0~' SOUTH ~ '
~AE~° ~?~ ..... ~,~ ~ ~LD MONDAY, ~EB.
2~, 1931. ~
The Regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was
· held in the city hall Monday evening, February End,1931.
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by councilman Joseph P. Quinlan,
Mayoz of South San Francisco.
Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;-
Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the Metal & Thermit Corporation asking what had been
in reference to their previous request to install a fire hydrant in front of their property facing
the Virden Packing Company. Fire Chief Welte stated he'had already installed the hydrant, and noti
Mt. Aldrich of the t~etal company to that effect. The city clerk was instructed to write the company
to this effect.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission to install a 2-inch gas main
south of the north line of 6th Lane,between the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of
Linden Avenue. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts of the street committee, and the request granted wi
the ~roviso that the work be done strictly in accordance with the city ordinances covering fills,a~
under the supervision of the building inspector.
Santtni & Roccucci applied for permission to construct a ga~oline~Staticn~building on
east side cf~San Bruno Road, on portions of lots ll,l~,13 and 14,block 146, to cost $§000, in
accordance with attached plans. Permission granted. This f~rm also asked permission to install gas
tanks and pumps on this property on the north line of the Fat Boy Barbecue stand, and operate the
same. Permission granted.
A communication was received from the League of California Municipalities asking the
city's wishes on the bill of Senator Harper raising the tax limit for the general fund in cities
of the sixth class to $1.2~. As all t~o~ city councilmen favored to measure Councilman Tibbe
introduced a resolution to,that effect, and requested a copy be sent to Assemblyman Harry L.Parkmm
and Gne to The League of California Municipalities. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous
vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit-
Ayes, Councilmen,¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, M. Minucclani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent,Cou~ cilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.2, at page 3£4.
A.E.Kauffmann applied for permis~ion to alter the front of his store,349 Grand Avenue,
for drug store purposes. ~ermission granted.~
The South San Francisco Volunteer Fire Department applied for permission to use the
city council chambers for a meeting of the San Mateo County Firemen's Association Tuesday evening,
February 17th,lgS1. Permission granted.
The Railroad Commission of the State of California, representatives of which conferred
with the city councilmen of this city and cit~.' engineer Klasses and made recommendations affecting
the crossing a$ Gr~nd Avenue and Swift Avenue, wished to know from the city if these recommendatim
were satisfactory ~to the city. The clerk was instructed to answer stating the city is satisfied
with recommendations.
George V.Ellis, ~nager of the Pacific Tel & Tel Company at South San ?rancisco submit'
a co~unication stating the telephone company had granted to the 6ity of South San Francisco four
additional cable pairs not required under the franchise, and the same had alredy been turned over
to the fire department by request of fire Chief Welte, for the city's use, and requested acknowledt
of the same by the city The clerk was instructed to acknowledge the receipt of the communication
A reply was ~eceived from the State Highway Co~nission to the city's request for permi~
ion to install safety z~nes at the intersection of Grand Avenue with the San Bruno Road, stating
there is no need for the zones at present since the same would be an obstruction in the paved pot'
of the traveSed w~y. The commission al?o sta~s they prefer the p~esent three lines for traffic fr,
the ~nderpass to Miller Avenue instead of the center line requested by the city.
The Western Theatre Circuit made application~for a permit to constr~ct a reinforced
concrete building on the north side of Grand Avenue on lot 17 and the westerly half of lot 16,Bloc
ll6 ~o be used for theatre purposes. An application was also received from A.J.Eschelbach for a ps
to construct a reinforced concrete theatre building on the northu~est corner of Linden and Grand Aw
The applications were laid over to an adjourned meeting, Friday evening, February~eth,1931.
Joe Grandona,107 Magnolia Avenue, thi~ city, made application for a position in any vac
in the South San Francisco Police Depar$~ent.. Application placed on file.
A resolution empowering the ~yor and ~lerk of the City of South San Francisco to entez
an agreement with the Pacific Gas ~ Electric Company and the ~acific Telephone & Telegraph
whereby the above mentioned companies permit the City of South San Francisco the use of their
pole~ to maintain the city's fire alarm circuits, was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts and adopts
by the unanimous vote of the city councilmen, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.~!inucciani,R.Tibbetts~Joseph P.Qu~nlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest ~aniel McSweene~
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.~- at page 32§. City Clerk.
