HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1930-12-15 The regularmeeting'of/ '~h~j~oounoil of the City of South S~} ~ranoisoo wac hel~ i: the $it~
Ha~l Monday evening, December 15th,19ZQ.
The meeting was called to order at ?;50 o'clock p.m, by Councilman Joseph P.Quinlan, Mayor of
Sout~ San Francisco.
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit,;
Councilmen, V.Boldo, R,Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
The minutes'of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were ad
as read.
A petition '-was.received.from a number of property oWners on .Parkway Avenue requesting add
!ights.~ Referred to Councilman Tibbetts for in~'estigation.
Requests for~refunds~on account of weed charges were r~'ceived from Dino Campi and Lorraine
Wetenkamp. Laid over for investigation.
The 0hristlen Science Society was granted permission to erect a sign at Hagnolia and Miller
and at Grand Avenue and San Bruno.Road. Permission granted.
The Italian Catholic Frderation Society ashed permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,S~
Decemb'er~' 15th,115~0. from nine o'clock p.m. to one o'clock A.M. Permission granted.
A communication was received from South City ~1473, F.O.E.,asking permission to hold a dance
Fraternal Hall on the night of December 31,1930. Permission granted.
A commmnication was received from.the Metal & Thermit Company stating a number of cracks app
in the sidewalk recently completed in froDt of their property and asked to have the same repaired..
Engineer Klassen stated the cracks were few and not of any consequence. The clerk was instructed to
wr£te the company and state the. matter has been referred to the city engineer. ~.
A written application was made by the Ser~-ice Garage and Machine Shop to the city council fo
permission to install gasoline pumps to conduct a gasoline station on lots 18 and 19 on block 148.
After considerable disc~sslo~ the application was lald over.
An application was received from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company requesting permission
install a two inch gas line in the sidewalk area on the south side of ParEway according to blue prin
submitted. Referred to cou$.ctl~n Tlbbetts,who endorsed the request and pe~mission was granted.
The E.H.Edwards Wire Company requested the city to remove a hydrant from its present loeatio:
a more suitable position in front of their property. Referred to fire chief Welts for investigation.
A resolution ordering the $onstruction of traffic signals at the interseCtion of Grand Avon
Linden Avenue and Grand Avenue and San Bruno Road was introduced by councilman Minucclani. The resol'
was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the councilmen, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boi~o, R, Lloyd, M.Mlnucciani,R.Tlbbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Hoes, Counctlmen,.None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2, at page,3Eo~ ~-w*nl
A pwoposed ordinance .makin8 drunkenness in t~e city~E~ 2u-bmitted and read without a sponsor
S~me of the coBnctlmen,not having, heard of~the contents of the document,objected to itc introduction
COuncilman Lloyd volunteered to sponsor the propos&d, ordinan6e,' which will be submit%ed to all the
councilmen for study before the nex~ meeting of the board.
The report of Municipal Judge Farrell was submitted and accepted.
Applisations for 31 soft ~rink licenses and nine pool room l~censes were received and referr
to~ the police commission. ''
Ma~or QuiniaD stated[th& committee., on Grand Aven~e 81ectroliers had not yet fiflished their
investigation and woUld meet later in the we~k for discussion. ~
The committee on Christmas Tr6e ~eported Superintendent McLaYen of Golden~ Gate Park did not
ha~ a suitable tree, but reco~mehded them to a ntr~ery, where a suitable one was procured.
Mayor Quinlan suggested the tree should be dedicated on SatUrday evening Dec.20, with proper
ceremonies. The suggestion was agzeeable to the council. Councilman Ttbbetts suggested all city bunt
and city flags should be displayed on Grand Avenu~ and the civic ~cent~r upon the occasion, which
suggestion was agreed upon by the council, and councilman Tibbetts requested to take full charge of
Mrs. Winterhalter suggested the Christmas Tree be dedicated ~o the children of South ?an Fr~
There being no dissension in the matter it was so ordered.
Building Inspector Ross Beatty volunteered~to place the flood lights upon the city hall grat~
and w~s thanked by the council. His offer included the lighting of the Christn~s,Tree.
