HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-02-06 (2) REGULAR ~EETING OF~THE CITY ~OUNCIL OFT TM CITY SOUTH SA~ FI{ANCI~0 ,HELD ~0NDAY ,FEBRUARY 16TH,19Sl. The regular m~et.~ing of the city co~cil of the City of South San Fr~cisco was he~d in the City ~all ~,~onday eveni~n~ Febru~y ~6th,19~l .............. In the absence e~ ~or Q~i~ Co~cilman Boido M~wed~'that Councilm~ Eeese Lloyd be selected to act as ~ayor P~o'Tem~ The motion was s~econde~,,~,~ Co~cilmen Tibbetts and regularly carried. Councilman Lloyd then~"~,~ok the chair as ~%$~ pro rem. The minutes of the two pre~us meeting3 .~e~% read. ~here being no errors or omissions there 'were approved as read. ~,..~ ~,.~' , A request was ~ade by ~erit Bad~ C~,~ellor .of T~oop ~O,Boy Scouts of ~erica, ~. Carl Weller, asking the city council's o~.~ssion to use the city. council chamber for a meeting of the Court of Honor of the Boy Scout~re~t:-~.,~,gSl. Permission granted. A e*~ication %~as receiv~'from .~RaY~iSoangle~,manager of the South San Francisco Chamber of Co~e~ce,enclosing a ~rtesy Eembe~s.~T~Card to the City Council of the City of ~o~ S~ Francisco for the use of ~ member of the c unc~ designated. The card was accepted with the thanks of the cit~ co~cil~/ .... Ap?lications we,$e~received for the position o~olice officer from 0.A.kecord,Eu~ens Eozlowski,and :~rnest ~s~. Applications or~'~ered pl<~ced on ~zle. The Har~ on~/~lub made ap?~l[cation for oermission to~gld a dance February LE,19Sl, from ~-. to 6 p.m. Perm~s'~ion granted. ~ ~ k pett-~on was received from resident~.~ o Peck's Lots re~stius the city to extend the lines of RaG~'61ph A%enue ~esterly and southerl$~ , to¥:ard the ne~.-~tih ~chool House for the convenience~ of school chil~en o~ Peck's Lots anu vicinity. Er. Blanc~d of the com~.ittee from Peck's ~-~bdivision stated the South San Francisco Land and Imp~m~ ~O~3ny ~,~ould ~'~ladly ~rnish the ~ired right of way, without improvements. Eayor protein Lloyd apoointe~xa ~o~ittee of the Ci%y'"Co~cil and the city engineer to meet Friday Pebr~r~ EOth to ~g~ over th~,~situa'tion and repo~ back to t~ c~,,.. REGUL~ ~ :~ETI!~ OP THE ~ ITY C OUNC IL SOUTP~ S~ .~E~C I SC 0 , ~LD ~ONDAY, FEB3{U~{Y 16TH ,19~l.~ The regular meeting of the City Counc~.l of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall ~,:Ionday evening, February 16th,19Sl. In the absence of ¥~yor ~uinlan Councilr:~an Boido moved that Councilman Reese Lloyd be selected Nayor pro tem. The motion was seconded by counc~ lman Tibbetts and regularly carried. }~yor pro tern Lloyd then took the chair and called the meeting to order at ?;50 ¢'clock p.m. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present, to-wit;- , ~' Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd, i{.Tibbetts ~.Linucciani. Ab~ent, Co~mcflrneD~, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minute~ of the two-~revJ, ous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions coun$ilma] Ninuc¢iani mo~e~ they be adopted as read. The motion ~as seconded by councilman Tibbe~ts and regularly carried. A request was made by Nerit Badge Counsellor of Troop ~70, Boy Scouts of America, Er. Carl Weller, asking the city council's permission to use the city council's chamber for a meeting of the Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts, ~rch ,~th,19Sl. Permission granted, A communication was received from Ray L. Spangler, manager of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce,-enclosing a courtesy membership card to the city council of the City of South S~ San Francisco for the use of any member to be designated by the council. The card was accepted ~ith the thanks of the city council. - Applications were received for the position of police from O.A.Record, Eugene Ko~lowskl and Ernest Rossi. Applications ordered placed or~ file. ' The Harmony Club made application for ~ermisston to hold a dance on February~ E~,lgSl, from ~ to 6 p.m. Permission granted. A petition ~a£ received from residents of Peck's Lots requesting the city to the lines of Randolph Avenue ?