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Pursuant to adjournment the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
met in adjourned regular session in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said City
of South San Francisco on Wednesday, January ES, 19~0, at 7:S0 o'clock p. m.
There were present the following: Councilmen~ A. Hynding, M. Minucciani,
R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts and A. J. Esohelbach.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
There were filed with the City Clerk preliminary plans for the improvement
of three park sites and a portion of Orange Avenue in said City of South San Fran-
cisco and an estimate of the cost of such improvements, made by George A. Kneese,
City Engineer of said City of South San Francisco. Said estimate was read. There
was also filed with said City Clerk a preliminary sketch of a proposed natatorium,
or swimming pool building, for said City of South San Francisco, together'with an
estimate covering the cost of acquiring land sufficient for the construction of
such building and the cost of the construction of such building, said sketch and
estin~te having been prepared by Edwards and Schary, architects.
Resolution "A" was then introduced and adopted by the unanimous vote of all
said Councilmen. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2, at page £75.
Resolution "B" was then introduced and adopted by the unanimous vote of all
said Councilmen. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2, at page 275.
Resolution "C" was then introduced and adopted by the unanimous vote of all
said Councilmen. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2, at page 275.
Resolution "D" was then introduced and adopted by the unanimous vote of all
said Councilmen. Recorde~ in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2, at ~7~.
Claims in the amount of :?100.00 were ne~.t presented, and on motion by Counci!ma.n Hynding,
seconded by Councilman Lloyd and re~.uiarly carried v~ere ordered paid,
,~ delegation of property owners from umper Linden ~ivenue ~nd adjoining streets a ,~eared
before the council wishing to protest ttgainst the improvement of Linden f~venue under Resolution
of Intention [~68. I..2ayor Eschetbach explained tLat besides the regular protest meetin~ held under
the law, notices were inserted in the newspaper three weeks, not'ices were placarded upon the streets
a2~fect~'~d four weeks, post~onment of the award was .~ake~a l'or two weeks and a special ~:aeetin? was
hel~ in the City Hall, Friday even±rog, January 17th, to which all persons interested were invited
to attend by a personal letter. The ~dayor stated the contract W~.ts awarded lionday evening, January 20
20th, and no ~f:.ersons were on hand to protest, nor a sui'fic~.ent number protesting at any of the
previous meetings, and therefore there was no redress ~_t such a late date.
There being no further business councilman Hynding moved to ad~iourn unZil ldOnday evening,
January 27th,1930, at 7;~0 o'clock p.m. The motio~:i was duly seconded by councilman Lloyd a~ad ~
regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9. o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,