MAY 18TH,19S1.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held
in the City Hall Monday evening, May 18th,1951.
The meeting was called to or order at ?;S0 o'clock p.m. by councilman Joseph P.
Quinlan,Z~ayor of South ~an Francisco.
Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;-
Councilmen,V.Noido,R,Lloyd, M. Mtnucctant,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Qutnlan.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.
A communication was received from the Independent Business Men's Association of South
San Francisco requesting the council's permismion to use the ~ouncil Chambers for their regular
Tuesday evening meetings. Permission granted.
The Market Street Railway Company submitted a statement showing the amount due the
City of South San Francisco for the year ending April 21st,1951 under franchise and ordinances
Nos. 66 and 88 to be $510.05 and asked the council's acceptance of the statement. The statement b
being satisfactory to .the council the clork was instructed to so inform the railroad company.
The Service Garage and Machine Shop made application for a permit to conduct a gasoline
station at ~412 Bay Shore Highway , P~rmiit granted.
Insuraance Agemt ~.W.Ratto .notified th~ mouncil the insurance on the fire house and
furniture on Swift Ax'enue will expire on June [~th,1951.
city clerk be instructed t~ w~ite Mr. Ratt~ aski$~ to postpone writing the policy until further
Acknowledgment was received fro~ ~ohn H. Skagge,District Engineer of State Highway~,~Oali~
permitting the City of South San Francisco to paint a ~ortion of the Bayshore Highway betw-~e~
Baden and Miller Avenues. Nay~r Quinlan stated that Chief of Police Belloni had already painted
the. necessary signs under the direction of the cit~ council for the protection of life and prope~,
for the best interests of the municipallty~:tLe ~'State having shown protection whatever.
E.P.Kauffman requested the city council ~o author!~e the Board of Public
remove a contractor's building on his lot whtci: was used as an office for~.,the proposed
constructior~ of a theatre. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and Inspector Beatty.
Axt~appl!cation was received from John Y. Jordan for a soldier,,S Free license to peidle
innunerable com~mo~tties in South San Francisco. Referred to City Attorne~r 3oleberd for
investtgation~ an~ report.
A resolution in the matter of the Map of Parkway Terrace L~p No.2,,South San Fra.~cisco,
was introduced by councilman Minucciani, and ado~ted by the vote of all the members of the city
council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen. V.Boido,R. Lloyd, M. Mtn~cciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Counci~men, None, Attest Daniel NcSweene2
City Clerk.
Recorded in book of resolu~tions,Vol. 2 at ,page ~58.
A resolution was introduced b~' Councilman Ti~betts orde[tng the cit~' engineer to
commence proceedings to conetru~ ~, ~itazy sevrer system, including an outfall sewer,for
the territory in South San Franciseo:~ordertng upon San Bruno. The resolution was adopted by
t~ unanimous vote of all the~'~members of the city council, to-wit;-
Ayes~, Conncilmen, V.Boido, ~.R.Lloyd, M. Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilman,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk
A reso~ution was introduced by councilm_an Boido ordering the city" engineer to pre-
~:pare an estimate of the costs, etc, Of':, zebuilding the existing sanitary sewer, near the
Presto-0-Lite~property. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members
of the cit~ c,~uncil, to-~it,-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, E. Minucctani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Eoe, Councilmen, None, Absent, C ouncilr~ eh,None, Daniel EcSweene2
City Clerk
Recorded in book of resolutions, Vol.2 at page
A con~uunication was received from the Independent Business Een's ASsociation of South
San ~'rancisco advising the city council that the association went on record ~s favoring the
installation of double standard electroliers on Grand Avenue from~Division Street to Spruce Avenue.
Representati~:~es of the association stated it might be feasible to lessen the candle
power on Linden Avenue to reduce ,the city light bill, thereby enhancing the chances of the
installation of electroliers on Grand Avenue.¥1c. Lonati of the Taxpayers association objected
to this. After considerable discussion the city council decided to hold a meeting in the city
council chambers Eonday evening, May 28th,19~l at ?;S0 o'clock p.m. to discuss the situation
~,vith all parties inter,.~sted. The city clerk wa~ instructed to write the interested factors,
inviting them to attend.
