HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1929-05-20404 REGUI~R I~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F T~ CITY OF SOUTH S~N FP~iNCISC0, HEL]~ MONDAY, ~Y 20th,1929. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall MOnday evening, May 20th,1929. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschelbach, ~yor of South San ~rancisco. ROLL CALL Roll call found the following members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbelts, A.J.Eschelbach, Absent, Councilman, M.Minucciani. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions 0ouncilmaz Lloyd moved they be adopted as read· The motion was seconded by councilman Hynding and regularly carriei A statement was received from City Engineer Geo.A.Emeese, showing that the Cement Gun Construction Company had completed the 'construction of the Hillside Sign, and the sum of $2962.58 was due the company, leaving a bala~:~ce of $987.52,to be paid at the expiration of 35 days· Councilman Tibbetts moved the first installment be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Hynding and regularl~ carried· ~ g A refund of ~l.00 was allowed Florence E.Weaver on account o£ an error in weed char ing. ;~ refund of $1.00 was denied Mrs. i~.C.Conway on account a charge fo~ cleaning weeds, the city having cleaned the. weeds from her property· The Italian Catholic Fereration of South San Francisco requested permission to hold a two day celebration and parade September 7th and 8th next, the parade lo be on the 8th September· Permissio~ granted· Antone Pianca requested permission on behalf of James Fotopoulos to construct a new wall on the west side of the Superior Steam Laundry, on account of the new Bayshore Highway purchasing a port portion of the lot. Permission granted, and indoor carnival Tippecanoe Tribe $111 made application for permission !o hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, June 15th,1929. Permit granted, under proper police protection.' The Italian American .Athletic Club made application for a permit to hold a dance in ~etropo] Hall on Saturday evening, May 25th,1929. Permit granted. A.Sifuenters applied for permission to hold dances from two ~o six o'clock each Sunday afte~ in Fra'ternal~Hall and a show or performance each Sunday night £rom 7 to l0 o'clock. ~eferred to the poli com~ission. A.B.~usso requested permission to ~rect a soft drink stand in t~e Ballgrounds. ~he request of M.Brignordelli for a refund of of ~2.00 on account of a weed charge was denis the city having cleaned the weed~ from lhe property· The monthly report of the School Nurse was read and accepted· Cmmcilman Lloyd introduced a resolution endorsing the proposed acquisition by the ~nited Si of the 350 acre site on Brewer'e lsland, near San Mateo,£or the purpose of a government airport· The resolution was adopted unanimously. ~ Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution requesting Governor C.C.Young to veto Bill Nc.Z45 of the State ~ssembly,if the same has been enacted by the State Legislature. This bill would redu the number of Justices of the peace in the First San Eateo Township to one judge· The resolution was adc adopted unanimouly by the city council· Councilmen TibbeLts requested that action be taken in the matter of the improvemeyt, off .?arks, ~hildren's ~lsygrounds, swimming pool, pa~ing o~ ~range Avenue, widen?~ of Third ~treet, etc. b~ bo~d lss~;~dto~nc!l~a~ ~ynd~ng approved o~ the measures a~d re queste~ that~the city engineer be requested to also include the matter of the widening of Linden Avenue aha the installation of mlectrol on the aame street, It was recommended taat cwifft Avenue be wia mn~d to 24 feet and the citj engineer was instructed to draw up plans accoraingly. ~'he cit~~ clerk was instructed to request the ~tt~ ~ibrari..n to La~e an extra ~:ey ma~e ~or tae night policeman, and increase the candle power of t~_e library in accordance with that o~ tLe cit~ ~all mayor zschelbach stated ~r. ~m. ~etzger baa invitea tf:e ~ty ~ouncll and other ciy~ ofzici to attend the grouna breaking for his new pacKin~ house near the clt~ ~ire house. ±nvi~a~o:~ accep~e~. ~.he following claims against the city were next presented for payment;- Paul Hamilton J. Medeghini Ben Gonzales ~rank McCarn Joe Dancak So. City Plumbing Shop I1 !1 I1 II II Pacific ~elephone Co. Hooper Chevrolet Co. John ?igo~i C. ~arfan Co~a,,Motor Car Co. E. R. Squibb & Sons So. City Pl~bi~ Shop Ind~trial City Lbr. Co. Titcomb Electric Co. Superior Ste~ Zau~ry John Castro ~ioneer Gibson E~ress Merc~nts E~ress. Co. Installing wires for fire alarm box sweeping streets labor on ball park "on streets I! repairing streets 3 nipples, etc- fire dept. materials for ball park " " civic center "for ball park material for Hillside Sign Phone ~llT0 · efund weed tax Polish wash City Hall windows 7 quarts oil Police Dept. interpreting in court bal. due on Buick car anti anti toxin, etc. chang valve - fire dept. labor & material making sign installing flood lights wash fire dept. hauling dirt ball park relievi~q~ fireman frei ght $20.00 49.50 27.00 24.75 27.00 2'7.00 S6.00 24. O0 1.10 5.40 ~ 2.85 50.40 1.75 5.73 · 1.00 2.00 20.OO 2.45 5.00 5.00 675.00 76.20 2.65 ~.55 44.17 2.96 - 295.65~ 25.00 ~he minutes of the previous' meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions ~ounci~ Lloyd moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by councilman ~ynding and regularly c~rr A statement w~s received from City Engineer Geo.