'JIILY ? TH,19~O.
The regular meeting of the city coUncil of the City of South San Francisco was held in the
City Hall Monday evening, July ?th,19S0.
The meeting was called to order at ?;S0 o'clock p.m. by Councilman Joseph P.Quinlan,Mayor
of South San Francisco.
Roll call foUnd all members of the coUncil present,to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, I~.Minucciani, R,Tibbetts, Joesph P.Quinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they wer~
adopted as read.
An application for the position of electrical, plumbing and building inspector was receive~
William i~,.i. Byrne.. Application ordered pl~.~ced on file.
The drum corps of South City Aerie of Eagles #l~?Z requested permission to hold a dance in
Fratern~l Hall Saturday evening, July 19th,19J0 until one o'clock A.~I. Permission granted.
Applications for the position of Fire 5'ruck driver in the South San Francisco Fire Departm~
were received from Rudolph Petrocchi and John Castro. Applications ordered placed on file.
Notice was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce calling the city's
attention to a~ rumor reporting the construction of a hog ranch near the westerly city limits of South
San Francisco, near the Hillside Boulevard, and asking the city to take some action to prevent the
nuisance from being established. The clerk was instructed to write the District Attorney and Board ~
Supervisors of the County requesting them to use their best efforts to prevent the issuance of a lice~
or permit should one be asked, for.
The Parisian Cleaners made application for permission to install two storage tanks for
cleaning solvent at their place of business $508 Grand Avenue. Laid over while notice of request is p2
upon the property for the required period of ten days.
A communication was received from Mrs. Carrie Winterhalter suggesting that the City of Sou~
San Francisco investigate the feasibility of purchasing water front property of the ~£archetti Motor
Company,-whic. h was reported to be for sale at auction,-for the development of the city's harbor.
Communication ordered placed on file.
The Railroad Commission of the State of California submitted the report in Triplicate of t]
findings of the engineering department of the State on the ~nspection of the grade crossings of the
Southern Pacific i{~ilroad Company's line through South San Franciscb. Copies of the findings were
filed with ],~ayor Q~inlan, City Attorney Coleberd and the city clerk.
The order fixing the .time for hearing objections to the issuance of bonds, proceedings$ ~8
was postponed for two weeks.
A deed was received from the Robert Dollar-Company granting a certain ~ right of way for ti
construction of a public highway in the City of South San Francisco. Accepted.
Applic'ations for pool room licenses were received from Andy McMillan,E.Galli, J.V.Ron,
Colombo & Tapella, Genovesi & Dovecchi Jose Fernandez, Antonano & Ugarti, John Paul Fischer,Q.Massag:
and the licenses granted.
Applications for soft drink licenses were received from Fat Boy Barbecue,Tins Recsch,
Emilio Georgetti, Tasty Sweet Shop,V.Uberti, Andrew Colombari 01ivio Cortesi, Jennings Pharmacy,.
G.Pelligrini, ~ntonano & Ug~rti., Genovesi & Dovecchi, Colombo & Tapella, Peninsul~-~ Drug Co.,Inc.,
Guise?pe Berrone,Silvio Dubrosi,,E.Galli,Q.I~assagli, John ~4~1 Fischer, Andy ~[c~illan,Bolopolos & Gelle~
S.Bottini,Stephan Borzano Er~ilando ~arani, Joe. ~.~ainini,~rank ~.RodoniAngelo Paglino,Continental Gro~
Corporation.Ltd.,F.W.Robinson, Jose i'~ernandez, John Fanucchi, and ~.iax Giavia, and granted.
The re~'~orts for the month of JUne from the Fire Chief,PDlice Chief, Building Inspector,
Municipal Judge, Treasurer and City Clerk were submitted to the~.city coUncil and accepted.
This being the date set for ~he hearing of protests against the improvement of Linden Aven~
from Railroad Avenue to Tanforan Avenue, if any, ~ayor Quinlan ~sked if there were any written prote~
against the same or any persons present who wished to ?rotest. Written protests were received from
Cook's 0il Company, South San Fr~ncisco Land & Improvement, The Union Ice Company., and the George H.
