HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1929-09-03 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco '~as h~,ld in the Ct ~all Tuesday e~'ening, September 3rd,19Z9. The meeting was ca!!~d to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschelbg~ch; l,!ayor of South San FranciSco. ROLL CALL· Roll call found the following members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen,A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, F..Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. Absent, Counc~lman,M.Einucciani. The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions Councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Lloyd and regu!~ fly carried. A petition ~'as received from A.Sifuentes ssk_~ng for permission to operate a mo%lng picture sho ~nd v~ud~ville in the Fraternal hall every ~und[~~ e~en~ng, between the hours of 7 s-nd ll o'clock the operating room to be ten feet ~'~mom the building. On motion b~, Cou~cilman Llo~-d th~ request denied· Uhrough manager l%.L.dpangler, the Chamber of Commerce requested ti.e city/ council to use electr for tLe street lighting system manufactured by the Enterprise 3'oun~ C ~mpany, and submitted a cop~ resolution passed by the Chamber at a special meeting of the ~oard of Directors August £gth. The r~solution stzongly urged that home made products be given first consideration. ~/~ayor £schelbach st that every consideration naa 0een ~i~en the ioc~:l ~roduc~, but it was ~'ound that the upkeep of lacal made electroliers was out of proportion to tLe cost of the upkeep of the Los Angeles A communication was received from A.}fmsweeney suggestin8 that electric signs g'ving the name o city be olaced or erected at the entrances thereto. Laid over for consideration. ~/ary ¥ierra, 643 ~pruce Avenue, m~ner of lot 12, block{~;, High School Park, ~nd a building the requested assistance from the city council in securing the insta!lat~on of gas and light to her new lng. The clerk was instructed to write to the South S~n Francisco La~d Company ~nd ask that theN jo w~th t?e city _~n m~king a request for this impro%~ement. The 5~etal & Thermit Corporation ~rote the city stating they wet satisfied with' the assessment $1~00 per acre, that ~t is f~ . ~ per acre more than last year, but req~asted a refund of f908.48 o~"~le to be an overcharge in 1928. Referred to the city attorney for investigation and ad%'ice. The Cali~ornis bewage Works Association, in ~ ~'ritten com~unicetion requested the city council send a representative to their con~ention in Oakland, October 7-8-9, 1~9. Building Inspector Beatt wes selected to attend. Eugenic Lombardi a?Flied for a soft dr~nk license for the location 9~ Crsnd A~enue. -~eferred the police commission. Joe Lombardi applied for a oern it to construct a gasoline serwi~e station building on lots 1!,12,1,5,!4 in Block 146, east side of the new Bay ~hore Highway. keferred to Fire Chief J.L~..Costa. The reports of the bu~!ding inspection del~artment,Fire Chief, Chief of Police, and c~ty clerk the month ending August Zlst were submitted and accepted. In the matter of meat inspection for the I~etzger Packing Comps, nj~ ~]s~or Eschelbach stated a ~-e on dut~~ full time and the cost of the inspection ~on the ineustry. TLe city voula accept the count meat inspection under county ordinance. In accordance with this statenent Councilman H~mding intro a resolution consenting to tha meat inspection of all meat packing O~ants in the City of ~outh ~an Francisco not inspected under the United Stae~, Bureau of Animal Industry, by the meat Inspector of t County of San }~ateo. The resolution was ados, ted by the %otis of ell th~, re. embers of the council prese to-wit,; Ayes, Councilmen, A.H~nding,~ R.Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. Noes, Cou~,cilmen, ~one Abset, Councilman, 2J.~inucciani. Attest Daniel k'cSweene~? Cit~ Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥o!.