HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1929-05-0640-2 iiEGULAR ~ZMTI~C OF :±'/iE CITI t0blX~lL O~' 'f~i,; CITY OF SOUTH SAI~ F~.AI~CISCO, HEL]~ ~,~ONDAY, I%~;.Y 6TH, 1929. The regular meeting of the city council of t£e City o~ 5oath oan ~'rancisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, ~ay 6th,1929. The meeting was called to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. by councilman ~.J.~schelCach, ~ayor off ~outh ~an ~rancisco. ROLL CALL. R011 call found the following members off the cOuncil present, to-wit,- Councilmen,A.~ynding, h. Lloyd, ~.Tibbetts, _,.~.Eschelbach. Absent, Councilman, ~.~inucciani. The minutes off the two previous meetings were read. '~'here being no errors or omissions councilman Lloyd moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded b~~ Councilman Tibbetts regularly carried. A request for a refund of $2.00 char~ed for the clearing away of weeds from his property was made by ~:ichelle ~rignordello, ~864 ~iller Avenue. -~,eferred to the buil~in% inspector for investigation. A check for ~100 was received from the :/,omen's Club toward the expen,~:e of installing the ~'irs. b.J.~J~artin Eemorial Fountain. The club suggested the dedication ceremonies be held the first meeting day o~' the l~ew Club ~ear, Thursday, September ffi±'th,next, with the apDro~-al o~f the cit5 council. The clerk was instructed to reply, expressing the thanks of the cit~ for the Gonation, stating the proposed date off the ceremonials will be satisfactory and offerin~~ to be of any I'urther assistance to the club. The Nomen's Club drew the council's attention to t~,e fact that the s~de walls oi: the ol~ ~piscopal Church are still staiding, and unsightly, and should ~e removed. Or_, motion 0y ~ouncilman ~yndinf the clerk was instructec[ to communi, cate w~n t~,~e owner end state the cit~- will expect to , · have the Walls removed within two weeks. A communication from ~,~rs. Carrie Winterhalter called the council's attention to a petition submitted some time ago asking the calling of an election for a bond issue to construct a swimming pool, gymnasium, suditorium, c]~ildren's playground, et~i. Councilman H~nding stated that l~iss ~sndolph of the San Francisco Children's Playground Commission would visit ~outh San Francisco the coming l~'ednesday end meet with the cit~ council in matters of the kind referred to, end mo~ed to lay the matter over two weeks. Eayor Eschelbach thought the subject well worth consideration, and the matter wes laid o~er till the next meeting, hall The Women's Club askad permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Friday e~ening D[ay 10th,from 8.30 until 12 o'clock m. Permit granted. , A communication ,,as received from the League. of balifornia ~uniciy, alit~.es adxis~ng the cit~- that all difficulties with respect to the ter_~:~s for the use of the bniform Bv!l~in~ Code have been settled, and the code s~-.ould be adopted. Comr. unication orueree filed. health Officer Dr.F.Holmes Smith answered the cit~"s request to in~'esti,~ate stagnant water - conditions at Liepsic Station and stated he had ~re%~iously made an in%estigati:n of the nuisance end had the assuarance of ~,:r. heichardt of the Duc~ Farm and other farmers in ti,e vicinits, that they would control excess water 0~' sweepage bN the installation of a pu~,p, lift.ing the water bac~[ onto the land for irrigation purposes. Co=_munica. tion filed. Mrs. Ellen UsrmodyC.Lopresti and John Caribaldi were allowee refunes of OZ.00, .00 cents and.. ~6.24 espectively, ,on account o~ charges for weed cleaning dna taxes. The monthly reports of the Building Inspector,[!ealth Officer, Cit~ -udge,C[ief of Police, Fire Chief and City Clerk, for the month ending April 30,'.ere submitted to the council and accepted. This being the date set for the opening of bids for ~he purchase by the city of a l~odel A,Ford Ford Ros~ster, Councilmen Hynding moved that the bids be opened. The motion ~'ss eeconded b~? Councilz Tibbetts and regularly carried, l~here was but one bid submitted, that of Fred J.Lautze,for the sum of ~.593.50 fully equipped. A check of , ~9.35 accompanied the bid. The bid being satisfactor,~ Councilman Hynding introduced a resolution awarding the ,bid to Fred J.Lautze. The resolution was was adopted by the vote of all the members of the council present, roi,wit;- Ayes, A.Mynding. ~l. Lloyd, t{.