The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South ~San Francisco was held in
the city hallMonday evening, May 19th,1930.
The meeting was called to order at ?;J0 o'clock ~.m. b~ councilman J.P.Quinlan,Nayor o£
South San Francisco. In the absence of the city clerk Councilman Lloyd acted as clerk pro tem.
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd,M.Minucciani,R.~ibbetts,J.P.Quinlan.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting w~s dispensed with.
An application for the position of Truck Driver in the fire department was received from
Louis Nieri. Application ordered placed on file.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Grove $1?l, Druids, thanking the
city for its helpful su~'~port,a~ co-o~eration and appreciation of their celebration April 25,26,2?,
last. Co~.mmunication accepted and ordered placed on file.
A reply was received from.the South San Francisco Board of Education to the city's request
to take some action to abate the nuisance of dust, etc from the High School grounds, stating that acti
was taken in this matter two months ago at a special meeting of the School Board, and the board is now
conferring with John McLaren, superintendent of Golden Gate Park, with a view to.working out a plan to
abate the nuisance. Communicatio~~, aceepted and placed of file.
A 7~etition signed by thirty-nine business men of the City of South San Francisco was submit'
to the city council protesting against the issuing of further permits for carnival concessions. On
motion by councilman Lloyd,seconded by co~ucilman Minucciani and regularly carried the council went on
record as opposed to the granting of permits for concessions.
The South San Francisco Fire Department m~de application for a permit to hold a dance in
Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, ~ay 24th,1930, until I o'clock A.M. Permission granted.
A communication signed by seven residents of the vicinity Baden and Commercial Avenues,West~
Orange, was received,,stating a nuisance exists in that neighborhood in the way of manure, rubbish and
deleterious matter, ~nd requested the city council to ~ake action to abate the nuisance. Re~erred to tl
Health Officer for action.
The order fixing the time for hearing objections to the issuance of bonds in proceedings
$58 was postponed for two weeks.
A resolution ordering the abatement of weeds in the ~ity of South S~n ~rancisco for the yea~
1930 was introduced by Councilman Lloyd and was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City
Council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts,J.P.Quinlan.
Noes, None, Absent,None, ~Attest, Daniel McSweeney ~
Recorded in book of Resolutions,vol£,at ~age 284. City Clerk.
A ~esolution Of Intention in the matter of the vacation of Birch Avenue from Spruce Avenue
Parkway in the City of South San Francisco was introduced by Councilman MinucciAni and adopted by the
unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;-
.Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boid0,R.Lloyd, ~.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,J.P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, .Absent, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2, at page 285.
In the matter of the selection of a ~ire ~hief Councilman Minucciani moved that A1.J.Welte
ampointed to the vacant position,at a salary of $175.00 per month beginning June 1st, The motion was
seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Councilman Einucciani moved that Angelo Conziani and Otto Bissett be a~pointed truck driver~
in the Fire Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman LloyA and regularly carried.
Councilman Liinucciani moved that the salary of all truck drivers in the fire deDartment be
%lS0.00'per month_and the hours, of laber eight hours per day. The motion was seconded by councilman
Boido and regularly carried.
Councilman Tibbetts was requested to take charge of the trimming of weeds around the Indust:
sign. Councilman Lloyd moved that the City Engineer be inBtructed to prepare plans for the
construction of conduits for sigmals on Linden Avenue for future use, which cost is a~proximately .30
per lineal foot.
The request of Mr. Simons for a permit to install a gasoline pump at his Body and ~ender ~o:
was referred to the Fire Chief.
Engineer Klassen was instructed to take the m~tter up cT placing wires over the Bayshore
to furnish electricity for a sign on the highway.
The application of Russo Brothers for permission to construct a store room in the rear of
candy store on Grand & Linden Avenues was granted o~v: motion by councilman Minucciani seconded by
councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Claude Wood. ~anager of the South San Francisco Baseball Club requested the council to impr
the baseball diamond in Willows '!?ark.The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts for advisement.
Claims in the amount of $1445.58 were next presented to the ~ity Council for payment.
seconded by Councilman and regularly carried the claims
concrete work Swift Ave.fire house, $213.67
watering trees
swe e~ing streets ,.
relief truck driver,fire dept
p. earl oil
labor fire~ruck
6 cYlinder plugs
?hone service 58 & llT0
On motion by Councilman
were ordered paid.
Sam Kiessling,
Otto ~issett
Standard 0il Co.
Service Garage
The Seagrave Corp.
