HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-07-06REGULAR ~.~EETING 0P TP~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE~CITY
JULY 6TH,19~l.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San%~Francisco was held
in.the City Hall Eon&ay evening,July 6th,19Sl.
The meeting was called to or~er at ?;SO o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P,Quinlan~
Roll call found Zhe fo~.lowin~ members of the council present;- to-wit;-
Councilmen, H.Lloyd, M. Nlnucelani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were~read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the Pacific Gas & El¥ctric Company, requesting
permission to open a two-foot trench in Industrial Way to lay and maintain an 8-§/8 in.O.D.
gas main to supply gas t° the Pacific Coast Steel Company. Heferred to councilm~ ~Tibb~etts and
permit granted.
The Northside Taxpayers' Protective Association'requested the city to move a light
from its present location on Aspen Avenue west of~Linden Avenue to an existing pole on the
alley corner. Referred to counciln~n Tibbetts for investigation.
The Northside Taxpayers' Association, representing ~. Lai L~tteo, 5~0 Lux Avenue,
requested the city to remove a light pole fro~ in front of his dwelling. Referred to Councilman
Tlbbetts for investigation.
The Italian-American Athletic Club applied for permission to h01d a dance in Metro-
politan Hall, Saturday evening, July 18th,19Sl , from 8 o'clock p.m. to one A.M., Granted.
The South San Francisco Baseball Club made application for permission to hold a iance
in 5[etropolltan Hall, Saturday evening, August lst,19Sl, from 8 o'clock.p.m, to I o'clock
A.~. ~ermit granted.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Con~pany requested permission to place a manhole in
in Eiller Avenue-Lux Avenue A129ybetween Orange and Locust Avenues, and to place conduit
and manholes on Hillside Hoad and Chestnut Lvenue. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and permit
A comm. uniaation was received from the department of public health at Sacramento
enclosing a copy of the Bureau's report of sewage disposal and health and sanitation conditi~s
of South San Francisco. Accepted and placed on ~ile.
Councilman Lloyd made u~ritten application for permission to be absent from the State
of California until September lst,19S1. Permission was grant~d, and he was ~as wished Godspeed
by the Eayor.~nd council.
City Treasurer ~dward P.Hauffmann applied for permission to leave the State of California
for a period of twelve days beginning July 6th,19~l. Permission was granted.
The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Eunicipal Judge,Building Inspector,Treasurer,
Fire Chief and City Clerk for the month ending June 50th 19Sl were submitted and accepted.
Ln ordinance amending sections ~1 and SS of ordinance ~£1, chan~ing the date for
the collection of taxes, the delinquent dates and the date of setting the rate for taxes,
was introduced by Councilman Einucciani,had its first reading and was laid over to come up
u]~der the regular order of business at the next regular m~eting of the city council.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution authorizing the 2~yor and City Clerk
on behalf of the City of South San Francisco to enter into an agreement with ti~e Pacific Gas
and Electric Company and t}~e So~th San Francisco Railroad and Power Company permitting the
City of South San Francisco to use certain jointly owned poles of the companies named for the
p~rpose of maintaining wires and equipment by t}~e city.
The resolution was adopted by th~ unanimous vote of all the members of the council
present,ts-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,R.Lloyd, E.~inucciant,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Qutnlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilman, V.Botdo.
Attest Daniel ~Sweeney
Citj Clerk
Hecorded in Book of kesoluti~ns,¥ol.2, at page 542.
Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution authorizing the L~ayor and City Clerk On
behalf of the City of South San Francisco to enter into an agreement with the Pacific CaS &
Electric Company,~ the South San San Prancisco Railroad and Power Company and the ~estern
Union Telegraph Company whereby the City of South San Francisco ~ill be permitt~'d the use of
certain jointly owned poles of the companies mentioned for the purpose of maintaining wires
and equipment of the city.
The resolution was adopted by the una~-~imous vote of all the members of the city
council present, to-wit;-
~yes, Councilmen, R.Lloyd, H.Minuccia~,i,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
!~oes, Councilmen,None. Absent,Coun,.~.l~an V.Boido.
Attest Daniel ~cSweene2,
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.£.at page ~4~.
~ayor Quinlan stated action on the pro, osed in~Pro~ement on Grand Avenue, the install~
ation of'electroliers,was postponed on account of the absence of Councilman Boido.
