A.H~ding, :,.Lloyd, i~..L[inucciani, E.Tibbetis, ~..J.Eschelbach.
Noes, Com~cilmen,Ifone.
Absent, Councilmen, l~one
Attest Daniel t~ic SweeneY
?,ecordeC in Boo~ of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 180. City Clerk
No additional re~-,orts from city officers having been submitted Idayor Lschelbach in~zructed
the city clerk commrmicate with the Health Officer, the E~mici~al Jud~'e and the School i~urse, and
request that they send regular] -' monthly re' or~.s t~ the City Council on or before the ~econd meeting
of each month. The clerk was also inetructed to write to 1Pr. E.Eyler, 879 Baden Avenue, iu regard
to the weed change against his proi~-erty, requesting hi~ to bring witnesses to the council to s:how
he had cleared the same from the front of his lot.
The following claims against the city v:ere ne::t presented for l:ayment;-
The Enterprise,
Flink's Set. Station
Be, Gonzales
John Castro
CSssitt Company
~¥estern Sand & Rock Co.
John Castro
Linden Avenue Gar
Hanrahan Campany
John Castro
notices,printing ~'ea!ed !ropo?als fire alarm system, etc ~ 52.00
~" 8.82
gasoline ~ 65.00
labor ?!antinj trees
haulin~ ~irt
blue ~,rints, fire alarm system
fill for ball ~rounds
c!eanin,.i~ vacant lots
gasoline fire deft
repairin~:~ Baden Bridge
7~ainting hydrants
7t 50
~}276 6g
45 O0
~ .00
74o. 52
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman ~loyd moved they be paid,
The motion was ?econded by Councilman H~ding and regularly carried.
There being no further b,~,:~ne,.~ before tt~o meeting Councilman Hynding moved to adjourn ~nti]
M~nday evening, Janizary ~0th,1928, at 7;JO o'clock p.m. The motion was ~'econded by councilman
Minucciani and regularly carried.
Time of adjour~nent 9;J5 o'clock p.m.
lie spec tfully, s~ t t ed,
~/~ z~y Cler~-~ ~
' i