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Minutes 1930-07-14
A regularly adjourned roeetil~c'~, of the ci',:~' council of the City. of Bouth San Francisao vcas hel in the city hall i..[onda~ evening, July 14th,1230. ~ ~'~is h:eetina: was called to order at 7-3= o'clock v.m. by counc'~ ~ .... , ~ ~an Jose'oh r. Quinlan,,,~ayor ~' o South ~an };~r~cisco. ziOLL CLLL. I .... ~..,ers the 0ol2i'ic±i vrese;at, to-wit, Councilmen, V. Boido, ~-~.Lloyd, I~.Ninucciari,ii. Tibbetts,Joseph P.QuinlaN. qh~ minutes o ..... the ~i"evious meetiPa~ - ~'~ ...... ~ ~ead. q, ere bein~)~ ~o errors or omissi ~'- they approved as rea&. ~ conmumic st ion was received ~rom t]~e U~r~on Ice ComTany stati~ t)eN d~& not wish to their protest against the i~rove~.~ent of lout). ~nde~ _ivanue, bwt su'~{TestiN~ t}-~at bids mi~Tht be and t]~~ citF en~i~'~eer m~e u-o a tentative ~s~'~ .......... ~ ...... ~ ~ s~o~a. each property ou'~er tlc a-~?roximate cos of tke proposed ~:ork. ComnmNicatior~ accepted~ an~ A comr. mnzc~i.o_~ ~ was r cei~ed from ~ .... '~'~. O~:~rrie ~.i~interLa!ter~ offeriN~f the opinion that the improvement o'~ Linden Avenue Joy. th mi?ut be acco~,ii ~ - 2' s~ed by t~e em31oyment of idle men livhtg in tlc City of 3o~'~th San Francisco, t~payers or othe~'~ ',::]~.o make their home here, the city to ,io tlc work cost an& ?ay f~ii~~ :';a~!'cs to t}io~ e eml:~!o~ed. Co~-m:u~ication accepted and placed o~:~ file. ~a:~,~ ~v,sRue Develo~oment [~ssociation. statiz~g the assoc proposes, to rei"3~:.,ce ti:e [.,resent lights i~': the hi.~.i'cass d_istrict witL standard tro li;fht electroiiers continue tke same t,[?e, of electroiiers the :~'~ti'~'- ~._~,~,~,th. of Crand :~venue, re~,ove the p_e~e~t~ ~ o~-.- xro,. tke street and replace the same ~vit.;~ ~ro;:' -~ules an& ~skir~d tlc city t,~ take ste??s to briRf: the~,.' ~re in a !.ositi,~u to 'f'roc~,o~ v;ith the prop,) d_ change. , ~ The Oook's 0il Corn?any filed notice wit t]..e cor~cil of tieir withdrawal off t;eir protest ~ : ~ iresto te Company filed ~ protest a~ainst t~ e ¥~roposed improvement o~ LiNdeN ATeNue . ~ca:-'~ Patriotic Con~cittee aprlie& 'for 'permi~usion to hold a &a~ce a~ ~ h'~ Praternal ::aml, -~eptember SOth,qa'=.O to co~c-'. ' orate t]_e 120 anni~ersar? of tke Tu6e~er, der~ce of Ne%ico. 2leferred to ti e -folice cor~r,:iss~oR. . _; l_~e. 'oet';/~eR ,'ar.'.~,-a:] ::]~d :~!:,~e 2veNue ...~,~ rece~vac ,:. ( .... re.~,.rred t,o Co xoi.!D/U.D_ T13',.,etts for actJ. or~. .lvemle ,'}ostvoN>ner~t uss ad;ain ta}zen. ~:ctioz: o]'t the proposed neb.~ ffraffic ordi~ i:z(;e :..'aL )jost-po!~e% t-i, allow of some con ~emls, z~t e~ cha Claims iN t e amount of ;')994.85 ' ~re, ~ l': .... ~,,~+ '?re selc, t.~d~ to tlc c~'x,~:~' ~:'z. :Sot .~;aLmemt,'- n~,.~ilL,;':. ,.. hoen aud. itod b':'~, tJ.e f'ihanc~'~ _ con:ittee cov~i:~ciiF:an !:irmcciani move& t~,e~, paid. The motion ,as secoz~de~ 22' co~;dacil~,~an Ti%.,'~tts and' re~[mlari[~ carrie6.. Pit e E~? i}:,-;., e r in{ C om-pany, ' '~' el ,::: Te~ C;oml.~no., ~aoiJ. lO mz _.u "'~ .... ' ~. J. ':]'e t t e So.S.2. ~)terprise Pacific ~ - 1,. South Oit~: Pluinbi:'-,L "',}' op · r i &i., G } Pacific v3aS 2 Electric Comz:any :~ert~aece]__.L c~ iLossetti Dz6.1ey ?er~:i:~s ar~ o~:l, oo~].'x:tion, fire (:Lie~ t" ~'~RoNes, ~7l'~Le chief's d~es, association, inting ee!~iz",.~ streets, ~u~::e & J~ly ~ elite cap,L.]3e~oni ::ria!,3ali ~'ark, ~-~' Offfiaer Terra~no 21.25 /';720.67 · ,~c. ©0 '~ 4. O0 ,~,2. O0 ., 56.5f' ~r0.55 6u. O0 ',:', 19.50 ,i~14.6g :'.; 5.05 :i'; 994.85 meetiT.~, !"- ; .... .,a~ on ...... d by eou~cilman ,_ ,,u'u.,:~y, July gist ,1930 loido and regular!-y carried. Time of adjournment,8;~5 o'clock