Mayor quinlan introduced' the sUbject of ~ntertatning and protecting the school children
during the forthcoming vacation. He stated the school grounds were available for this p~.rpose,
and with a little expenditure could be make a wond,~rful summer recreation grounds for the city's
children . He asked Chief Louie Bellone if his ~[e artment would co-operate in the proposed under-
taking. Chief Belloni said he and his men would £i. ve all available time to the project.
claims in the amount of $YA85.11 were ne:.:t presente~ for payment. On motion by co'zucilman
Tibbr~tts seconded by councilman Minucciani the amounts were ordered paid, after being 0.H'd by
the fi,nOnce com~ntttee.
Dudley Perkins,
James Spuri
Fred Brown
Seagrave Corp.
Leon d'Artenay
Ric's Service Sta.
The o. ]~lanz
Arndt's Dept. Store sun. lies
pictures of Buick
painting zones, etc.
parts for fir'e e~gine
clutch - engine ~2
5- ~ cans grease
fireman's uniform -Welte
fire deot.
$ 1.56
47. O0
66. O0
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.
A communication was received from the Independent Business Men's Association of Sou~b
San Francisco requesting the council's permission to use the 6ouncil Chambers for their regular
Tuesday evening meetings. Permission granted.
The Market Street RAilway Company submitted a statement showing the amount due the
City of South San Francisco for the year ending April 21st,1931 under franchise and ordinances
Nos. 66 and 85 to be $310.05 and asked the council's acceptance of the statement. The statement b
being satisfactory to .the council the clerk was instructed to so inform the railroad company.
The Service Garage and Machine Shop made application for a permit to conduct a gasoline
station at ~412 Bay Shore Highway , Permitt granted.
Insuraance Agent i.W.Ratto .notified th~ council the insurance on the fire house and
furniture on Swift Avenue will expire on June ~yth,1931.' Councilman Lloyd requested that ;he
city clerk be instructed t~ write Mr. Ratto askiSg to postpone writing the policy until further
Acknowledgment was received from John H. Skaggs,District Engineer of ~tate Highway~,~Oali~
permitting the City of South San Francisco to paint a portion of the Bayshore Highway between ~ ~
Baden and Miller Avenues. Mayor Quinlan stated that Chief of Police Belloni had already painted
the~ necessary signs under the direction of the city,~ council for the protection of life and prope~,
for the best interssts of the munieipality~t~e {State having shown protection whatever.
E.P.Kauffman requested the city council ~o authorize the Board of Public '~,orks t~
remove a contractor's building on his lot whici was used as an office for!.the proposed
construction of a theatre. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and Insnector Beatty.
An~ap~licatton was received from John F. Jordan for a soldier,S Free license to peldle
innunerable commmO~tties.., in South San Francisco. Referred to City Attorne~ Coleberd for
investtgation~ an~ report.
A resolution in the matter of the Map of Parkway Terrace ~p No.2,,South San Francisco,
was introduced by councilman Mtnucciant, and adopted by the vote of all the members of the city
council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen. V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M. Min~cciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest Daniel NcSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in book of resolutions,Vol. 2 at ~page $$8.
A resolution was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts ordering the cit~' engineer to
co:~nence proceedings to conetTu~ ~ ~nita=y se~er system, includin~, an outfall sewer,for
the territory in South San FYaucisao,~ordertng upon San Bruno. The resolution was adopted by
t~ unanimous vote of all the~members of the city council, to-wit;-
Ayes~, Conncilmen, V.Boido, >~R. Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tlbbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen, No~e, Absent, Councilman,None. Attest Dan~ el McSweene2
City Clerk
A resolution was intr~duced by councilman Boido o~derir~g the city~ engineer to pre-
'~pare an estimate of the costs, etc. 0~' zebuilding the existing sanitary sewer, near the
Presto-O-Lite~property. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members
of the cit~ council, to-wit,-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, H.Lloyd, M. Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Eoe, Councilmen, None, Absent, Council.~en,None, Daniel EcSweene2
City Clerk
Recorded in book of resolutions, Vol.2 at page 338.
