HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-01-19REGULAR ~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S013TP SAN FRANCISCO ,HELD ~IONDA¥, JANUARY 19TH,1951. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was ~eld in the City Hall Nonday evening,January 19th,1951.. In the absense of ~yor Joseph P.Quinlan Councilman Ninucciani moved that Councilman Resse Lloyd be selected to act as D~yor Pro tern. The motion was seconded by Councilman R.Tibbetts and regularly carried. ~ayor pre rem Reese Lloyd then took the chair and called the meeting to order at o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following councilman present, to-wit;- Councilmen,¥.Botdo, Reese Lloyd, N.Ninucciani, R.Tibbetts. Absent, Councilman Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the two previous meeting's were read. There being no errors or omissions Councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Request was made bY the Pacific Gas and Electric Company for permission to install a two' inch gas line in the sidewalk area on ~econd Lane from a point 64o feet to 6?5 feet West of Orange Avenue. Referred to Councilman ~ibbetts ~nd the re, est granted. A communication was received from the Pacific Tel & Tel Company requesting permission to place poles and anchors and to open the street for laterals as shown on the blue prints attached, sheets Nos. Z,5,6,?,9,10,1~ and 15. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted, The West Central 0il Company,Ltd., asked for permission to install a one (~) twenty thousand (~0,000) gallon gasoline s~orage tank on the premises adjacent to the plant of the Californi~ Cut Stone Company, and on the property of said company. Permission granted. Abelino Carcia applied for a soft ~rink and pool room Iicense to be conducted in the Northwest Cot. of Linden and Pine Avenues. Referred to the police comm_ission, attenti¢ A communication was received from the South San Frs ncisco Chamber of Commerce directing, of~!thecity council to the dangerous condition of the Grand ~veD.ue r~.ilroad crossing, stating no fill~S 'was placed between the tracks of the !.~arket Street Ra~l~y Company2 Actin~ ~9~7~or Lloyd stated City Attorne~ Coleberd expected to .~confer. with the S~uthern Pacific Comp~n~ inregard to this crossing and would state the result of the interview. Poundmaster John Welch submitted a cor~unication to the council requesting a change from the fee syst'em to a salary of approximately $~0.00 per month for the poundmaster. Laid over for further consideration.. A con~,~unication was~ received from the Growers Rice Nilling Company requesting the city to repair the road leading from their mill to Swift Avenue, the same being in very bad condition.. Engineer Klassen was requested to ascertain if t~e property owness abutting the road would be willing have repairs made at a nominal cost the them. Th-. city would pay a pro rato of the amount expended. J.R. Roberts ap'~lied for peemission to erect a warehouse, office building, boiler room and cooler of wooden frame and corrigated iron on the D.W.Ratto .65 of an acre on Linden Avenue between the Presto-lite and the proposed draimage canal. The cost estimated at $6000.00. Permission granted. A communication was received from ti~e ~rket Street Railway Company in response to the city's committee visit to them requesting them to pay a certain amount of the cost of installing iron electroliers with extensions to hold the company's wires. The railway company stated tkey are loosing money rapidly on the South San Francisco branch of their lines,-$10,840.45 being lost in 19~ and they are unable to contribute anything toward ~he installation of the proposed electroliers. The company stated , how~ver, they had no' objections to the City of South San Francisco