HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-08-10REGUI~. ~ETI!TG 0F THE CITY CO' UC!L OF THE CITY 0F SOUTH
T~e ref~ular meeting of the city c~ ~-~cil o~ ti~e City of ~h San Francisco was held
in the c~.~,? hsll Ifonday evening,August 10th,19Z1
The meeting· was called to order at ~;~-0'Clock p.m. by councilmsn Joseph ?.Quinlan
~Layor ~f ~buth San ~rai~cisco~.
Roll call found th~ followiu~~ mer~b,~-~,~s ?f the city council present;to-wit;-
Counc ilmen, V. BoA do, ~. L~inucc ~ani ~ R. Tithe t t s, Jo s eph ~. Qulnlan.
Absent, Councilman,R~ese Lley~.
The minutes of the previous meeti~gwere read. There being no errors ct omissions t~
were adopted as read.
A communication was rece~.~-~ ~'~ t ~ Pacific Cas ,~ ~'~lectric Comlmny requesting
to 2eplace a Dole which Sas dete~i0riated at the ~%S L~ Avenue 100 feet E. of Maple Avem
Referred to co.cAiman Tibbetts and t~e ~esir d permit granted, South of
.~ae South Sa~ Francisco Land & Im~provement Eompan2 ~bmitted that the~Bellafre
~d sometime ago been aco~ired bj the City of South San Franc~ao for a ~arbage d~p , but
to ~h~ fact~ this prope?ty is with~ ~h~ ~ ~h~ B~yehore Hi~hwa~. ~i~ had ~egotiated v,itl~ the
of ~ou~h B~ ~anciaco to ~ e~h~n~ ~ this' ~Pro~,erty ' ~I'o=~a
Point,; se'~tha~ ~outh San::.Pranoisc~'~ ?~'?; ' ~e Sou~h San Francisco ~and ~om~:~:. ¥~ould not
ted with a~ garbage, ,: dump. The company stated the old site is still used for a garbage dural
is in a de:olorable conditlo~yo~: Quinlan ~aid he would interview !':r. Sah~w ou the matte'~:.
T:r~,~ Carrie E; ~Wt~erhakter wrote' the city::co~&l:l ~e ap~oXnt'a:~comm~ittee ~:hrough which
~ oYment' might be relieved. The report was :,/ell reco~endet, an:'. 1,~jor ~an s~ated indicat
~"e..~ for better ti~e:, and ~ated he and the city council would, their best t0 alleviate the wlntem
distre~s~. ~
City Attorney Coleberd requested ~:d was granted ~0 days leave of absence
the State of California.
:.,~,o,:, OF 20 ~nu~es ?lAS T~.
On re-assemblinf~ at 8;30 0Clock P.I.~. roll call found the folloWingmembers of the Cit~.
C ouno il present ;-to;wit; ~
Counc ilme~ ,l~.Boido, 1~. I:~inucciani ,R. Tihbet t s, Joseph P. Quinlan.
Absent, Councilman,Hesse Lloyd.
The readin~~ of the minutes of the ~revtous m~eting was dispended with.
~Layor ~uinlan stated he had been iu conference the children ' palyground committee wh:
handled the children in the grounds during the ~cation months. He stated the city agreed to pay ~
toward the ex?enses of the work of carin~ for the children, and the money should be paid at any t~
now as it was almost all for l'-~bor. It was sta? d there were but t',,~'o to l~ay, $80.00 each, i~iss GA(
'Truax and ~oe :?ilson. The clerk '~'~as instruct~.d t~ ascertain Trom ~Ir. I(leemeyer who the money shin
paid to, the persons who perfo'~'~.ed the labor ~r the school department for them.
A patent license Sgreement was submitted to the city council August 8th,~O~.. for the ~
ment off ~?rand Avenue form Divisio/~ Street to l~i sior P~oad,the electroliers to cost $224.~?,the
Westinghouse disconnecting typecable pothead, '~[5.9~ each and the 6.6 am ere isolating transforme~
~!48.17. Recorded in Book of Re~olutions,Vol.2,'at page Z4£. Attest_ffDaniel l~cSweenep. Cit~ C]
Res. ~73. Comucilman ~,',~inucciani intr~duceda r~Jolution adopting plans and specifications for doi~
'of the installation of Electroliers or~ Grand A~enue from the westerly line of Division Street to
Westerly line o~ Spr~ ~-, Avenue ~d the portion of Spruce Avenue from the northerly line of Grand
Avenue to a line dra;m parallel ?~ith th~ northerly line ,of C~and Avenue at a distance of twenty-:
(2~) feet at right angles northerly therefrom, in said ~ity of South San Francisco.