Ordinance No.l~5 of the City of South San Francisco making drunkenness unlawful had its
secoLd reading and was adopted as Ordinance of t~e City of South San Francisco by the following vo
Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Min~cciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.~uinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, ~one. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel ~Sweenel,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Ordinances, ¥o1.£ at page 19~.
~The application of Guilio Garbini for a soft drink license was denied.,as was the appli~
of Abelino~Garc~ -aJ=J~ports for the month of January were received from Building Inspector,Chief of Police
Eunicipal Judge ,~.~ fire chief and city clerk and accepted.
The request of ~oundmaster Welch for a salary of
v~ per month instead of fees was take~
up. City Attorney Coleberd explained to the council that an. ordinance called for t~he fee system,
woul~ have to be amended if the council wished to pay a salary instead.
In ~he matter of the request of the Growers Rice ~'~lling Company to repair the road to
establishment the council decided to visit the place and confer with Superintendent Smith.
Councilman Boido moved the salary of Traffic Policeman Terragno be raised~to $17~.00 pes
month' commencing February lst,i931. Eotion regularly carried.
M~yor Quinlan su£ge~
2~yor Qutnlan suggested a limit should be fix,~d for the commencement and completion of buildings,
Building Inspector stated the time limit to com~nce under the Universal Building Code is six
months and the completion period o~ year.
City Attorney Coleberd requested apostponement till Friday, -~ebruary 6th,1951 of the adoption
of the delinquent assessment list under proceedings ~68, Linden Avenue widening and lighting. Grant,
Claims in the amount of $1,948.01 were next presented to the ~ity council for payment.
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid.
The motion was seconded by councilman Minucclani and regularly carried.
~ouis Bell oni
C. I~nducci
Ric' s service Station
01d Relisnc e Garage
Ric's Service Station
N. Medeghini
Shell 0il Co.
R_oyal Supply
~. Hatcher
Ric's Service Station
Superior ]4aundry
Robinson Druggist
Paul Hamilton
E. Galli
J. Bernardo
R. Petrocchi
A. Colombo
]4. Savares
R. Bisagno
C. Brizzi
P. Penoski
N. ~ooden
B. Br~n
J. ~br ini
E. Kozl~s~
A. C. Jo~son
C. Heard
J. Naye rle
J. Andrews
E. Genardini
E. Vent~i
Ent e rpr is e F o~dry
J~ Welch
~. S. ~obbins
S. S. ~. Scavenger O0.
Galla~ ~un~y
Nert Br~
Jennings Pha~cy
Bank of Italy
Pac. Tele. & Te~. Co.
State Com. I~. ~d
Ente~rise Press
The ~terprise
Pacific Wate~ Co.
feeding prisoners Jan.
police uniform Terragno
gas - police dept. Jan
repairs Chev.
gas - street dept. Jan
sweeping streets to 1/~l/$1
6 tanks stove oil street dept.
supplies street & fire dept.
dressing top on ~ord
gas - ~fir e dept. Jan
wash ~1 - Jan
" ~2 "
~upplies fire dept.
fire alarm maintenance Jan
attending fire
repair steamer connection fire
24 machine bolts & 1 gasket
removing dogs & cats Jan
changing electrolier on Linden Ave.
31 yds. gravel for roadway to dumps
towel service Jan
hand towel sendce Jan.
cleaning Jail Jan.
fumigators Health dept.
rent safe dep. box 1931
Phones $1171 and lOT1
bal. due on premium
forms - police dept.
notice - filing unpaid list $68
hydrant service Jan
water service for parks Jan
10th paymt, on hydrant installation
$ 2.80
65. O0
1. O0
450 .,00
$1.948. O1
There being no further business councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Friday evening,
February 6th, 19Sl, at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m..The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly
Time of adjournment, 9 0'clck p.m.
Approved ~'~'ck~ of South San Francisco.
'~e spe~ct fully suited,