HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-06-15REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY C 0UNC ILl 0F THE
~0NDAY, JUNE 15 TH, 19 ~l.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held tn
the City Hall Non&ay evening, June 15th,19~l.
The meeting was called to order at 7;Z~ o'clock p.m. by ~yor Joseph P.Quinlan.
Roll call found the following members of the council present;-
Councilmen, R.I~loyd,M. Minucoiani,i~.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Absent, Councilman,V.Boido.
T~e minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they
were approved as read.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chember of ~mmerce.reques~ing
the~cltym to ~pprove a location at the westerly border of Tanforan race track as a site for
the propose& ~ew Agricultural District Buildings, ~ithin the city limits of the city of Sou~h
San Francisco. On motion regularly carried the cit~ council unanimously endorsed the location.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission to cut a trench 16 feet south of
the north line of Miller Avenue, parallel thereto, between a polnt ~0 feet east of Linden Avenue
and a point 80 feet east of Linden Avenue. Heferred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired
permit granted.
The Railroad Commission of the S~ate of California wrote the city council stating the
Southern Pacific Railroad Company advised them that the surfacing of crossing and the install-
tion of gongs and lights at Crossing E-9-~, Grand A~'enue,had been completed, and requested to
know if the work is satisfactory to the 6tty. The clerk was instructed to reply stating that the
work is acceptible to the city. The commission also wished to know if the city had completel
the installation of traffic buttons and the painting of traffic lanes as agreed upon. Chief of
ploice Bellont stated this work had been finished some time and the clerk was instructed to so
inform the commission.
Er. Chas. E.Petersen, of the Petersen Theatre Circuit replied to the c~ty's letter in
re the removal of the tool house building on the Eauffman lot on Grand Avenue opposite the City
Hall, stating he ~as negitiating for a building to be constructed ~pon his property, and
suggested that the building be given the South Sar~ Francisco,Base-Ball boys for their dressing
room. The suggestion ~as accepted as an offer, and the clerk instructed to write ~r. Petersen,
thanking him for the same.
A notice of insurance policy due July 8th,19Zl,on the 1927 Seagrave was received from
agent D.W.Ratto. Laid over for consideration.
An application for permission to move a house a~proximately seven feet easterly ~rom
its-present site, was received from James Bridgewate~~, ~4 Grand Average, The request stated a
concrete foundation would be installed, new steps placed and a Paboo'.~ro~f to cover the shinEl~s.
Permission granted.
Bernard ~cCaffrey ~ost No.~§5 wrote the city council and offered th~'servi~es of the~
American Legion of South San Prancisco to the city in any emergency that might~artse, and invit-
ed the council men, bets to attend a house warming an~ feed at their new club house, Z12 ~ple
Avenue,June 17th,1951, at 8;~0 o'clock p.m. The offer of the Post ~as accepted with the thank~
of the city, and the invitation to the house warming also. The city clerk was instructed to wri~
the post to this affect.
A petition signed by 51 owners and residents in the Town of Baden requested the city
to amend the zoning law to include blocks 2,~,9.aud 14 of the tract for business and light
manufacturing. After discussion it was decided to include the E1 Camino Real in the re-zoning ~
plan, which would include blocks 1,~,8, and 10. The city attorney was instructed to draw up
amendments to the ordinance governing the district. Attorney A.Scampini appeared for the
A communication was received from the Peninsula Grade Crosstn~ Conference inviting the
I~.~yor, the councilmen and city engineer to their next conference at Pal0 Alto, June 24th,19Z1,
at eight o'cloc~ p.m..~ayor Quinlan stated he had attended some of thc, se conferences, and is
willing to co-operate with them in every way, and requested the councilmen and engineer to attez~l
the next meeting if possible.
