The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francis co, was held in
the City Hall. Monday evening, July 16th,1928.
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by Councilman A.J.Eschelbach, Mayor of
South San Francisco.
Holl call found alI members of the councll present, to-wit,-
Councilmen, A.Hyndtng, R.Lloyd, ~.minuccisnl. R.Tibbetts, A,J.Eschelbach.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. iThere being no errors or omissions Councilman
Ttbbetts moved they be adopted as read, The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciant and regular-
ly carried.
A communication was received from Ylss R~e Clifford, advising the council that the term of
office of Mr. Joe Quinlan, Library Trustee, would expire in August this year, and also stating that
there are now two vacancies on the board. Councilman Lloyd suggested that action in the matter be
taken at a future meeting in order to give time for consideration. This was agreeable to the Council.
A communication was received from the California Water Resources Association asking that the
city take steps to endorse proposed amandu~ent No.£7 at the coming election, for the conservation of
the water resources of the State of California. Cit~ Attorney Coleberd, on question ~f advice
i~ tls matter stated he would gl~e earnest consideration to the matter and submit hta opinion to ~he
the city council iu August.
In reply to the city's lnquir2 as the the ~,ethods pursued by other cities in the matter of
insurance on fire trucks, Nilliam J.Locke, E~ecutive oecretary of the League of California Munici-
palities stated that cities should not insure trucks, as there is no liability and nothing for
Insurance companies to pay. On motion by councilman Hyndlng sedonded b2 Councilman Minuccianl and
regularly carried all insurance on the city fire trucks was ordered cancelled except fire insurance
Attorney John P. Davts'submitted a com~T~unication to the council requesting that action be take~
on the petition of a number of property owners s,me months back to. open up portions of Maple and
Baden Avenues for retail business. ~yor Esche!bach was of the opinion that a comm, ittee of citizens
should be appointed to look into all phases of the matter. He accorctngly appointed the following
committee to go into the matter thoroughly and report bac~ to the City Council;- Reese Lloyd,Charman,
A.T.Arndt, Frank Vincenzlnt, ~.W.Ratto and Ira H.Potter,
Request was made by the Fraternal Hall Liquidation Committee for a permit to hold a dance.
parade, concessions and a general celebration September First, Secone and Third, for the benefit of
Fraternal Hall debt. Permission granted prorided concessions are run by local people only.
An invitation was received from the City of Long Beach inviting the city officials of South
San Francisco to attend the exposition ther, on Municipalities Day, ~aturday, August llth next.
Communication ordered filed.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce asking the
city to call a special election at an early date to resubmit to the people of the city the propos-
ition of advertising South San Francisco, the Industrial City, by means of a concrete hillside sign,
to be paid for by a special tax amounting to $~000.00. The matter being referred to City Attorney
Coleberd he stated it is possible a petition might have to be circulated asking the calling of an els(
election, but would advise the board on July Zoth, ~he next meeting.
A petition signed by nine property owners o~ the vicinity of Spruce and Lum Avenues , was
submitted to the council asking for a street light at the southeast corner of Lux and Spruce Aves.,
~eferred to the street committee. Chief of Police Belloni was al~owed~ attend Traffic Con.~acrament
1~ he ch0os~d. Mrs, Carrie E.Wtnterhalter advised the c~,uncil that she had appointed the following comm~ltt~
to act in conjunction with the councilmen in the matter of floating a bond issue for the purpose of
of erecting an auditorium, children's playground, swlm~tng pool and gsmnasium;- Rev. W.S.Kelly, Rev.
Rev. J.P.Delahaunty, Guy Honey,B.J.Rodondi, C.W.Ho!ston, Dan McSweeney, John R.Borden,E. Enderlin,
R.C.otickle,A Pianca,Thomas J.Hanlon, H.A. Cavassa. E.D,Hargrave, Thoa)~s B.Kay,, P.Bono~ Mrs. Lillian
Walker, Miss'Rue Clifford, Mrs C.Weller, Mrs. M.L.Span~ter,Mrs. A.P~.~cott, Mrs. Mary McSweeney.
