o~PT~,~R 15TH, .
HELD DONDAY, ~"~ ~' ~ ~ 1930
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the
City Hall, Non&ay evening, September 15th,1930.
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 O'clock p.m. by councilman joseph P. Quinlan,¥~yor of
South San Francisco.
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-~vit;-
Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~.~.~inuccia.ni ,R.Tibbett s, Joseph P. Quinlan.
The minute's of the previous meeting ~?ere ~ead. There being no errors or omissions they were
as read.
A request was made by the League of California ~I~icipalities for a statement of the amour
spent by the ~ity of South San Francisco in the past few years in handling, rate proceedings and other
matters before the ~ai!ro?~-~ .~om~ission of the ~ ~'e
Sta~ of California. ~,s none was spent the clerk was inst~
ed to reply to the League.'s request so stating.
Another co~unication from the League of C~lifornia I~icipalities stated the railroad companie~
the otate had requested permission to raise the rates for freight on petrole~ products, and ~dvi~ed th~
formation of a state -~vide public utility servic~ department of the League, to look after the interests
of the cities and the<general publie in rate ~tters. Co~mication laid over to be taken up for conside
ation at a later ~te. The League also inquire~ as to wn~ther t~e city is ~n~erested in any new legist
tion. Laid over to be tak~n up for consideratiox ~- ~ f-~t'9~e i~te.
The oPfic~R-~?. ~ll of the Leagu~ of O~l~ f~.~.r~._Ja L~unicipalities for the ~gnd annual con~ention to
held in I~ong Beach October 6th,to llth,next, was received. The call requested t]~e c~ty to send as
d..legates to the conw~'ention as could conveni~Nti2 attend. I~yor Quinlan asked th~ council's desire.'
0n motion by councilman Boido,seconded by counc:~.lman Lloy,i end regularly carrY, ed th~ regular city o:~%ic~
and councilmen were requested to attend.
Secretary ~'alhewson of the State of California Railroad Oo~m~ission submitted a copy of a lette~
written to General l'~nager J.L.Burck halter of the Southern Pacific Company advising that there would b~
installed at Butler koad CrOssing two semi-autom tic wigwags, to be oDerated from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.a.ai
and also the installation of two Standard No.Z wigWags and s.cond train indicator, replacf~ng the prese:~
'~.~u~-~r-~'.<~n ~!~sm~n, ~-~t Linden Avenue crossing . Statement~ accepted and placed on file.
The Mexican PaPri0tic Conm~ittee request~:~d permission to use the steps ir~ front.of ihe~city hall
on the 2Otb of Beptember,19Z0,.to present the ~,oxzcan Consul to the city authorities, with the accompar
merit of their '~Banda L~orelos", which will render a concert directly be'~ '~
~ .,.o_c~.~ the ceremo~~. ~!i cit~ o~
were }.nvited to attend. On motion by Councilman L{irmcciani, seconded by councilman Tibbetts and re~lar]
4ear~ied:..t~ .. de~:~ired :-permissi o'm ::was granted.
Harry"D'~' Pelsenthal applied for the position of Building Inspector. There being no vacancy
at this time the ap.l!cation was placed on file.
The P~ci:~:;.c Coast ~.u~.~'~ 0ffic[ai~'O ~ ,,~.
o:~ ~.~,~._, reqa~ste& the ~ity of South 3ah Francisco
to send the Oity's building Inspector' to the next meeting of the Pacific Building Officials Conference
at Long Beaoh~, September :~gth to 0ctober'4th,1930. City Inspector Bea~y was appointed to.represent the
0ity of South San -r~cisco at the convention.
