The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Fraz~cisco was held in the
City Hall, Monday evening, Februar$ 4th,19~9.
The meeting was called to order at ?;30 p.m. by councilman A,J.Rschelba~ch. Mayor of South Sa
Roll Call.
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, M,Minucciani, R.Tibbette , A.J.Eschelbach.
The'minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions Councilman
Tibbetts moved they be ad~pted as read. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regular
A.communication and invitation were received from the State Bridge Committee of the San Fra:
Bay Toll Bridge inviting the 0ity Council amd prominent citizens of So~th San Francisco to attend th
exercises of the opening of the bridge on March lst,1929, mayor Eschelbach appointed'the full city
council and-city officials to attend and instructed the City Clerk to write ~he bridge committee
stating the action of the City Council.
The Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans, asked permission to hold a social dance at Fraternal Hall
on Saturday evening, Februar$ 2~rd,1929~~ from 8 pm. to I a.m. Permission granted provided proper
.protection is maintained.
Vice-Principal Carl Weller of the South San Francisco Hig~ Ochool requested that "No Parking
signs be placed on Tamarach Avenue in front of garages belonging to ~'private individuals, or a line
in the center of the alley, providing for parking on the north side'only, also that the arterial st
sign be placed at Baden & Spruce Avenues. keferred to the p~lice commission.
The W.J.Martin Company petitioned the council for permission to make certain alterations in
building, the southwest comner of Linden and Grand Aven~es, including an alcove on the Linden Avenue
side of said building. Permission granted, under the supervision of the building inspector.
A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Company in re~ly to the city's letter
requesting them to fill in between their taacks and widen the crossing at the junction of Swift and
Avenues. stating they were readYto do their share of the work as soon as the Market Street nailway
moved their tracks to the southward. Accepted an4 referred to Engineer Klassen,
A request was received from Angelo Genovesi asking permission to construct a wood partition ac
the rear part of the store, ~310 Grand Avenue, occupied as a pool room. neferreo to the police commi
A repl~ was received from the South San Francisco Land and~Improvement Company to the city's
regarding the class of lights preferable for installation on the Bay Shore High~ay. The land company
favored a first class lighting and attractive system for at least the business section of the road.
A communication was received from the Growers Rice MillSng Corporation, attaching ~a,statement
from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company sta~ing an easement exists between the the
Rice Compan~ and the Land Company per~ittingaccess from the Hice Company to $wift Avenue, and statin
further that the land company will dedicate fifty feet to the City of South San Francisco for a road
way to Swift Avenue from the mills.
Complaint was received~'~ivers Brothers, owners of 150 lots in the Baden Tract,stating a delapid
half completed shack is situated on C street south of Third Street, and was mo~ed there withou~t perm
from the inspector or the City Council, and asked that steps be taken to abate the nuisance. Heferr
to Inspector Brawn.
A communication was received from P.Del Bianca asking permission to partition a room off his s
~7 Grand Avenue. ~eferred to the Police Commission.
Request was made by Mrs Ellen Carmody for a refund of Three dollars charged against her propert
at Linden and Pine Avenues for the removal of weeds. A refund was ordered paid.
A com~unication was received from the Acme Road Machinery.~bffertng to furnish additional inform
regarding there street sweeper. Accepted and filed.
The bonds of Hugh McGill, the Hedman Manufacturing Company for check writer and the Pacific Wa
company were submitted to the council and approved.
The reports of the Chief of Police,~chool ~urse, ~unicipal Ju~ge,Oity Inspector, Fire Chief and
City Clerk for the month ending January Blst,19£9 were submitte& to the council and accepted.
A resolution directing the Publication of notice of inviting sealed proposals for the sale of a
Buick Touring car to the City of South San Francisco was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts and adopte~
by the unanimous vote of all the members of the ci~L council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilman, A.Hynding, R. Lloyd, E.]~inu~ciani. ~.Tibbetts and A.J.Eschelbach.
~oes, Councilmen, Eons.
Absent, Councilmen, ~one. At,est Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.2, at p~ge 2~4.
The request for a refund by Angelo M~nettini, ~of $1.6~ for weed cleaning charged agains~ his p:
was 0.E'd by Inspector Brawn and the council ordered the same paid.
mr. Martin appeared before the Council and stated two tires were damaged on his machine when he
struck a bad hole on the San Bruno ~oad north of the Junction of Lidnen Avenue EXtension. and made c~
for redress. City Attorney coleberd ruled the city is not responsible for a~y damage resulting from
holes on the San ~runo ~oad within the city limits.
