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· '~-~.,= ~ITI' ~0¥1:CIL 07 T~;E CITY O? SOUTH
~=~,~ FR.~(CISC0,H..~LD !i,[0LDAY, lilY 5TH,1930
The regular meeting of the City 0out'mil o~ the Cit~, of South San Francisco was held in the
Hall i~,:[onday evening, 1/'ay 5th,1930.
The meeting was called to order at V,~'o,~. o' ~ ck p.
c=o . m. by councilman J.P. Quinlan, },~yor of Sout~
S~n Francisco.
Roll Call found all menbers of the co~c~.l present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, Y.Boido,R.Lloyd, L[.Einucciani, R.Tibbetts, J.P.Quinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. TL. ere being no errors or omissions they were
approved as read.
2 petition was received from Antonio ~[ol~.~i, 665 i~ailroad Avenue, this city, asking permissio~
to erect a flmver stand on lots l~ and 19, blocL lZ~6, , San Bruno Road between G~and ~md. Baden Avenues,
This property being in the bvsiness district and first fire zone the clerk was instructed to
request D~r. i,{olini to submit plans and specific,-~ions for his proposed building.
A communication ~.'/as received fro~ the Coraelho Flor Dos Acores Society, :~37 of South San Franc
~.skiu.ff the co~ncil's permission to oT~erate a Fe~'is '",~eel, L'erry-go-round , concessions otc, on Gran~
=lvenue nc}:t to the South ~an~. FDa nc!sec Bnwo~.~__~_...., J.~_ coz, nection with their celebration to be held in
Soul's Church.._l~aTj:. 17th and 18th next. Also -"~r. tlc e:4plosion of Flag Nombs in front of the ch~
0n motion by councilman Liinu. cciani, seco~?ded ~'~' Co~ncilm~n Boido aha regularly carried the desired
permi~.sioz~ ~r~s grant~m.
A co~ffa'~ication was received from the ~outh ~an Y'rancisco Chamber of Commerce calling the co~
attention to the prospective traffic con~'estion at the intersection of San Bruno }~os.d and Grand
v;hen the o~n~Bruno.~[oad is widened to 12~ feet, r... rticular attention being called to the danger to
pedestrians bound to and from the Industrial ~i.trict o~;~ the east side of the highway, i:he chamber
su.'~ested._~ that .~3rover~. i:olice cz' ~ign~l~ protectio~ ~.~o~ provided whe~ the ti~ e come~, i~e~bersl'i of the
Council explained that this subject has been given due consideration,dis not loosing sifjmht Of the
problem's:. ~,~ayo~ ~uinlam stated, the co~cil vTill ;-... '?leased to u:ork in co~.junction u'it~: the Chamber of
Commerce in az~ effort to arrive at the best tootled of orotecting ~:edestrians and travelers in ~ehicl~
as well, at this important crossing.
~ refuLd o':'~ weed assessment in the s~. of
.- ~,~.20 was requested by t[r~. Li!liar E.',.~alker, an
account of a weed char~.e against her property, lots 1 and ':
~, block 126. Re~'erred to t,~ street
L petitioz'~ u~as ~-eceived from a nr~ber o property oysters on Spruce Avenue asking the covmcil
ta~e steps to abate the ~ui~ance of dust from e ~: %h School gro~nls being blown into ~.,~zr
and houses and the abatement of leaves smd brsm~:~, s from tzze ~'
, ~ '- .',ucalyptus on the u-e~t side of Zpr~.ce
~he ~etitio~l~-'~ -asked the .cutting do~v~ of the tree~.- and t;,e .... planting, of a ~ypress ~edge for a ~vindbrake
east line of uLe Hic::h ~ 3 . .
' ~cho.3~ grounas ~,:eferred .~ Chairman Tibbotts of thc street com~ittee.
Chaomlte/~ec" ':~ociedad L~utualista L[exicana requested permission to hold a cance on the events
L~ay 1Vth,1930, as a benefit f~or the L~orelos Ban~, iu Fraternal Hall. ?ermissim' granted.
Bernard ~cOaffrey Dost,¥ZZ5 of South Sa~ fYancisco requested permissim'~ t.o hold~a dand-~ in
~raternal Hall Satura~ eveni~g L~aF !0th,!gf0 u]"~t~l I;::~0 o'clock pm. ~ermission
A statement was r~':ceive~ from t~.e ~uporvIsor. of Census, 10th California District, ~an-' ~o~e,
shou'iz~ a p~el;r,':inary~ _ [:'cunt of ~.he ~omulat~o~.. ~_ o ~oo~i~-: ~an ?rancisco to ~e 6!~6, as compared., with a
~. t~.e t :~' yo~- period. ~m.r~u~zcat~)n acce~)te~ a~-~d oriered
~'.!aced o-~ file. ~%n a?Plic:~-tion was received ~"rom John Costa asking~ for the position Fire Chief. Refer
..... ..~.$~tatement w~s received from the secrelary off the Sou~ San Francisco School Board off Educe
Mr. ~,~,Kleemeyer, stating that Mrs. Kate Simpson was a'pointed a school nurse flor the school distri
of the City of South San ~r.~ncisco for the ensuing term and asking the 0ity of South San Froncisco t
accept her 'services for the city's interests at the monthly sat~ry of ~75.00, 0n motion by
councilman ~loyd, seconded by co~cilman Tibbetts and re~u~larly carried, Mrs. Simpson was
city nurse off the City off South San Francisco.