Morrell Company of California. Verbal protests were also made. The property owners thus protesting we]
Specialty Wire Works, Ratto & Beltrami~ Rictunond Pottery Company. Business depression was stated as b~
partly responsible for the protests. Decision was delayed until l-Jonday evening, July lAth,next, at
which time the matter will be given further consideration~
B.G.Westbrook of the Eing-Westbrook sign copmany appeared before the council to explain wh~
company erected a board, sign in the city limits of South San Francisco without the consent ,of the cit~,
He stated he did not know the territory wms in the city limits, that other counties dO not charge any
license and they had been in the habit of erecting sign without requesting a permit from county autho~
~ayor Quinlan stated this was a violation of an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco,and that
sign company had violated the c~.ty's courtesy by erecting the sign without permit and at an unseasonal
hour. The comp~ny was a'llowed to leave the sign erected and the clerk instructed to accept the licens~
and building fee.
The renamin~ of streets in the Town of Baden was laid over till a future meeting. The' pro.
pose~ plumbing and electrical ordinances were reported not ready."
A resolution accepting ~ deed from the Robert Dollar Company for a right of way in connec%~
with street improvement was introdueed by councilman I~inucciani and adopted b~.the unanimous vote of ~
the members of the city council,to-wit;-
, , , ~ ,
Ayes Councilmen, V.Boido R.Lloyd t.,'l.kinucciani R.Tibbetts, Joe. P.Quinlan,
Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman, none. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in book of resolutions, Vol.~ at page S0Z.
67. ~
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a 'resolution approVing the diagram under resolution of
Intention No.6?. Theresolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,to-wi~
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~i.I~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joe.P.Quinlan. ·
Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel NcSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, vol.2, at'page 3~.
Councilman Lloyd introflun~.~, a -r'~nl~t'.~ntl nm'nv, nvl-n~, ~l-ln~,.',n~ ~n ~-,n m'l.,~ .,. ,, o ,, 'l ,., .i. .~ ..... n..,..~.~
................. ~n~12%~~-~'~~ meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they
adopted as read.
An application for the position of electrical, plumbing and building inspector was rece
William i¥~.Byrne.. Application ordered plea,ced on file.
The drum corps of South City Aerie of Eagles #147~ requested permission to hold a dance
Fratern~l Hall Saturday evening, July 19th,19J0 until one o'clock A.M. Permission granted.
Applications for the position of Fire Truck driver in the South San ~rancisco Fire Depa
were received from Rudolph Petrocchi ~nd John Castro. Applica~ ons ordered pXaced on file.
Notice was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce calling the city's
attention to a'rumor reporting the construction of a hog ranch near the westerly city limits of So
San Francisco, near the Hillside Boulevard, and asking the city to take some action to prevent the
nuisance from being established. The clerk was instructed to write the District Attorney and Boa
Superviso'rs of the County requesting them to use their best efforts to prevent the issuance of a 1
or permit should one be asked~for.
The Parisian Cleaners made application for permission to install two storage tanks for
cleaning solvent at their place of business $J08 Grand Avenue. Laid over while notice of request
upon the property for the required period of ten days.
A communication was received fro~ Mrs. Carrie Winterhalter suggesting that the City
· San Francisco investigate the foasibility of purchasing water front property of the i~archetti Moto~
CompanY,-whioh was reported to be for sale at auction,-for the development of the city's harbor.
Communication Ordered placed on file.
The Railroad Commission of the State of California submitted the report in Triplicate
findings of the engineering department of the State on the ~nspection of the grade crossings of th~
Southern Pacific Railroad Company's line through South San Erancisc~. Copies of the findings were
filed with l~ayor Quinlan, City Attorney Coleberd and the city clerk.
The order fixing the ~time for hearing objections to the issuance of bonds, proceedings$
was postponed for two weeks.
A deed was received from the Robert Dollar'Company granting a certain ~ right of way fo~
construction of a public highway in the City of South San Francisco. Accepted.
Applic'ations for pool room licenses were received from Andy ~cMillan,E.Galli, J.V.Ron,
Colombo & Tapella, Genovesi & Dovecchi Jose Fernandez, Antonano & Ugarti, John Paul Fischer,Q.Mazs
and the licenses granted.
Applications for soft drink licenses were received from Fat Boy Barbecue,Tine Recsch,
E~ilio Georgetti, Tasty Sweet Shop,V.Uberti, Andrew Colombari 01ivio Cortesi, Jennings Pharmacy,,
G.Pelligrini, ~ntonano & Ug~rtD, Genovesi & Dovecchi, Colombo & Tapell~, Peninsul~ Drug Co.,Inc.,
Guise-?pe Berrone,Silvio Dubrosi,~.Galli,Q.~assagli,John '~ul Fischer, Andy Mc~illan,Bolopolos & Gel
S.Bottini,Stephan Borzano Ermilando i~rani, Joe. ~ainini,~rank E.RodoniAngelo Paglino,Continental G
Corporation.Ltd.,F.W.Robinson, Joee Fernandez,John Fanucchi, and ~x Gi~via, and granted.