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. l~oes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilman, L'~.}finucciani, A~test, Daniel ~c$weene~~ Citt~ Clerk. necorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.2, st page f43. A resolution ordering the abetement of weeds,1929, was introduced by councilman Tibbetts, end ~ was adopted by the vote of all the members of the city council present, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, n. Lloyd, ~.Tibbetts, A.J.Esc helbach, Noes, Councilmen, ~one. Absent, Councilman,E.Einucc~ani. Attest Daniel ~,lc0weene~-', Cit5 Clerk hecorded in BOok ,of Resolutions, ¥o1.£, at page £43. A resolution, Eo.65,oraering the work of closing up a portion of Swift A~enue in the Cit~ of 5outh Sar_: Francisco, wes introduced by councilmen Lloyd, and was adopted by the votes of all the meml members of the council present, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, h. Lloyd, ~.Tibbetts, ,~.J.Eschelbach. [~oes, Councilmen, Lone. Absent, Councilmsn,E.~,~inucciant. Attest ~aniel EcSv~eene~, Cit~ Clerk necorded in Dock of nesolutions, Vol ~, at pages 244-245. of adxerttsing in the matter of closing up a portion of Swift Avenue, ~nder will be requested to do so. The com3n, ittee on the lighting of Crand and L~.nden kvenues reported progress. City attorney C~leberd was requested to advise the council at the next ~eeting if it is legal to establish lighting districts within municipalities. The clerk was instructed to write the Pacific Gas & Electric Company and request that poles and lights be installed inParkway Terrace. Councilman Hynding stated the W.P. uller Paint Company should be recuired to pay the expenses resolution 1~io.65. They regularly carried. A request for a refund of $£.09 char~ed for the clemrin~' ~way of weeds From his property was ~ade by ~ichelle ~rignordello, ~864 ~iller Avenue. -~e~erred to t~e builCin~ inspector for investigation. A check for ~100 was received from the ~,o~en~s Club toward t~e expen~-e of installing ~irs. ~.~.~artin Eemorial Fountain. ~'he club suggested the dedication cere~onies be held the first meeting day o~ ~he ~ew blub ~ear, Thursday, September Fifth,next, with the apDrowal o~ the cit~ council. The clerk was instructed to reply, expressing the thanks of the cit~ for the donation, stating the proposed date of the ceremonials will be satisfactory and offerin~ to be o~ any ~urther assistance to the club. The Nomen's Club drew the council~'s attention ~o the fact that the s~de walls o~ t~e ola ~piscopal Church are still staiding,'anG unsightly, and should ~e removed. OK, mo~ion 0~~ ~ouncilman ~yn~in~ the clerk was instructe~ to communicate w~n t~e ow~er ~nd state ~he ci,t~ will ex~ect to have the walls removed within two weeks. A communication From Ers. Carrie Winterhalter called the council's attention to a petition submitted some time ago asking the calling of an election for a bond issue to construct a swimming pool, gymnasium, auditorium, children's playground, et~. Councilman H~nding stated that Riss ~sndol~ of the Sen Francisco Children's Playground Commission would visit South San Francisco the comiz~g ~ Wednesday and meet with the city council in matters of the kind referred to, snd mo~ed to lay the matter over two weeks. Mayor Eschelbach thought the subject well worth consideration, and the matte~ was laid o~er till the next meeting, h~ll The Women's Club asked permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Friday e~ening D~ay 10th,from 8.30 until 12 o'clock m. Permit granted. A communication as received from the League of balifornia ~unici~,alit~.es adx:isin~ the city that all difficulties with respect to the ter~s for the use of the bniform Building Code have been settled, and the code s~.ould be adopted. Communication or.ere* filed. health Officer Dr.F.Holmes Smith answered the city's request to in~'esti~ste stagnant water conditions at Llepsic ~tation and stated he had p,r~'iousl2 made an investigation