Councilman Lloyd reguested that the city employees be paid their December salaries before
Christmas, Hi~ request ~as granted by the 6ouncil, ~nd Saturday, the 20th inst. was agreed upon as pa~
Clatm~ in the ambunt of $E~9.00 were next p~esented to the council for payment. On motion
councilman Tibbetts seconded bY co.~cilman '~uCciani,'and reEularlY c~rried the claims were ordered
Joe Dancak, labor on streets ~ 9,00
N.Medeghini sweeping streets $ 49.50
American Fire Equip Co 1£ spanners 2 9~00
Brandfteld Co ~ gals fluid polish · 5.00
Enterprise Press inspection blanks ~ 21.50
So. City Lumber Co., lumber fire houses .~3
Dudley Perkins
Service Garage
M.Belli & Co
Jose Fernandez
service mo cycle
rep. Buick "
inter~-reting, court
Rd 0il Funnel
Frank ~h Brown,
Pac. War er Co
Patrick & Co.,
San Mateo C0.Title Co Mo.Repr't
Jenning' s Phar. fumigators :
The Entsrprise Press Bond cuts~,
Galland Laundry~ set,Nov
" " " 0ct"& Nov.
Pac. Gas & E1 Co Hyway Se:0ct
" " "Misc. Gas Lights
" " "street lights Nov
League Cal Muni dues to Jan~ 83. Z5
Pac;Tel & Tel Co service Decks 9.70
" " " " " ~ 40.91
John Cross Removing Gar0ct-NovS
t manhole $110.00
Hydr. T Set,Nov ~450.00
rep.number mach$ ~.10
902. ?~
So. City Lbr.& Supply Co Lumber. ,Crossig~l?8.50 8.00
Frank M, Brown const,sewer Bayshore ,$397. 50 Pac Water Co.. park water
$2469, O0
~ ~' There-being no further business councilmanTibbetts moved to adjourn until Monday evening,~
December 29th,193~, at 7;~0 o'clocl p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani~_ r~zuL
carried. ~me of adjournment, 9.o'clock. p.m. Respectfully submitted, "~--
Approved ~' ~ ~ ~~ ' ' ~ Cl~~k
~ of South S~ Fr~cisco. ~
A petition :'was.received.from a number of property oWners on .Parkway Avenue requesting ads
!ights~ Referred to Councilman Tibbetts for tn~'esttgation.
Requests for"refunde.~on account of weed charges were r~/ceived from Dino Campi and Lorraine
Wete~kamp. Laid over for investigation.
The Ohristien Science Society was granted permission to erect a sign at }~{agnolia and Miller
and at Grand Avenue and San Bruno .Road. Permission granted.
The Italian Catholic Frderation Society ashed permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,S~
December 13th,;.1B.S0. from nine o'clock p.m. to one o'clock A.M. Permission granted.
~ communication was received from South City ~1473, F.0.E. ,asking permission to hold a dance
Fraternal Hall on the night of December 31,1930. Permission granted.
A commnnication was received from .the Metal & Thermit Company stating a number of cracks app,
in the sidewalk recer~tly completed in froDt of their property and asked to have the same repaired..
Engineer Klassen stated the cracks were few and not of any consequence. The clerk was instructed to
write the company and state the. matter has been referred to the city engineer.
A written application was made by the Service Garage and Machine Shop to the city council fo:
permission 'to install gasoline pumps to conduct a gasoline station on lots 18 and 19 on block 148.
After considerable disc~ssior~ the application was lald over.
An application was received from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company requesting permission
instalI a two inch gas line in the sidewalk area on the south side of ParEway according to blue prin~
submitted. Referred to couD. cilman Tibbetts,who endorsed the request and pe~nission was granted.
The E.H.Edwards ~ire Company requested the city to remove a hydrant from its present loeatio~
a more suitable position in front of their property. Referred to fire chief Welts for investigation.