The re'?orts for the month of June from the Fire Chief,P~lice Chief, Building inspector,
~unicip~l Judge, Treasurer and City Clerk were submitted to the~city council and accepted.
This being the date set for ~he hearing of protests ~gainst the imi~rovement of Linden Av
from Railroad Avenue to Tanforan ~venue, if any, ~ayor Quinlan asked if there were any written pro
against the same or any persons present who wished to protest. Written protests were received from
Cook's 0il Company, South San Fr~ncisco Land & Improvement, The Union Ice Company~ and the George H
Morrell Company of California. Verbal protests were also made. The property owners thus protesting'
Specialty Wire Works, Ratto & Beltrami$ Richmond Pottery Company. Business depression was stated as
partly responsible for the protests. Decision was delayed until l~onday evening, July 14th,next, at
which time the matter will be given further considoration~
B.G.Westbrook of the King-Westbrook sign copmany appeared before the council to explain ~
company erected a board~ sign in the city limits of South San Francisco without the consent,of the c~
He stated he did not know the~territoryw~s in the city limits, that other counties dO not charge a~
license and they had been in the habit of erectin~ sign without requesting a ~ermit from county autl
~ayor Quinlan stated this was a violation of an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco,and th~
sign company h~d violated the c~ty's courtesy by erecting the sign without permit and at an unseaso~
hour. The comp~..m, ny was ~llowed to leave the sign erected and the clerk instructed to accept the lice~
and building fee.
The renaming of streets in the Town of Baden was laid over till a future meeting. The'p~
posed plumbing and electrical ordinances were reported not ready.
A resolution accepting a deed from the Robert Dollar Company for a right of way in conne¢
with street improvement was introdueed by councilman I~iinucciani and adopted bp.the unanimous vote
the members of the city council,to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~.Hinucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joe. P.Quinlan,
Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen, none. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in book of resolutions, Vol.2 at page 30~.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a 'resolution approving the diagram under resolution of
Intention No.6?. Theresolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city co~cil,to-w
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Soido, R.Lloyd, M.~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joe.P.Quinlan.,
Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen,None, Attest Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, vol.2, at page
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution a'iproving diagram ~o. 68. The resolution was ado]
the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit:-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~I.~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joe. P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, none. Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest
Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page
A resolution ordering work of closing up Birch Avenue between the northerly line of Spruce
Avenue and the westerly line or, Parkway, in the City of South San Francisco, was introduced by Counc~
Boido 'and was adopted by the votes of ~ll the members of the city 'council, to-wit:-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.LLoyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, JOE.P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None, ~ttest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at page 304.
Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution authorizing execution of Quitclaim deed to Soutt
San Francisco Land and Improvement Company. The resolution was sdopted by the unanimous vote of all
the members of the city council, to-wit:-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts,Joe.P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None,Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney, _
City Clerk.
~edorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 at page 305.
An ordinance regulating traffic upon the publie'streets of the City of South San Francisco,
and repealing all ordinances incinsistent herewith, was introduced by councilman Tibbetts,had its
first reading, and was,laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regular
meeting of the city council.
Claims in the amount of $620.86 were next presented to the council for payment. The claims
having been audited by the finance committee councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion
was seconded by councilman ~ibbetts and regularly carried.
01d Re liable Garage
Royal Su-!:,ply Co.,
John Figoni
National Ice & Cold Storage Co
Tanforan Garage
S.M.Co,Title Company
Superior Steam Laundry
Pac.Tel' & Tel Co.~ city
Ed. Stahl
Indust.City ~,u~ber Co.,
J.Penna & Co.
Fred Brown
Vic Lindberg
Dudley Perkins
Fred J.Lautze
Jack Welch
Jenning's Pharmacy
Pacific Water CO
rep Chev.truck
Ins.192? Seagrave
cleaning fountain 6mo
distilled water
Daily reports
Wash fire ho.2, June
" " ".l "
city ~,hones,June
Carpenter work
carpenter work
alemiting machine
rep fire dept.machine
materials fire dept.
8th insts.hydrants
There being no further business before the council councilman ~loyd moved to adjourn until
Monday evening, July 14th,1930 at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. The motion w~,s seconded by councilman
Boido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;45 o'clock p.m.
~3~r of South San Francisco
RespecZfully su~mitted/~ ~ ,