HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-04-07REGULJ~R I~ETING 0~~ THE CITY C0~ECIL 0~~ THE CITY OF
The re~ular meeting of "the city council.of the City of South ~San Francisco was held in
the City Hall ~onday evening, April 7th,19Z0.
The meeting was c~lled to order at 7.~0 o clock p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschelbach,Mayor
of South San Francisco.
Roll call found all members of the council ~resent, to-wit;-
Councilmen, A.H~ding, R.Lloyd, ~.~inucciani, R.Tibbetts, ~i.J.Eschelbach.
The minutes o£ the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions,
Councilman Hynding moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Tibbetts
and regularly carried.
An application for a position on the election board April 14, was received from Mrs.
E.Du~emen. The appointments having already.been made the clerk was instructed to place her in case
of a vacancy.
Nineteen answers were received from property owners on Grand Avenue in relation to the
question of lights on that thoroughfare. Ten were satisfied with the present lighting system, five
favored more lights, three favored electroliers with 2 globes and one favored the bracket system
until such time as the poles are removed. Answers ordered filed.
A petition was received signed by la property owners on Gr~nd Avenue pro~esting to the
granting of a license to ~ark Rado for palmistry purposes. Petition accepted and the license denied.
The monthly reports of the building Inspector and city clerk were received and accepted
The request of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for permission to open a ~rench 40ft long
by 15" deep in the sidewalk at the N.W.corner of Linden Ave. & 4th,~ane, was gr~nted.
The Pacific Tel & Tel Company was~granted permission to extend their iron pipe line lateral
from the pole on the e~st side of Linden Avenue to the manhole at the intersection of 4th, Lane and
Linden~Avenue. The same company w~s granted permission to install a subway on Linden ~venue and San
Browne Road between Baden~and Tanforan Avenues.
The proposition f6r additional insurance liability for the city was laid over till a future
~r. Dimetroff's request for the installation of sewer laterals on Linden Avenue extension
near San Br~o Road w~%s next given consideration, On the ~dviee of engineer Klassen he decided to await
the construction of the proposed new drainage system sewer near his ~roperty.
Mr. L~iller, s~rong man, appeared before the council and requested a permit to hold boxing
wrestling exhibitions in this city. Referred to city attorney Coleberd to look up the oordinance on
the subject.
A delegation from Town of Baden appeared before the city council and ~rolested- ~ i, he granti~
of a building permit to construct an auto camp on the E1 Camino Real, in the city limits of South
San ~rancisco. No action was taken at the meeting, and the committee requested tha~ notice be given th
them when any action might be taken in reference to the subject.
Claims in the amount of $1247.46 werenext presented to the city co~ncil for payment; The cia
claims having been audited by the fin~:nce com~ittee councilm~n Hynding moved they be paid. The motion'
was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts ~nd regularly_ carried.
· R. Petrocchi Attending fires $ 5.00 Scampini & Zanetti
A. Canziani , 2.50 "
W. Woods B 2.50
Otto Bissett - 2.50
L. Savares , '5.00
Gino Sani " 5.00
R. Bisagno - 5.00
H. Buck " 5.00
T. Galli - 5.00
A. Terragno - 5. O0
~J. McDonald - 5.00
E. Kozlowski - 5. O0
Harry Shoote - 5.00
Adolph Sani - 5.00
John Castro - 5.00
Carl Brizzi - 5.00
Paul Penoski " 5.00
H. R. Selin ,, 2.50
P. Arnold - 2.50
A. C. Johnson " 2.50
John Fambrini " 2.50
E. Galli , 2.50
W. R. Emerick " 2.50
J. Peri " 2.50
Paul Hamilton maintenance fire system
M~rch 20. 00
~. Bernard Attending fires 7.50
A. Colombo - ~7.50
C. R. Beatty Co. ~abor & material fire
dept. 45
Service Garage & Machine Shop " 3.75
Seagrave Corporation Bendix ~rive spring
and lock washers
Fred J. Lautze Repairs Ford car
M. Belli & Co,
gas, etc, fire dept, $31.11
" police" 50.30
pennzoil & repair
, ~ire 3.20
" wash, grease pol. car 5.00
C. Landucci Uniform Chief Belloni 65.00
L. Belloni feeding prisoners 5.80
Dudley Perkins servicing motorcycle 1.50
C.R,Beatty Co. work,, material chang-
ing police lights 43.24
N. Medeghini
l&bor cu~ing down
trees -
gas street dept.
notices of election
F. Mc-VCarn
A. C. Johnson
A. C,'~ nziani
Scampini & Zanetti
Enterprise Press
Galland Met. Laundry cabinet service M~r.
San Mateo Co. Title
Pacific W~ter Co.
Pac. Tele.& Tele.
Pac. Water Co.~
West Coawt Nursey
G. F. Bishop Co.
towel " "
reports Ear.
Water ~ar.
Service Mar.
Water -Parks~Mar.
repair lawn mower
Total $1,247.46
There being no further business' Councilman,Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Friday evening,
April llth,19Z0, at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ei'nucciani and regularly cs
Time of adjourEnent, 9;o'clock p.m.
,'~a~ ~of 'South San Francisco