HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-03-03 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South 'San Prancisco was held in the City Hall Eonda~ evening, ~farch Zrd, 19Z0. The meoting Was called to order at 7;Z0 o'clock p~m. by Councilman A.J.Esche!baCh, LLayor of San Francisco. ROLL C ALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit; Councilmen, A.Hynding, iq. Lloyd, N. Einucciani, ~.Tibbetts, ~.J.Eschelbach. The minutes of the previoue meeting were read and approved. An application for a position on the Ap?il board was received from Ers. Doretha l~.Eiller. Ap?l! ordered placed oM reference file. A communics tion w. s received from the Union Paving Company requesting an extension of ninety days time in which to complete the construction of~'~.~e~t~ ~..,~.~,~..~ work ,on Swift A~enue. ~!/~ii~~' An applicat'ion for a soft drini: license was received from Lax Giavia for the ~i~'er'ty Hotel. Application granted ,Am applical~ion for a soft drink license ~:as received from Gulio Garbini for 'th'e location ~200 Crand Aven~e~, corner of Cypress. Application granted. A con~unica~tion was received from Almer IT.Newhall,President of the San Francisc~o Chamber of Commerce in refe~ence to the movement to change the name, of the Bay ~hore Highway ~to Bayshore Bo~ Mr. Eewhall state~d the question was :~'eferred to his cor~.mittee On bridges and highways, and this committee reporte~d against the change of name. He stated he also was against it. ComMunication file( Request ¥:as~ made by Bolopolus and Gelep~.,:~s for permission to remodel the store .'at ].04 Drand next to their res~taurant, for the enlargement of their business. Re ferred to the-buflding Inspecto~ The Pacifi6 Gas & Electric Company applied for permission t& cut a 2 foot trench and lay an eight inch pipe dn the south side of Swift Avenue 2800 feet from the easterly line of the Western Company to supply natural gas. Laid over for ~nv~stigation. The reportg of the municipal judge.~Bi~il~-ing Inspector, Police Chief and fire chief for the month ending Febr~uary 28, were read anti'accepted. A statement* was received from the South San Prancisco Land & Improvement Company~coverins the 7.84 acres acquired by~ the city adjoining tho 20 acre park, indicating the city owe~~ ~j4469.07~ for deferred payments 'and ihterest and taxes. Laid over for investigation. The bond el~ection returns of Tues,[ay Febru:>~ry 25 having been received it was four, d the total number of ballots~ vot~;d in pricincts A and B had not been shown by the election board. Councilman Hynding moved the' kallot enve~ipes be opened for' the inspection of the board. The mot~ion was second~ by councilman Llo'yd and regularly carried. I? pr~.~cinct A 200 ballots v.'ere cast anE in~ precinct B 27~ ballots wore cast: ~ A resolution canvessing the returns of the election ~::~s introduc.~'d by councilman l~inucciani. The count showed ~?£' votes in favor of both propositions and 10Z1 aEainst both 'propositions. ?he peso!ut'ion w:~s adopted by t'he unanimous Yore of all the coumcilmen, to-wit- A?es, A.Hyn~ding, Z.Llosd, L~.Liinucciani, 'i~.Tibbetts, A.J.iCschelbach. L~oes, None, Absent, None. Attest,Daniel ~dc~,oweeney = .~' ,Cit~; Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol f~, at page · The Pacific~ Gas & Electric C'ompany reou,.~.ted permission to set poles ,nd install anchors at new '~oints on account of the improvement of Liud~.,m Avenue.?ermission granted. ~ CoUncilman Hynding brought the matter of a raise in salary for the city firemen, to the council attention, and moved that the salaries be rai,_od to ~?160.00. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regl~larl~ carried. 