J'J~E 1ST,1951. ,
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was hel~
in the city hall Monday evening, June lst,1951.
The m~eting was called to order at ?;SO o'clock p.m. by councilman Joseph P.
Quinlan,~layor of South San Francisco.
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R. Lloyd, ~.I,-~nucciani,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
The minutes of the three previous meeti:~gs were read. There being no errors or
omissions they were adopted as read.
An application for the position of Truck Driver in the fire department was received
from John Fambrini. Application ordered placed on file.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to open a trench and lay '
a ~ inch pipe gas main in Walnut Avenue fro~the easterly side of the same to a point ~Oft~
westerly from the ~,est line on Walnut Avenue in Fourth Lane. Referred to Councilman Tibbett$
and the desired permission granted. .
Charles Bollazzi, chairman of the South San Francisco Industrial Oi~ Band,applied
for a permit to conduct a danes in Fraternal Hall for the benefit of the band,on June E?th,
19~l. Permit granted.
A petition ~as received from Rivers Brothers and four Giuetetties of the Town of Baden
re~uesting the city council to grant~ a building permit to Mr. Breckle to construct an ice
plant in block three of maid tract. Owing to the fact that this property is in the
residential zone the permit was denied,
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution directing City Engineer to prepare plans
and specifications for the construction and installation of a double light system of cast
iron electroliers on Grand Avenue from Division Street to the East side of Spruce Avenue,
and also a set of plans and specifications for the construction and installation of double
light cast iron electroliers from the west line of Spruce to the east line of Mission Road
in the City of South San Francisco.
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the council,
To-wit;- Ayes,Councilmen,R.Zloyd~, V.Boido,E.~nucctani, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmon,None~ttes~aniel NcSweene~
Recorded in Book of Resolu~ions,v~l. Epage ~9. City Clerk.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of intention to abate weeds in
Los Ceritos Trac~ in the Cit~ of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopted by the vote
of all the members of the city council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Ninuccianl,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan,
Noes,COuncilmen, None,Absent,Councilman, Attest Daniel NcSweeney
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of~Resolutions, vol. E, at page ~0.
The monthly reports cf the municipal judge, Fire Chief,Chief of Police and Building
Inspector for the month endinE ~y ~l,lBB1, were ~ubmitted to the city council and approved as
In the ~tter of the application of J.F. Jordan for a soldier's free license to
peddle commodities of various and numerous kinds city attorney Coleberd advised the city
council that only disabled soldiers were entitled to a soldier's free license, and the
permit was not granted.
On motion by councilman Lloyd,seconded by councilman Ninucelanl~the clerkw~s instructed to
communicate with ~. Chas. Petersen and advise h~m to remove the small tool house from the
Kauffmann lot opposite the city hall within ten da~s after! the.n~t~e, and if the building
~as not removed within that space of time the city would take steps to remove it.
There being a temporary vacancy as a tru~k ~river in the fire department Councilman
Einucciani moved that Andrew Schmidt be appoints& to fil~ the vacancy. The motion was
seconded by Councilman _BOidei~ and regularly carried.
Eayor Quinlan reported he and the city council had been invited to attend the closing
exercises of the Yeteran~ of Foreigh Wars at Daly City Saturday evening, June 6th, and
requested as many to attend as could conveniently do, so.
Claims in the amount of $119B.69 were next presented to the city council for payment.
The finance committee having audited the claims councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The
motion was seconded by councilman ~nucciani and regularly carried.~
Dudly Perkins, ~ tires motor cycle
" ~ windshield '~ "
E:~lani painting traffic signs
Louis Belloni feeding prisoners,May
Flink's Service Station gas police ~ep't
Paul Hamilton fire alarm maintenance
G. Sani attending fires
J. Mc Donald "
J. Andrews " "
J.Mayerle " "
L. SEveras " "
Jules Forte " "
E. Generdin~ "
P: Peneski "
A o Johns on "
J.Fambrini "
C .Brizzi "
C .Heard "
J ?Bernar do "
E ~ Gall i "
R~Bisagno ~ "
E.Venturi "
A. Bchmi dt "
A.Colombo "
$ 5.00
~ ?.50
'~" ?. 50
;1~. 50
;1~, 50
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M;~nucclani,R. Tll~betts, Joseph P.~xinlan.
The minutes of the three previous meeti:~':gs were read. There being no errors or
omissions they were adopted as read.
An application for the position of Truck Driver in the fire department ~'as received
from John Fambrini. Application ordered placed ox file.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company appli~d for permission to open a trench and lay
a 2 inch pips gas main in Walnut Avenue fron~ the easterly side of the same to a point AOft,
westerly from the v.~est line on Walnut Avenue in Fourth Lane. Referred to Councilman Tibbettl
and the desired permission granted. ~ ·
Charles Bollazzi, chairman of the South San Francisco Industrial 0i~2 Band,applied
for a permit to conduct a danae in Fraternal Hall for the benefit of the band,on June 2?th,
1931. Permit granted.
A petition yJas received from Rivers Brother~ and four Giuetetties of the Town of Baden
requesting the ctt~' council to grant~- a building permit to Mr. Breckle to construct an ice
plant in block three of maid tract. Owing to the fact that this property is in the
residential zone the permit was denied.