A resolution ordering the $onstruction of traffic signals at the interseCtion of Grand Aven~
Linden Avenue and Grand Avenue and San Bruno Road was introduced by councilman Minucciani. The resol~
was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the councilmen, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boid~, R.Lloyd, M.Minuccianl,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councllmen,.None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney
0ity Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at
A p,roposed ordinance ruskin8 drunkenness in the city~E~ ~u-~mitted and read without a sponser,
SOme of the co.unctlmen,not ha~ing, heard of~the contents of the document,objected to its introduction,
C~uncilman Lloyd volunteered to sponsor the propos&d, ordinan6e,' which will be submitted to all the
councilmen for study before the next meeting of the board.
The report of Municipal Judge Farrell was submitted and accepted. .
Appli~cations for ~l soft ~rink ~licenses and nan? pool room l~?enses~were received and referr~
to~ the po.lice commission.
Ma~or QuinlaD stated' th& committee~ on Grand Aven~e $1ectroliers ha~ not yet fihished their
investigation and would meet~later in the weak for discussion.
The committee on Christmas Tree ~eported Superintendent McLa~en of Golden~ Gate Park did not
ha~$ a suitable tree, but reco~mehded them to a ntr~:ery, where a sultable one was procured.
Mayor Quinlan suggested the tree should be dedicated on SatUrday evening Dec.20, with proper
ceremonies. The suggestion was agreeable to the council. Councilman Tibbetts suggested all city bunt~
and city flags should be displayed on Grand Avenu~e and the civic 'cent'er upon the occasion, which
suggestion was agreed upon by the council, and councilman Tibbetts requested to take full charge of
~rrangement s.
Mrs. Winterhalter suggested the Christmas Tree be dedicated io the children of South ?an ~ra~
There being no dissension in the matter it was so ordered.
Building Inspector Ross Beatty volunteered:':to place the flood lights upon the city hall grat~
and wos thanked by the council. His offer included the lighting of the Christn~s.Tree.
Councilman Lloyd reguested that the city employees be paid their December salaries before
Christmas, Hi~ request ~las granted by the 8ouncll, ~,nd Saturday, the ~0th inst. was agreed upon as pa~
e next p~esented to the council for
Claim~ in the ambunt of SE ~ 9.00 we~r ...... payment, on motion
councilman Tibbetts seconded bY co.uncilman Mtnucciani .and regularly c~.rried the claims were ordered
Joe Dancak,
American Fire Equip Co 12 a]~anners
Brandfteld Co ~ ~gals fluid polish
Enterprise Press inspection blanks
lumber fire house~
So.City Lumber Co.,
The Electric Corp.
Dudley Perkins
Service Garage
M. Belli & Co
Jose Fernandez
labor on streets ~ 9.00
sweeping streets S 49.50
service mo cycle
chg.battery ,police
rep. Buick "
int~r~-ret ing, court
Rd 0il Punnel
So. City Lbr.& Supply Co Lumber. ,Crossig
, 9 00
Frank M.BroWn,
Pac. War er Co
Patrick & Co.,
San Mateo CO.Title Co No.Repr't
Jenning' s Phar. fumigators ~
The Entsrprise PreSs Bond cuts~,
Galland Laundry~ set,Nov
,, . " Oct "& NOV.
Pac. Gas & E1 Co Hyway Se=Oct
" " "Misc. Gas Lights
" " "street lights Nov
League Cal Muni dues to Jan:
Pac;Tel & Tel Co service Dec~
John Cross Removing Gar0ct-Nov!
1 manhole ~110.00
Hydr. T Set,Nov ~450.00
rep.number maths 3.10
902. ?~
Frank M. Brown const, sewer Bayshore ;397 ~0 Pac Water Co.. park water No~.
$2469, O0
~ · There~being no further business councilmanTibbetts moved to adjourn until Monday evening,~'~
December 29th,193~, at 7;30 o'clocl p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucci'ani-~md r~l~
carried. ~me of adJo~ent, 9.o'clock. p.m. Respectfully ~ubmitted, ~-. ~~ -
Approved , ~ ~, ~ k ~~ ' ' - Oi~l~fk
~ of South S~ Fr~oisco. ~