~.~yor ~uinlan stated he had attended ti~e meeting of the Crade Crossing Conferer~ce
of Santa Clara and San ~,~ateo Counties, and was ~lected an hOnorary member of tLe conference.
He recuested all men~.bers of the city council to a~tend the next meeting of this body, if
pos~i$1e. The ~.ayor stated a hum. bet of per~ or~s had ap~roached him with a view to securin?
concessions on the water front at the sandy beach northeast of the Smelter site. He stated
this is a fine location for a bathing and recreation spot and the city should take advantange
of a possible opportunity of securing it for the public of South San Francisco and envircnments.
Accordingly a motion u, as n~.ade and ~.~o,d that the cit~? clerk be advised to con~:'unicate
with the Bernstein Fish company, ~;~bo hav~ a lease on the tide lands frontin~ t~e beach, and
inquire as to v.~hethor the city ; could ~ub lea~e the shore land for bathing and recreation
purposes. Coo~ncilman Ll.oyd suggested the cit~ could open up Butler Road from its p~esen.t
termination to the beach if the city acquires t~e right to operate the beach.
The minutes of the previous meetlng were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as rea~.
A con;munication was received from the Pacific Gas & Ele'ctric Company, requesting
permission to open a two-foot trench in Industrial Way to lay and maintain an 8-5/8 in.O.D.
gas main to supply gas to the Pacific Coast Steel Company. Referred to councilma~ :Tibb'etts and
permit granted.
The Northside Taxpayers' Protective As.s:ociation'requested the city to move a light
from its present location on Aspen Avenue west of ,Linden Avenue to an existing pole on ths
alley corner. Referred to councilnmn Tibbetts for investigation. ~
The Northside Taxpayers' Association, re~resenting ~,'[r. I~i ~,~tteo, 540 Lux Avenue,
requested the city to remove a light pole fror.: in front of his dwelling. Referred to Councilman
Tibbetts for investigation.
The Italian-American Athletic Club applied for permission to h01d a dance in ~etro-
politan Hall, Saturday evening, July 18th,1931 , from 8 o'clock p.m. to one A.E., Granted.
The South San Francisco Baseball Club made application for permission to hold a iance
in IJ. etropolitan Hall, Saturday evening, August lst,193l, from 8 o'clock, p.m. to I o'clock
A.~. ~ermit granted.
The ?acific Telephone and Telegraph Con~pany requested permission to place a mank. ole in
in Filler Avenue-Lux Avenue Al~ybetween Orange r. nd Locust Avenues, and to place conduit
and manholes on Hillside ~.oad and Chestnut Lvenue. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and permit
grant e d.
A comm~uniaation was received from the department of public health at Sacramento
enclosing a copy of the Bureau's report of sewa. e disposal and health and sanitation conditt~s
of South San Francisco. Accepted and placed on file.
Councilman Lloyd made u~ritten application for permission to be absent from the State
of California until September lst,1951. Permission was grant~d, and he was ~as wished Godspeed
by the ~.~Iayor~ ~nd council.
City Treasurer ~dward P.tlauffmann ap'!-.lied for permission to leave the State of California
for a period of twelve days beginning July 5th,1931. Permission was granted.
The monthly'reports of the Chief of Police, Eunicipal Judge,Building Inspector,~reasurer,
Fire Chief and City Clerk for the month ending June Z0th 1931 were submitted and accepted.
Ln ordinance amending sections Bl and SS of ordinance ~£1, chan~ing the date for
the collection of taxes, the delinquent dates and the date of setting the rate for taxes,
was introduced by Councilman Einucciani,had its first reading and was laid over ~to come up
ur~der the regular order of business at the next regular m~eting of the city council.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution authorizing the 2~yor and Cit~' Clerk
on behalf of the City of South San Francisco to enter into an agreement with the Pacific Gas
and Electric Company and tl~e So~_th San Francisco Railroad and Power Company permitting the
City of South San Francisco to use certain jointly owned poles of the companies named for the
p~rpose of maintaining wires and equipment by t~e city.
The resolution was adopted by th~ unanimous vote of all the members of the council
present,ts-wit;- Ayes., Councilmen,R.Lloyd, E.2~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilman, V.Boido.
..~t t e s t Dani el I~:c Swe eney
Cit~.~ Clerk
Recorded in Book of ?.esolut~s,¥ol.2, at page ~42.
