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Minutes 1929-08-05
THE REGULAR }.~EETIYG O? THE cITY CO~I,J~IL OF THE CITY ,~L FRAi~I~I~,~O '/,A~ ~ELD It~ THE GIT7 HALL ~0UTH ' ~0UDAY, AU~ULT 5th, 19E9. The regular meeting of the cit~~ council of the C~t~ of South San Francisco was held in the Cit$ ~all ~.~onaa~ evening, August 5th,19£9. The meeting was called to order at 7;50 o'clock p,m. b5 councilman A.~.Eschalbach, ~a~or of ~outh ~an francisco. i{0LL CALL. Ecl! call found the following members of the City bouncil present, to-wit;- Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, k. Tibbetts, A.J.Esche!b~ch. Absent, Councilman, ~.~finucciani. The minutes of the pre~ious meeting were read. T~ere being no errors or omissions councilman Hynding moved they be adopted as read. The motion '~'as seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. A communication was received from the Sout~ern ~ac~fic Railroad Compeny in relation to the imorovement~gf their crossing at Swift and ~rand Avenues..The company stated they were apposed to filling ink,he crossing on the south side of their tracks, considering the filling in on the north to be su~%cient. The matter was r~ferred° b~ck to the c~t~ engineer. ~.~...~munication was reeei%'ed from the League of California ~!~nici~alities, stating that citie will,ow be lieble for damages caused by negligence of city officers or employees operating city mot Tv vehicles in the course of employment, actual or ~!ed~ The new act taking effect August 14th 19~9. Councilman ~pnding was empowered to see t~at pro,er ~rotection i.s given the city by insurance against public liability, damages, etc. The Pacific Co~st Building 0ffic~als Conference requested that the city send the building Inspector to the convention of the organiza~ion at Portland Oregon September Z,4,5,6. 19~9. Laid o~er for consideration. The ~arket Street hallway Company replied to the city's letter requesting that they furnish their sh~re of the expense of filling in the c~ossing of their tracks with the Southern Pacific company at ~wift and urand Avenues. The compeny stated the exrense ox making this improvement rests with the Southern Pacicic hailroad. Mayor Eschelbach requested Ci.ty Attorney: Coleberd to com,_once pr, ceedings by communi~ationg with the railroad commission with s view to compellin~ the companies to take ~are of their crossings. ~ ~Three replies ~.'ere received-in favo~ of a voluntar~assessment of ~15.00 per lot to ~'iden Third Street in the Town of Baden. Ordered filed, Fost~_~Eli~ser Co~¥any requested permission to erect a stanmard sized bulletin board on th, East side~6f ~he Ne~, Bay Shbre Highway, 5000 feet south of t~e ~outh San Francisco Underpass, sccor~ to a diagram/attached. Permission granted. A communication was received from Ers. Alms Lnaganbach granting ~illiam L.Hic~e~ permission t~ install a llo gallon gesoline tank in the rear of her premises ~315 Grand A%enne. Chief Co~t~ was in~ ted to make the necessary arrangements for the installation. Soft dr~nk and pool room licenses ?~ere granted Colombo & Tapella,California ?col Hall and E.EYdiuza, South Cit[ Hotel. The monthly reports of the Fire Chief, b~ilding inspection department, m~nicipal judge and c: 6!erk for the month of Jul~ were received and accepted. .,. This being the date set for the open~ng of bids for t?e improvement o.f Swif~t'.Avenue Councilma] Tibbetts moved t~e bids be opened. Th motion was seconded by C7{~cilm~en',Yyndi~g.'en~.~:egularly csrrie~ The following bids were then Union Paving Co~p.ny, ~48,215.[0, A.~.Eatsch, ~59,9~7.70, California Construction Compeny, ~54,9~4.10; Hanrahan Compeny , ~==w~,6~.50. The Union Paving Company being the lowest responsible bidder, Councilman Lloyd introduced a r~ ution awarding the contract to the Union Paving C,~mpeny at the figures specifie~ in their bid; The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council p resent, to6wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hj'nding, R.Lloyd, R.Tt;betts, A. J.Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman, E.Einucciani. ~ Attest Recorded in Book of ResolUtions, vol £, at pages Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Councilman H~nding '.:/as empowered to order four ',ashingt~n Lights placed in the front of the City Hall. The clerk was instructed to c~llect the sum of ~0 per month,according to ordinance,from, the gerbage company, commencing August lot,1929. The clerk was instructed to write the property owners on both sides of Grand Avenue from Di%i~ Street to Maple Avenue, requesting them to take steps to place sidewall[s in front of their property the full width from curb to property line, within a period of fifteen days, after which,if the tmpro~ is not c.ompleted, the city will order the york done by proceedings. The city engineer's office w.