HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-04-21458 The regular meeting .off the city council of tle City of South San Francisco was held in tim City Hall ~donday evening, April 21st,19Z0. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschelbach, ~,~ayor of South San Francisco. iqOLL CALL. Roll call found all the members of t.;_.e council ~resent, to-wit;- Councilmen, A.H~nding, R.Lloyd, t:.I.[inucciani, R.Tibbetts, L.J.Eschelbach. The minutes of the two previous meetin~[s v~'ere read. Ther~ being no errors or omissior~ ~ounc~lman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. T e motion was seconded'by Councilman ¥inucciani and regularly carrie&, n Comncilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution c~vassing reSur~ and declari~g returns off the ~eneral !~unicipal Election held in the Cito~ off ~;outh San Francisco on April 14th,19Z0, for two positions off city councilmen, full term of four years. The result of the canvass showed 1462 votes cast, and that Victor Boido received 722 ~otes, Albert Joseph EschelbaCh'627 votes,~rew~Hyndin 686 votes and Joseph Patrick Quinl~ 766 votes. The resolutuon declared that Yictor Boido and Joseph ?atrick Quinlan were duly elected City Ommcilme~:~. off the City off ~outh San ~ ' ~ranczsco, and the City Clerk ordered to issue certificates of election t~ tle sa'id Yictor Boido and Joseph P~trick Quinlan. The resolution was adopted by the :manimous vote of all the members of the City counct to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, ~.~,~inucciani, R.Tibbetts,A.J.Eschelbach. I~oes, Cour:ci}men, i~one, Absent, Counc~_] ...... ~ Irene. 2ttest, Daniel, ~fcgweeney Ci%y Clerk. Recorded in B~ok of Resolutim:~s, Vel. S, at ?age 279. The clerk then issued certificates of election to the newly elected members of the Qu~n,.an. Both having signed the certificate, of election city council,Victor Boido and Joseph Patrick "" ~' ~ the city clerk swore them in as city councilmen for the full term of four years. 0n t~ing the seats c $he retiring cou~.tcilmen, A.J.Eschelbach and ~¢~drew ~:yne~no, Councilman L.I,,~inucciani moved that cotmcilman ~uinlan be elected Mayor of the city. The motion was seconded by Co~cilman Boi~o and. - regularly carried. Joseph P. quinlan then took the seat 'of tl~e i~,~ayor of the City of South San Francisco. Retiring La~or Eschelbach and councilman Hy~ding thawed the people of oouth San Franc isco for their co-operation during their terms of o'~fice just expired, wished for the prosperity of th ci ty and the success off the new a~ninistration wit~ Co~cilmen Boido and ~.uinlam. Layer Quinl~ thanked t~e retiring co~cilmar and . ~a~or for their expressions of good will, the people of the City of South San FranciSco for their loyal sup?crt aud asked the co-operation of the townspeople in all civic afffairs for the betterment of the city and the growth of the co~mmnity at large. .... outh San Fr~cisco A conm',~nication v/as received frou:. ~ ,~ro~e !(o.171, United ~kncient ord,~r of Druids requesting a permit to hold a three day celebration, April ~,~tn,26th,and 27th,1930, in honor off the 25th birthday of the orgmaization. ~n~ reeuest stated a hetty-go-re,d, merry-mix-Up and Ferris ~eel uere anions the attractions desir~d a~d that 27 societies~,w°uld~take part.in the celebration, The local s0c~ety coz~ducting the 7~rogram. .-.l~:otion was m~de a.