~esterly and southerly toward t?~e ~rtin School Hous~ for the convenience of the children of Peck's Lots and vicinity. 5~. Blanclard of the committee from Peck's Subdivision stated. the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company would gladly furnish the desired right of way~ ~ithout improvement cost~, ~ayor pro tem Lloyd a-~'-pointed th6 council and city engineer as a comm%ttee to meet Friday the ~0th to go over the situation': and report Sack~t the next moeting~ of the City council. E.C.Stickle applied for permission to b~,ild a reinforced concrete theatre and store buildin~ on lot ~6 and the westerly ~ feet ct lot ~? in block ll~, and submitted plans and specifications. for the structure. Permit granted. R.C.Stickle requested permission to mo~e the ¥interhalter building from its present location on lot Z?,block ll?, to the rear of t~ easterly £5 feet of lot 5?,block ll?,I,lap of South San ?rancisco. Permission granted. A communication v~a~ received from the Board of Registration of the State of California stating that the Rap Act,Chapter 8S?,Statutes of 19~9 requires thet all maps submitted for recordatia shall have the seal of a licensed surveyor or a civil engineer affixed. Referred to the city e~gineer for investigation. Application ¥~as made by the b~ion Pav~n~ Company for an extension of 90 days in which to complete the improvement of Third Street and S~,~ift Avenue. ~tension granted. This being the date set for ~'~ openi',~ of bids for the installation of traffic signals at Grand and Linden Avenues and Gran& Avenue and San Bruno z~oad, Coundflman Tibbetts moved that the · bids be opened. The motion '~oo~,.~ ~onded,. by §oun~ilmau 5~nucciani and regularly carried. The following bids were submitted;- City Improvement Company, $1897.00 General Electric Company ~E~64.00 The Gamewell Company ~EE99.00 The City Improvement Company appearin~'~' the lowest bidder Counqilman Boido introduced a rest resolution a~arding the contract to ~:aid company. The resolution was hdopted by the vote~ of all th the members of the city council present, to-wit- A,Tes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R,Lloyd, E.Tibbetts,~.~inucC'iani. of the Court of Honor of the Boy Scout~, ..~gt?..,?.O~l. Permission granted. A ~,mmunication ..... ~'as receiv.,~d~from 'Ra. Y~ ~.Soangler,manager. of the. South. San Francisco Chamber of Co~ezce,enclosing a ~a~rtesy Members;:~Card to the Czt~ Council of the City of 2o~ S~ Francisco for the use of ~$~ member of the c un~ designated. The card was accepted with the thanks of the city co~cil .... ~ ..... '~ Ap~::lications we~$e~received for the position o~olice officer from O.A.i{ecord,E~ens Eozlowski,k~d Ernest ~si. Applications ordered placed on~ile. The Hat on~/~lub ~.ade ap?,ltcation for oermission to~d a dance February [2,19J1, from ~-~ to 6 p.m. Perm~ion gra~ted. ~ ~ ~ - ' k pet.$-~ion was received from resident~.' o~ Peck's Lots rg~stiug the city to extend the lines of Ea~,~61ph A~enue westerly and southerl~ toward the new.