Fire Chief Welts submitted a report of his attendance at the c.~nvention of the Pacific
Coast Fire Chief's Association of Ca. iifornia at 0ai_ia~i, CalJ:fon'~ia, September 1st to 4th,19S0. The
~ ,~ b~' the citj' cou~ci! an& ~yor Quinlan complimented t~e fire chief on his
report was well rece__w,e
attention to the ~tters brought up by the various '?ire units of the State ~ CaliforniN at the convent:
The City Council: was requested by the 3a~, Liateo County ~all Flower Festival Association to
send a representative of this city to act as a co~m~itteeman in conjz=lction with the other San ~teo ·
Cowry Delegates for the Plower Show October ,t5th L6th, &ETth next. l¥Iayor Quinlan was selected by the
Co~cil to represent the city of South San Pr~cisco, at the festivel, on motion by co~cilman ~yod
..... ~-~ ~ ......... ~'~a~ B ldo.The reports of the City Judge and City Treasurer were received and a~cepte~
::~"~ ~ ~f~i~n ~or a soft dri~ license 'vas r~'~ceive{ 'from the Bob 'O'Li~, and granted.
A resolution fixi~.[~ the tax rate for the coming' fiscal year on all the p~operty within the
original corporate bo~dar}esiof the City of South Francisco at $1.64 on each {:100 0f assessed
~luation and $1.59 on all property contained within the bo~daries off the land annexed to the City of
South San Prancisc0 by a special election held l:arch 13,1916, w:s introduced by co~cilman Boido and
a~opted by the un~rnimo~s vote of ~11 the members of the cit2 co~cil, to-wit;-
~es, co~noilmen, V.Boi&o, E Llo2~, L.~in~ooi~ni, H.~ibbe~ts, Joseph
Recorded in Book of R~ olution, Vol. 2 at page ~14. Attest, Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk.
Co~cilman Lloyd intr~duce~ a resolution directing the foreclosure of the assessments
for certain stroet improvement work done pursuant to Resolution of Intention 1~o.25. The resolution was
adopted by the ~animous vote of the city council, to-rit;-
~es, Co~cilmen, V.Boido,,N.Llo[~d, L~.Einicciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quiml~.
Noes, None, Absent, None.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ,.o1,,~, at page,Z15. Attest Daniel McSweeney,
City Cl~rk.
Co~cilman l~in~ciani introduced a resolution, accepting deed of the South San Francisco L~{
and Improvement G~p~y conveying a right of way to the City of South San Prar, cisco for the constructio
and maintenance of a e~er for ~ainage purposes in the region of Industrial Way. The resolution was
adopted by the votes of all the m~mbers of the council, to-wit-,
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~[.}~[inucciani, R. Yibbetts, Joseph. P.Quinl~.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recoeded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page ~15.
Nosolution 4.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a recolution accepting a deed from the Enterprise Foundry~
Company conveying a right of way to the City of South San Francisco for sewer or drainage purposes in
.connection with the Industrial Way prpject. T~e resolution ~vas adopted by the unanimous vote of all the
members of the council, to-wit;- .
Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd, 5~.Einicciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen,N.~ne. Attest, Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 316.
~,,,~,,v mmmen ,~v';~OZ'[~'~" ~;~1~i6~]~ ~"l~in~c e iani, R. T ibh e t t s, Jo seph P. Quinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting u~ere read. There bein~ no errors or omissions they
as read.
A request was made by the League of California ~,~icipalities for a statement of the am
spent by the 8ity of South San Francisco in the past few years in handling rate proceedings and
matters beVore the ~a~?,~..~t Co~:'~'~ission of the otaoe of California. 3[s none was spent the clerk
ed to reply to the League's request so stating.
Another con~unication f~om the League of California I~icipalities stated the railroad
the ;State had requested permission to raise the rates for freight on petrole~ products, and
formation of a state -~vide public utility servic,~ department of the League, to look after the in'
of the cities and the~general publie in rate ~tters. Co~v~ication laid over to be taken up for
arden at a later ~te. The League also inquired as to wh~th~r t~e city is _~.nterested in any ne~
rich. Laid over to be t~t~n u? for conside~atio~ ~.",~ a
t,'~ Loag'a ~i;f~.z~ia L~unicipalities for the 3~nd annual con~
held in Long Beach October 6th,to llth,next, was received. The call requested t~e city to send
d legates to t,~e" con~ention as could conv~:~'~~_~.~..~ attend. I~yor Quinlan asked th:~ couhcil's desiz
0n motion by councilman Boido,sec.onded by oounci!man Lloyd and r~gularly carr~.e,d t~e regular city
and councilmen were requested to attend.