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote af all the membems of the c~ctl-~prei
to-wit;- .Ayes, Councilmen V.Boido,~,~.I,~linicciani, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.CLuinlan.
Noes, Coumcilmen,None, Absent, Cotu~ ilman, P~eese Lloyd.
Attest Daniel ~o Sweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded ir~ Book of Resolutions, a, Vo!.~ at yage ~43.
Resolution of Intention ~73. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City
of the City of South San ~rancisco declaring its intentio~ to improve p0rtt0nCrahd Avenue from th,
Westerly line of Division Street to, the '~,esterly line of Spruce Avenue, and Spruce Avenue from
!Jortherly line of Grand Avenue to a line t¥?enty?ive (2~) north of the north line of Grand Avenue
parallel thereto.
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Clucil
sent toewitAyes ,Councilmen ,~ .Boido ,L.l~inucciani ,R. ~ibbetts, Joseph o. ¢~Uinlan,
~oes, Councilmen,I,~one, Abse~t,Cou:~cilman,Reese Lloyd. Attest Daniel l~cSweeney,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of R~solutions, Vol.~ at page
REY0LUTI0~ I~0. V4.adopting plans £~ specifications.
A resolution adopting plans and ~:~pe~ifications~: for the installation of electroliers
Cra~.d Avenue from the easterly line of Spruce Avenue to the easterly line of ~,~ssion Road and the
portion of Spruce Avenue '~rom the north~-rly line of Grand Avenue to a point drawn parallel to the
northerly line of Grand Avenue at a distance o:? t'eenty-five ~25) feet at right angles thereto, in
Cit[' of South San Francisco was submitted by ti.~ Cit~/ Engineer of the City of South San Francisco
caid work, and., the plans ',':ere adopted by the u~:animous vote of .all the member's of the city council
present, to wit; A~es,Councilmen,V.Boido,[.~.~,,Hnuccianl, R.Ttbbetts, Joseph ?.Quinlan.
Eoes,C~u~cilmen, I[one. Abesnt,Counc~lm en,Heese Lloyd. Attest Daniel !~cSweeney
Recorded on Book of Resolutions,¥ol.;. at page ~44. City Clerk
Councilman ~,~inucciani introduced a resolution of Intention of the City of South San
Francisco declaring its intention to improve the portion of Grand ~venue from the easterly line of
Avenue to the easterly line of Mission Road, ~.md portions of Spruce Avenue and Oak Avenue in the
City of South San Francisco. The resolution wa: adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members o:
city council present ,to-wit;-
Ayes;- CoUncilmen,V.Boido,E.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Qutnlanl
Ifoes,Coun~.'ilmen,lfone. f,-bsent ,Coum~il~en, Reese Lloyd.
Attest Dahiel EcSw~eney,
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.£, a~, ,~:~e~ 34~ ,345.
Roll call found the followiu? me~b,~'s of the city council present;to-wit;-
Councilmen, V. Boi do, ~. ~?lLtn~oc~ant, R. Ti~b'e t t s, Jo s eph ~. Qutnlan.
Absent, Oounctlman,Reese Lloyd. ' ~ ~.~ ~ ~.
" ~e minutee~ of the previous meetil~ere read. There being no errors et omissions they
were adopted as read. -
A communication was recei~:~d ~ro:~ t~ e Pacific Gas & F~lectrlc Company re~Uesting pe~miss:o
to :~: 2eplace a pole which ~as de~e~i~ziated at the N~S L~ Avenue 100 feet E. of Maple Avenue.