~, .... ~a~d, A.C.Kleemey~r, The clerk was requested to ask ~rs. Wlnterhalter to hold her meeting this
if possible. The application of A.Mirani for a ~ermit to construct a :gasoline:'~.Station at 519 . Linden
Avenue was ~next taken up. It was decided to re%r the matter to to the street committee and fire
chief. The report of municipal Judge Farrell for June was read and accepted. ,
The following claims against the~city were then presented for payment;
Woodin & Littlte, one Hercules en gins fire house ~ 6&.~0
Gust Holmsburg labor ball park $ 2A.75
W.P.Fuller Company wire plate
0scar Krenz Copper -Brass Co ceiling hooks
Harry~Ascher electrician's helper
Paul HamiltOn electrical work
A.C.Johnson electrician's helper
South City Lumber & Supply Co materials
Paul Hamilton
Lovi Brothers
W.L.Hic~ey & Sons
C.R.Beatty Electric Co
Samuel Lack Rubber Co
ueorge A.Kneese
Cunningham Realty Co
Bertucclll~ & Co
Guido Baldasseron!
Bertu6elli~& Rosetti
Southern Pacific Co.,
electriciam's helper
electrical work
light switch
2nd payment on 'fire al sys contract
stamp maker, dies etc
la~ing outwal~e a civic center
rent Ctstrioli Garage ~une
18 garden hoes
6 electric clocks
Manila rope
freight e~ectric supplies
Toney Pacheco setting electric clocks
B.Grave Auto Body Co.,Inc..repairs fire truck
P.W.Baherlin straps, snaps otc
C.R.Beatty E~ectric Co lamps conduits etc
Servive ~arage & Machine Shop, gasoline
01mo Brothers Draying Co
~outh Clt~ Lbr, & Supply Co
Hooper Chevrolet Garage
New Ba2 Shore Ser Sra,.
Ben Gonzales
L. Sevaras
ha~ling pump
labor on streets
a~tending fires
28S. '75.
S2£1.50 -
15. O0 -
1.50 _
24. '15-
24. ?& -
A communication was received from the California Water Resources Association asking that t
city take steps to endorse proposed amandn~ent No.~? at the coming election, for the coneervati~n
the water ~esources of the State of California. Cit~ Attorney Coleberd, on question of advice
i:~ tLe matter stated he would gi~e earnest consi~eration to the matter and submit him opinion to
the city council in August.
In reply to the city's inquir~ as the the ~ethods pursued by other cities in the matter of
insurance on fire trucks, Nilliam J.Locke, EEecutive ~ecretary of the League of California Eunici
palities stated that cities should not insure trucks, as there is no liability and nothing for
insurance companies to pay. On motion by councilman Hynding sedonded by Councilman ~inucciani and
regularly carried all insurance on the city fire trucks was ordered cancelled except fire insura~
Attorney John ~.Davis submitted a comm~unication to the council requesting that action be t~
on the petition of a number of property owners sme months back to. open up portions of Eaple and
Baden Avenues for retail business. M&yor Esche!b~ch was of the opinion that a committee of ¢itiz~
should be appointed to look into all phases of the ~stter. He accoruingly appointed the following
committee to go into the matter thoroughly and ~'eport bac~ to the City Council~- Reese Lloyd,Char~
A.T.Arndt, Frank Vincenzini, $.W.Ratto and Ira H.Potter.
Request was made by the Fraternal Hall Liquidation Committee for a permit to hold a dance,
parade, concessions and a general celebration September First, Secone and Third, for the benefit
Fraternal Hall debt. Permission granted provided concessions are run by local people only.
An invitation was received from the City of Long Beach inviting the city officials of Soul
San Francisco to attend the exposition there on Municipalities Day. Oaturday, August llth next.
Communication ordered filed.
A communication was recelved from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce asking the
city to call a special election at an early d~te to resubmit to the people of the city the propos
ltton of advertising South San Francisco, the Industrial City, by means of a concrete hillside sign
to be paid for by a special tax amounting to ~8000.00. The matter being referred to City Attorney ~
Coleberd he stated it is po~sible a petttton might have to be circulated asking the calling of an e
election, but would advise the board on July Loth, ~he next meeting.
