JULY 1ST, 1930.
A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San ~rancisco was h
in the city hall Tuesday evening,, July let,1930.
This meeting was called to order at 7,Z0 o'clock p.m. by Councilman J.P.Quinlan,~ayar of
South San Francisco.
Roll call found the.~£ollowing members of the c~uncil present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, R.Lloyd, E.~inucciani, R.Tibbetts, J.P.Quinlan.
Absent, Councilman,~V.Boido.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they
were adopted as re~d.
Request was made bylthe Pacific Gas & Electric Company for permission to cut a two foot tr~
and lay 60 feet of 2 inch pipe in the same across Linden Avenue at the intersection o£ Saxent~ane
supply~th~ Simon Body Fender Works with g~s. Referred to the Building Inspector.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company also requested permission to set Z~ poles, replacing ti
number, on Grand Avenue between Acacia & Laurel Avenues. Referred to ~ouncilman Tibbetts of the str~
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company made request for the release of their bon~ in th~
sum of ~3500.00, · deD0eit for construction work installing phone appmratus, and refilling. On the ~
ment of engineer Klassen that the work had been satisfactoril~ done the clerk was instructed to ret~
the bond.
The Pacific Coast S~eel Company madde application to the city for the a-!~pointment of their
watchman, T.L.Irwin as a deputy police officer for the plant. On motion regularly carried the req~
was granted, and the clerk instructed to issue a certificate andswear ~r..Irwin in, as a special
~oliceman without emoluments,. &nd whose duties are to be confined to the plant of the Pacific Coast
~teel Company, 0nly.
Permission was requested by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company at a previous meeting to se1
one pole on the North side of Railroad Avenue 95 feet west of Magnolia Avenue for an extension to s~
new customer~ . Permissio~granted.
A resolution was prasented by Judge ~cGrath of San ~ateo endorsi~g~the project to reconstr~
the highway between San ~ateo and Halfmoon ~ay, and request was made upon the City of South San Fran
to adopt the same. On Eotion by Councilman Lloyd, Seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly
carried the resolution was a~dopted by the following vote,to-wit,-
Ayes, Councilmen,R.Lloyd, ~.~in~cciani, R. Tibbetts, J.P.Q.uinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen, V.Boido. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at page 305.
Harry A.Smith applied for permission to install two tanks for the storage of cleaning solve
at ~7?~Grand Avenue. The necessary notice required by law to be posted for a ~eriod of ten days havi
been placed the fire chief was instructed ~o attend to the matter.
Mr. H.B.Pack, Supervisor of ConStruction of the S~n irancisco Playground Commission, r epli
the city's request for information regarding the cost of benches for the civic center, stating the
cor~ission manufactures their own benches, the eight foot bench costing ~17.50. He, however,recommen
that the Patterson-Williams Company of San Jose be consulted in the selection as they handle the goo.
in large qu~ntities and cmn do better as to economy. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts.
~, ~Albert S.Beltrami made application for the position of Building Inspecto~ or tm~c_~L~driver i~
the fire de?artment. Applications placed on file
Jose~h Riechel, owner of the Gold~ Eagle hotel, this city, on Lot lj Block 1~2, requested
a reduction be made in the valuation of his hotel building. The clerk was instructed to inform him
a~pear at the City Board of equalization meeting the second ~onday of August, 19Z0, for a hearing.
All applications for soft drink and pool room licenses were referred to the police commissi
Augusto Terr~gno was appointed ~ regular policeman, with salary of ~150 ~er month for the f~
six months, $160 per month for the second six months and $178 per month a£ter the expiration of the '
The revn~ming of streets in Town of Baden was laid over till mnother meeting.
Building Inspector Beatty re~orted the King-Westbrook sign ~company had erected a sign south
underpass in the city limits without ~roper authority from the city, and after the city denied permi~
to erect the same. The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with the sign company and request t~
to attend a meeting of the city co'~ncil on ~onday eveninM, July ?th~next to explain.
~ayor Quinlan announced that he had called for a conference on the water extension problem ~
the Pacific Water Company, David Round ~ Sons, the Railroad Commission, city officials and property
along the new Bayshore Highway on ~onday~next,10.'~to~idiscuss an~ devise ways and means to ~rocure az
extension of the water mains along the industrial ~rea for ~,rospective new industries.