£, at page ~6. The clerk was instructed to write the Southern Pacific Company and notifj them that their fen fronting the railroad on Railroad A~enue is down between opruce and L~nden Avenues, and request that same be repaired and painted white· It was agreed by the city council that the rearward of ~50 for the arrest and conxiction of suy dumping garbage any place in the city except the regular city dump be increased to ~lO0, Councilman Lloyd offered a motion to this effect· The motion was seconded by Councilman Yy~dtng and regularly c~rried. City Engineer Mlassen stated the plans ~nd s~ecifications for t~-~e improvement of Third street were b~ing prepared. City Claims to the amount of ~1919.48 w~re next submitted . The finance committee having sud the bills Councilman Loyd moved they be paid· The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts ahd ~e carrie~. Union Oil Company La Mars Garage Babes Service ~tation Old Reliance Garage A. Carlisle & Co. Pac. Tele. & Tele. C~/ J. Welch M. Belli & Louis Delloni M. Ruiz Western ~and ~ Rock Galland Lanndry Pred Brown .,~.Prank Giffra B~rtucelli & Rosetti Royal Supply Co. asohalt Gas f~re dept. " Street dept. " police dept. repairs Ohev. truck index tabs ~ervice removing dogs & cats keeping 2 dogs for observation repairs, etc. police car repair ~tire feeding prisoners interpreting in court concrete mix, etc. ~Rock, sand, etc. towel service Aug. carpenter work mdse. ~100' rope mdse. oolice & fire · 69.00 £9.40 17.60 48.10 28.95 9.70 18.40 17.50 11.00 11.35 .75 4.20 5.00 53.88 215.33 5.00 11.00 1.00 3,10 Absent, Count ilman ,M. Minucciani. ~ . The minutes of the three previous meeting, s were read. T~ere beirJ~ no errors or omissions Councilmen Tibbetts mo~ed they be adopted as read. The motion was ~econded hy ~ouncilman Lloyd and regu!s fly carried. A petition ~.:-as received from A.Sifuentes asking f)r permission to operate a moxing picture sh( end veud~ville in the Fraternal Hall every 5und[~y e~ening, between the Louts of 7 s~nd ll o'clock P.I: the operating roo~ to [e ten feet ~'rom the building. Or~ moti:~n b~ Cou~':a~ilmen Lloyd th,~ reqhest ~as denied. Through manager R.L.dpangler, the Chamber of Coomerce requested t;.e cit;~ council to use elect~ for tLe street lightin~ system manufectured by the Enterprise ~oun~ C~mpany, and submittea a cop[, resolution passed by the Chamber at a special meeting of the Board of Directors August [gth. The r~solution strongly urged that home made oroducts be given first consiaeration ~a~or ~schelb-ch that every consiaeration naa oeen fix~en the ioc~l ~rodrc~, but it w~s -~?ound that the upkeep of lace] made electroliers was out of proportion to tL.e cost of the upkeep of the Los [~ge!es ~rod~:~ct. ~ co~unication was received from ~k.},~c~weeney suggestinf that electric signs g~ving the name city be olaced or erected at the entrances thereto. La!.d over for consideration. I,~ary Vierra, 643 Spruce Avenue, o~ner of lot t2, block{O, High School Park, s~nd a building th~ requested assistance from the city council in securing the installation of gas and light ~:o her lng. The clerk was instructed to write to the South 5~n Francisco La'nC Company and ask that theN w~th t~ e city ~n making a r~quest for th~s improvement. The 5~etal & Thermit Corporation ,'r~te the city stating they wet satisfied with' the assessment ~1~00 per acre, that it zs :,507 per acre more than last year, but req]~:asted a refund of f908.48 to be an overcharge in 1928. Referred to t~e city attorney for investigation and adb'ice. The Cal!~ornis ~ewage Works Association, in [~ ~,'ritten communication requested the city council send a representative to their conx~ention in Oakland, October V-8-9, 1~29. Building Inspector Beat~ wes seYected to attend. Eugenic Lombardi arplied for a soft drink license for the location ~5 Crsnd A%enue. -"eferred the police commission. Joe Lombsrdi applied for a oer~it to construct a ~asoline serwi~e station building on lots 1!,12,13,!4 in B!