A communication was received from the Independent Business ~en's ASsociation of South
San ?rancisco advising the city council that the association went on record as favoring the
installation of double standard electroliers on Grand Avenue from Division Street to Spruce Avenue.
Representati~es of the association stated it might be feasible to lessen the candle
power on Linden Avenue to reduce ~he city light bill, thereby enhancin~ the chances of the
installation of electroliers on Grand Avenue.~ic. Lonati of the Taxpayers association objected
to this. After considerable discussion the city council decided to hald a meeting in the city
council chambers Monday evening, May 25th,1931 at ?;S0 o'clock p.m. to discuss the situation
~vith all parties inter,~?sted. The city clerk wa~ instructed to write the interested factors,
inviting them to attend.
Mayor Quinlan introduced' the subject of ~ntertaining and protecting the school children
during the forthcoming vacation. He stated the school grounds were available for this p~rpose,
and with a little expenditure could be make a vJond.-~rful summer recreation grounds for the city's
children , He asked Chief Louie Bellone if his ~e artment would co-operate in the proposed under-
taking. Chief Belloni said he and his men would ~ve,~ all available time to the project.
claims in the amount of $248~.11 were next presented for payment. On motion by co,zucilman
Tibb~tts seconded by councilman Minucciani the amounts were ordered paid, after being 0.H'd by
the fi, nance committee.
Dudley Perkins,
Jane s Spuri
Fred Brown
Seagrave Corp.
Leon d'Artenay
Ric's Service Sta.
The o. Planz
pictures of Buick
painting zones, etc.
parts for fire e~gine
clutch- engine ~2
~- 5~ cans grease
fireman's uniform -Welte
Arndt's Dept. 8tore supplies - fire dept.
J. ~. Rickey 24 Mazda lamps
$ 1.56
47. O0
22. '/5
66. O0
1~. 6~
So. City Lumber Co.
go. City Plumbing Shop
supplies $ 5.01
sand & brick 1.90
" 10.59
" 1.51
" 7.24
supplies for sewer 11.34
2 sheets galv. iron 3.00
Service Garage
01d Reliance Ga. rage
N. Medeghini
Royal Supply
W. P. Fuller Co.
B~rlingame Carbon Co..
gas, ~ire~ etc. st. dep.34.08
repairs Chev.
12 days labor on
supplies street dep.
25 gal. shingle stain
rep. machine Clerk's~
offi ce
reports - April
San Mateo Co. Title Co.
Burrough's Adding ~[achine 12 roles adding machine
t .20
Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co.
Pacific Water Co.
P.. G. & E.
Chester, McGrath
Industrial City Lbr.Co.
John Corse
C. Boll&zzi
Galland Mer. Laundry
Frank ~iffra
Enterprise Press
P~cific Water Co.
Michel & Pfeffer
Luigi 2enna
So. City Lumber Co.
M. Belli & Co.
phone service Apr,
water service Apr,
highway lights Apr.
street lights "
misc. service "
1 day,tacking notices
30' ld~nb er
removing garbage
paint brushes
twwel service
6 floor squeges
3000, claim blanks
printing Ord, #156 &
notices to destrQy weeds 106.75
200 coPies Ord. ~156 Z.O0
water service Apr. 72.10
250' mesh wire 137.50
A days 2abor ball pare 18.00
lumber ball park 60.38
repairs Buick 39.30
Total ....... $2485.11
There being no further business before the board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn
until ~onday, ,May 2~h,19S1, at ?;30 o'clock P.l~i. The motion was se~ended by councilman Boido
and regularl~ carried.
Time of adjournment 9;10 o'clock p.m.
~a~y~r of South San ~raneisco
Respectfully submitted,
C~D~y Clerk