Sanction was g~ven to the Italian-American A~hletic ~lub to hold a l0 mile Marathon here on
Septemb,r 9th, with street dancing,in the evening.
Claims in the amount of $17~.81 were next ~resented against the city for payment. The clai
having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Einucciani moved they be paid. The motion was
ded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Paul Hamilton June ii'ire alarm ms~intenance $ ~0.00
H.Shoote attending fires I ~.50
Jules ~erre " " , 2.50
L. Savaras " " 2.50
A.Johnson " " S 2.50
R.Brown " ",~* 5. O0
W.Woods , " " ~ 2.50
A.Colombo " " ~ 2.50
Angelo Penzie " " S. 2.50
R.Petrocchi " " $ 2.50
B.Lemmons Burning grass ~ 29.25
Robert Welte " "~ 29.25
Geral$ Quinlan " " ~ 18.00
B. Br own " "~ 31.50
Ered Brown 4-m.~n cutti,n,g weeds ~ ~
Joe Dancak , " ~
V~e Lemberg " " $ 9.00
C.RO~S " " ~
............... ~%~,~ ............ ~m'~ '~'~ers of the c~uncil present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, R.Lloyd, ~.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, J.P.Quinlan.
Absent, Councilman, V.Boido.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they
were adopted as read.
Request was made by'the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for permission to cut a two foot
and lay 60 feet of 2 inch pipe in the same across Linden Avenue at the intersection of S~xenth./La:
supply .the Simon Body Fendbr Works with g~.s. Referred to the Building Inspector.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company also requested permission to set Z5 poles, replacing
number, on Grand Avenue between Acacia & Laurel Avenues. Referred to 0ouncilman Tibbetts of the si
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company made request for the release of their bon~ in t
stun of $3500.00, a deD0sit for construction work installing phone apparatus, and refilling. On the
ment of engineer Klassen that the work had been satisfactoril2 done the clerk was instructed to re
the bond.
The Pacific Coast S~eel Company madde application to the city for the a'~pointment of thei
watchman, T.L.Irwin as a deputy police officer for the plant. On motion regularly carried the re
was granted, and the clerk instructed to issue a. certificate and.swear Mr.'Irwin in, as a special
~'.oliceman without emoluments, ~:nd whose duties are to be confined to the plant of the Pacific Coas
~teel Company, 0nly.
Permission was requested by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company at a previous meeting to s
one pole on the North side of Railroad Avenue 95 feet west of Magnolia Avenue for an extension to
new customer~ . ?ermissi6H gmanted.
A resolution was presented by Judge McGrath of San Mateo endorsihg'~the project to reconst~
the highway between San Mateo and Halfmoon ~ay, and request was made upon the City of South San Fr~
to adopt the same. On Motion .by Councilman Lloyd, Seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly
carried the resolution was adopted by the following vote,to-wit,-
Ayes, Councilmen,R.Lloyd, M.Minhcciani, R..Tibbetts, J.P.Q~inlan.
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen, V.Boido. Attest Daniel McSweeney,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at page ~03.
Harry A.Smith applied, for permission to install two tanks for the storage of cleaning solv
at 477'Grand Avenue. The necessary notice required by law to be posted for a ~eriod of ten days hav
been placed the fire chief was instructed ~o attend to the matter.
Mr. H.B.Pack, Supervisor of Construction of the San /rancisco Playground Commission, r epl
the city's request for information regarding the cost of benches for the civic center, stating the
commission manufactures their own benches, the eight foot bench costing $17.50. He, however,recommel
that the Patterson-Williams Company of San Jose be consulted in the selection s.s they handle the go,
in large qmntities and can do better as to economy. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts.
Albert S.Beltrami made application for the position of Building Inspector or truQk~driver '
the fir.e department. Applications placed on file ........ -
Jose-'h Riechel, owner of the Gold~:~ Eagle hotel, this city, on Lot 1,"Block 152, requested
a reduction be made in the valuation of his hotel building. The clerk was instructed to inform him
a pear at the City Board of equalization meeting the second Monday of August, 19JO, for a hearing.
All applications for soft drink and pool room licenses were referred to the police commissi
Aug~sto Terragno was appointed a regular policeman, with salary of $150 ~er month for the i
six months, $160 per month for the second six months and $175 per month after the expiration of the
The revnaming of streets in Town of Baden was laid over till another meeting.