01aims against the cit~ in the amount o'" $g~0~.99 were x~ext .]presented. The claims havir, g been audited by the flnarlce conm~ittee CouncilHy~ding. ":o~'ed they be paid. The motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Einucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business council~'~an Ti]%etts mo¥~.d to adjourn . ~he motion w~s seconded by councilman ~Einucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;o'clock p.m. l(espect fullF submitted Appr ove~~-~-~-~,~k . ~ t~yo~r Of South San Francisco. Clerk pro tem. Claims it '~ emi. zed as follows;- The Seagrave Corporation M~ Belli & Co. Enterprise ~ oundry Superior ~undry Superior Steam I~undry Bertucelli & Rossetti San Mateo Co. Title 0o. Louis Belloni ' J. Welch S.S.~. Scavenger Co. 0. I~mducc i Pacific Water O o. Neal ~tratford & Kerr American Bitumuls C o. A. O. Johns on ~ed Brown Otto Bissett ~amee Spuri N. Medeghini Hoover Spring 0o. lac, Teleo Oeo Royal Supply C o. A. Vaunuee i X Chemical nozzle 1 gasket, etc. fire dept. 1 dash switch 2 hydrant exSensions supplies report on Grand Ave. & S.P. crossing feeding prisoners, etc. removing dogs and cats, ~eb. removing garbage to ~eb. 1st 1 uniform Officer ~hipple hydrant service ~e~. $ liberty sto2age files 5 drums bitumuls 5 days labor p~inting relief driver to ~eb. E8 1 frame, ere sweeping streets 1 rear spring reset phone service ~eb. , supplies gas - street dept. 7.88 2.05 .80 25.96 5,95 4.39 3.50 10.00 7.95 24.5O 9.00 65.00 450,00 ?.80 38 2~.. 50 20.25 50.00 14.00' 49.50 45.15 50.~0 17.20 ordered placed orr reference~ file. A communic~ tion w s received from the Ur_ion Paving Company requesting an extension of nin~ days time in which to complete the co~structio~J of pa,'er_eft work ,on Swift A~-enue. ~r~/ An a~olicat'ion for a soft drinh licer~se was received fro~ L~ Giavia for the $iberty Hotel, Application granted ~ applicat~ion for a soft drink license v. ae received from Gulio Garbini for ~th~- location ~00 Crand Ave~ue, corner off Cypress. Applicati~m granted. A conm~tnic~tion was received from Almer L:.~ewhall,Preside~t of the San Francisgo Chamber ~ Commerce in refeffence to the movement to change the name, of the Bay Zhore Highway ~to 'Bayshore Bo~ ~r. Newhall state~d the question was ?eferred to his committee On bridges and highways, and this committee reporte~d against the change of name. He stated he also was against it. ComM~ication fi Request ¥:ag made by Bolopolus and Gelep~es for permission to remodel the store at !04 ~ran~ next to their regtaurant, for the enlargement off their business. Re ferred to the-bui~lding Inspec The Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission t& cut a 2 fleet trench and lay am eight inch pipe gn the south, side of :-~wift Avenue 2800 feet from the easterly line of the ~Tester~ Company to supply natural gas. La~d over for inv stigation. The reportg of the m~icipal judge~B~il~:ing Inspector,' Police Chief and ffire chieff for the month ending Febffuary 28, were read and accepted. A statement' was received from the South San Prancisco Land & Improvement Company,covering t 7.84 acres acquiffed by the city adjoining tho 20 acre park, indicating the city owe:~:: ~.~4459.07 ~ deferred payments hud ihterest and taxes. Laid over for investigation. The bond el~ection returns of Tuesday Febru::~ry 25 having been received it was ffound the tota number of ballots~ vot.~d in pricincts A and B had not been sho~ by the election boakd. Co~cilm Hynding moved the~ ~allot enveOlpes be opened for the inspection of the board. The mot~ion was seco by councilman Llo]~d and regularly carried. I'? pr~?cinct A 200 ballots ~-~ere cast and in precinct B ballots w~re castl r.