Pac. Tel & Tel Co.,
Pacific Gas & Electric Co street lights April
" '~ " labor etc, electroliers
" " " gas &'Light April
George A.Kneese map of Parkway ~errace
D.W.Ratto Bond City Clerk
~ 49.50
o54 .oo
S 11.25
5 58.63
S .78
S 2.00
A communication was received fron~ the South San Francisco Grove $171, Druids, thanking ti
city for its helpful su¥~port,~ co-o~eration and appreciation of their celebration April
last. Communication accepted and ordered pl,.ced on file.
~ reply was received from the South San Francisco Board of Education to the city's reque
to take some action to abate the nuisance of dust, etc from the High School grounds, stating that
was taken in this matter two months ago at a special meeting of the School Board, and the board is
conferring with John McLaren, superintendent of Golden Gate Park, with a view to,working out a plan
abate the nuisance. Communicatioz~ aceepted and placed of file.
A petition signed by thirty-nine business men of the City of South Sma Francisco was sub
to the city council protesting against the issuing of further permits for carnival concessions. On
motion by councilman Lloyd,seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried t, he council went
record as opposed to the granting of permits for concessions.
The South San ~rancisco Fire Department m~de application for a permit to hold a dance in
Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, Say 24th,19Z0, until I o'clock A.N. Permission gr~nted.
A communication signed by seven residents of the vicinity Baden and Commercial Avenues,W
Orange, was received,,stating a nuisance exists in that ~eighborhood in the wa2 of manure, rubbish ~
deleterious matter, and requested the city council to ~ake action to abate the nuisance. Re£erred t
Health Officer for action.
The order fixing the time for hearing objections to the issuance of bonds in proceeding~
$58 was postponed for two weeks.
A resolution ordering the abatement of weeds in the ~ity of South S~n ~rancisco for the ~
19Z0 was introduced by Councilman Lloyd and was adopted by the votes of all the me~bers of the City
Council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts,J.P.Quinlan.
Noes, None, Absent,None, .Attest, Daniel ~cSweeney ?
Recorded in book of Resolutions,vol2,at oage 284. City Clerk.
A ~esolution Of Intention in the matter of the vacation of Birch Avenue from Spruce Aven~
Parkway in the City of South San Francisco was introduced by Councilman Minucci&ni and adopted by t~
unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen,V.BoidO,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tlbbetts,J.P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, .Absent, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2, at page 285. ~
In the matter of the selection of a ~ire 0hief Councilman ~inucciani moved that A1.J.Wel~
a~pointed to the vacant position,at ~ salary of $175.00 p~r month beginning June lst~ The motion was
seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Councilman Minucciani mow~d that Angelo Conziani ~.nd Otto Bissett be avpointed truck driv
in the Fire Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lloy~ and regularly carried.
Councilman },~inucciani moved that the salary of all truck drivers in the fire deoartment b
%150.00 per monthand t~e hours of laber eight hours per day. The motion was seconded by councilman
Boido and regularly carried.
Councilman Tibbetts was requested to t~ke charge of the trimming of weeds around the Indu
sign. Councilman Lloyd moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for the
construction of conduits for sigmals on Linden Avenue for future use, which cost is a~>proxim~tely .Z
per lineal foot.
The request of Mr. Simons for a permit to install a gasoline pun'~p ~t his Body and ~ender
was referred to the Fire Chief.
Engineer Klassen was instructed to take the matter up of placing wires over the Bayshore
to furnish electricity for a sign on the highway.
The application of Russo Brothers for permission to construct a store room in the rear of
candy store on Grand & Linden Avenues was granted o~ motion by councilman Minucciani seconded by
councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Claude Wood. ~anager of the South San Francisco Baseball Club requested the council to im
the b~seball diamond in Willows ~?ark. The matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts for advisement.
Claims in the amount of $1~45.58 were next presented to the ~ity Council for payment.
On motion by Councilman
were ordered paid.
Scm Kiessling,
0~to ~issett
Standard 0il Co.
Service Garage
The Seagrave Corp.
Pac. Tel & Tel Co.,
seconded by Councilman
concrete work Swi£t Ave.fire house,
watering trees
sweeping streets
relief truck driver,fire dept
pearl oil
labor fireTruck
6 cylinder plugs ~
7~hone service ~8 & llT0
Pacific Gas & Electric Co street lights April
George A.Kneese
Chas. Bollazzi
labor etc, electroliers
gas &'Light April
map of Parkway Serrace
Bond City Clerk
" T~x Collector
5 cuspidores
and regularly carried the clail
21Z6 ?
Disbursements continued;-
The Enterprise Notice to Tax ~,ayers
J.B.Guglielmetti gasoline
South City Lumber & Supply Co su?plies
There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until Monday evenin~
June ~nd,19Z, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carr~
Time of adjournment, 9 o'clock p.m.
~i~or of South San Francisco'
Resp, ectfully submitted,