replacing the wooden poles with iron one~,at the city's exp~nse. Comn~unication ordered filed. A Narani, South west corner of Linden and California Avenues requested permission to install and operate a gasoline pump and station at that point. Application denied. Applications for soft drink licenses ~?ere received from S.Bottini,81~ Linden A~enue, and Gulto Garbini 609 Baden Avenue. Referred to t~e police commission. Ti-~e mo~thly reports of the l~nicipal Judge,Chief of Police,Fire Chief,Building Inspectoz were submitted to the city council. The fire chief submitted an additional~eport covering ~he period from January lst,to December 51,1950. All reports were accepted and ordered placed on file. In the matter of the application of the E.H.Edwards Wire Company to have the city remove' a city hydrant in front of their premises back a certain number of feet Fire Chief Welte stated i~ may not have to be removed, but raised Somewhat instead. This being the date set for '~he~opening of bids for the installation of Traffic Signals at G~and and Linden Avenues and Gr~nd Avenue and San Bruno Road Cbuncilman Ninucciani moved that all bids be rejected and the checks returned to the owners. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. The application of A.Chelini for permission to install pumps and operate a gasoline station on lots 18 ~nd 19, block 148, was laid over. I~ re the crossing at Swift Avenue and the railroad tracks City attorney Coleberd stated he had interviewed.Engineer!Kirkbride of the Southern Pacific Co,who said he would give hls attentio at once. Acting ~yor Lloyd requested the City Clerk to v~rite to the State Highway Commission and request that permission be given the city to install safety zones at San Bruno Road an~ Grand Avenue, to contain and display intermittant flash lights as a warning to ~river~..,~]so to recuest the city be given permission to obliterate the three white marking lines on the Baysho~e'HighwaY between Baden Avenue and }~iller Avenue, to allo~ the city to place instead one Red or Yellow line in the center of the highway, the same to be maintained by the City of South San Francisco. Claims in the amount of $5~68.86 were next presented to the council for paymant. The finance committee having audited the bills Councilman Tibbetts moved the~ be paid. The mo~ion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Mrs. J. Dudley Perkins Scampini% & Zanetti Louis Belloni M. Belli~ & Bert Brown Jack Hickey The Seagrave 0orporation Fred. J. I~utze Brandfield & Co. Scampini & Zanetti Railway Express Agency Mihlheim 0il C o. C. Bollazzi E. & J. Sales 0orp. Davis Emergency Equipment 0o. Superior Zaundry American Pire Equip. Paul Hamilton R. Bisagno J. McDonald C. Brizzi 0. Heard R. Petroochi B. Brow12 N~. Wooden J. Ferri J. ~ambrini A. ¢. Johnson E. Venturi J. Anderson E. Genmrdini J. Bernardo A. Colombo A. Penzi E. Galli Soampini & Zanetti So. City Lumber & Supply Co. N. Medeghini 01d Reliance Garage Enterprise Foundry Louis Belloni Victor Boide Reese Lloyd Rod. Tibbetts Daniel McSweeney M. Minucciani J, P. Qui~ Pacific Tele,& Tele. Pac if ic Wats r 0 o. P. G. & E. Union Paving Co. Ban~ of South San Francisco G. E. Leverton San Mate~ Co. Title 0o. C. R. Beatty Elec. ¢o. Jennings Pharmacy R. Bisagno A. 0. Johnson J. Figone Galland Mercantile I~undry The Ent erpris e So.City Plumb tng ShOp Pacific Water 0o. 1st. inst. weed refund equipment for motorcycle 1951 motorcycle repairs " gas police riper.Dee. feeding prisoners" repairs Buick cleaning Jail Dec. 18 electric lamps 6 valve plug gaskets 1 headlight lens equipment Ford roadster i gal flash auto polish gas fire dept freight " 50 gal. monogram fire de~t, material 1 resuscitator & inhalator 5 - 0-0-4 0anisters fire dept Wash Ii, Dec. , Wash and 2 Sept. 1930 6 cans