~ck 146, east side of the new Bay Shore Highway. Referred to Fire Chief J.L[.Costa. ~ ,.zre Ch~.ef Chief of Police, aha c~ty clerk Th~ reports of the building inspection del~artment ~' the month ending August 31st were submitted and accepted. In the matter of meat inspection for the Eetzger Packing Comp~.n~ .... },.~or.: ~ Esc.helbach stated a ~e on dut~ fu!~ ti~e and the cost of the inspection ~n the industry. TLe cit~: v oul~ accept the coun~ meet inspection under county ordinance. In accordance with this statement Councilman H~mding intrc a resolution consenting to th~ meat inspection of all meat ~ac~ing ~ant . ~ .... s in the City of South ~an Francisco not inspected under the United Staes Bureat~ of Animal Industry, by tLe meat Inspector of County of San Mateo. The resolution was ados. ted by the ~ot~s of ell th~ members of the council prese to-wit,; Ayes, Councilmen, A.H~mding, R.Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, A.J.Esche!bach. Noes, Courcilmen, Yone Abset, Councilman, M.}~]inucciani. Attest Daniel Mc~weene~' Cit~ Clerk Recorded in Book of i~esolutions, ~'o!.~, at page The clerk was instructed to write the ~outhern Pacific Company and notify- them that. their fen fronting the railroad on Eailroad A~enue is down between opruce and Linden Avenues, and request that same be repaired and painted white. It was agreed by the citj~ council that the re~,ard of ~50 for the arrest and con%iction of Shy dumping g~rbage any place in the city except the regular city dump be increasee to ~100~ Councilman Lloyd offered a motion to this effect. The motion was seconded by Councilman Y~r~d%ng and regularly carried. ' City Engineer ~lassen stated the ~!ans ~nd s~ecifications for t~e improvement of Third street were b~ing prepared. Cit~- Claims to the amount of ~j,!919.48 ware next submitted . The finance' committee having sud the bills Councilman Loyd moved they be paid. The motion was secor, ded by Councilman Tibbetts a~d ~e carried. Union Oil Company I~ Mars Garage Babes Service ~tation Old Reliance Garage A. Carlisle & Co. Pac. Tele. & Tele. O~/ J. Welch M. Belli & Co. Louis ~elloni M. Rui z Western ~and & Rock Galland Laundry Fred Brown l~rank Giffra Bertucelli & Rosetti Royal Supply Co. Dudley Perkins Paul Hamilt on asphalt Gas f~re dept. " Street dept. " police dept. repairs Chev. truck index tabs ~ervice removing dogs & cats keeping £ dogs for observation repairs, etc. police car repair.tire feeding prisoners interpreting in court concrete mix, etc. ~Rock, sand, etc. towel service Aug. carpenter work m~se. -100' rope mdse. police & fire dept. repair motorcycle 2[.82 69.00 29.40 17.60 48.10 28.95 9.70 18.40 17.50 11.00 11.35 .75 4.20 5.00 53.88 215.33 5.00 11.00 1.00 3.10 64.75 .50 maintenance fire alarm system August 20.00 420 Claims paid -- J. Sarytti C. Sands C. ~. Heard L. ~evares A. C. Johnson ~rank Arnold H. Walker A. Tarrango A. Canziani Paul Penoski E. Kozlowski A. Sant J. McDonald E. J. Costa E. Galli M. Lucca J. Bernardo H. B. ~hoote G. ~ani C. Brizzt J. Famborini T. Galli R. Bisagno W. Woods R. Petrocchi 0. Hayworth B. Gonzales N. Medeghint A. Colombo S. Kiessling J. Ferre J. Castro Patrick & Co. Bank S. S. F. Pacific Water Co. C ont lnue d attending fire labor building steps labor watering trees sweeTing streets attending fires relief work fire dept. to Aug. l? relief work to Aug. 31st relief work Aug. 1st to 18th daters claim of C. Manzoni library water water August $5.00 5.00 1~.50 E2.§O 15.0O 2.50 12.50 15.00 9.50 15.00 5.00 ?. 50 2.50 2.50 10.00 2.50 7.50 17.50 12.50 15.00 17.50 17.50 lC.C0 ~.?0 49.50 '74.25 15. O0 12.50 40. O0 40.00 90.03 2.10 48.50 39.13 501.97 Total - - - $.1,919.48 There be.ing no furth,~r bu~'iness councilman Lloyd mo~'e~ to adjourn until the next regular meeting, F. on, d~Y evening', September 16ti:,1929. The motion was seconded by councilman Tib'bette and regularly ca, fir i ed. ~ T~me of adjournment, 9.~-5 o'clock p.m. Ap~.r ore d~/~~~~ ~ (-~y5¥ of South San Francisco ;,espect fully submitted,