HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-11-17492 ,~e--~,_--'~ ~,~;EETING OF T~E CITL COUNCIL OF THE CITY SOUT.L~ SA~7 FR~2~CISCO, The regular meeting of the city council of th~ City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall,l'~onday evening, ,I~ovember l?th,1930. ~he meeting was called to order at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. by cov~.cilman Joseph P.Quinlan,l~ayor of South San Francisco. ~0LL C ALL. Roll call found all members of the city cou~-~cil p~esent;to-wit, Councilmen, ¥.Boido ,R.Lloyd, D~,.~linucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph pi, ~ Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting 'core read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from J~ntonio Diolini asking for a refund of .95 cents ]?aid for weed cutting, stati~.~g he had cut the weeds hin~self. :~:e-:'~rred to Couz~ciln:an Tibbetts and Inspector Eeatt for investigation. The Union Espanola of California asked permi~:sion to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall December 6th,19ZO. Permission graht ed. A comn:unication was received from the Headquarters of the League of California ~unicipalitieS asking if the City of South San Francisco wished to order a book of the proceedings of the League's Long Beach Convention at ~£.50,hard cover. The clerk was instructed to order ons. The %'olunteer Fire ~epartment asked pern;ission to hold a dance in ~'raternal Hall Saturday evening, Eovemher :2~,,1950 Permission granted. Tippecanoe Tribe lll of the local order of Rodin:on ssked permission to hold a dance in ?raterns Hall ?;ednesdayevening l~ovember ~6th n~,xt. Permission. granted. · '~'~e ~nion Paving Company asked an extension of 90 days time in which to cor~:ple~e t~ Impr0ven of Third Street an& Swift Avenue. Pern~,ission was requested by the Pacific C-as & Electric Company to install a £ in. gas line in the sidewalk arm~, on the west side of l,,!agnolia Avenue from the south lin, of Park :,"ay to a point 195 feet southerly., and, in the sidswalk are~a,oom the no~.th side of Parkway from a point o!,posite the ' · - ; ern~SSlO~ granted. ~ast side of ],,~agnoli~ f~,venue approximately ~0,. feet t,: ~:refron~.. '~ ' ' Tl:e g~:.s a.~,d light cor:?arQ~ s~]._so r~;~-,.estc~d. ,:-.r~-~ ~Jo-~-~ t,:~ J~,stai7 ~ t~.'o _~zc], ~:~_~. liz~ iz tie sidewall~ area on the south side of Parkway for the l.:z~Lt:~'~ of 100 feet ap~roxim~tely 60 ~eet easterly from Elm Avenue. ~'ermission granted. 1.~otice from the county auditor of a credit of ~$lg.l~, together with a check for the same, due th~ cit,~/ as a sh~:~re of the apportiorn,',e~:t fror~: ta:<e~,~: collected by the county assessor, was received. The Eagle's Drum Corps of 3outh San Francisco requested perr~ission to hold a dance in Fratern~ Hall Saturday evening November lst,1950 from 8 o'cloci~ p.m to l, A.E, permission granted. A petitio~ signed by S7 resident:s ~r~d prop z'ty o',',~'~ers on Baden Avenue was submitted to the council requesting the installation of fo'ur lights on Baden Avenue between ~aple & Spruce Avenues. i{eferred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. A petition signed by se~-er~! httr~dr~-~d i~ro~'~<?~ ~. owners of t?~e district area affected by the proposed Storm -./ater Sewer, ~anitary ~,~e~ er a~d I;~prow~ment of Industrial Way, under proceedings ~72, was submitted to the city council, protesting a~ain~t the proposed improvement, ,this being the date set for tt'~e hearing of protests in, connection with tLe proposed improvement. Attorney ~k.,$campini appea: for the protestants, nu~bering 262 signers. In addition to the .