HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-04-21 ~ ~'~ ~ ~L.~ CITY REGULA-RLY .~DJOURL~D I.:'~ETI1TC OF m ,~, COLq~TCIL 0P T~E CITY 0~ SOUT:~ SAI.~ F?LiI:CISC0,...,,LDU~ TU.~SD~Y.?' ~ ~?RIL £1st ,1931. A regularly adjourned meeting of the <_~ity council of the City of South San Framcisco was held in the c~t,> hall Tuesday evening, Ap~!l 21st 1951. This meeting was called to ord~r at 7;30 ~.,... ~ ,b~ councilman Joseph. ~.,J~uinlan,.._ ~/.aycr of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the cit~. council present, to-wit,- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, IZ.~inucciani, i%.Tibbetts,Joseph ?.Quinlan. The reading of the minu~es of the previous meeting was dispensed with. ~'o--~, ,"~'~ ~Vi~!an au~o~;~n~,.~ that the ~tt~:~.r of the resignation and the withdrawal of th~ resignation of municipal Judge ~rrell should be taken up. The ~yor stated' that the judge had besn called into consult~ation with the full city council in caucus and asked if the'~e was anything the city co~cil had done to in~._.,~'~ wa~ ham~er_, or burden his position as munici~-al judge. ~yor ;uinlan stated the judge had ~ said' at th~caucus meeting that he had no grievance against any ~:~ember of thc municipal co~cil, had no fr~ction with any one of them and held the~¥;, in the k~?' e:~t esteem, and the c;ity council u'as in no way connected u, ith his ~ro:~osed u'ithdr~val. Ou '~ ._ . ~ '~ ' sl:,oh'.nS the ~'~,ouncil rec~uested the .~udge to remain in office ~'-~ I/-a2~ ~'uintan announced that t''~ of ~ ~,~ or :.~ letter Judge Far'~e!! withdrawing his resignatJ, or~ ~ou!d be accepted and the counci!automatical-'~" ~'etained the jud~f~e in office~ the jud~:e .... ~.~zna' ~ agreed v,'it~ t]~e citj co~cil to co-ooerate v-~t;, the entire city co~cil and ?olice dei~riment i~ ~' ..... . a~n~zn~sterin~ the Oumlcial affairs of the mur~ici[~ality Councilman Lloyd requested the citj~a~_~rk~ to secure a list of all the insurance policies held b[~ the city, for references purposes. ~i'here being ~o furth~:r busi~ess coun,:~!r:an ~loj~d moa-ed to adjourn Until the next reguls~ meeting,ITonday ~,~y 4th,1951. The motion ;va:: seconded b~, councilman k!nLcczanm and regularly carried. Time of adjournr~ent, 8;05 p.m. Approved ~~,~ ~ c~ of ~outh San Francisco.