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The regular meeting of the City Council of the City'~of ~outh San Francisco
was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, October 6th, 19~0.
The meeting was called to order at ?:30 o'clock p. m. by Councilman Joseph
P. Quinlan, Mayor of South San Francisco.
Roll call found the following members of the council present, to-wit:
Councilmen V. Boido, M. Minucciani, J. P. Quinlan.
Absent, Councilmen R, Lloyd and R. Tibbetts.
The minutes Of the two previous meetings were read.
omissions they 'were adopted as read.
There being no errors or
A request was made by A,'J. Tacchi for a soft drink license to be operated in the
Yraternal Hall in the Indoor Golf Course. Permission granted. .
An application for a soft drink and pool room license was made by Anthony K.
Panagopoulos to operate in the Oxford Hotel. ApPlications laid over.. '~ .
An application'was made by W. M. Conrad for the position of City Building In-
spector. Application placed on file.
A con~nunication was received from the Pacific Indemnity Company regarding the
$600.00 bond of the Pacific Telephone Company. Mr. Klassen stated the Telephone co-
mpany Engineer was to report to him'that the work was completed to satisfaction and
at that time the bond would be in line to be released.
A communication was received from the Grand Avenue Development AsSociation re-
garding the lighting of Grand Avenue. Owing to the fact that .there was not a full
board present the communication was laid over dntil the. next meeting,~
A communication was received from the Chamber of Commerce calling attention
to the condition of Orange Avenue and asking the council to discuss the matter with a
view of putting it in better shape. Mayor Quinlan stated that he was in touch with
Supervisor Hickey and he cOnsented to help with the repair by having his road master
scarify and put the road in condi~tion.
-B. J. Rodondi appeared before the council about the holes on Linden Avenue
near the Pr~-0-Lite. Mayor Quinlau stated he would take the matter up with Sup.er-
visor Hickey and see if the holes would be fixed.
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Fire,Chief, Municipal Judge,
Treasurer and City Clerk were reeeived ~nd accepted. ~
This being.~the date Set f~r :hearing protests against the acceptance of work
done under proceedings $ 68, pavement of Swift Avenue, Mayor Quinlan asked if there
were any persons present who wished to protest or if there were any written protests
against same~ There being none Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution con-
firming the assessment. The resolution was adopted by the followin'g members t~' the
council, to-wit:.
Ayes, Councilman V. Boido~inUcciani, J. P. Quinlan,~
Noes, Councilmen, None
Absent, Councilmen R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts.
Attest M. Minucciani
City Clerk pro tem
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. ~ at page 519.
This being the date set for hearing protests ~g~inst the acceptauce of work
done under proceedings $6~, pavement of Third Street, Mayor Quinlan asked if there
were any persons present who wished to protest or if there were any written protests
against same. There being none Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution con-
f~rming the assessment. The resolution was adopted by the follo~wing members of the
council, to-wit:
Ayes, 0ouncilmen, V. Boido, M. ~inucciani, J. P. Quinlan
Noe s, C ounc ilmen None
Absent, Councilmen R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts
Attest: ~. Minucciani
City Clerk pro tern
Recorded in Book of Resolution Vol. ~ at page ~19.
This being the date set for hearing protests against the acceptance of work
done under proceedings $68, pavement and Lighting system on Linden ~Avenue, Mayor Quinlzn
asked if there were any persons present who wished to protest or if there were any
written protests against same. There ~ing none Councilman ~inucciani introduced a re-
solution confirming the assessment. The resolution was adopted by the follOwing
members of the council, to-wit:
Ayes, Councilmen: V. Boido, M. Minucciani, J. ~. Quinlan
Noes, Councilman None
Absent, Councilmen R. Lloyd, R. Tibbetts.
~ttest: M. Minucciani
City Cler]c pro tern
Recorded in Book of Resolution Vol. 2, at page 320.
Claims in the amount of $107.50 were next presented to the council for payment.
On motion of Councilman Boide, secodded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly
carried the claims were ordered paid.
Lulu E. I~ne clerical services $18.00
Florence Quinlan " " 18.0~0
Bert Brown cleaning jail August ~.00
,, ,, " " Sept. ~.00
Louis Belloni feeding prisoners Aug. 6.80
,, " " " S e pt. 6.70
J. Welch removing dogs & cats Aug. 19.50
,, " " " Sep. E~. ~0
Mell Nieri matron ser~r~ee Sep. E1 5.00
Total $107.50
There being no further business Councilwoman Boido moved to adjourn until
Tuesday evening October 14, 1930, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. The motion was
seconded by councilman I~inucciani and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 8:45 p. m.
Respectfully submit ted,
yr of So Fr~cisco.
City Clerk pro tern. _~ /~