A petition signed by nine property owners o~ the vicinity of Spruce and Lu~ Avenues , was
submitted to the council asking for a street light at the southeast corner of Lux and Spruce Aves,,
~eferred to the street committee. Chief of Police Belloni was ~,al~ewed~ attend Traffic Con. Sacram~
if he ch0os~d. Mrs. Carrie E.Wtnterhalter advised the c~uncil that she had appointed the following conm~l'
to act in conjunction with the councilmen in the matter of floating a bond issue for the purpose of
of erecting an auditorium, children's playground, swimming pool and gsmnasium;- Rev. W.S.Kelly, Rev,
Rev. J.P.Delahaunty, Guy Honey,B.J.Rodondl, C.W,Holston, Dan McSweeney, Joh~ R.Borden,E.~nderlin,
R.¢.~tickle,A Pianca,Thomas J.Hanlon, H.A. Cavassa. E.D,Hargrave, Tho~s B.Kay,, P.Bono., ~rs. Ltllts
Walker. Miss'Rue Clifford, Mrs C. Weller, Mrs, M.L.Span~ler,Mrs. A.F.~cott, ~rs. Mary McSweeney,
~ ~f~'a~d, A,C.Kleemey~r, The clerk was requested to ask ~s. Winterhalter to hold her meeting tht
if possible. The application of A.Mlrant for a ~ermtt to construct ~ gaSoline~!'~.Station at §19 Linden
Avenue was ~next taken up, It was decided to re'er the matter to to the street commttte~ aha fire
chief. The report of municipal Judge ~arrell for ~une was read and accepted,
The following claims against the~clty were then presented for
Woodtn & Littlte, one Hercules en gins fire house
Gust Holmsburg labor ball park
W.P.Fuller Company wire plate
Oscar Krenz Copper -Brass Co ceilirg hooks
Harry~Ascher electrician's helper
Paul Hamilt~n electrical work
A.C.Johnson electrician's helper
South City Lumber & Supply Co materials
Harry~Ascher electriclam's helper
Paul Hamilton electrical worA
Lovl Brothers gasoline
W.L.Hic~ey & Sons light switch
C.R,Beatty Electric Co £nd payment on fire al sys Contract
Samuel Lack Rubber Co stamp maker, d~es ere
~eorge A.Kneese la~tng outwat~e a civic center
Cunningham Realty Co rent Clstrioli Garage ~une
Bertuccill~ & Co 18 garden hoes
Guido Baldasseront 6 electric clocks
Bertuselll & Rosetti Manila rope
Southern Pacific Co., freight e~ectrfc supplies
Toney Pacheco setting electric clocks
B.Grave Auto Body Co.,Inc..repairs fire truck
P.W.Baherlin straps, snaps otc
C.R.Beatty E~ectric Co lamps conduits etc
Servive ~arage & Machine Shop, gasoline
Olmo Brothers Draying Co
~outh City Lbr. & Supply Co
Hooper Chevrolet Garage
New Bay Shore Ser Sra.,
Ben Gonz~les
L. Sevaras
Jules Forte
Frank Arnold
A. Pinze
Thomas Gallt
ha~ling pump
labor on streets
attending fires
payment; -
m 24.75
~ 11.40
~ 6. O0
$ o.oo
~, ~,2~
$ 7.9~
$ 2.50-
50. O0~
$ 5.O0-
S 36.00~
~ 8o. 0o-
· ~221.50 -
S 15.00-
1.50 _
i 39.47
24, 75-
24.7~ -
, 5.00
~i ?. 5O
$ .oo
$ 5.oo
Clyde Emerson
A.O. Johnson
John Castro
Sam Klessllng
A. Oonziani
The Electric Corporation
The Enterprise
Haroll E.Weidengeld
Attending fires, ~ 2.50
" " ~ 5.00
" " ~ 5.00
" " S 2.50
" " ~ 2.50
" " ~ 10.00
Cleant~ new fi~e al. sra. S 6.?5
attending fires $ 2.50
materials $ 54.67
condulets etc, $ 2.52
print notice public work $ 35.00
12 copies Lamb report $ 30.00
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucclanl mo~ed they
paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the meeting Councilman Hynding moved to adjourn unti
Monday evening, July 30th 1928 at 7;30 o'clock, p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lloyd
and regularly carried.
Time of adjournmant 8;55 o'clock p.m.
Mayo~ of South San Francisco.
Respectfully submitte~ /
~Clty CIerk. ~