~d seconded' that the request be denied, but u~oon the representation by comn:itteeman ~.L'ieri for the org~ization, and numerous other citizens, th~ motion was withdra~ and the d.sired permission granted. A co~munication was received from tho Paciffic Oas & Electric asking permission to cut a two foot trench and lay a two inch pipe line on zhe south ~ide of Parkway between Birch and Bpruce f, venues, and on Bir~ Avenue to Parkway ~d along ~arkway 182 west off Birch to sup?ly customers with gas. i(eferred to the street co~.ittee. A petition was received.from, a n~nb~r of property o~ers on the E1 Canine Real and ad- jacent streets flavoring the construction of a Bungalow Court and withdrawing their names from a peti- tion against an auto camp in the same locality. As the previous council had a?reed to notify orotest- n~.l~ next be taken up the~:Clerk was instructe~ to ants against tke cute camp off the date the matter ~'~" ' , noti~ them to ao~oear at the next meeting of the co~,ncil, i~onday April 28th,at 7;~,0 o' D.W. Ratto made aFplication for a permafit to constrnct concrete buildin~ on the fro~t:0f lot ~2, ~lock 1!7, a~d also one on tke rear of same lot. ~ermit granted. ~ application was received from :~.Simon for a permit to construct a,terra c~tta tile building for a fender works and sheet metal works on lots 19 and 20, ~lock 149 on the west side of t~ fan Bruise Road, the same to cost no less than $3000.00. ikefferred to the building Ir:specter. The Sm-th San Francisco Chamber off Commerce submitted a copy of the San ~ateo'Chamber of Commerce"s letter advising certain traffic rec~'!ations for. the new bay shore highway. 0on~i6ati~ ordered filed. City Coleberd ma~.e, a t~ngth~ report of his presontmtion off the city's case against the .-:outh~rn Pacific Railroad Comoany and the ~outh Sau F' ancisco lkailroad & Power Com~oany before the State Railroad 0o~ission in San E[~ancisco regardi~g the impassable condition of the two companies'~ ,:~,~f't f~veuues. He stated tracks for trafffic at the junction of Or~d and ~' ' conjuction with him in presenting the enginc, ering :~eature of the case for the city~ and all evidence pointed to a favorable settlement of the matter for the city, while Judge Hartford for the i:~ailroad Co~m~ission took the case under advisement. The City Attorney a!so~stated he was in readiness to file. papers fr. t ~ ~ondemmatio~ suits of the city for rights of way for the city's proposed Industrial Way drainmge district and expected to' soon have all legal difficulties adjusted. This being the sea'on of the year to co~ence proceedings to abate weeds City Attorne~ C~leberd sub~itte~ a resolution prepared for adoption ~d advised tke council take action upon the same. Councilman Tibbetts then ~mtroduced the re~olution, which is entitled "i~SOLUTi01~ 0F: II~T~- TIOY TO ' ~'~'~ ~.~ 1930" and.~m.:.oved its adoption. Tke ~esolution was adopted by the unanimous vote~ of all the members of the City Council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, Y.Boido, ~2.LLoyd, E.l~inucciani, i~.Tibbetts, J.P.quinl~. l~oes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Cou~.~cilmen, Yone. Attest Daniel ~[cSweeney, City Clerk. V" ~ t pages 280-281. Recorded in Boo~ of Resolutions,. o .... , a Claims in the amount of :ii>109o.24were subn~itte& and or~ motion by co~::ncil~an Tib'betts secon&ed by Councilman ~.[inucciani and regui:.rly carried were allowed and ordered paid. Eayor quinlan appointed the following :~amed councilmen On the various committees;- Finance Conm:ittee',iQeese Lloyd,Chairman,~,~.Einucciahi. V.Botdo. ' Street Conm':ittee',Rod Tibbetts ,Chairmsfa,~.Einucciani ,Reese ~loyd. C!~rporation Co~mr..ittee, Reese Lloyd,Chs.'".rran, V.Boido,Rod. Tibbetts. Purchasing Conm:ittee ,L'.}.[inucciani ,~h~irma~, V.Boido, ,ileal T$.bb~ttss. Police Commission, Entire Cour~cil, V. Boido,Chairman. ~ l,:.Einucc iani Chairman. ~. ire Co~m~.ission,Entire Council, , __------- .... e canvass showed 1462 ~"~ ....... lctor Boldo received 72~ votes, Albert Joseph EschelbaCh'6£? votes,~drew E' ~ 686 votes and Joseph Patrick Quinlan ?66 votes. The resolutuon declared that Yictor Boido and jo~ Patrick Quinlan were duly elected City Co~J~c]lme~ of the Citj of ~outh San Francisco, and the Clerk ordered to issue certificates of election t? t~e said Yictor Boido and Joseph Patrick Quin] The resolution was adopted by the ~u~a~imous vote of all the members of the City C~ to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, E.