Secretary It:a~hewson of the State of California hailroad Co~m~ission submitted a copy of a
written to General l'~nager J.L.Burck halter of the Southern Pacific Company advising that there w
installed at Butler head CrOssing two semi-aurora tic wigwags, to be oi~;erated from 7 a.m. to 6 p
and also the installation of two Standard i[o.3 wigwags and s cond train indicator, replacing the
hum~n flagman, ~t Linden ~kvenue crossing . ~5ta~oment~ accepted and ~flaced on file.
The ~exican Pa~ri0tic Conm~ittee request~:~d permission to use the steps ih frontof
on the 20th of September ,1930 , . to present the Mexican Consul to the city authorities, with the a~
~ment of their "Bands Z;orelos", which will render a concert directly before the ceremo:~y..~ll citj
were ~nvited ~o attend. On motion by Councilman L~inucciani, seconded by councilman Tibbetts and r~
0carried ..th.e ~ de'~%ir~.d :~Dermission ~wa~ granted.
Harry"D'! £elsenthal applied for the position of Building Inspector. There being z_~o va<
at this time the ap.l!cation was placed o~ file.
The ~a, cif~c Coast ~b~ilding 0ffic!ai~'Oo~-~'~enc~ :<'eqa~sted the ~ity of South Saf~ Pran(
to send the 0. ity's building Inspecto?~ to the next m~eting of the Pacific Build.ing Officials Conf~
at Long Beach,. September 29th to · 0ctober."Ath,1930. City Inspector Bealy was appointed to represez
City of South San =r~cisco at the convention.
Fire Chief Welte submitted a report of his attendance at the c~:nvention of the Pacifi
Coast Fire Chief's Association of California at Oa~._ia~'~d, Cai~fornis, S~ptember 1st to 4th,i930.
report was well received ]? the cit~ coy. ned! anal ~yor Quinlan complimented the fire chief on his
attention to the ~tters brought up by the various ?ire units of the State .~ Californi~ at the co
Th~ City Council was requested by the Za~ Liateo County Pall Flower Festival Associatio
send a representative of this city to ac~ as a co~m':~itteeman in conj~=lction with th~ other San
Co~ty Delegates for the Flower Show October fJ5th :~6th, 2~Vth next. ~ayor Quinlan was selected b',
Co~cil to represent the cit~: of South San Fr~cisco, at the fe~tivel, on motion by co~cilman ~y
~ - The reports of the Cdt Judge and City ~reasurer were received and
seconded . a B do. - Y
A resolution fi~:.!rf~ the tax rate for the coming fiscal year on all the p~operty within
original corporate bo~dar~eS[.of the Cit~. ~ of South S~.n Prancisco at $1.84 on each ~;100 0f assessed
maluation and $1.59 on all property contained u?ithin the bestiaries of the land annexed to the Cit~
South San Francisco by a special election held l:arch 13,1916, w_s introduced by co~cilman Boido
adopted by the un-~nimo~.~s vote of ~.ll the members of the city co~cil, to-wit;-
~es, councilmen, V.Boido, H.Lloyd, E;l~inucciani, R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Recorded in Book of Ro~ olution, Yol. 2 at page 314. Attest, Daniel EcSweeney
City Clerk.
Co~cilman Lloyd intrOduce~ a resolution directing the foreclosure of the assessments
for certain str~et improvement work done ]:.:ursuant to Resolution of Intention No.25. The resolution ~
adopted by the ~animous vote of the city council, to-u'it;-
~es, Co~cilmen, V.Boido,,i~.Llo~d, E.Einicciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quiml~.
~oes, None, Absent, None.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ~ol,f:, at page,315. Attest Daniel McSweeney,
City Cl~rk.
i~2SOL~TIOI~ E0 3.