~ti~ School House for the convenience~' of school children of Peck's Lots ann vicinity. Er. Blanc~d of the com~.ittee from Peck's $,~division stated the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co~pany ~-ould ~'ladly ~urnish the &e~ired right of way, without improvements. ~,fayor protein Lloyd s~p~ointe~&ma co~i~tee of the Ci~'Co~cil and the city engineer to meet Friday Februar~ ~0th %o g~ over th~. situation ~d repo~ REGUL~ ~ff~ETI![C O~ THE CITY COUNCIL O~ T~ CITY OF SOUTH S~ 3~CISC0,~LD MONDAY, FEBi~{Y 16TH ,193l.:' The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall ~onday evening, February 16th,1931. In the absence of ~yor quinlan Counciln~ Boido moved that Councilman Reese Lloyd be selected Mayor pro tern. The motion was seconded by coun~ lman Tibbetts and regularly carried. ~,~yor pro tern Lloyd then took the chair and called the meeting to order at ~;~0 c'clock p.~. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, R.Tibbetts,M.~inucciani. Abaent, Co~mcilmen, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minuteu of the two-,~revious meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions councilman Minucciani m0~e~ they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by councilman TibbeSts and regularly carried. A request was made by Merit Badge Counsellor of Troop ~70, Boy Scouts of America, Mr. Carl Weller, asking the city council's permission to use the city council's chamber for a meeting of the Court of Honor of.the Boy Scouts, 2,,~rch ?th,1931. Permission granted. A communication was received from Ray L. Spangler, manager of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce,-enclosing a courtesy membership card to the city council of the City of South Sa San Francisco for the use of any member to be designated by the council. The card was accepted ~ith the thanks of the city council. Applications were received for the position of police from O.A.Record, Eugene Ko~lowski, and Ernest Rossi. Applications ordered placed on file. The Harmony Club made application for rermission to hold a dance on February' 22,1931, from 2 to 6 p.m. Permission granted. A petition u~as received from residents of Peck's Lots requesting the city to the lines of Randolph Avenue u~esterly and southerly toward the Martin School Hous~ for the convenience of the children of Peck's Lots and vicinity. ~. Blanc~ard of the committee from Peck's Subdivision stated the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company would gladly furnish the desired right of way~ without improvement cost~, Mayor pro tem Lloyd avpointed the council and city engineer as a commt;ttee to meet Friday the 20th to go over the situatior: and report bac~ at the next moeting~ of the City council. R.C.Stickle applied for pezmlssion to b~ild a reinforced concrete theatre and store buildin~ on lot ~6 and the westerly 25 feet ct lot 37 in block llT, and submitted plans and specifications. for the structure. Permit granted. R.C.Stickle requested permission to mo~e the ?iinterhalter building from its present location on lot 3~,bloc~ llT, to the rear of t~a easterly £5 feet of lot 3V,block llT,L~p of South San !~rancisco. Permission granted. A communication was received from the Board of Hegistration of the State of California stating that the Map Act,Chapter 8$?,Statutes of 1929 requires thet all maps submitted for recordatim shall have the seal of a licensed surveyor or a civil engineer affixed. Referred to the city engineer for investigation. Application was made by the bnion Pav~n.~ Company for an extension of 90 days in which to - complete the improvement of Third Street and Sv~ift Avenue. ~xtension granted. This being the date set for '~',~ open~'-.~: of bids for the installation of traffic signals at Grand and Linden Avenues and Cran& Avenue and San Bruno Head, CounCilman Tibbetts moved that the 'bids be opened. The motion w.~o ~eoonded by §oun~:ilmau ~fdnucciani and regularly carried. The following bids were submitted;- City Improvement Company, $1897.00 General Electric Company $226A.00 The Gamewell Company ~2299.00 The City Improvement Company appearin? the lowest bidder Councilman Boido introduced a res~ resolution awarding the contract to ~aid company. The resolution~ was hdopted by the vote~ of all th the members of the city council present, to-wit- 2j~es, Councilmen, V.Boido, R,Lloyd, H.Tibbetts,~.