~inucciani, R.Tibbetts,A.J.Eschelbach. ~ ~ Absent Counc~.lm~:u'~, I~one. f~ttest, . l~oes, Councilmen, t~o~e, , Daniel ~,fcSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in B~ok of Reso!utio~s, Vol.~, at !~age 299. The clerk then issued certificates of election to the newly elected ~embers of the oit~ council,Victor Boido a~d Joseph ?atrick ~n~ ~ ~ ~. Both havi~g signed the certificate cz electi the cit~ clerk swore them in as city councilmen for the full term of four years. 0n taking the sea She retiring cou~cilmen, ~.J. Eschelbach and ~D~drew ][~?nding, Councilman ~,~.~inucciani moved that co~ncilman Ouinlan be elected ~ayor oF the city. The motion was seco~ded by Co~cilman Boido ~ regularly carried. Joseph ~. ~ui~lan then took the seat o~ t~e i~ayor of the City of South San Francis~ Retiring ~.~.or Eschelbach and councilma~ Hynding thawed the peot~.le of oouth San F~ isco for their co-operation during their terms of o~'fice just expired, wished for the prosperity o~ : ~' Layor Quinl~ city ~d the success of the new a~ninistration wit~ Co~cilme~ Boido amd thanked t)~e retiri~g co~ci!ma~ and }~a~or ~Ifor their expressions of good will, the people of th~ City of South San FranciSco for their loyal suD?ort a~d asked the co-op0ration of the to~speople all civic affairs for the betterment of the city aT~d the growth of the conmmnity at large. A conm~mication was received from South San Francisco Grove !fo.171, United ~kncient orderer of Druids requesting a permit to hold a three day celebration, April E~th,~6th,and~2?th,19Z0, in honor of the ~th birthday of the org~ization. The reouest stated a ~err~ a~o-ro~d, merry-mix- and Ferris ~eel u. ere an~ong the attractions uesir~2 a~d that 27 societies would take part in the oelebration~ The local socieSy co~ducting t~e ~rogram, ~-~i~otion was ~ ~ ~ m~_~me and seconded thg~t the requ be denied, but upon the representation by com~itteemar~ 3.~ieri for the org~ization, and ~umerous other citizens, th~ motion was withdrawn and the d~.sired permission grated. A co~mnunication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric asking permission to cu~ a two foot trench and lay m two inch pipe line on the south ~ide of Parkway between Birch a~d Dpruc~ Avenues, and on Bir~ ~lvenue to Parkway ~d along Parkway 1SE west oF Birch to sup?ly customers wit] gas. Y~eferred to the street co~ittee. A i~etition was received, from a n~ba~r of property o~ers~on the E1 Camino Real and a~ jacent streets favoring the construction of a B~mgalow Court and withdrawing their names from a tion against an auto camp in the same lo~a.azty. As the previous council had a~r~ed to notify orote~ ants against t~e outo camp o¢ the date the matter :ould next be taken up,~the.~Clerk was instruct~ t noti~ them to appear at the next n:eeti~g of the council, ~onmay April ~Sth,at ~;~0 o'c!oc~.~ ~.m, D.W. Ratto made application for a permit to cOnstruct concrete building on the fro~t 0 lot rE, block l!V, and also one on tlc rear of same 10t, Uermit granted. ~ a~plication was received fron~ ~.o~mon for a permit to construct a~terra c~tta tile building for a fender works and sheet met~! works on lots !9 and ~0, block 1~9 on the west side of ~an Bruno Road, the same to cost no less than $~000.00. i~,e~erred to the building Irmpector. The ~o~ t~ Eau .Yrancisco Chimer oF Co~merce submitted a copy of the San }~ateo Chamber of Conm~eroe's letter advising certain traffic reg~!ations for. the new bay shore highway. Con~m~icat~ ordered filed. City Coteberd made, a length~f report of his pres~ntztion of the city's case against th~ ~outher~ Pacific R~ilroad Company and the 3outh Sa~ F~a~cisco ~ai!road & Power Company before the State Railroad Co~mission in San FY~anoisco