pyrene fire alarm maintenance Dec. & moving alarm lines attending fire gas street dept. lumber " sweep ing streets repairs Choy. 6 manhole covers expenses to Sacramento - In- auguration Gov. Rolph service Jan. ' DSO. street lights Dec. service - Misc. Dec. "highway sign Dee. Third St. Imp. Res. $6? Claim of 9ordon Rowe- audit and special work repair typewriter Clerk's office reports Dec. labor & material work on Bayshore Highway & Xmas tree lights 1 fumigator 4 hrs. taking down flags cleaning Fountain to Dec. 51-19~0 service Dec. notice filing unpaid assmt, and inv. sealed proposals $?~ 2000 letterheads pipe Misc. water service Dee. .2O $85.oo 294. O0 7.35 3.85 62.72 6.1~ 19.85 5.00 5.70 1.50 1.75 13 2.50 27.09 2.80 20.40 14.25 306. O0 12.75 13 .~1 10.50 47,50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5. O0 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 2.50 2.50 26.04 2.27 .96 69.75 13,85 lll.ZO 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 51.55 450.00 83.61 1.71 1,455.37 250.00 7.50 1.50 488.00 1.00 2.25 2.25 6.00 5.00 56.00 11.75 1.95 21.11 Total - - ..... $5,568.86 There being no further business before the board councilman Boido moved to adjourn until Thursday evening. January £2nd.1931. at 7 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8.;:55 o'clock p.m. Respectfully te , Brown Jack Hickey The Seagrave Corporation Fred. J, Lautze .Brandfield & Scampini & Zanetti Railway Express Agency Mihlheim Oil Co. C. Bollazzi E. & J. Sales Corp. Davis Emergency Equipment Superior I~undry American Fire Equip. Paul Hamilton R. Blsagno J. McDonald C. Brizzi C. Heard R. Petrocchi B. Brown N; Wooden J. Ferri J. Fambrini A. C. Johns on E. Venturi J. Anderson E. Genardini J. Bernardo A. Colombo A. Penzi E. Galli Scampini & zanetti So. City Lumber & Supply Co. N. Medeghini 01d Reliance Garage Enterprise Foundry Louis Belloni Victor Boide Reese Lloyd Rod. Tibbetts Daniel MC Sweeney M. Minucciani J. P. QuinXau Pacific Tele.& Tale. Co. Pac if ic Ware r C o. P. G. & E. Union Paving Co. Bank of South San Francisco G. E. ~everton San Matee Co. Title Co. C. R. Beatty Elec. Jennings Pharmacy R. Bisagno A. C. Johnson J. Figone Galland ~Aercantile ~aundry The Enterprise So.City Plumbing ShOp Pacific Water Co. cleaning Jail Dec, 18 electric lamps 6 valve plug gaskets 1 headlight lens equipment Ford roadster t gal flash auto polish gas fire dept freight " 30 gal. monogram fire material 1 resuscitator & inhalator 3 - 0-C-4 Canisters fire dept Wash and 2 Sept. 1930 6 cans pyrene fire alarm maintenance Dec. & moving alarm lines attending fire gas street dept. lumber " sweep lng streets repairs Chev, 6 manhole covers expenses to Sacramento - In- auguration Gov. Rolph service Jan. " Dec. street lights Dec. service - Misc. Dec. "highway sign Dec. Third St, Imp. Res. $67 Claim of Gordon Rowe- audit and special work repair typewriter Clerk's office reports Dec. labor & material work on Bayshore Highway & Xmas tree lights i fumigator 4 hrs. taking down flags cleaning Fountain to Dec. service Dec. notice filing unpaid assmt, and inv. sealed proposals $72 2000 letterheads pipe Misc. water service Dec. 5.00 5.70 1,50 1.75 13.35 2,50 27,09 2.80 20.40 14,25 306,00 12.75 6.4? 6,23 13.61 10.50 47.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 2.50 2.50 26.04 2.27 .96 69.75 13.85 111.20 42.00 42.00 42. O0 42.00 42.00 42. O0 51.55 450.00 902.?2 83.61 1.71 1,455.3? 250.00 7.50 1.50 488.00 1.00 2.25 2.25 6.00 5.00 36.00 11.75 1.95 21.11 Total .......... $5,368.86 There being no further business before the board councilman Boido moved to adjourn until Thursday evening, January £2nd,1931, at 7 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8.;35 o'clock p.m. &pproved,, ~/~,'~ ~ ~e~ pro rem of South San Francisco Re sp~e c t ~fully ~,kbmf t te~,