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Minutes 1930-10-14
488 ~DJOURNED REGUL~AR MEETING OF THE CITY COU!~CIL 0F THE CITY 0P SOUTH SAN Fi{ANCISC0 HELD TU~oD~Y, OCTOBER 14TH, 19~0. An adjourned regular meeting of the City council of the City of South Ssm Francisco was. held in the City Hall Tuesday evening, October 14th,1950. This meeting was called to order at ?;5© o'clock p.m. by councilman Joseph P.Quinlan,},'[ayor of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. i%oll call found all members of the city council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R. Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. ~n application was made by the Service Gara~Te & ~achine 3hop for a permit to install Easoline' storage t~s on lots 18 and 19, block 148, San Bruno Road. Referred to the Fire Chief. A co~ic~tion was received from. the ,~erican }~rine Instance Companies requesting the city. council to adopt a resolution a~oring an amon~nent to the present instance law which, it was stated, favors the foreign marine insurance companies over tlc ~ericans. Conmmnication laid ove~. Applications for soft dri~ an& pool room licenses were received from T.L%Terribelini and James Nicolopulos. i~ef~rred to the ploice commiesion. In the matter of the petition of property owners on Grand Avenue for the installation of iron standard electroliers ~yor Quinlan stated every con~ideration would be given the owners ~ selected Friday evening, October ~ next for a meeting to be hold in the city hall in the co~cilmenS' chambers where all interested parties might appear and be hoard rega'~ding the proposed new lighting system for Crand kwenue, under the auspices of the Grand A~onue DeVelopment f~ssociation, and in conjunction with the city council. The secretary of the association was requested to send notices to all property on the a~enue notifying them of the meeting Friday 0~tober 24th. .. ~blisher of the ]~nterprise A.E.Bramble app'~ared before the co~cil ahd urged that mcr%prizes be offered in competition for the best kept gardens in South San Francisco. 5~.Bramble stated some cities donate as high as $1000 per annu~% for thi~ purpose, and thought South San Fr~cisco could get no better advertisement to help build up the city tL~n by this method of beautifying t~e homes. ~d~ew ,~-n~.~_~'~-~'~ :':~d)rsed the sentiments of Lh~. Br~ble and requestei the city to assist financis in the endeavor to advertise the city in this manner. City Attorney Colebord was requested to give an opinion on the legality of donating money as '- , prz~s for this purpose and Will render an opinion at the next meeting of the co~cil. The &elongates to the Llunicipal convention at Long Beach, under the auspices of the League of California I~iunicipaliti~s reported the most successful ~nd largest convolution of the !e~gue y~t ,~eld. Te~ht muc~ ~",~ !~gis!~tion was proposed and some endor~d by the league, especially the ref~d gasoline tax to m~liciioalities.an& oom~%t_k~O~ %3Lio_~o,] ..j ~Lq.2{';oorts accepted. Geo. H. HoYston a?~eared b~fore the co.oil and requested permission to raise the grade of the sidewalk in front of the L~rtin building, the new quarters of the B~anch Ba~ of Italy, the grade to be a raise of approximately one inch to one and one ?~lf feet from the curb to the entrance to the ba~. Claims in the ~o~t of ~549.50 were next ~',':esented to the cocci! for payment. The claims having been au~t.~d by the finance cor~ittee councilman Lloyd moved they be oaid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly, carried, N.5~ede~,;g. hini sweep streets C.R.Beatty, empenses to building inspector's_ conven$ion,Long Beach Judge Edw. Parrell " "League Ca!i:? L,~,~.nicipa! Convention" " Reese Lloyd " " " " " " i{oderick Tibbett s " " " " " " Daniel }~c Sweeney " " " " " " " " ,~9.50 lOO.OO ~!00. O0 lOO.OO lOO. co SIO0. O0 ,~549.50 There being no further business before tho ~ouncil councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, I~onday evening, October 20;L,1930, at ?;30 -o' clock ~.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman l~inucoiani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;~5 o'clock p.m. Appr eve d of South San Francisco. Respectfully sub~/ Crer ?