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Minutes 1930-08-11
REGULARZY ADJOUiiNED t~©]ETING OF THE CITY :0UECIL OP THE CITY OF SOUTH SA2~ FiQA~CISCO,~-~A 5IONDAY, AUGUST llTH ,1950. A regularly adjourned meeting of the' city council of the City of South San Francisco was held i the City Hall 5~onday evening, August llth,19SO. This meeting was called to order at ~;SO O'block p by Councilman Jos. P.Quinlan,Eayor of South San Francisco, ROLL CALL. Roll call found all meni of the council present,to-wit ;- Councilmen,¥,Boido,l{.Llo~d, k~.Ninucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan The minutes of the two~.previous meetings :,ere read, ,There being nO' errors ~r omissions they wet adopted a~s rea~. . An applica tion was made by liebert W.$cott for permission to establish a Niniature Golf Course on the lot north of the Bank of South San Francisco,fronting Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Co~u~.cilman Lloyd, ~nd regularly carried permission was granted, pre the' fire laws are lived up to. Bramble ~ Spangler applied for a permit to construct a miniature ~olf ~ourse on portions o~ l~t 15,1~,15,16, Block 145. On motion by Council.man Lloyd,seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regul carried permission was granted, provided t~he work is done under, the supervision of the Building Inspector. B.J.Rodondi made application for some of the city~,s insurance business when the same falls Apllication placed on file. A reply was received from. the Narket Street Railv~ay Company in answer to the city's letter concerning the removal of their poles incidental to the widening of Grand ~venue, by replacing the~ . wooden poles with iron ornamental poles. The co~]:~any stated they are financially unable to stand t~ cost of making the mhange, as the receipts~ from th~ their local line are steadily decreasing. Communication placed on file. Lazzari & Gagliani,New LincOln Narket,475 Grand Avenue, made application for permission to install a gasoline tank and pump in front of their place of business,~?5 Gr~a~d Avenue. On motion by Councilman Lloyd,seconded by councilman Tibetts and regul~_ fly carried, permission was de~ied., William Locatelli applied for the position of Notor Traffic Officer. Application placed on file. A communication was received from' the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company showing their gross receipts for the year ending f~ugust 5th,l~0 to be ~S6,1~Z.89, and the amount due the ~ity o~ South ~an Francisco under their franchise, ;~?~.88, A check for the sum of .~7~E.85 was enclosed wi~ the communication. Statement and check accepted. Raffaele Atzori applied for the Positio~ of Janitor-Gardener, or any other position the might have vacant. Applica'~ tion ordered placed on file. The Pacific Coast ABsociation of Fire Ghie~mitted a com~nunication to the council advising their STth annual convention would be held in OaklanX,September I to 4th,next, and requested the c to send the fire chief and other city officials to attend the same. On motion by Oouncilman Lloyd seconded by Councilman ~linucciani and regularly carried Fire Chief V~elte was selected to attend th~ convention. The Presto'~)-Lite's requestto install a ES0,galon ~asoline tank was granted. The Pacific Telephone & Telegra. ph Company's request for the return of their $600 bond, pl~ with the city for faithful performance was referred to the city engineer for investigation. The monthly report of ~,~unicipal Judge P~rrell was submitted to the city council and accep~ The order fixing the time for hearing ob3ections to the issuance of bonds under Droceedin~ ~f~8 ~:as l~id o~er until the next meeting. Claims in the sum of $1S58.89 wet, next presented for payment; The claims having been audit by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts mov:,d they bo paid. The motion was seconded by Council Boido and regularly carried;- P~. T. l{obbins, John C or so H. L. Haake r Pac.'Gas & Elec Co Jack Welsh'~ The Dnt erprise Amer. Fire Equipment Co N. Belli & Company Dudley Perkins The Electric Corporation Amer Fire Equipment Co Superior Steam Laundr~ R. Bisagno G. Quinlan Rob. Welts B.Brown C. J. Hunt ingt on So. City Lumber Company W.P.Puller Company Pacific ~ater Company removin$ & I:~stall electrolier removing garbage and dogs pre~ium ins. on city autos closong bill ~18 Linden Ave removing do~s & Cats July Printing legal notice police siren bell repairing buick pennzoil servicing machine material fire dept ,, wash,fi~e dept attending fires burning grsss material fi~e dept " ball park 9th payment Hydrant Installatio~ Total 30.00 9.00 651. ;,56 . ~0 2~.. O0 16.00 6.00 25.00 2.4:5 1.50 ?1.9~ 55.00 16. Ztl 5.00 9.00 9.OO 9.00 9.00 1.56 110. ~8 ,18.90 300. O0 1 58.s9 There being no further business councilman ~oyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, Eonday,August 16th,19S0,at ~;SO o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boidc and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;%5 o'clock P.E. Approved Respectfully submi~d, ,__.