regardi~g the impassable condition of the two companies'~ ~racks for traffic at tho junction of Gr~d a~d ~ ' . ~v~ft Y~venues He stated ~he city engineer acted in conjuotion with him in presenting the engin~?eri~g ~eature of the case for the city~ and all evidence pointed to a favorable settlement of the matter for t~e city, while~ Judge Hanford for the ~ilroad Oo~ission took the case ~der advisement. The City ~ttorr~ey also stated he was in readiness to file. papers ~ t,,~ ~onde~atio~ suits of the city for rights of way for the city's pro~osed Industrial drainmge district and expected to~ soon have all legal difficulties adjusted. This being the season of the year to ~o~ence proceedings to abate weeds City Attorney C~leberd sub~.~itte~ a resolution prepared fo~ adoption ~d advised the council take action upon the same. Councilman Tibbetts then introduced the resolution, which is entitled ,,~o~ ~ ~ ~T ~o0~U~i0~ 01~ I~T~- TI01( T0 .~ATE ~?EEDS,19~0", and ~oved its adoption. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote~ of all the members of the City Council, to-wit;- &yes, Councilmen, ~.Boido, ]2.LLoyd, !L~dinucciani, ]d. Tibbetts, J.P,C~uinl~. l~oes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Cou~cilmen, Yone. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk. ~o!.~ at pages E80-281 ~ecorded in Boo~ of Reso!utions,. , .~, . , ~4~ere submitted and Or~ motion by council~-an Til?'betts Claims in the amount of seconded by Councilman ~,~inucciani and regul..rly carried were allowed and ordered paid. L~ayor Qutnlan appointed the £ollo.wing named councilmen On the various committees;- Finance Conm~ittee',Reese T. loyd,Chairman,~f. Einucciahi. V.Boido. ... Street Cof. m~ittee',Rod Tibbetts,Chairmau,~f. Einucciani,Reese ~loyd. C:~rporation Co~m~ittee, Reese Lloyd;CL, a~r~a~, V. Boido,Ro~.Tibbetts. Purchasing CoE~.ittee,L~.~.,finucciani ,~h~ir~_a~, V.Boido, ,!-~od Tibb~ttss. Police Co~ission, Entire Council, V.Boido,Chairman.~ Fire Co~m~ssion,Entire Council, IE.~::inucc iani ,Chairman. DISBURSE~ENTS: ~'rances Garcia Minnie Hendel Annie Conrad D. Palany W. Schmidt J. E. Sullivan Angelo Canziani R. A. Merritt Rebecca Kay Lawrence Fletcher ~izz ie Stahl Kate A. ~a~ynard Alice M,'Zoung E. E. Coffinberry Antionette Kozlowski ~ouise Bertoldi Mrs, I. Brawn Robert Burns H. L. Haaker ~red Brown Clarence HocE S. Kisssling A. C. Johns on Frank Mc ~Carn N. Medeghini Angelo Canziani J. Dancak Pac. ~ire Extinguisher Co. Otto Bissett M. Belli & ~Co. Royal Supply Co. H. Z. Haaker Jennings Pha'mac y Danie 1 McSweeney Gladys A. Welte So. City Plumbing Shop Industrial City Zumber Co. C. E,STAHL The Enterprise W. Hennessy John Castro McM~llin & McNamara Services on election board rent garage for election labor on election booths labor on streets labor cutting trees labor repairing streets I relay I buzzer relief driver fire dept. repair tire - police dept. supplies Treasurer's bond supplies Clerk' s office 2 trips to Redwood City with election books labor addressi~ envelopes for election enplugged sewer 1234 San Bruno Road gate for garbage dump repairing gate at dump legal notices for election lineing out baseball diamond 44 hours labor ball park supplies for ," " $10o00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10o00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10~00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ~0.00 45.00 51.21 33.?5 42.75 45.00 45.00 72.00 8.50 85.28 .75 33.05 250.00 10.35 6. O0 5.00 15.75 5.35 8.00 4.50 20.00 66.00 30.00 Total - - $1093.24 There being no further business corncilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Monday evening, ,,pril 28th,19J0,at 7;~0 o'clock: ,,,.~,. The motion v~as seconded by councilman l[inucciani a:~;d regularly carried. Time of ad, jour~ment, 9;50 o'clock p.m. '- ?' l[ayx~r of South San Francisco, \ Respectfully Submitted, ~ Cit~y.. Cler~