The regular meeting of the oity Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the
City Hall Monday eveming, December 17th,1928.
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by Councilman A.J.Eschelbach, mayor of
South~San Francisco. ~
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;-
Councilmen A.Hynding, H.L~oyd, M.Minuccfani, H.Tibbetts, A.J. Eschelb~ch.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or corrections Councilman
Lloyd moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly ~
A communication was received from Harvey ~e Line, owner of lot ~3 in ~lock ~C, Pack's ~ub askin~
for a refund of ~1.00 paid for the clearing ~wa~ of weeds, which work he claimed was performed by.a %
neighbor. The cler~ was instructed to secure the opinion of the AsSi~stant Superintendentof stree
Inspector ~rawn and write ~r. De Line acco~dingly.
who claim of ~uiseppe Lopresti. for the refund of ~1.65 was referred to Inspector ~rawn.
A communication was received fro the ~exican Society"Chapultepec", requesting permission to
hold a dance and literary exercises in ~'raternal hall oatur~a2 evening, ~anuar2 ~th next. from the
hours of 8 p.m. to one a.m. ~ermtssion grsnt~d, provide~ proper~ police protection is provided.
The Hooper ~hevrelot ~ompan2 wrote the c~ty stating their claim for $2.00 was for a distributor
and cup. Communication ordered filed.
~he reports of the municipal juGge, scho~ol nurse.~ity Treasurer and oit~ Olerk for the month
ending ~ovember 30th were submitted znd accepted.
~ity Attorne~ coleberd made a report ~avoring~ the South oan Francisco industrial ~istrict~s
inclusion in the San Francisco primary ~elephone rate area. and accordingly ~ouncilman 2inucciani
introduced a resolution requesting ~he Railroad ~ommission of the State of ~alifornia to include
the industrial Area in the Primary Telephone Eabe A~sa of can francisco. The resolution was adopted by
by the unanimous Vote of all the members of the cit~ council, b~~ the following vote;-
Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, ~.Lloyd, ~.~inucciani, R.Tib~etts, ~.~.Eschelbach.
~oes, Counciln~en. ~one. Absent, ~ouncilne~ , ~one. Attest ~aniel ~cswee~ey
~ecorded in Book of ~esolutions, ~ol 2, ~ page ~2~1. Cit~ Cler~
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution closing up~ portion of industrial Way, 20 Zeet
in width, on the east side. and vacated in whole. The res~l~.tion w~s adopted by ~he unanimous vote
of all the members of the btt2 Council, to-wit;-
Ayes, ~ouncilmen, A.Hynding, ~.Lloyd, m. Minucciani, ~.Tibbet~s, A. J.Eschelbach.
Noes, Councilmen, Eone. Absent, Councilmen, ~one. Attest Daniel mc~weene2
~it~ Clerk.
~ecorded in ~ook of Resolutions, ¥ol.2, ~ page
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution authorizing the execution of a Quitclaim Deed to the
easterly 20 feet of Industrial Way , in whole, to South San ~rancisco ~and and Improvement ~om~any,
The resolution was adopted by the~unanlmous vote of ~ll the members of the ~tt2 Council by
the following vote~ ~es, Oouncilme~, A.H2nd~g, ~.Lloyd, E.Minucci~nt. ~.Tibbetts, A.o.~schel0ach.
~oes, Councilmen, Absemt, Co~ncilmen. ~one. A~test ~aniel mc~weeney
~ec,~rded i~ ~ook of ~esolutions. Vol. 2 , at page,2~. ~it~~ Clerk.
Thirty seven appltcati~ns for soft drin~ licenses were presented to the council and eight
pool =oom license applications. ~eferred to th~ police commission.
Assiatant ~ity ~gineer nobert ~lassen reported plans and specifications ~or the drainage
system and pavement of industrial Way progressing rapidly, ne favored a thirty foot road construction
on Swift Avenue. Councilman Lloyd Tavored the 100 foot pavement from curb to curb. ~rther conferences
on the subject will tane place in the inm~edia~e future.
The claim of fred o.~autze for a refund ,of taxes in ~he amount o~ $1~.~7 paid on his ~ulldfng
~l~ and Zl~ oan ~runo noad was denied, and t~e ~luation o~ ~he Ouilaing o~ the Oolm~ motor oompany
~0~ and ~07 oan ~runo ~oad oraered raised in l~E~ to the same value as t~.e Lautze ~uil~ing.
All omner cieim~ for refunds were laid ox'er till a future meeting.