Request was made by the ~acific Coast ~te I company to replace a fire alarm box in the nortt
of their plant, stating the old box u~as rez~&ered ~ eless on account o'~~ the new fire alarm system
installed, iiefferred to the fire chief.
The reports of the city treasurer Chief o Do!ice, Eire Chief,and City ~!erk for the mont~
'.pril 50, were received a~d accepted.
~ order fixinj !he d~.te for Leafing' obj~....,t' ns to the issuance of bonds, ~-~8 w~s extended
L~ay ~th,!9Z0 to]~Jay 19th,19Z0.
A resolution approving disgram ,~66, ~ub.~.t. d oy t~,~ city engineer ~as intro&uced by
Tibbetts and adopted by the vote of all the membor~ of the city co~cil,to-wit;-
Ayes, Cocci!men, V.~Boido, R.Lloyd,_.~ ~'.!dinu~:cia~i,~{.Tibbetts, J.2.Quinlan.
~Toe~, Co~ci!men, Zone, Absent, Councit~'~en,~one, Attest, Da~ie! I~cZweeney
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.S,at page 28~. City Clerk
The request of the bnion Paving Comp~:~ny f an exte~zsion of 90 d~ys in which to complete the'
cont:ract on Swift ~?~enue -~.-~s
Applications for the vosit~on of fire cLJ--.?' were laid oSer.
Iy~ the matter of tlc a?/2!ication of t~ e ~ ~teru ~,.ea~, Company for ~ reflector ~ear their new
garage Cou~.~.ci!man Tibbetts stated he would !ook t e ~atter
The petitio~ of property ov~mers agai~ast t:~_~~ application for permit to construct an auto camp
on the ~1 O~mzno ~'~eal was next take~ up. The ad~i~e of ~to _~ttorney, L~r. Colei. srd w~s that ordinanc~
!~7 prohibited the ~-onstr~_ction of a~ auto c~..mp t he ~'~!ace stated in the request, and t?e
build. ~;as denied.
'$1aims in the amou~t of ~l~to.09.,, the cit~.~" ~.~re.~ ext prosecuted ~or t:a~'~ent'-,~ -~ , 0n motion by counci!m~
~ carried ~ .....
.... ~, ~ne claims u~ere or~ere~ paid.
Tibbetts seconded by council,.an ![inucciani and ~
~cific W~ter Co.
Dudley Perkins
Sacmpini & Zanetti
~. Guglie~e tti
Louis Belloni
Pacific Fire ~.?tinguisher Co.
J. G~glielmetti ~
Ohms. Guidi
Superior ~team Laundry
Otto Bissett
Paul Hamilton
', 41.40
5~ .99
servicing motorcycle
gas police dept.
feeding prisoners April
24 steel spanners
gas - fire dept.
linen supply- fire dept.
relief driver fire dept. to ~/4
maintenance fire dept. Apr.
Paul Hamilton
E, 0a~i
~ohn Castro
A. ~ C olomb o
J. McDonald
W., R. Emeriok
R. Petrocchi
C. Bri~zi
F. Arnold
Harry Shoote
A. Canziani
A. O, Johnson
H. F. Buck
I~ml Peneski
J, Bernardo
G. 3ani
Tom Galli
E. Kozlowski
T, ouis SaVeras
R. Bisagno
W, Woods
J. Ferri
A. Terragno
B. C.
A. Penzie
John Castro
G. Sohmidt
N, Medeghini
Old, Reliance Garage
Calif., S~te Auto ,Assn.
Royal Supply Co.
Galland Mercantile V. aundry
Pacific Water Co.
Pac. Tole. &Tele. Co.
A. Carlisle & Co.
San Mateo Co. Title Co.
-Patrick & Co.
J. Welch
The Enterprise 2tess
Fred Brown
Pacific Water Co.
2 days labor changing fire
alarm wires
attending fire Apr.
~" & spec. police duty
2 trucks hauling 'stumps
2 days labor on Orange Ave.
11 days labor cutting trees
repairs ChoY.
signal at ~aple & Railroad
rent cleaner
towel service Apr.
hydrant water
phone service April
1 muni. hand book daily reports Ap.
3 sponge rubber chair pads
dogs and oats removed Apr.
2000 letterheads & 1050 weed
cleaning notices
legal notices
3~ days labor erecting screen
ball park
water service april
Total ..... $1475,09
~ayor Quinlan asked if there were any persons present who wished to address the council.
Joe Walker, representing the ~un£acturers!s Association stated on their behalf that they desired
to see a man appointed to the position ~f Fire Chief with sufficient intelligence to rapidly absorb
the problems of the department,or an experienced man. He was assured such would be done.
There being no further business Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until Monday, k~y 19th, 1930
at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Time of Adjournment, 9;20 o'clock P..M.
A~pr //;¢~or of South :~an Francisco.
Respectfully submitted