~Ls instructed furnish grade, plans and specifications. The clerk was instructed to write the Spring Valley W~ter Co~,pa~y, 't~ar. king ti~em for the use their ground for dumpin~ purposes for the past five j:ears, and stating the 'ci~j~ will place the grou~ in as good ord~r as when accepted. The clerk ?~as instructed to write Oorden Rowe Company', auditors, requesting them to furnish a: audit of the books of the city judge, police and building In~[~.ection mepartments. Er. Metres of Baden Station appeared before the council and requested that ~is tenents in a vegetable stand of the State Highway be allowe~ to remain on acc. cunt of so man~ stores being in existence there now. Laid over for investigation, The problem of placing meat inspection in the Eetzger P~ckimg Company wes aiscu~,sed next. Git: attorney Colebera ad~:is~,d the council that ~n old ordinance ~rovides for s L~eat InspectoZ, but as th~ ordinance does not meet the standards of the Sen Francisco Board of Health, no decision ~-as reached ss to what method of inspection to employ. Claims to the amount of $£747.55 ~?'ere presented and audited by the finance committee. On moti( by councilman Lloyd seconded by councilman Tibbetts. the claims were ordered paid;- Allen C~l~pen Royal-~pply Co. WesterniOand and Rock Co. Louim,Bellon~ Chelt~i~Service oration Fllnks Oervice Station Scampint oervice ~tation Painting flag pole supplies fire dept. concrete - etc. feeding prisoners gas police dept. ~ - §~ tins cup grease gas and gear grease fire dept. $ 12.50 61.40 31.25 9.80 36.62 3.75 7.34 Councilmen. A. yd, R. Tibbetts, A.J.EsChelbach. Absent, councilman, ~.~finucciani. ' The ~nutes of the previous meeting were read. ?Here being no errors or, omissions councilman Hyndiug Roved they be adopted as read. The ~otion ~s seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. A comm~nicatio~ was received from the Sout[eru ~ac~fic Ra~road Company ~n relation to the imorovement?pT their crossing at Swift and ~ra~d ~venues..The company stated they were apposed to filling in?'~he crossing on the south side of their tracks, considering the filling in on the north to be su~cient, The m~tter was referred b~ck to the c~t~. engineer. /~J~o~unication was received from the League of Califor~ia ~!~niciyslities, stating that citie will~'ow be liable for da~a~es caused by negligence of city officers or employeea operating city ~otsr vehicles in the course of e~ployment, ~ctu~l or ~ed~ The new act taking effect August l~th 19~9. Councilman ~ynding was empowered to see ti~at prooer rrotection is given t~e city by insurance against rublic liability, damages, etc. The Pacific Co~st Building Officials Conference reGuested that the city send the building Inspector to the con~entton of the organization at Portland Oregon September Z,~,5,6. 1929. Laid o~er for consideration. The ~arket Street hallway Company replied to the city's letter requesting that they furnish their share of the expense of filling i~ the c~ossing of their tracks with the Southern Pacific ~ail~ compan~ ~t ~wift ~nd ~rand Avenues. The company stated the exrense ox making this improvement rests with the Southern Pacicic hailroad. ~ayor Eschelbach requested C~t~ Attorne~ Coleberd to com,_ante pr ceedings by communi~atlong with the railroad commission with a view to compellinr the companies to take ~are of their cron'sings. ""~ ~Throe replies-'ere received-in favo~ of a voluntary'assessment of ~15.00 per lot to ~'ide~ Thi~rd Street in the Town of Baden. Ordered filed. Foste~.~/~lieser Company requested permission to erect a standard sized bulletin board on th, East side~6f ~he Ne','~ Bay Shbre Highway, 5000 feet south of t~,e 5outh Oan Francisco %~nderpass, sccor, to a diagram/~ttsched. Permission granted. A co~munication was received from Ers. Alms Lnaganbach granting ~illiam L.Hic~e~ permission t install allo gallon gasoline tank in the rear of her premises FZ15 Crand A~en~e. Chief Co~t~ was in~ ted to make the necessary arrangements for the installation. Soft dr~nk and pool room licenses were granted C~lombo & Tapella,California ?sol Hall and E.~diuza, South Cit[ Hotel. The monthl~ reports of the Fire Chief, b~ilding inspection mepartment, m~nicipal judge and c 81erk for the month of Jul~ were received and accepted. .,. This being th, date set for the open~ng of bids for t?e Smprove~ent o,f Swif~t'.Avenue Councilma: Tibbetts moved t~e bids be opened. Th mo%ion was seconded by Cod~cilmlan,~y~d~g.