of the nuisance and had the assuarance of ~:r. heicherdt of the Duck ~arm ~nd other farmers in t~.e vicinity', that they would control excess water o~' sweepage b$ the installation of a pump,, lifting the water bscl: onto the land for irrigation purposes. Communication filed. Mrs. Ellen ~armodyC.Lopresti and John Caribaldi were allowe~ refunds of ~'~' .J.00, .00 cents and.. $6.54 espectively, on account o~ charges For weed cleaning aug taxes. The monthly reports of the Building Inspector,L!ealth Officer, Cit~. Judge,C~.:ief of Police, Fire Chief and City Clerk, for the month ending April 30,~.ere submitted to the council and accepted This being the date set for the opening of bids for the purchase by the city of a Lodel A,For Ford Ros~ster, Councilman Hynding moved that the bids be opened. The motion ,~ss seconded by Counci Tibbetts and regularly carried. 'There was but one bid submitted, that oF Fred J.Lautze,for the sum of $593.50 fully equipped. A check o£ , ~9.35 accompanied the bid. The bid being satisfacto Councilman Hynding introduced a resolution awarding the ,bid to Fred J.Lautze. The Kesolution wa was adopted by the vote of all the members of the council present, to~'wit;- Ayes, A.Hynding, H.Lloyd, H.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. lJoes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilman M.~inucciani, A~test, Daniel ~c~w ene~ Cit~ Clerk. necorded in Book oF Resolutions, ¥ol.2, at page ~43. A resolution ordering the abetement of weeds,l~29, was introduced by couz~cilman Tibbetts, and was adopted by the vote of all the members of the city council present, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, ~.Lloyd, E.Tibbetts, L.J.Esc helbach, Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman,M.Minucciani. Attest Daniel ~,~coweene.~ , Cit.¥ Clerk ~ecorded in Book oF Resolutions, ¥o1.~, at page £43. ~ resolution, No.6~,or~ering the work of closing up a portion of Swift A~enue in the Clt~ of ~ou~Jh Sa~ Francisco, was introduced by councilmen Lloyd, and was aaopted b~ ~he votes of all the me~ members of the council present, to-wlt'-, Ayes, Councilmen, A.HYnding, h. Lloyd, ~.Tibbetts, ~.J.~schelb~ch. ~oes, Councilmen, Lone. Absent, Councilman,~.Minucciani. Attest ~sniel ~cS~,,eene~, ~it~' Clerk ~ecorded in ~ook of nesolutions, ¥ol ~, at pages E44-~4§. The committee on the lighting of Crand and L~nden ~venues reported progress. City attorney C~leberd was requested to ~dvise the council at the next xeeting if it is legal to establish lighting districts within municipalities. The clerk was instructed to write the Pacific Gas & Electric Company aN~d request that poles az lights be inst~lled inParkway Terrace. Councilmen Eynding stated the W.P. 'uller Paint Company should be recuired to pay the expenses of adwertising in the matter of closing up a portion of Swift Avenue, ~nder resolution ~'o.65. They will be requested to do so. The following claims against the City were next presented for payment: Mutual Engineerin~ Co. o~rl ~rizzi . Columbu . 1~. Selin L. Savares A. C. Johnson Saul ~enoski -~'* John Castro Joe Bernards A. Sani J. 2~[c Dona ld G. S~i Frank Arnold W. Wood A. Canziani C. Sands R. Basa~o __ ~ Cu~i e E. Brow~ ~_ H. B. Shoote Jo~ Fambri~ - Thomas Qa~l i R. Petrocchi J. Ferre ~. ' ~onalanza Sam Eiessling G. Eowlowski · ~ G. and E. Cunni~b~m Realty Co. The En~erpr ~e_ ......... ,, Colma Motor Car. Co. _~th City L~ber & Supply Co. A. Carlisle & Co. South City P~u~bing Shoo J~inEs pharmacy S~n ~teo Co. Title Co. Pacific Water Co. Assembling battery char~ing unit a'~ren di ~ fires Il Charles Elder Burrouff~hs Adding Machine 'Nestern Sand' and Rock Co. Galland Mercantile Laundry Colma Notor Car Co. J. Welch Fred Brown ~. ~ollazzi T~ouis Belloni G_eo. A. Eneese Western ~n~acturing Co. ~ende Pa~ini ~ Bros. Service Station ~rvice Garage and Zachine shop C. Landucci P~cific Teleohone & Tele. Co. ~ L. Allard W. 0. Harris Ben Gonzales Irvine anal Jachens ~_ ~,,~rs. E~le~ Ca~ody G. Lopresti ~ohn Garabaldi e×i t liKhts ~/? to ~/5/~9 ser~ieeZ/~ to 4/5 .