HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-09-02~GULAR ~ETING 0P TilE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
SEPTEi~[BER 2 ND,1930.
The regular meeting of the cit~ conncil of tD.e City of Set, th San ?rancisco was held in ~he
City Hall Tuesda~ evening, September £nd,1950, l~onda~, Septembe~ lst,Labor Day being a legal holiday.
The meeting was called to order at 7;ZO o'clock p.r~. by councilman Joseph P.Quinlan, Hayer
of South San Francisco.
Roll call found all the members of the co~mcil present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd, N. Einucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.£~uinlan.
The minutes of the previous zneetizt5 v~ez~e read. There beir~g no errors or ontissior~s
were adol~ted as rea&,
Niss L.Ninuceiani, Chairmoman Dance Committe~, Rmgina Elena Circle f/97, requested permissiDn
on behalf of the Circle to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,~aturday eve~ing, September 1Zth next till
I o'clock A.m Permission grmnted.
B:J.iiodondi applied for the position of building Inspector, stating he had many years exper-
ience in building in the ~ity of South San Franeisco. Application ordered placed on fil~.
John Tacchi, &19 Baden Avenue, applied for a permit to construct an indoor miniature golf
club in the basement of ~raternal Hall. Referred to Building Inspector Beatty.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to replace four South San Pran~isc~
Railroad poles on the northside of Swift Avenue, north of Allerton Avenue. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts
and the request granted.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to install a two inch semi-high-'
pressure gas line, within the curb,on the south side of Third Lane from a point 180 feet east of
Spruce Avenue to a point 100 feet east to sup?ly a customer. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts, and
permission ordered granted.
The request of the Pacific Tel ,~ Tel Company for the return of their $600.00 bond placed)wi·
with the city for faithful performance was referred to engineer Klassen, who stated he would inspect
the work and report at the next meeting of the council.
A conm:unication was received from i~,lrs. Ell,n Carmody stating the action of the drills used
in the improvement of Linden Avenue had caused certa~_n damage to property belonging to her and asked
for redress, i{eferred to Engineer tflassem for investigation.
The monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Chief of Police, Fire Chief and City Clerk
for the month ending August 51st,1950 , were receiw~d and accepted.
A petiti, on signed by numerous property owners on Grand Avenue, asking for the installation
of a two%light iron standard electrolier,called '!The Enterprise Cop-lite Standard" along the, entire
length of Ovand Avenue, was submitted by the secretary of the Grand Avenue Development Association,
Mrs. Carrie E.Winterhalter. The petition requested t~'~e city council to c, ommence proceedings at
early &ate. !?~epetitioners a!~o requost~,~d the city t_~ corer with the :~an D~teo County Board of
Supervisors and request that they place lights in co~formity with the city lights on the space between
the city limits and the E1 Camino Real paralleling t~ e ~-treet car line, to $outh San Francisco :~tation~
and construct a roadway over the same course for an amditional outlet ~nd inlet. On motion regularly
carried the co~m~%uuication and petition were accepted and the matter taken tLnder advisement for
consideration. The Fay Im~!-rovement ~ was granted an e~tens~on oi' ~0 d~.ys in whi~h to com?lete Linden
This 'being the date set for the opening o:f bids for the i~provement of Linden Avenue from
Hailroad Avenue to Tanforan Avenue, Dollar Avenue and Huntington Avenue East, under proceedings ~71
councilman Tibbetts moved the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by cozmcilman L~inucciani and
regularly carried.
The following bids were then opened;-
Union Paving Company, Items "A" to "U"
Fay Improvement Company " " "
Hanrahan Company " " "
complete, ~82,571.00
" ~89,a09.89'
" ~79 ,848. 60.
The bids were taken under advisement, amd the city engineer instructed to furnish the
council with the approxinmte cost of the work per front foot for t~e information of the property
affected by the proce<~dings, and have the same at the next regular meeting.
The city clerk requested and was grant~d two extra helpers on tax bills, card notices, etc
during the period ]~receding ~ax collections for 1930~ on motion by cozzucilman Tibbetts seconded by
councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of ~267.50 were next submit,ted to the council for payment.
The finance conm~ittee having audited the claims councilman Loyd moved theybe paid. The
'motion was seconded by councilman E~inucciani and regularly carried.
¥.~ialli, bat due for trimming trees
Joe Medeghini, , sweeping streets,
:~218. O0
There being no further business councilman Linucciani moved to adjourn until the next
regular meeting, Monday,September 15th,1930,at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman
Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Time of adjour~u-~z~t, 9.05 o'clock: ?.n~. ~
M/ay6~ of South San Francisco
C~/f/y Clerk. ~