HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-01-22 ADJOUi~ED REGULD~R ~ETING O~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE
JA~UARY ~nd, ~19~1.
~ adJourne~ regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San ~anciseo was
held in the City Hall,Th~sday evening, Jan~ry 2~nd,19~l.
In the absence of ~ayor ~l~an Co~cilm~ Boido mbved that Co~cilman Lloyd be selected
~yor pro ~em. The motion was seconded by 0o~cilm~ ~nucci~i and red. fly carried.
Co~cilman ~oyd then took the chair as ~ayor pro rem,and called the meeting to order.
at ~ o clock p.m. Roll call.
Roll call fo~d the following members of tlc city co~cil present,to-wit;-
Co~c ~men, V.Boido, R.L~ o~ ~ ~.~,~r~ciani,Rod. Tibbetts.
Absent, Oo~cilm~ ~yo= J~maPh~P.Quinlam.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A co~u~ication was received ~om A'~.Esohelbmeh~reques~ing permission to move two houses,
nos~ ~08 ~d ~0 Ba~n AVenue, from lot three ~) block l~A, to the rear of Lot 2&, Block l~,
on Second ~e, in conj~ction with the city building Inspecte~, Permission grated.
Pro.~A,A resolution of the City of South S~ Francisco adopting plans and specifications for the
construction of traffic sig~ls at the intersection of Grand Avenue ~d Linden Avenue ~d at the
intersection of Gr~d Avenue with San Br~o Road, ~as introduced by Councilm~ Botdo. The
resolution was adopted by the votes of all the men'bets of the city co~cil present,to-wit;-
~es, Co~cilmen, V.Boido,R.11oyd, M.~inucciani,R.Ttbbetts.
Noes, Co~c ilmen,None.
Absent, Cp~cilm~, Joseph. P.Quinlan. A~test,
Daniel McSweenep.
~ity 01erk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.8, at page ~2~.
A resolution ordering construction of traffic signals at the intersection of Grand Avenue
with Linden Avenue and the intersection of Grand Avenue with San Bruno Road, in the City of South
San~Francisco, was introduced by councilman Minucciani, and adopted by the votes of all the
members of the City Council present,to -wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Botdo,R.Lloy$, M. Minucoiani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilm~n, None.
Absent. Councilmen,~yor Joseph P.Quinlan. Attest Daniel McSweene2,
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. E, at ~ageS ~YZ and ~4.
The aPplication of A. Garcia for a soft drink and pool rdom license was laid over.
The application of S.Botttni fo~ a soft drind~ license was granted. The application of
G.Garbini,609 Baden Avenue for a soft drink lice~se was laid over.
Claims in the amount of SAE.~9 were next ~resented to the council for paymant. Having been
audited by the finance con~i~tee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded ~
by councilman l~inucciani and regularly carried. Rertuccelli & Rosetti $1.~A. J.B.Pilkingt~n,$A1.*~
There bein~ no further business Councilm~n Minucciani moved to adjourn.until ~he ne~t regulaz
meeting, ~ond~y, ~ebruary ~.nd,l~51,at ?,SO .The motiou was seconded by councilman Tibbe~ts and
regularly ~arried, Time of adjournment, 8;1~ o'01o¢~ p.m. Hespectfully.submitt~, ~
Mayo~pr o_\ tern,City of South SE'~. Francisco ~, ~i~y .Clerk~_ ~ _
at ~ 0~clock p.m. Roll call.
Roll call foun~d the following members of the city~ council present,to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.L~o~, ~.?~r.u~ciant,Rod. Tibbetts.
Absent, Councilman Eayoz J~sePh P.Quinlam.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
A comm~tcation was received from A.J. Eschelbachl requesting permission to move two houses,
nos~ ~08 and ~0 Baden Avenue, from lot three ~1 block 12~, to the rear of Lot 2&, Block 12B,
on Second Lane, in conjunction with the city building InspectOr, Permission granted.
Pro.?A,A resolution of the City of South San Francisco adopting plans and specifications for the
construction of traffic signals at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Linden Avenue and at the
intersection of Grand Avenue with San Bruno Road, was introduced by Councilman Boido. The
resolution was adopted by the votes of all the me~bers of the city council present,to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.11oyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent, C~uncilmau, Joseph. P.Quinlan. A~test,
Daniel McSweeney. · itY Olerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2~, at page ~2~.
A resolution ordering construction of traffic signals at the intersection of Grand Avenue
with Linden Avenue and the intersection of Grand Avenue with San Bruno Road, ~n the City of South
San Francisco, was introduced by councilman Minucciani, and adopted by the votes of all the
members of the City Council present,to -wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Botdo,R.Lloy(~, M. Minucoiani,R.Tibbetts.
Noes, Councilman, None.
Absent, Council~men, ~yor Joseph P.Quinlan. Attest Daniel McSweene2.
City Clerk
Recorded in-Book of Resolu~tions, Vel. E, at ~ages ~2~ and B£~.
The application of A. Garcia for a soft drink and pool room license was laid over.
The application of S.Bottini fo~ a soft drind~ license was grante'd. The application of
G.G~arbini,809 Baden Avenue for a soft drink lice~se was laid .over.
Claims in the amount of SAE.~9 were next ~resented to the council for paymant. Having been
audited by the finance con~t~tee councilman Ttbbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded ~
by councilman ~inucctani and regularly carried. Rertuccelli & Rosetti, $1.~.J.B.Pilkingt~n,$Al.2~.
There being no further business Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn.until the ne~t regular
meeting, Monday, Pebruary 2nd,19~l,at 7; Z0 .The motio~ was seconded by councilman Tibbe~tts and
regularly ~carried, Time of adjournment, 8;1~ o'clock p.m. Respectfully.submitt~A-~--, ~
Ma?~pro tom,City of South S~'~ Francisco ~It? Clerk /