~trn~.t ,1 fghts rent Manage- street 8spt ori nti~ _ printi ns , e~tra ~<-~:ipment - Buick material - ball park 100 manila folders material street de~:t. supplies - health de~t. reports - Ap~l ~ water service 1-~-~6 house Lot 5 Grand &ye. Ext. siren for dump 12 rol~ ~aper rock and cement service A~ril 1929 ? ouar_t~s penzoil rer~oving cats and dogs April Z da?~ pain. tin~ va rkin? zones 5 Male. p~e turpentine Y police clubs, 1 cap, etc. feeding ~ris~ners ~reparing street h~ber~nM maps I shoulder belt & holster & I specia~ belt keepin~ jail clean - ~s. ~,olice dept. " fi re a ~pt. " ~treet d e~t, fixin~ ~lves in fire oZ~rm horn b Fireman suits SerVice 4 ~a?s~abor ball mark Ts. bo r on baT1 pa rk carpenter work ball park 5 days ] ~bor on ball ~ark 5 days 1soot on oamm park 6 da~ labor on ball oark carpenter work on ball tark ~0 badffes for firemen labor on ball park refund a/c weed tax ~25.25 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 5. O0 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 fi .50 ~.00 2. bO 3.95, 41. V9 578.90 ~1~'o~ 14. O0 75. O0 207.5~ .39.81 2.80 5.20 20.80 1.50- 4?5.12 5.00 1.55 34.75 '5.00 2.45 · 21.50 1Z .50 lZ.50 7.2~ 18,9~ 80.00 15.50 10.00 42.20 20 .so. 24.80. S .00 165.00 55.00. 32.00 40.00 ~.00 40.00 22.50 27.00 48.00 45. O0 '9.00 Z.O0, 6.54 The claims having been· appro'~'ed by the ft~fl~e-cgn~i~tee c~uncilman tibbett~o'~eO- they be pstd. The motion was seconded by Counc~lm~,n There being no further business before ghe council, council~:an ~loy~ mo~e~ go edjourn. The motion was seconded by councilman Hynming and regularly carried. ~ Time of adjournment, lO,o'cloc~ p.m. ~espectfull~k s~mit~-~ Approve - C~~? ~Or Of .'south San ~enctscb ' /~t3 ~lerk ~ " 2.50 -~-" 5 · O0 J. NcDonald G. Sani Prank Arnold W. Wood A. Canziani C. Sands R. Basagno J. Curri e E. Brow~n H. B. Shoote John Fambrini Thomas Gall i R. Petrocchi J.. Perre J. 3onalanza Sam Eiessling G. Kowlowski ~. G. and E. Cunnir4w. ham Realty Co. The Eic.,erpr ~ Colma Motor Car. Co, _SO'uth City Lumber & Supply Co. A. Carlisle & Co. South City P~lumbing Shoo Jennin~s Ph~'cy S~n ~teo Co. Title Co. Pacific Water Co. Charles Elder Burro~hs Adding M~chine Western Sand' ~nd Rock Co. Galland Mercantile L~un~y Colma Notor C~r Co. J. Welch ~red Bro~ G- Boll~zzi Louis Belloni G~o. A. ~eese Western ]~nufacturin~ Co. ~3endo PaDini R~a Rros. Service Station IL ~rvice Garage and Nachine shop C. Landucci P~cific Teleohone & Tele. Co. ~. L. ~Lllard W. O. Harris ~en Gonzaie~ ~rvine and Jachens ~ ~_ L. T. ~_iley }J~s. ,Ello~ Ca~ody G. Lopresti ~ohn Garibaldi IT !! Ir! 1! !! I! !! VI' IT VT e~ t !i~hts_3/7 to 4/5/29 ser~ieeZ/7 to 4/5 .~t~.et '1 ights rent Mara~e- street dept ~rinti~ 2.50 2.50 2.50 5. O0 5.00 2.50 2.5_0 2.50 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.5O 2.50 b.O0 3.95 41.79 578.90 printi~ extra a,i!~iN?ent - Buick material - ball park 100 manila folders material street dept. supplies - health deyt. reports r_April 14. O0 75. O0 207.5~ .39.81 2.80. 5.20 20.80 1.50- water service si Fen' for dunLp 12 rolls paper rock and cement service April 1929 473,12 5.00 1.55 54.75 ~5.00 7 quar_t_s penzoil re,moving cats and dogs April ~ da~ painting p~rkin? zones 5 gals. pure turpentine 7 police clubs, 1 cap, etc. feeding oris~ners preparing street humbering maps I shoulder belt &~holster & I special belt keepinE jail clean -=pr~l ~ras. r, olice dept. " fi re ~ept, " gtreet Sept, fixin~ E%lves in fire alarm horn b Firemau suits Ser~rice April 4-days--labor ball ~ark Tabor on baT1 ~ark cat,end, er work ball park 5 days ] ~w~ror on ball rark 5 days labor on l~1! park 6 days labor on ball park carpenter work on ball 50 bad?es for firemen labor on ball park refund a/c weed tax " "n6 house Lot 5 Grand Ave. Ext. 2.45 · 21.50 1Z .50 15,50 7.25 18,90 so.od 15.50 10,00 42.20 20.00 24.80. 5.00 165.00 55.00 32.00 40.00 a~ .00 40,AA 22.50 27.oo 48.00 45. O0 '9.00 5.00, 6.54 f~?~2 ,~ 60. '75 The claims having been. appro\'ed by the f~e-cgn~i~tee c~uncilman tibbetlz~ow'e~l they · ~ ~LloYi end regularly carried. be peid, The motion was seconded by Councilm~n There being no further business before the council, counciN~an ~loya mo~ea~to ~djourn. The motion was seconde~ b2 councilman Hyn~ing and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10.o'cloc~i p.m. iespectfull~k Approve