The clerk was instructed to write the ~ity of Modesto for a copy of their billboard ordinance,
~, and inquire as to their method of assessing live ~tock in corrals for sale, or on commission.
The matter of the purchase of a street sweeper was brought to the at~ention of the council by
Carrol of the Austin-Western ~oad machinery Company. ~o dec~ded action action to purchase the LAus~
Western taken.
The matter of a municipal swimming pool and playgrounds was brought up by mrs. Oarrie ~interh~
who favored the site Linden A~enue and ~iller Avenue, ~rs.~interhalter also ~avored a centrally
park. ~ayor ~schelbach explained that She city pls~nned to improve all the city parks at the first
Plans for the industrial way drainage and paving project are almost complete, engineer Klassen
stated. ~e stated titles t* the property are being searched. ~egarding the re,,oval o~ poles in Peck~
from the sidewalks to make way for~the ~aY Shore ~tghway mngineer alassen took the problem under
Action on the request of the South San Fra~cisco ~nioH ~tock~srds for a refund of taxes
deferred until a future meeting.
The'minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions Councilm
Ttbbetts moved they be adSpted as read. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucctant and regul
A .communication and invitation were received from the State Bridge Committee of the Oan ~
Bay Toll Bridge inviting the etty Council amd prominent citizens of So~th Sa~ Francisco to attend
exercises of the opening of the bridge on March lst,1929, mayor Eschelbach appoin~ed~the full ci
council and ~clty officials to attend and instructed the Clty Clerk to write ~he bridge committee
stating the action of the City Council.
The Soctedad Mutualista Mexfcana, asked permission to hold a social dance at Fraternal Hal
on Saturday evening, Februar$ 25rd,1929~ from 8 pm. to 1 a.m. Permission granted provided proper
protection is maintained.
Vice-Principal Carl Weller of the South San Francisco High Ochool requested that "No Parki
signs be placed on Tamarach Avenue in front of garages belonging to private individuals, or a lin
in the center of the alley, providing for parking on the north side ~only, also that the arterial
sign be placed at Baden & Spruce Avenues. heferred to the p~llce commission.
The W.J.Martin Company petitioned the council for permission to make certain alterations ~
building, the southwest comner of Linden and Grand Aven~es, including an alcove on the Linden Ave~
side of said bulldlng. Permission granted, under the supervision of the building inspector.
A communication w~s received from the Southern Paciflc Company in re~ly to the city's lette~
requesting them to fill in between their taacks and widen the crossing at the junction of Swift a~
Avenues, stating they were readYto do their share of the work as soon as the M~rket Street ~ailwa~
moved their tracks to the southward. Accepted an~ referred to Engineer Klassen.
A request was received from Angelo Genovesi asking permission to construct a wood partition
the rear part of the store, ~510 Grand Avenue, occupied as a pool room. ~eferrec to the police con
A reply was received from the South San Francisco Land and~Improvement Company to the city~s
regarding the class of llghts preferable for installation on the Bay Shore Hlgh~'ay. ~he land comps
favored a first class lighting and attractime system for at least the business section of the rcs
A communication was received from the Growers Rice Milling Corporation, attaching ~a~stateme
from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company sta~ing an easement exists between the t
Rice Compan~ and the Land Company per~itttngaccess from the Hice Company to Swift Avenue, and stat
further that the land company will dedicate fifty feet to the City of South San Francisco for aro
way to Swift Avenue from the mills.
Complaint was received~ivers Brothers, owners of 150 lots in the Baden Tract,stating a delap
half completed s~ack is situated on C street south of Third Street, and was mo~ed there wtthou~t pe
from the inspector or the City Council, and asked that steps be taken to abate the nuisance. Eefe
to Inspector Brawn.
A communication was received from P.Del Bianca asking permission to p~rtttion a room off his
2~7 Grand Avenue. meferred to the Police Commission.
Request was made by Mrs Ellen Carmody for a refund of Three dollars charged against her prope
at Linden and Pine Avenues for the removal of weeds. A refund was ordered paid.
A communication was received from the Acme Road Machinery.~bfferlng to furnish additional info
regarding there street sweeper. Accepted and filed.
The bonds of Hugh McGtll, the Hedman Manufacturing Company for check writer and the Pacific
company were submitted to the council and approved.
The reports of the Chtsf of Police,ochool ~urse, ~unicipal ~u~ge,City Inspector, Fire Chief az
City Clerk for the month ending January 31st,1929 were submitted to the council and accepted.