Counciln~_an Lloyd introduced a r~_~solut~ on authorizing the L~ayor and City Clerk On
behalf of the City of South San Francisco to enter into an agreement with the Pacific Gas &
Electric Company,: the South San San Francisco Railroad and Dower Company and the ~,?estern
Union Telegraph Company ~,~hereby the City of South San Francisco will be permitt~'d the use of
certain jointly owned poles of the companies mentioned for the purpose of maintaining wires
and equipment of the city,
The resolution ~.~'as adopted by the una~imous vote of all the members of the city
council present, to-wit;-
~yes, Councilmen, R. Lloyd, ~,~.Einuccia~',i,R.Ttbbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent,Coun,-iln:an V.Boido.
Attest Daniel ~,~cS~eene.~~ ,
City Clerk
Recorded ir~ Book of ilesolutions,Vol.£.at page 342.
~.~_ayor Quinlan stated action on the pro, osed in~Pro~ement on Grand ~venue, the install-
ation of'electroliers,was postponed on. account of the absence of Councilman Boido.
l.~ayor ~uinlan stated he had attended t~:.e meeting of the Grade Crossing Conference
of Santa Clara and San ~,~ateo Counties, and ~¥as elected an honorar~ member of tt~e conference.
He reeuested all members of the city council to a~end the next meeting ~of this body, if.
pose.iSle. The mayor stated a number of per~o~.s had ap?roached hi~.: with a view to secur~n~
concessions on the water front at the sandy beach northeast of the Smelter site. He stated
this is a fine location for a bathing and recreation spot and the city should take advantange
of a possible opportunity of securing it for the public of South San Francisco and envircnments.
Accordingly a motion u~as n~ade and ...... ~d that the cit~ clerk be advised to conn'.unicate
with the Bernstein Fish company, ~:~o hav~ a lease on the tide lands frontin~~ t~e beach, and
inquire as to ~hether the city ~ could s, ub le~e the shore~land for bathing and recreation
purposes. Councilman. Lloyd suggested the cit~ could open up Butler Road from its p~esent
termination to the beach if the city acquires t~e right to operate the beach.
The Federated Improvement Clubs of 2a~', Mateo County, through t~7or quinlan,requested permissi
to use tLe Council Chambers of the city for a Joint meeting Wednesday evening, July 15th,1951
Permission. granted.
Claims in the amount of ~3721.68 were n~xt presented to the council for payment.
On motion by councilman Minucciani ,seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the
claims were allowed and ordered paid, the finance conm~_ittee .having audited the same.
C .Castro
Louie Dieu
C .Ross
O.McC onaghy
Sam~ l~ies~ling
C. Gal
Evasio Bottlnl
Charles Lema
G. Galli
C .Leggaro
Joe Dancak
Ben Conzales
Luigi Penna
S. Gr ib andi
Crocker lst,~'at Bank
.-Joe Bernardo
Paul ~enoskt
Bert Brown
~r thur Johnson
E. Gall i
J. I/ia2 erl e
E. Giardini
R. Bi sagno
E. Venturi
L. Savaras
Paul Hamilton
Fred Laut ze
Beagrave C orp'n
Ric Venturi
Thomas Purn. Co
cleaning streets
" C~t ,weeds
Cutting Weeds
Core, on Rowe audit
attending fires
fire alarm l~int,& rerouting
re~airing Fire ]P~rd
fan belt
re?airing truck
tube etc,
spring fire dept.
South City Welding Co., re air door check Fire,
Simons Auto Co., new hose box
Service Garage repairs fire truck
Fire '-~rotection E~g. Co. ,2 Indian Fire Pumps
Highway Transport Co fr~:ight
Railway Express Co. freight,fire dept
Superior Laundry wasL fire house ~,
Joe Lombardi gasoline fire dept.
The ~lectric Corporation sup?lies " "
~ 15.75
if 15.75
~ 18. O0
is. 0o
is. oo
~ 18.00
a? 18. O0
~ ~2.50
~ 9.00
<~150. O0
i~O. 50
' 19. O0
5. O0
ilO. O0
~. 50
ig. 50
10. O0
~. 50
40. O0
$ 49.90
~ 4.25
20. O0
~ 5.79
~ 5.61
~V.P.Fuller Co., traffic line white ~? 11.50
Lombardi's Service stati n ~:asoline police dept $ 44.64
Standard Super Ser. Sta, 2 tires police dept ~.''37.08
Fred Brown painting zones ~ 13.50
Dudley Perkins rep.motor cycle $ 1£.41
Service Garage,Fire Dep.rep curtain place siren $ ?.82
Louis Belloni Stamp envs,feed prisonrs7 6.76
So. City Lbr. & SupL, ly Co.,0.P.paint
N. Me deghini
J. Lombar di
The Enterprise
Fac Gas & El. Co.