~.Kneese, showing that the Cement Gun Construction Company had completed the construction of the Hillside Sign, and the sum of $2962.58 was due the company, leaving a bala~ce of $987.52,to be paid at the expiration of Z~ days. Councilman Tib~etts moved the first installment be paid.~he motion was seconded by councilman Eynding ~nd regul~ c~rried. A refund of ~l.O0 was allowed Florence E.Weaver on account of ~n error in weed charEing. ~ refund of ~l. O0 was denied Nrs. ~.C.Conw~y on account a charge fo~ cleaning weeds, the city having cleaned the~weeds from her property. The Italian Catholic Fereration of South San Francisco requeste~ permission to hold ~ two day celebration and p~rade September ?th and 8th next, the p~rade to be on the 8th September. Permiss~ granted. Antone Pianc~ requested permission on behalf of James Fotopoulos to construct a new~ wall on the west side of the Superior Steam Laundry, on account of the new Bayshore Highway purchasing a pc portion of the lot. Permissio~ gr~nted. ~nd indoor carnival Tippecanoe Tribe $111 ~ade application for p~rmi~sion ~o hold ~ d~nce in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, June l~th,19~9. Permit granted, under proper police protection.' The Italian American ~thletic Club made application for a permit to hold a d~nce in ~etrop Hall on Saturday evening, kay S5th,1929. Permit gr~nted. ~.Sifuenters applie~ for permission to hold dances from two to six o'clock each Sunday aft in Fraternal~Hall and a show or performance each £und~y night from ? to l0 o'clock. ~eferred to the po c om~i s s i on. A.B.Russo requested permission to ~rect a soft drink stand in t~e Ballgrounds. ~he request of ~.Brignordelli for a refund of of ~.00 on ~ccount of a weed charge was denl the city having cleaned the weed~ from lhe property. The ~onthly report of the School Nurse ~s read and accepted. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution endorsing the proposed ~cqu~si~ion by the ~nited ~ of the Z50 acre site on Brewer'e lsland, near San ~ateo,l~or the purpose of a government airport. The resolution was adopted unanimously. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a z~esolution requesting Governor C.C.Young to veto Bill No.Z~5 of the State ~ssembly,if the same has been enacted by the State Legislature. This bill would re~ the n~nber of Justices of the peace in the First San ~ateo Township to one judge. The resolution w~s ad adopted unanimouly by the city council. Councilmen Tibbetts requested that action be taken in lhe matter of the i~proveme~t~ of Yarks, ~hildren's ~la~grounds, swimming pool, pa~i~g o~ orange Avenue, wideni~:~ of Third ~treet, otc b2 bo~d issn~d¢o~nc!lman Hynd~ng approved of rte measures a~d re ques~e~ that~the city engineer be requested to also include ~he mat~er of the widening o~ Linden Avenue and the installation of ~lectro on the same street, It was recom~ended ~tat owift Avenue ~e wic mnRd to 2A feet and ~e ci~ enginee was instructed to draw up plans aecorcingly. ~'he c~~ cler~ was instructed ~o request the,~it~ ~ibrari~n to ~a~e an ex~ra ~ey made ~or tn night policeman, and increase ~he candle power oY t~.e library in accordance wit~ that of ~e ci~ ~all Mayor mschelbach stated mr. ~m. ~etzger has invi~ea ~e ~ty ~ouncil and other ciSy of Iic, to at~end the ground breaking for his new pacZin( mouse near %he eli5 ~ire mouse, invita~lo~ accepted, ~.he following claims against the city were next pKesented for payment;- Paul Hamilton J. Medeghini Ben Gonzales ~rank McC arn Joe Dancak So. City Plumbing Shop II !I I1 I1 l~cific Telephone 0o. Florence ~eaver Hooper Chevrolet Co. John ~igoni M. Belli & Co. C. ~ar fan Colma Motor Car Co. E. R. Squibb & Sons So. City Plumbing Shop Industrial City Lbr. Co. Titcomb Electric Co. Superior Steam Laundry John Castro Pioneer Gibson Express Merchants Express~ Co. Ins tailing wires for fire alarm box sweeping streets labor on ball park "on streets repairing streets ~ nipples, e tc- fire dept. materials for ball park " " civic center "for ball park material for Hillside Sign Phone ~1170 ~efund weed tax Polish wash City Hall windows 7 quarts oil Police Dept. interpreting in court bal. due on Buick car anti anti toxin, etc. che~g!,~g valve - fire dept. labor & material making sign installing flood lights wash fire dept. hauling dirt ball park relieving fireman ~ frei ght ~ichel &Pfeffer Iron Wks. Back stop wings - ball park Unive~sal Tool Mfg. Co. I fire alarm box Eagleson & Co. 8 firen~n shirts forwarded .... $20. O0 49.50 27.00 24.75 27.00 27.00 S6.00 24. O0 1.10 5 .~0 ~ 2.85 50.40 1.75 5.73 ' 1.00 2.00 2O.OO 2.45 5.00. 5.00 675.00 76.20 2.65 5.55 44.17 2.96 29~. 65 ,. 25,00 .~5 .25 290.00 106.00 58.80 Bertucelli & Rosetti The Enterprise ~ Superior Steam Laundry Cement Gun Con. Co. Hanrahan Company mdse, fire dept. 2000 postal cards wash fire house No. 2 1st payment on Hillside Sign street assmt, work $ ?.85 35. O0 8.78 2,962.58 4,140.99 Total, $ 9,069.71 The claims hawing been audited by the fin~n~,e co,'.:z,~ittee councilm~rz Lloyd zz-,,oved they be paid. The motion was secozided by Councilm~n Hynding ~nd regul~-:rly adopted. There being no further busines, s before ~he meeti~g Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn :~ntil the nex~ regular ~eetiz~g. The ~otior~ w~s seco~ded by councilman Hynding ~nd regularl;' c~rried. Time of ~djournr.~ent 9;50 o'clock ]~.~. Approved