The request of the Count2 MilA Inspector, Er.~r. Carland, Tot the ~doption o~ a uniform milk
ordinance was laid over until a future meeting of the council.
Officer W.C.Whipple and Mrs. E. Ottenfild, assistant in the Clerk's office were each granted a rat
raise in salary of $2§.00 per month, beginning December lst,1928.
~olunteer Fireman Otto Bissett appeared before the council and requested a donation toward the
purchase of a radio for the benefit of the fire~en. The matter was laid over till. a future meeting.
Councilman Hynding suggested insurin8 the City Poundman's car against ~blic Liab£1ity and
property damage for the protection of the cit$. Matter taken under constdera~ion.
On motion regularly carried salaries for ~he month of Decembe~ were ordere~ paia before Christmas
On motion by Councilman Hynding seconded by Councilman Lloyd '~.E.Horne~was a~pointed at a ~
salary of $~0.00 per ~onth to look after the electrical work of the new fire alarm telegraph system.
Councilman Hynding, with reference to the moving of the city's wires on the poles in Peck's
Subdivision, moved the fire chief be empowered to take charge of the work unaer the supervision of ~.
Engineer Degan. The motion as seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
The following claims agatnst the city were next presented for payment;-
South City Lumber & Supply Co., common bricks $ 19.80
Hooper Chevrolet Company,
Royal Supply Company
Cool Spring Filter Fompany
The S.F.Examiner ~
Lo, is Nieri
Conor's Garage
La Mar's Garage
Fred Lautze
Linden Ave. Garage
Fred Lau~ze,
Western Sand & Romk Company
S.M.County Titl~ Co.,
Cunntngham Realty Co.
Pacific Water Co..
I distributo~
suppl i es
rent one month
Penirsula Page Ad
cutting sew er bases
gasoline, etc,
gasoline, etc,
Ins. fire house
storage ~ad'Allac car
Broomhoist shovel etc
· ~eal Estate transfers
rent 6~rage to Dec.4
service ~ovember
S 2.00
$ 48.15
$ 1.00
- 14. O0
s 6.55
S 2.94,
· $ ,96.0o,
S 1.50
for a refund of $1.00 . paid for the clearing ~wa~7 of weeds, which work he claimed was performed
neighbor. The clerk was instructed to secL_re the opinion of the Assi~:stant Superintendento
Inspector ~rawn and write ~r. De Line accordingly.
'l'he claim of suiseppe Loprezti. for the refund of ~1.60 was referred to Inspector ~rawn.
A communication was received fro the ~.exican Society"Ohapultepec", requesting permission
hold a dance and literary exercises in ~'raternal hall oaturc[s~ e~ening, ~anuar}' 5th next, from
hours of 8 p.m. to .one a.m. Permission grants, d, provideu proper~ police protection is provided.
The Hooper che~relot ~ompany wrote the city stating their claim for $2.00 was for a distr:
and cup. Communication ordered filed.
'~'he reports of the municipal juage, scho::l nurse,~ity '~'reasurer and ~it~ Olerk for the
ending l~ovember 30th were submitted and accepte=.
~ity Attorne} ~oleberd made a report ~a~orin~'~ the South oan ~'rancisco industrial mistr~
inclusion in the San Francisco primary ~elephone rate area, and accordingl~ ~ouncilman 2inuccian]
introduced a resolution requesting the Hailro~,d ~ommission of the State of ~alifornta to include
the industrial Area in the Primary Telephone ~ate A=ea of can francisco. The resolution was adopts
by the unanimous Vote of all the members of the cit~~ council, b~, the following vote;-
Ayes, CounCilmen, A.Hynding, ri. Lloyd, i~:.~;inucciani, R.Tibbetts, -~.~.Eschelbach.
Roes, Councilnen, ~one. Absent, ~ouncil~e~ , Bone. Attest ~'aniel mc~weeney
~ecorded in Book of ~esolutions, ~ol £, ~ page ~£~1. (Jit~, Clerk
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resoluti.~n closing up.~ portion of Industrial Way, £0 zee
in width, on the east side, and vacated in whole. The res~l~.tion was adopted by the unanimous v
of all the members of the bity Council, to-wit;-
Ayes, councilmen, A.Hynding, n. Lloyd, A:.~inucciani, ~.Tibbetts, A. J.Eschelbach.