~nd).r:egul~rly carrie, The following bids ~,ere then opened;- Union Paving Company, ~48,21~.f0, A.C.Eaisch, ~59,9~7.?0, California Construction Company, $54 9~.10' Hanrahan Company, &~ x~ ~ The Uu~on Paving Company being the lowest responsible bi~der, Councilman ~lo~d introduced a r~ ution awarding the contract to the Union Paving Company at the figures spectfie~ in their bid; The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council p resent, to6wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hjnding, R.Lloyd, R.Ti;betts, A. J.Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilman, [.Einucciani. ALteSt Recorded in Book of !~,esolUtions, vol £, at pages 2~_~4-£z~ Daniel ~cSweeney, Cit~ Clerk. Councilman H~nding ',,'as empowered to order four ~,ashin[t~n Lights placed in the front of t~e City Hall. The clerk was instructed to collect t~.e s:um of ~0 per month,according to ordinance,from the garbage company, commencing August 1st ,1929. The clerk was instructed to write the property owners on both sides of Crand Avenue from Dixi~ Street to l~aple Avenue, requesting them to take steps to place sidewalks in front of their property the full width from curb to property line, within a period of fifteen days, after ~hich,if the imrro~ is not c~mpleted, the city will order the york done by proceedings. The city engineer's office w.~s instructed furnish grade, plans ant specifications. The clerk was instructed to write the Spring ~alle~: W~ter Co~pafly, 't~ar, king ti~em for the use their ground for dumping, purposes for the past five ~ears, a~:d stating the '¢i~~ will place the grou~ in as good order as when accepted. The clerk ;~a.s instructed to write Oorden Rowe Company', auditors, requesting them to furnish ~ audit of the books of the city judge, police and building In~:,ection ~epartments. Er. Eertes of Baden Station appeared before the council and requested that l~is tenants in a vegetable stand of the State Highway be allowe~ to remain on acc ount of so n~an~ stores being in existence there now. Laid o~'er for investigation, The problem of placing meat inspection in the ~,,,:etzger P~:ckimg Co~psny wes ~iscu~sed next. Cit,~ sttorney Coleber~ ad~:is~d the council that an old or~inance rro~-ides for s ~,feat Inspector, but as tb.~ ordinance does not meet the standards of the San Francisco 9oard of Health, ~o decision -'as reached ss to what method of inspection to employ. Claims to the amount of ~2747.55 ~?'ere presented and audited by the finance committee. On ~oti¢ by councilman Lloyd seconded by counci~ma~ Tibbetts. t~;e claims were ordered paid;- Allen Cr ~pen Royat-'~Pply Co. Western'Oand and Rock Co. Loula,Bellon~ Chelt~i'Service Station Fllnks Service ~tatton Scampint service ~tation Service Garage Bank,of ~o. San ~ranctsco SuperiOr Steam Laundry Palnting flag pole supplies fire dept. ~ concrete - etc. feeding prisoners gas police dept. 5 - 5F tins cup grease gas and gear grease fire dept. 25 gals gas and zerolene street dep. gas street dept. 12.50 61.40 31.25 9.80 36.62 3.75 7.~4 14.00 16.32 prof. services Gordon Rowe to 6/~0/29 150.00 laundry 7.62 416 Claims forward: Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. D. W. Ratto B. J. Rodondi So. City Lumber Cunningham he~lty Co. .Ben Gonzales Galland Mercantile Laundry P. G. E. Co. Enterprise foundry Bendo Papini G. F. Bishop Co. The Enterprise E. N. Dearborn West Coast Nursery G. A. Kneese Pacific Water Co. Charlotte Farfan J. Medeghini ~emington ~and Co. ~rank Giffra Bertucelli & Rossetti J. Dancak Chanslor ~ Lyon 5totes, Inc. Superior Steam Laundry W. E. Horns Electric Corporation Oscar Krenz Braas Works John Castro J. Bertolt Paul Hamilton Phone service Insurance Prem. Prem. on auto policy Lumber street dept. rent Ciriscoli garage labor on street Towel service July ~ervice 6/24 to 7/23/29 Street lights I manhole cover keeping Jail clean July I clutch adjusting screw notice inviting sealed pro.~66 50 gals. bitumuls plants material, etc. Hillside Sigh Labor correcting house numbers Water Oervice July Interpreting in court street sweeping Line-a-time supplies fire dept. 5 gals. coal oil labor rep. streets material for brakes truck ~2 Laundry ~ire house ~1 material - Fire dept. 1 coil wire Fire dept. repair 1 hose nozzle relief man 6/24 to 30th and month of July grading and pouring cement fire house #2 carpenter helper digging sewer maintenance fire alarm system 36.07 22.40 2.50 94.40 5.00 25.29 5.00 74,~5 5.00 69.25 604.71 6.80 1©.00 .S9 9.00 6.50 58.05 30.25 224.00 550.59 5.00 5.00 49.50 21.15 ~.35 1.00 60.00 8.85 6.61 4.45 46.26 4.00 185.00 9.00 27.00 18. O0 July, 1929 20.00 W. 0. Harris building shed fire ho~z~se',~2 48.00 Fred Brown lmbor- on, sh~d , ..,, .,~ ~j ,'-, 46.35 Total - $2,747.55 There ~e~n~ no f~rther business CoUncilman Hyndin? mo~ed to adjourn, until lfonda,y, August 12th,1929,at ll~ o'clock A.E. TRe. re'orion was' .s~conded by ~ouncilm.~r: Llo~d and regularly cerried. Time of adjournment 9.51 P.E. Appr°V~c° Resrect f~lly submitted ,~ O£t~,~ Clerk