A resolution directing the Publication of notice of inviting sealed proposals for the sale o~
Buick Touring car to the City of South San Francisco was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts and adop~
z~ council, to-wit;-
by the unanimous vote of all the members of the c' ~
Ayes, Councilman, A.Hynding, R. Lloyd, ~.~:inu~ciani, ~.Tibbetts and A.J.Eschelbach.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen, ~one. At,est Daniel McSweene2
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Eesolutions, Vol.2, at page 234.
The request for a refund by Angelo M~nettini, of $1.6~ for weed cleaning charged against his
was 0.K'd by Inspector Brawn and the council ordered tha same paid.
mr. Martin appeared before the Council and stated two tires were damaged on his machine when h
struck a bad hole on the San Bruno ~oad north of the Junction of Lidnen Avenue Extension, and made
for redress. City Attorney Ooleberd ruled the city is not responsible for a~y damage resulting fro
holes on the San ~runo ~oad within the city limits.
The clerk was instructed to write the ~ity of modesto for a copy of their billboard ordinance
~J: and inquire as to their method of assessing live ztock in corrals for sale, or on commission.
The matter of the purchase of a street sweeper was brought to the attention of the council by
Carrol of the Austin-Western ~oad machinerl Company. ~o decided action action to purchase the LAu
Western taken.
The matter of a municipal swimming pool and playgrounds was brought up by mrs. Carrie ~inter
who favored the site Linden A~enue and ~iller Avenue, mrs.~interhalter also ~avored a centrally
park. hayor ~schelbach explained that ahe cit~· planned to improve all the city parks at the firs
Flans for the Industrial ~ay drainage and paving project are almost complete, engineer Klasse
stated, ne stated titles t~ the property are being searched. ~egarding the ten.oval cZ poles in Pec
from the sidewalks to make way for the ~ay Shore highway mngineer ~lassen took the problem under
Action on th~ request of the South San Francisco ~nio~ ~tock~Srds ~or a refund of taxes
deferred until a future meottng.
Councilman Hynding reported progress in working out details in the matter of flood lighting the
City mall and Civic tenter.
The committe on selecting lights for Cypress Avenue reported progress.
~eplies to the Questionaire sent to property owners on the ~ay Shore highway requesting them
to state their preference in the selection of the system, were held over till the next meeting.
~ayor Eschelbach requested the city engineer's office to map out numbers ~or the alleys.
B.J.~odondi requested permission to construct a counter, etc. in his new real estate office
308 Grand Avenue, Fermission granted.
The following claims against the ctt~ were next presented ~or paym~t;-
0. MoOonaghy
Joe Dancak
Frank MeCarn
L~uis ~elloni
Fred Brown
Bendo Papini
Associated Oil Co.
B. Pasquale
Seagrave Co~
Arndt's Dept. Store
Jack Neleh
Fred Zautze
Robinson Typewriter Co.
Bitumuls Corporation
Cu~uingham Realty
Pacific Water Co.
Pacific Tole. &Tele. Co.
Coradetti Bros.
Galland Mercantile Laundry
Union ~iI Co.
~estex~ Sand and Rock Co.
Fli~'s Service Station
Fli~zk'e Service Station
Linden Avenue Garage
·link's Service Station
L~mden Avenue Garage
Enterprise Press
Mrs. Ellen Carmody
Angelo Monettini
cleaning streets
repairing streets
feeding prisoners
labor painting zones
cleaming Jail January
B0.B1 G~ls fuel oil
1 flag & stand and 1 cap
1 Bendix Assem for truck No.1
~ 6. O0
carpet & drapes Committee Room 161.25'
painting zones
cat~ & dogs removed Jan.19E9
5 g~ls Valvoline & repair tube
repairing ~ typewriters
10 drums bitumuls & pouring pot
rent garage
Water service Jan. 19ES
1 meal ticket
service January 19E~
Rock and cement
Gas - Police Dept,
" Fire Dept.
labor on fire truck
Gas Street Dept.
Gas Police Dept.
1000 stamped envelopes
refUnd account weed tax
Total $1,461.54
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councllm~n Lloyd moves they be
paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~tboet~s aha regularly c~rrled.
where Oeing no further ousiness councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until the next regular
meeting, Monday, February 18th,1929. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly c
Time of adjournment, 9;50 o'clock p.m.
Approve~~~~.~ /
mayo~of South San Francisco.
Hespectfull2 snbmitted,