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution directing City Engineer to prepare plans
and spemifications for the construction and installation of a double light system of cast
iron electroliers on Grand Avenue from Division Street to the East side of Spruce Avenue,
and also a set of plans and specifications for the construction and installation of double
light cast iron electroliers from the west line of Spruce to the east line of Mission Road
in the City of South San Francisco.
The resolution was .adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the council,
To-wit;- A~es,Councilmen,R.Lloyd~, V.Boido,M.Minu~ciani, ,H.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None&ttes~aniel McSweene2
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,v~l. Ypage ~S9. City Clerk.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of intention to abate weeds in
Los Ceritos Tract in the City of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopted by the vote
of all the members of the city' council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R. Lloyd, M.Minucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan,
Noes,COunCilmen, None,Absent,Councilman, Attest Daniel McSweene2
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, vol.2, at page ~40.
The monthly reports of the municipal judge, Fire Chief,Chief of Police and Building'
Inspector for the month ending May ~1,19~1, were submitted to the city council and approved as
In the matter of the application of J.F. Jordan for a soldier's free license to
peddle commodities of various and numerous kinds city attorney Coleberd advised the city
council that only disabled soldiers were entitled to a soldier's free license, and the
permit was not granted.
On motion by councilman Lloyd,seconded by councilman Ninuc$iani'~he cterk~w~s instructed to
communicate with ]~r. Chas. Petersen and advise h~'m to remove the small ~ool house from the
Kauffmann lot opTosite the city hall within ten days aft'er! the .n~e, and i~ the building
~:as not removed within that space of time the city would take steps to remove it.
There being a temporary vacancy as a tru~,k driver in the fire department Councilman
Minucciani moved that Andrew Schmidt be appointed ~o fill the vacancy. The motion was
seconded by Councilman .~B'oidoi~ and regularly carried.
Eayor Quinlan reported he and the city council had been invited to attend the closing
exercises of the Yeteran~ of Foreigh Wars at Daly Cit~ Saturday evening, June 6th, and
requested as many to attend as could conveniently do. so.
Claims in the amount of $119B.89 were next presented to the city council for payment.
The finance committee having audited the claims councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The
motion was seconded by councilma~ ~.~nucciani and regularly carried.
Dudly Perkins, 2 tires motor cycle $~-.00
., " windshield
E:~lani painting traffic signs
Louis Belloni feeding prisoners,May
Fllnk's Service Station gas police ~ep't
Paul Hamilton fire alarm maintenance May
G.Sani attending fires ~y
J.McDonald " " "
J.Andrews " " "
J.Mayerle " " "
~. SEVeras " " "
Jules ~erre " " "
E. Generdln~ " " "
~: Peneski " " "
A, Johnson " " "
J.~a~brtni " " "
'C.Brizzi " " "
C .Heard " " "
J'i:Bernar do " " "
E. Gall i " " "
R;Bisagno ~
E. Ventur i " " "
A. Schmi dt " " "
A.Oolombo " " "
B. Br own " " "
R.Petrocchi " " "
7. BO
10. O0
$1~'. 50
Ss .oo
Claims in the amount of $1195.69 were next. .D~.esent ed to t~.O.~o~unctl ~Q.r.. paymen.~~
cla£ms having been audite.d~ by "the 'fihance~ ~'~f~tee- cou$c£I~an LlO~&m~Ved 't~e paid.
~e mo~on was seCg~ded by co~czl~n Tibbetts ~d~gularly ~ted,- ~
Flink's Service Station
Ric. A. Ventur i
Pao. Fire Extinguisher Co
The Gamewell Company
Flink's Service Station
Royal Supply Company
S. P. Company
N. Ne de ghlni
C. Heard
John Bonzani
B. F. Burns
l~red Brown
Pacific Water Company
Jenninge Prar~acy
T. C. Doak
Joe. P. Quinlan
Galland ~rcantile Laundry
Pac. Tel & Tel Co.,
J, Welch
E. Minucciant
Pac. ~ater Company
E. P. Eauf fmann
gasoline fire dept,
gas for Buick ""
~ siren pumps
2 winding keys
gas str dep't
supplies fire dep't
f',~' eight
labor sweeping streets
· cutting weeds
street labor
foreman weed cut~ing
hydrant water, May
fumigators etc,
services at jail
expenses ~ banquets
towel service
phone service ~y
removing dogs & catsMay~.
l0 gals green paint
Mis.water service
salary Treas, May
e.. 50
EO. 48
~0; 55
5. O0
17 · O0
Total $1195,69
There being no further business councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until the
next regular meeting, Nonday,June 15th,19~l,at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded
by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 8.45 o'clock p.m.
Ap] rove South-'San rancisco.
Respectfully submitted,