~~ A resolution canvessing the retur~s of the election w..s introduc.~d by councilman L~inucciani The count showed 47[' votes in favor of both propositions and 1051 aEainst both ~ropositions i~he resolut'ion w-=s adopted by t~he unanimous ~ote of all the comacilmen, to-wit- A~,es, A.Hyn~ding, ~.Llo~d, ~i. Liinucciani, i~.Tibbetts, ~.~..?:schelbach. . !~oes, None, Absent, None. Attest,Daniel IEcSweeney ,Cit~: Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol f~, at page 277. The ~acific' Gas & Electric Company requo=ted permission to set poles -nd install anchors at new ~oints on acc'cunt off the improvement of Li¥~dk~,n Avenue.~ermission granted. CoUncilman Hynding brought the matter of a raise in salary' for the city firemem to the coun., attention, and moved that the salaries be rai,_~:~d to $160.00. The motion was seconded by councilma: Lloyd and regl~larl~ carried. Claims against the city in the amount o!" ~2209.79 were next presented. The claims having be, audited by the finar~ce comn~ittee CoUncilHY~din~_ ?roved they be paid. The motion was seconded by ~ouz~.cilman ~,~inucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business council~':an Tibbetts mov,,~d to adjourn . The motion w~,s secon~ 'by councilman ~Jinucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;o'c!ock p.m. i~,espect full~; submitted Approve ~~~~-~ ~yor Of South San Francisco. :~..~Eynding. Clerk pro tern. Claims itemized as follows;- The Seag~ave Corporati on M, Belli & Co, Enterprise ~oundry Superior I~undry Superior Steam Zaundry Bertucelli & Rossetti San Mateo Co. Title 0o. Louis Bell oni J. Welch S.S.F. Scavenger Co. 0, ~ducci Pacific Water O o. Neal ~tratford & Kerr American Bitumuls Co. A. O. Johns on Fred Brown Otto Bissett James Spuri N. Medeghini Hoover Spring 0o. Pac. Tole. O o. Royal Supply C o. A. Vannucc i W. ~oocl. X Chemical nozzle 1 gasket, etc. fire dept. 1 dash switch ~ hydrant extensions wash Fire HOuse ~ supplies report on Grand Ave. & S.P. crossing feeding prisoners, etc. removing dogs and cats, ~eb. removing garbage to ~eb. 1st I uniform Officer Whipple hydrant service Feb, 6 liberty storage files 5 drums bitumuls 5 days labor painting relief driver to Feb. E8 1 frame, ere ~ sweeping streets 1 rear spring reset phone service Feb. supplies , gas - street dept. " police " " fire dept. attending fires ?,88 2,05 ,80 25,96 5,95 4.B9 3.50 10.00 ? .96 24.50 9.00 65,00 450,00 ?,80 38 ,~3 2~ · 50 20,25 50.00 14.00 49.50 17 45.15 50.~0 17.20 41.75 17.80 2,50 450 01aims continued: J. Berna~do tt. R. Selin J. Pambrini E. Wozlowski J. Castro R. Bisagno P. Penoski J. Perri Angelo Colombo F. Arnold R. Petrocchi E. Galli H. B. Shoots A. Caujiani C. Bris$i H. ~. Buck Annie 0 onrad A. Beltrami J. E. Sullivan Prances Garcia R. A. Merritt G. A. Roll E. M. Dotson Rebecca Kay A~nie ~li~k Alice M. ¥on~g Angelo Canziaui Kate A. Ma2mard Antionette Kozlowski D. Palany ~i oranaBeltrami Pacific Water Co.' T. Valerga & Co. P. W. Brown R. G. B~rns S. Kiessling A. Oanziani West Coast Nursery Uni on Paving C o. E. Volonte The Enterprise Gladys A. Welte attending fire Clerk on election Board Services on' " w Service plowing smd disking l~bor on ball work on election bootl~ rent garage Peb. 25 election labor on ball park 2 trips to County Clerk flowers rental sixty cat & scraper 1 day work on park printing election supplies "ordinance No. 15S. etc. adv. for park bonds Clerk on election board $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 ' 2.50 2.50 2,50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10o00 1~).00 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10.00 23.15 50. O0 22.50 21.00 10.00 22.50 6.00 3.90 182.00 75.00 4.5'0 SOl.lO 1~.00 84. O0 10-O0 Total ....... $2209.79