Building Inspector Beatty re~orted the Eing-Westbrook sign~t-ompany had erected a sign south
underpass in the city limits without oroper authority 'from the city, and after the city denied permi
to erect the same. The City Clerk was instructed to communicmte with lhe sign company and request t
to attend a meeting of the city co~mcil on Monday evening, July ?th,next to explain.
~,~ayor Quinlan announced that he had called for a conference on the water extension problem ~
the Pacific Water Company, David Round a Sons, the Railroad Commission, city officials and property
along the new Bayshore Highway on ~onday~next,lO.'~to~discuss and devise ways and means to ~rocure a~
extension of the water mains along the industrial area for ~',rospective new industries.
Sanction was g~ven to the Italian-American A~hletic club to hold a l0 mile Marathon here on
September 9th, with street dancing:in the evening.
Claims in the amount of $1773.81 were next ~resented against the city for payment. The cla~
having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was
ded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Paul Hamilton
Jules Ferre
Angelo Penzie
Robert Welte
Geral$ Quinlan
Fred Brown
Joe Dancak
V~c Lemberg
Pats McCormick
Joe Barry
.~i~ire alarm maintenance ~, 20.00
attending fires I 2.50
" " 2.50
" " 2.50
" " ~ 2 · 50
' " 8 . 5.00
" " S 2.50
" " 5 2.50
" " ~ 2.50
" " $ 2.50
Burning grass ~ 29.25
" "~ 29.25
" " ~ 18. O0
" "~ 31.50
" " $ 9. O0
" " S, 9 .~e
" " $ 9.00
" " $ 9. O0
Disbursements continued;-
W?Aikens Cutting weeds
Sam Eiessling " "
S.Guadnagni " "
Loule Dieu ~ "
H.Felsenthal " "
Gus Schmidt " "
Jas.Mc~lahon " "
O.McConaghy " "
D.Monahan " "
A.Raffaelli " "
Ben Gonzales " "
W.Belloni burning grass
N.Medeghini sweeping streets
Pac.Coast Building Officials Conference, dues 1931
Pacific Water Company miecellaneous water,June
" " " hydrant water "
W.L.Hickey & Sons installing-fountain
American ~ire E~$i~$mSsh-Equipment Co.,pyrene liquid
Paul Hamilton Installing chief's gong
B~ck White Ser. Sta. gasoline
A.Sorenson. rep doors,fire dept,
Black & White gas,fire dept
Eoyal Supply Co.., files, h~ndles
$ 9.00
S 9.00
S 4.50
$ 9.00
$ 9.00
S 6.75
$ 9.00
S 9.00
~ 2.85
D. Gri f fagna,
Dudley Perkins
S. P. C omT:any
Bert Brown
Bl~.ck & White Ser. Sta.
M.Belli ~ Co.,
Black & White Ser. Sta.
The Enterprise
Galland Mercantile Laundry
Dan McSweeney
Burlingame Carbon Co.,
Universal Tool & ~an'F'G co,rep fire alarm
Gen. Electric Supply Corp'n, switch
Bank Of So.S.F. claim of Gordon Rowe,
San L~teo Ce.Title Cc.,report Crossing Grand Avenue
and Southern Pacific Ce.tracks
Cutting trees ball park
feeding 7~risoners ~y-June
alemiting machine, 9olice~
conduit connections ~
cleaning jail June
g~..soline £tr. Dept.
polish ~'.olice car
rep. police car
gasoline,police dept,
Pub.Del Uax List
Pub. resol of int,71,
Service,~ June
stamps, judge's, police
& £i~e chief's,& clerk's
, office, one year $24.40
Dan Danany, cutting weeds ~ 9.00
?ierre Lacau " " ~ 9.00
Gall~nd ~ercantile Laundry Co service June ~ Z.O0
The Enterprise Pub ~
.~esol.of int,T1, $126.00
Total $177Z.81
rep.judge 7 clerk's ty?es$ 4..00
$ 5.00
There being no further business before the council Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until
the next. regular meeting, Mond~y, July 7th',lg~O, at 9;Z0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded hy
councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Time of ~djournment, lC;10 o'clock p.m.
/a~or of South San ~rancisco.
ilespe ctfully submitted,