Fred Brown
J. Welch
sweeping streets
gas street dept
weed notices
stamp envs,fire dept
printing del tax list
23 tax books
streets lights ~une
Misc. Lights
Highway lights
4 man cutting weeds
remov, dead dogs,cats, June
keeping dog 15 da. observ.
~ 'State Callf Maps
Balland Mercantile Co Service June
J. Figone & Company clean fountain 6 mo to June
San l~teo Go. Title Co., daily reports
Fac. Tel & Tel Co service June
Pacific Water Co service June
D.~.Ratto insurance Lib. Bld'~ etc
'~'"' ? 30
204. O0
11o. 98
~ 31.50
~ 27.50
450. O0
165. ~ .6
J.F0n~ana ~ ~ ~.vv
C.Castro , CUt.weeds ~ 15.75
· F.Dieu " " ~ 15.75
Louie Dieu , " " 15.~5
C.Ross " " 18.00
Sam Xiessling
Evasio Bottini
Charles Lema
Joe Dancak
Ben Gonzales
Luigi Penna
Crocker lst,~'at Bank
Joe Bernardo
Paul ~enoski
Bert Brown
Arthur Johnson
E. Galli
L. Savaras
Paul Hamilton
Fred Lautze
Eeagrave Corp'n
Rio Venturi
Thomas Purn. Co
Cutting Weeds
Cordon Rowe audit
attending fires
fire alarm Z~int,& rerouting
reTairing Fire F~rd
fan belt
repairing truck
tube etc,
spring fire dept.
South City Welding Co., re air door. check Fire,
Simons Auto Co., new hose box
Service Garage repairs fire truck
Fire Orotection ?~g.Co.,2 Indian Fire Pumps
Highway Transport Co freight
Railway Express Co. freight,fire dept
Superior Laundry wasL fire house ~,
Joe Lombardi gasoline fire dept.
The Electric Corporation sups-lies " "
W.P.Fuller Co., traffic line white ~
Lombardi's Service stati n ~:asoline police dept~ '~ 44.64
Standard Super Ser. Sta, 2 tires police dept ~"3~.08
Fred Brown painting zones ~'13.50
Dudley Perkins rep.motor cycle * ~ 12.41
Service Garage,Fire Dep.rep curtain place siren ¥ ?.82
Louis Belloni Stamp envs,feed prisonrs~) 6.76
So. City Lbr. & Sup!;~ly Co. ,0.P.paint '~'~,.. ?.30
N.Medeghini sweeping streets ¥*~ ?2.00
J.Lombardi gas srteet dept ~ 24.42
The Enterprise weed notices ~ 6.55
" " stamp envs,fire dept ~ 14.60
" " printing del tax list ~204.00
" " 23 tax books ~196.90
Pac Gas & El. Co. streets lights ~une $930.70
" " " Misc. Lights ~110.98
" " " " HiLhway lights ~ ~ 5.13
Fred Brown 4 man cutting weeds ~ 31.50
J.Welch remov, dead dogs,cats,June fli 2?.50
" " keeping dog 15 da. observ. ~? 4.50
J.A.Eaton ~ 'State Calif ~ps ~ 7.80
Balland Mercantile Co Serwice June ~ 5.00
J. Figone & Company clean fountain 6 mo to June ~· 6.00
San ~.iateo Go. Title Co.,
Pac. Tel & Tel Co
Pacific Water Co
daily reports ~ ~"' ~1.50
service June 9 4..65
service June~¥450.00
insurance Lib. Bld'g etc ~16~.15
" fire ho. ~, ~10~.15
1927 Seagrave ~ 75.60
" 1916 Seagrave $ 5.00
South City Plumbing Shop,
Chas Bollazzi
Pacific Water Co.
lawn moab, er pan & pipe ~ 6.68
snarOl & Black leaf ~'~ 3.10
mist.water June $ 81.9E
grass cat e cloth $ 3.80
There being no furtherbusiness councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until Thursday~
July 9th, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. 1931. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani
and :egularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;05 o'clock p.m.
~a~r of South San Francisco
Respect ;'ully submitted,
' ~i~? Clerk
No meeting held. No quor~ present,
~ay~ of ~outh San Francisco.