~inucC'iani. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilman, Joseph P.Quinlan. Attest ~Daniel ~cSw~eney City Clerk Recorde~ in Book of ResolUtions. Vol.[, at page S28. ~rs. Carrie E.'Jinterhalter submitted a volume of corresponder, ne had with the ~f~rket Street [{ailroad regarding the installation of second hand iron trolly-light poles on Grand Avenue, and stating that ~. Kahn of the railroad seemed to desire to co-op~rate with the city in the matter~ The matter was ordered'laid over. Resolution of condolence introdu~.~d by councilman Tibbetts;- ~'~ereas it has pleased Almighty Cod, in His infinite v?isdom, to remove from this life Thomas Quinlan,; and ',~'hereas Thomas Quinlan v?as a brother of Joseph P.Quinlan, ]¥~ayor of the City of South San Franoi soo; Resolved by the City Council of th~ City of South San Francisco that the sympathy of lhis 8ity Council be, and the same hereby is extended to Joseph P.Quinlan and the other membe~ of his family in their hour of sorrow. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this 16th day of February,1951,by the following vote; Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd,R.Tibbetts,M.Ninucciani. roes ,Councilmen ,None. Absent ,Councilmen, 7oseph D.Quinlan. Attest ~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥o1.~, at page S29 Daniel EcSweeney City Clerk Claims in the amount of $1787.26 ~vere next presented to the council for payment. The claims having been audited by the finance vommittee councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Robinson Druggist C. Landuc ci A. Demat~ei Fur-n. Co. O. A. 0rth M. Belli & CO. So. City Lumber & Supply Co. Associated 0il Co. J. Bottarini S. P. Co. California Pest Control Co. N. Medeghini Highway Transport Co. ~red Lautze Leon d'Artney Simons Auto Reconstruction crayons & dring cups 1 uniform - Officer Whipple I chair - police dept. 1 day unloading asphalt repair tire police car lumber - street dept. sand and cement lumber street dept. concrete mix & lumber gas - street dept. I day unloading asphalt freight - electroliers 5 drums chlorate, etc. Swee ping s tree ts freight street Dept. oil, grease Ford repairs - Ford side curtains - Ford i~c. Coast Assn. of Fire Chiefs Dues - 195l Fire chief A. C. Johnson 1~2 day~ pair, lng alarm boxes Simons Auto Reconstruction Co. wash Ford Highway Transport Co. freight- fire D. ept. Service Garage reline brakes ~2 engine J. P. Hickey 12 - 50 watt lamps 2.70 65. O0 15.00 4.50 .75 19.2 5.79 1.13 1~. 72 1.00 4.50 61.25 139.34 49.50 3.25 2.45 1.45 3.00 3.00 6.?5 1.50 1.27 14.40 2.40 Manufacturer' s Assn. West Disi~4~ecting Co. Patrick & Moise Klinkner Co. Pacific Water Co. San Mateo Co. Title Co. BLLrroughs Adding Machine Co. Pac. Tele. &Tele Co. P. G. & E. The Enterprise So. City Plumbing Shop V. Gianelli W. B. Clarke & Sons 2 reservations annual banquet 5.00 Dis enfectant dog license & vehicle lic. installing & connecting 4 hydrants reports Jan. maintenance to 8/7/31 Phone Service Jan. misc. service Jan. street lighting Jan. Highway lights " Ordinance ~155 & ~rinting 1000 copies Ord. $155 material ball park l0 days labor on trees rose bushes ~ Total -- 96.51 26.25 40.00 1.50 5.55 47.23 82.09 921.21 5.43 31.00 3. O0 5.15 45.00 35. O0 $1,'~8'~.26 There being no further business b fore the council councilman Boido moved to adjoun until 7, ednesday morning, February 18th,1931, at 9;30 A.L,!. The motion was seconded by councilma', ~.~inucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;~0 o'clock p.m. AP'~ °ve%~~ro tern of South San Frauoisco Respectfully sub.it t ed~,/