Noes, Councilmen, Bone. Absent, Councilmen, ~one. Attest Daniel mc~weeney
~it~' Clerk.
necorded in ~ook of Resolutions, ¥ol.E, ~ page
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution authorizing the execution of a Quitclaim Deed to
easterl~ £0 feet of Industrial Way , in whole, to South San francisco ~and and Improvement ~om~an~
The resolution was ~dopted by the.unanimous vote of all the members of the ~ity ~ouncil b~
the ~ollow~ng vote; ~es, ~ouncilmen, A.~ynd~.~g, ~.Lloyd, E.~inucci~ni. ~.Tibbetts, A.~.~schel0~
~oes, Councilmen, Abment, Co~ncilmen, ~one. Attest maniel mcZweeney
hecorded i~ ~ok of nesoluttons. ¥ol. E , at page,E55. ~it~~ Clerk.
Thirty seven applicatims for soft drtn= licenses were presented to the council and eight
pool room license applications. ~eferred to th~ police co~mission.
Assistant ~t~, ~gineer nobert ~lassen reported plans and spe~ifications for the drainage
system and pavement of industrial Way progressing rapidly, ce favored a thirty foot road construe
on Swift Avenue. ~ouncilman Lloyd favored the 100 foot pavement from curb to curb. ~urther confere~
on the subject will tane place in the inm~edia~e future.
The claim of fred ~.bautze for a refund ~f t~xes in ~he amount of $1b.~7 paid on his 0uildin~
515 and Zl? ~an ~runo ~oad was denies, and tie ~luation o~ ~he 0uilaing of the ~olma motor uompan]
505 and 397 ~an mruno noad oraered raised in l~Z~ to ~he same value as t~.e Lautze ~uilaing.
All o~ner claim~ for refunds ~,ere laid o~er till a future meeting.
The request of the Count~ Eiln Inspector. Er. Er. Carland, ~or the adoption of a uniform milk
ordinance was laid over until a future meetinE of the council.
Officer W.C.%~ipple and Nra, E.0ttenfild, assistant in the Clerk's office were each granted s
raise in salary of $£5.00 per month, beginning December lst,19£8.
~olunteer Fireman Otto Bissett appeared before the council and requested a donation toward t
purchase of a radio for the benefit of the firemen. The matter was laid over till. a future meeting
Councilman Hyndlng suggested insuring the City Poundman's car against ~blic Liabflity ~nd
property damage for the 9rotectton of the cit$. ~atter taken under consideration.
On motion regularly carried salaries for ~he month of December were ordere= paia before Chris
On motion by Councilman Hyndtng seconded by Councilman Lloyd ~.E.Eorne,~was a~pointed at a :~
salary of $~0.00 per ~onth to look after the electrical work of the new fire alarm telegraph system
Councilman Hynding, with reference to the moving of the city's wires on the polem in Peck's
Subdivision, moved the fire chief be empowered to take charge of the work unaer the supervision of i
Engineer Degan. The motion as seconded by Councilman Lloyd and regularly carried.
The following claims agsins t the city were next presented for payment;-
South City Lumber & Supply Co., common bricks $ 19.80
Hooper Chevrolet Company,
Royal Supply Company
Cool Spring Filter Fompany
The S.F.Examiner ~ z~-~
W. W. Brawn
Lo.is Niert
Conor's Garage
La Mar' s Garage
Fred Laut ze
A. ~'annucc~,
Linden Ave. Garage
Fred Lau~ ze.
Western Sand & Rook Company
S.M. County Tltls Co..
Cunningham Realty Co.
Pacific Water Co.,
A. E.Kauffmann,
Enterprise Foundry Co
I distributor
rent one month
Peni~:sula Page Ad
cutting sew er bases
gasoline, etc,
gasoline, etc,
Ins. fire house
storage OadAllac car
Broomhoist shovel etc
· 'esl Estate transfers
rent 8sTage to Dec.4
service November
int. paid bank,Gar. SiteS ?1.£0
7 outlet fire h~drants
5 " " " SElZ. 50
Expenditures continued;-
Enterprise Foundry Company,
Owen McGonaghy
Ben Conzales
Frank McCann
The Enterprise Press
4 fire hydrants
cleaning streets
labor in park
cleaning sewers
care fire alarm electric sys
Oct. Nov. & Dec.1928
200 copies ord 149,etc,
notice to bidders, etc,
S 16.89
~ 15.75
$ 11.25
$ 60;0O
35. O0
The claims having been audited by the finance conmittee Councilman LlOyd moved they be pat
The motion was seconded by Coouncilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the meeting Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until
the next regular meeting, Monday. January ?th.1925, at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconaea by
Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;08 O'Clock p.m. ~
Respectfully submitted,
Ct ty C~lerk