~vritten Drotestm Joe ~;alker, representing the i,,'lanufacturers Association, appeared b~fore the council and stated the factories were favor of the pavement of Industrial i',;ay, but did not endorse the sev:er project at this time. Several factory representativesappeared in person and objec ,~d to the proceedings as a whole, but werein favor portions of the proceedings. i~ny property owners rose to speak against the project. At their conclusion Councilman ~inucci moved the objections of the protestants be sustained. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido a~d regularly carried. The monthly reports of the city treas,.urer and city clerk for the month of October were submit and approved. Claims in the amount of ~V,V38.88 ~,rere ne:~:t presented to the city council for payment. The finance committee having audited the claims council~a,n Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion seconded by councilm~n Liinucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business councilman L;inucciani moved to adjourn. The motion was,~ seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly c~rried. Time of adjourr~.ent, 9;3e o'clock p.m. South San Francisco Respectfully submitted, LIST OF EXPE~DITU!~ES;- l!~]~ ~ ~ ~ ~: .~.,~, 495; - 4 Disbursements: Associated 0il Co. Standard 0il Co. ~. P. Fuller & Co. 01d Reliance Garage Industrial City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. Mutual Engineering Co. Sam Eiessling Joe, Dancak 0. },~ic C onaghy N. Medeghini Associated 0il Co. Robinson - Druggist M. Belli & Co. Fred J. T,autze Patrick& Moise Klinkner Co. Industrial City Lumber Co. Fred Brovm Dudley Perkins The Seagrave corN. Robinson - Druggist Associated 0il Co. The EnterI>rise Press Bertucelli & Rossetti So. City Lmaber Co. Brandfield Co. Ric's Service Station W. L. Hickey & Son Pac~fic Water Co. Pac. Tele. & Tale. Co. ?! ~atrick ~L~oise ~li~ner Co. Jennings Pharmacy San ~teo Co. Title Co. Ba~ of So. S, F. State Compensation Ins. P. G. &E. Ray B~ner Co. D. W. Ratto California Decorating Co. ~i~ic ipal record ~ay Improvement Co. G. A. ~eese The Enterprise West ·Coast N~sery H. V. Carter Co. Highway Transport Co. Victor ~ianelli Pacif~Water Co. Gas street dept. Aug. Zerolene " 28 gals shingle stain l0 gals. repairing Char. I surface bolt & I bbl. I piece 0. P. cement, lime & sand Redwood batons manila rope and nails repairs to water tank re):airing streets sweepimg streets gas - police de.pt, su'!?!ies " repairs, etc. - Buick ! line stamp police dept, traffic white r, aint painting ~arking zones repairs mortocycle mat~rial~ - fire d~pt. suy?~lies " gas " 500 fire records sup?lies - fire de-~t. su~y,!ies " ~tass, etc. 1 ~al. flash cleaner 11{; grease fire deist. installing sloane ye.lye for fire house repo~i, ring toilet Service Aug. " Sep. " 0C t · " Se~,. " 0C t o " NOV. highway lites 6/25 to 8/25 street lights Aug. misc. lights Aug. hi~h~ay liThts Sap. street lights Se?. misc. service Sep. highway lights Oct. misc. service Oct. street lights Oct. 1 stamp - clerk's office s~-~ i~.s - clerks office d~.~ily reports Oct. claim of Gordon Rowe Co. prem. insurance to Nov. 19Z1 gas burner labor on oil burner ~rem. bond ~d. Farrell decorating for livestock show -% ~age add re?airing Linden Ave. cost of making weed assmt. ZOO copies Not. of ImT~. 100 city bonds· - 6 plants 12 benches for park freight labor pulling weeds .Civic C. Water service - misc. Aug. " " Sep. " ~~i 0c t. Total $29.20 10.65 48.60 22.10 27.10 .75 .25 9,27 1S .20 1.18 14.00 27.00 42.75 29.25 49.50 54 .O5 4.55 J_3.00 3.00 .60 27.50 42.75 14.60 ]2.70 5.85 46.70 1~-~. 25 ~i~. 50 ] .02 2.50 2.20 21.05 2 .O0 4'50.00 450.00 450.00 50.0Z 55.50 50.20 16.40 900.9? 64.83 10.53 903 .S4 59.82 7.17 76.18 902.7~ 3.16 12.70 1.50 150.00 978.78 350.41 18.25 25.00 75.00 25.00 105.16 99.72 18.60 69.25 9.00 113.16 .50 58.50 105 91.47 56.?0 $?,738.88