The ~ity ~lerk requested that the assessn~ent ordinance Nc. El be amended to conform with'
the State and County laws changing the due date o~ the Tirst installment of taxes to the Third
Tuesday in October, the delinquent date of the ~irst installment to December 5th; the due date
for the collection of the Second installment to Jar~uary 20th, and the delinquent date of the
Second installment to April 20th,of each year, the penalties to be 10% instead of 1§% as no~ charged
Also that the date of the setting of the tax rate under section 51 of the assessment
ordtnance,~Yl,be changed to the first regular meeting of the council after the adoption of the
assessment roll. The clerk explained these changes ~ould enable th~ regular force to prepare the
assessment roll, tax bills,card notices, etc, in time for the collection of taxes without the
necessity of employing the usual annual additional help in the office. The council agreed the
change should be made and requested the city attorney to confer with the clerk in making the
amendments. Permission was allowed to order the t~x bills printed in advance of the proposed
Councilman Einucciani introduced a resolution directing the release of lots lA and. 16,
Bloek, l,section ¥'est of the S.?.Railroad, Town of Baden. The resolution was adopted by the votes
of all the members of the city council present, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, R.Lloyd, N.Minucclani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan,
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman V.Boido. Attest Daniel .~cSweeney
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2 at ~age ~41. City Clerk
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution ordering the abatement of weeds in Los
Ceritos Tract. The resolution was adopted by th~~ votes of all the members of the council present,-
to-wtt-~ Ayes, Councilmen,R.Lloyd, M.~nncciani,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None,Absent, Counctlmar~,V.Boido. Attest Daniel McSweeney,
City Clerk.
kecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.£, at page ~41.
The monthly report of City Treasurer Ed.~.Kauffmann for the month of June was read & accel~e
Councilman ~nucciani stated
that Garbageman John Corsa ~wished the city to have~ the city engineer officially fix
or designate~his house number, on'ici east half of 5,blobk ll?,Map of South San Francisco.
The council so ordered.
L~yor Quinlan stated the councilmen were making progress on the proposition of
installing double electroliers on Grand Avenue from Division street to the Nission Road.
Claims in the amount of $1682.45 were next presented to the council for payment.
The finance committee having audited the claims Councilman Lloyd moved they be paid. ~he
motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried;
A. Johnson
J. Montes
¢. Lema
J. Fontana
Fred Brown
F. John
Ric's Service Station
P. G. & E.
l~trick & Noise Wlinkner
Highway Transport/C o ~
San ~teo Co. Title Co.
Superior Laundry
~e Enterprise
Pac. Tele.& Tele.
~o. City Pl~bing Shop
Weed cleaning
posting weed notices
burning grass
cutting wee ds
foreman cutting weeds
cutting weeds
tire and tube fire dept.
Baysho~e lights May
misc. lights "
street lights "
stamp fire dept
Daily reports Ma.y
wash fire. dept. ~12 M.ay
Add Special Edition
City phones Nay
2 sheets galv. iron
Pac. Fire Extinguisher Co. 1 noxzle
Ben Gonzales
01d Relisnce Garage
The Electric Corp.
R. Petrocchi
C. Heard
A. Colombo
Fred Welte
B. Brown
A. C. Buehler
Dan McBweeney
B. Brown
E. H. Edwards Co.
Le on dArtenay
C. Landucci
The Electric Corp.
Dudley Perkins
~. Cameron
N. Medeghini
~o. City Lumber Co.
Downtown Assn. of S. F.
Thompson Bros.
sharpening tools
repairs Chev. truck
materials fire dept.
burning grass
stamps & box rent -Clerk
fire chief and police chief
cleaning Jail Nay
mooring strand cor~
repairing fire truck
uniform Officer Bildhauer
Cross Arms, etc. fire dept.
motorcycle chain
repairing burnt trousers
sweeping streets
materials ball park
12 months dues
bal. due on claim .#11027
: 13.50
24. ?5
15 .os
.18. O0
65. O0
12. O0
Total ............ $1682.45
There being no further business before the council Councilmen Tlnnetts moved to adj~m
until the next regular meeting, Monday, July 6th,193l,at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Minucctani and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 8.~5 o'qlock p.m,
~ of South San-~rancisco.
Respectfully submitte~ '