HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1928-09-17REGULAR '~'~ N~TIEG r ~ O~ T,~qE CITY COUNbIL OF T~-E CITY OF SOUTH SAN HELD I~0EDAY, SEPTEt~BER 17TH,19~8. The regular meeting of ~he City Council of the City of South San .?rancisco was held in the City H~ll Mo~day e~ening, September l?th,l~£8. The meeting was called to orGer at 7;D~ o'clock p.m. b~ councilman A.J.Eschelbach, of South Sam Francisco. ROLL CALL. Moll call found the follow%lng members of the Cit~.~ Council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, A . H~nding. ~..~inuccisni, ~.Tibbetts, A.J.E~chelbach, Absent Councilmen, ~.Lloyd. The minutes o~ ~Le pre~ious meeting we'~e read. There being no errors or omiz~ions councilman Tibbetts moved ~hey be ~dopted ~s read. The mo~ion, was seconded b~ ~ouncilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. A communication was received from the State Compensation Insurence Fund with reference to an injury to ~olunteer Fireman Thgmas ~alli, ~d requesting him to ~isit the headquarters of the ~'und for further examination and discussion regardi~g his claim. Fireman Galli was a~vised by the City Council to have anoZher examination and consultation wi~h the insurance Fund for his own protection. A proposal was r~,ceived from the ~,lational Sweeper Sales Company of San Francisco of~erin~~ ~: ~ to cell the city a Sweeter for the sum of ~4,?$9.00, with a guarantee. ~om~nnic~tion ordered filed. A communication was received from the C~t~' Clerk of Chico requesting the city ~o send representatives to the State ~egislature at the next session to assist in amending the p resent Gasoline Tax Law so that cities might receive a portion of ~he revenue derived from the sale of gasoline. Communication ordered filed. An application for the position of Ci~,~ Fireman w~s received fron~ Rudolph Petrocchi, ~oluntee~ fireman. Application ordere~ placed on file. The monthly reports of Health Officer Doak and ~it~, ~udge Edward Farrell were read an~ accepted. The report cT Judge Farrell showed collections of $,12~ for the month of August, and check for the ~mount was attached. The application cT F.~arker for a so?t drink license for the ~.P.Eotel was laid ~ver. ORDINANCE NO. 148. An ordinance entitled"Af.i OhL:IEAI[~E OF THE CIi'~ 0F ~OIJ:'H SA£.: F~;~ANCI~C0 ADOPTING THE ~:NI~Oi~: BUILDING CODE 192'i~,~[T[0N ADOPTED BY THE BDILDING OFFICIALS' COL'FEREECE AT THE SIXTH AI~ UAL I~_~II~'G 0CTOBEh 1927, had its second reading and was regularly passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco by the following vote,- Ayes; Councilman A.Hynding, A:.~:inuccisni, i. Tibbette, A.:.Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmen , None. Am~sent, Councilmen, ~ecorded in Book of Ordinances, vol 2, at page 186. Attest-; Daniel ~c~weeney , cit~ ~lerk. Councilman ~,~inucciani introduced s resolution fixing the tax ~ste for the fiscal year 1928- 1929 at ~1.67, and $1.62 ~or th( annexed territory. The re..olution, was a~opted by all the members of the ~ouncil present, To-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen. A.E~naing, E.~inucciani, h. Tibbetts, A.J.ischelbach. ~oes, Councilmen, ~one. Absent, ~ouncilmen, h. Lloyd. Attest, Daniel ~cSweene~ Eecorded in ~ook of ~esolutions, Vol £, at r, sge 219. Cit~~ clerk. The returns of the Special Election held TDesday, September llth on the propcrSition to construct a Hillside Concrete Sign, South San Francisco, The Industrial City. were submitted to the City Council, showing the proposition had carried by ~ majority of 123 votes. A resolution confirming the returns was submitted by Councilman Hynding and and was adopted by the City Council by the f:~llowin vote. Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hxnding, ¥.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, A.J..Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmen, ~one. Absent, Councilmen, R.Lloyd. Attest Daniel ~fcSweeney ~eQo~%d ~~k~.&e~L~%~o~, Vol 2, at page ~220. Cit~ Clerk. The certificate of elections was submitted by the ~ity Clerk. l~s~lutton Adopting Plans, p~ofiles An~ Specifications. No. 63. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution Adopting plans, profiles and specifications'for the improvement'of a portion of Oak Avenue, under ~esolution No 63. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all the ~embers of the council present, to-~;it;- Ayes;- R.Ti0betts, [.Minucciani, A.H~nding, A.J.Eschelbach, Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, R.Lloyd. neco~ded in Book of Eesolutions, vol.2, at page, 222. Attest, Daniel McSweeney Cit~, Clerk. BESOLbTION OF INTEETI01~ N0.63. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of oouth San Francisco, Declaring its Intention to improve a ~,ortion of Oak Avenue in the City of South ~an Francisco, ,as introducedby CounciLn:~:n ( ..... Tibbetts, and was passed and a~optea by tl~e Cit~ Council~.of the City of Souhh San francisco b~ ~he follo::.ing.vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, M.l[inuccia$i, E.Lloyd, A.J.Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, R.Lloyd. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ~91 2, at page The weed report of City Engineer ~eo.A.Kneese was submitted to the council and the clerk instructed to make entries in the assessment roll accordingly. The account amounte~ to the sum of $1690.48. City Treasurer Ed.P.Kauffmann requested ~eave of absence of 60 days. Granted. Assistant Engineer Klassen wa~ g~:~ven authority to proceed wit~ the specificatioD for the Hillside 2.~n. ~rs. Oarr' Wlnt~rhalter ~nd a numoer of her committee on a proposed bond issue for the construction of' a swimming pool , gymnasium children's playground, etc appeared before the eity Council, accompanied by arch- itects Edwards and 8charayand explained in detail the'r r~asons for ad~ocating the projects enumarated, and asked ~ for the calling of an election to raise the sum of $200000. Mayor Eschelbach asked i~ the committee had anything definite to report on costs. M~srs Edwards & ScharaY thereupon presented the preliminary sketches and asked the council not to call an election until they had further data on hand. 3 They agreed to secure the additional figures at no cost to the city, provided they be retaine¢ as architects at a six per cent fee should the bonds ca try. City Attorney was instructed to draw up such an agreement. An informal meeting will ~e had in the City Hall on Monday evening, September. 24th, The clerk was instructed to invite the Italian-American-Citizen's Club, The Fraternal Hall Association, Manufacturers Association, The Exchange Club and Chamber of Commerce, to the meeting. The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;- Universal Tool and Maun£acturing Company Gilbert Lazzari, Service Garage & Machine Shop Pacific Gas & Electric Co San Mateo go. Title Co John Figone H. ti. Ee nne dy Service Cagarge & Machine Shop Linden Ave.- Garage tube police Linden Avenue, Garage Thomas Galli Frank Arnold Att fires L. SevaraS " " Sam l:iessling H.B.~hoote E.Petricchi A. Sani Angelo Pinge Fred Brown South City Lbr.& Supply Co., ~ndy Sorenson Jas. E. Sullivan Kate A.Maynard Elsie ¥.D0tson. Rebecca Kay, Minnie Hendel Alice M.Young, Francis Garcia Annie ?link F.Beltrami Anna Perry Nellie Steele M. Foley O.~utti E.A.Merritt A.Cinrad Owen McConaghy, Joe ~ancak W.J.Martin W.W.Brawn Baden Cash Store Linden Avenue garage C.E.Beatty John Dancak final payment new fire alarm system gasoline & repairs, street truck gasoline, fire dept hall,police & road lighta hall lights R.E.Transfers August ~:ash hall windows Dental oupplies g~soline, police aept c&B~e: tube, police car - gasoline, fire (~ept, attendin~ fire Attending fires" ~ A~ten~in~ fir es painting ~;rnt s A. Sani, attending fires attending fires . erceting and taking down election booths msterials, civic center services electivon board cleaning streets repairing streets use room election booth use garage election Booth 4 sewer caps gasoline, ~lice dept 3rd & final ~yments , fire alarm z~stem repairin~ sLreets !lSO?.lS 22.87 3.78 43.10 4.10 1.5o $ 2o.oo $ 3.60 7.35 3.75 3.57 i 2.50 5. O0 ' J ~o 5.00 ". ,:_)2.50 ~ 13.50 :, 5. O0 , ' ~ '5.00 20.00 10. O0 10. O0 i 10. ,, lo.oo ~ ~. O. O0 ,,,. l0. O0  10.00 10. O0  10.00 10. O0 10.00 10. O0 10.00 i 10.00 10.00 $ 10.,30 $ ~0.2~ 30. O0 10.00 $ 10. O0 · JO $ .so $ 361.25 $ 2.50 $2305.67 Appr°vet, N~y%r o"f South San Francisc-6, Calif. The. claims having been approved b~ the finance committee councilman H~nding mo~ed they be paid. 'The motion was seconded by Councilman Einucciani and regularly carried. There being no further before the meting sa.!ournment was taken until the next regular meeting. Time of adjournment 9;55 0Clock p.m.