Co~cilman IJin~ciani introduced a resol~tlon, accepting deed of the South San Francisco
and Improvement G~p~y conveying a right of way to the City of South San Fra~cisco for the constru.
and maintenance of a cower for ~ainage purposes in the region of Industrial Way. The resolution wa
adopted by the votes of all the m~mbers of the co~mcil, to-wit-,
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R. Lloyd, E.l~linucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph. P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recoeded in Book of Resolutions, Vel. S, at page 315.
ib,solution 4.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a re~;olution accepting a deed from the Enterpriee Foundry
Company conveying a right of way to the City of South San ?rancisco for sewer or drainage purposes in
.connection with the Industrial Way prpject. T~e resolution ',?as-adopted by the unanimous vote of all
members of the council, to-wit;- . ~
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~,i. Einicciani,R.Tibbetts, Joesph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, l~one. Absent, Councilmen,N.~ne. Attest, Daniel L~cSweene~
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.£, at page 315.
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution accepting a license agreement with the Southern
Pacific Company by the City of South San Francisco for the construction, re-construction, maintenance
and operation of two (2) 4'x 8' storm u'ater conduits and one (1) 15" sanitary sewer pipe across
the pO~tion'of~he right of way of said company. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all t~
members of the council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido, E.Lloyd, lJ.Einucciani, R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, None, f~bsent, None. Attest Daniel LicSweeney
City Clerk.
,Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 316.
Councilman Lloyd introduce~ a resolution-, accepting,the cor~ve~'ahce~ of ~ right of way from
the !~,outh San Francisco Belt Railway by the City of South Sar~ Francisco to construct and maintain and
use a sewer' or servers upon a certain tract of land situated in the City of South San Francisco.
The resolutio~ was adopted by the unanin~,ou[~ vote of all the members of the city cou~ncil,
to-wit;- iyes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~,,!.I~iinu<:ciani,R.Tibbetts,J.P.Quinlan.
!~oes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Cou~?_cilmen,l~one. Attest, Daniel ~,~cSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥~ol.2, at p~ge Z17.
The application of ~rs. Ellen Carmody for redress from the company who installed the
electroliers in Linden Avenue, referred to engineer Dob Klassen,was next ta~,en up. Engineer t(lameen
stated he was investigating the matter and Would report at the next meeting of the council.
The application of the Pacific Tel & Tel Company for the return of their ~600 bond was
again referred to engineer Klassen.
In the matter of tl~e petition of property o~ers on Grand ~,~'enue ~der the auspices of
t~e Gr~d ;~venue Development Association, to install lights thereo~, ~, ~:eting v:as set for l~rida~
evening ~epte=~ber 19th,1950.
Z~a~?or '(~in!ar~ a~r~ounced there ~ere two vacancies on the Library Board. Cou~:~cilman Einucci~,
nominated ~,~i~:~s RUe Clifffo~d for one of the positS, ohs. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts
and regularly carried.
Co~cilman Tibbetts nominated DIr. A.T.A~ndt for the position of Library Truste~. The motion
was seconded b~ co~cil~.~s~n D, oido arid r~:~ularl~, cs~r~ied.
The !~re, m. ch Da~k of Italy ~as granted ;~_~rn~issio~:t to reconstruct the D~artin Building,conner~
of Gmand and Linden Avenue for bank purposes, at an estimated cost of ~5000.00.
Fr~k Giffra was granted per~issio~ to construct a small building on Gr~d Avenue l0 feet in
width, adjoining his other property, at an estimated cost of ~l 00.00
City a2torne~ Coleberd was authorized to purchase a n~ber o~ street bonds through the
Enterprise,for street series.
A protest meeting for the hearing of obj~ ctiom, s agairst the ir~proven~ent of Linden ~[venue
south~¥'ard fro~ ?,ailroad Avenue to Tanforan ~/as set :~;or ILonday evening, September 22nd, 19ZO at
7;30 o'clock p.m.
C~ims in the ~ount o~ ~?169.85 were next presented to the council flor payment, 0n motion
by co~cil~ Tibbetts, eeco~.ded by co~mciln~an ILi~ucciani and regul~ly carried
ordered paid.
Lula E.Lane clerical service ~20.25
Florence Quinlan " " ~36,00
'~ic Lindberg watering trees ~"42.7~
N. Z~e &eghini sweeping street s ~6.00
There being no further businesB council~t~n Lloyd moved to adjourn :til ~,~onday evening,
September E2nd, 19~0, at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly
'Time of adjournment, 9;15 o'clock p.m.
/~May~ of oouth San Francisco.,
Respectfully submitted,