Refe~re~ to co~ctlman Tibbetts and t~e desir~:~d permit granted, South of
The South San Prancisco ~nd & Im~?rovement Eompany ~bmitted that the~Bellaire Island
~d sometime ago been acq.~ired by the City of ~outh San Francisco for a ~arbage d~p , but ~wi~
to ~:~ae:t~t this property is with~ I~h~ O~ ~h~ Bayehore Hi~hwa~ fl~t ~ negotiate~ with the City
PO[nt,~ .se~-:.th~t S~uth S~?ra~ei~o~,":, ?~, ~ ~ t~e S~h S~ Francisco ~d ~onp~:. woul~ not be~ ascot
ted with a; garbag~ ~ ~p. The company stated the o1~ site is still used for a garbage dump ami
~ts l-2~:a ~eptorable co~itio~o~::· Quinlan said he would ~nterview ?~r. Sah~w on the matte~~.
~,,~z Oar~le Ej~Wlnterhakter ~ote~the cltyL:~co~Al~ ~e:~D~o~n~'a~com~i~tee ~through~ wht~ unen
. ~ ~ Oymen~; ~l~h~ be reli6ved. The report was ?;ell reco~ende~, an~ E~yor Q~an s~ated tndication~
were fO~ better ~i~e;. and s~ated he and the city ~ouncil would~thei~ best t0 alleviate the winter ~::~
City Attorney Coleberd requested and was granted S0 days leave of absence from
the State of ~alifornia.
R~ESS OF 20 ~nu~es WAS T~.
On re-assemblin~; at 8;30 0Clock ?.1~. roll call found the folle~ingmembers of the City
Council present ;-to;wit;-
Councllme~ ,~.Boido, ~.~.D~inucciani ,R. Tihbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Absen~ ,il. Councilm~n,Reese Lloyd.
The reading of the minutes of the previous mmeting was dispended with.
Mayor Quinlan stated he had been iu conference the children ' palyground committee which
handled the children in the grounds during the wcatton months. He stated the city agreed to p~y
toward the expenses of the work of caring for the children, and the money should be paid at ~ny time
now ms it was almost all for labor. It was stat~d there were but t~o to pay, $~0.00 each, ~,~iss Giorge
'Truax and ~oe Wilson. The clerk was instructed t~ aecertain from ~r. Kleemeyer who the money should
paid to, ~/the persons who perfor~eA the labor or the school department for them.
, A patent license a~eement was submitted to the city council August 8th,19Zl. for"the impr
men~ of grand Avenue form Division Street to Z~i~::~Sion Hea~,the electroliers to cost SE~A.8~,the
WestinghoUse disconnecting typecable pothead, ~§,92 .each ~nd the 6.6 amp~ere isolating transformer,
$~5.17. Recorded in Book of Re~olutions,Vol.2, at page 3~2. Attest Daniel ~cSwee~ep. Cit~: Clerz
Res. ~?B. Councilman ~inucciani introduceda r,-:~'01ution adopting plans and ~pectfications for doing
f~o~ the installation of Electroliers on Grand A~enue from the westerly line of Division S~reet to the
Westerly line o* Spr~'~,~: Avenue ~ud the portion of Spruce Avenme from the northerly line of Grand
Avenue to a line dra~h parallel w&th th~ northerty'line~'~f grand Avenue at a distance of twenty-fiv~
(25) feet at right angles northerly therefrom, in said ~ity of South San Francisco.
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote af all the membems of ~he
to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen V.Boido,~,~.~dinicciani, R.Ttbbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Coun~ilman, Reese Lloyd.
Attest Daniel ~Swe ene2
City Clerk.
~ Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. £ at 7~age ~3.
Resolution of Intention ~75. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Cour~
of the 0ity of South San ~rancisco declaring its intention to improve Pbzt~dnCrahd Avenue from the
Westerly line of Division Street to,~the westerly line of Spruce Avenue, and Spruce Avenue from the
Northerly line of Grand Avenue to a line t%~entyflve (~§) north of the north line of Grand Avenue and
parallel thereto.
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Clucil pr
sent, to~witAyes ,O ouncilmen,V.Boido ,~!.Minucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P. Quinlan,
Noes, Councilmen,None, Abse~t,Couucilman,Reese Lloyd. Attest Daniel ~cSweene2,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book 'of Resolutions, Vol.2 at page ~4S.
RESOLUTION N0. V4.adopting Plans g~ specifications.
A resolution adopting plans and specifications~: for the installation of electroliers on
Gra~d Avenue from the easterly line of Spruce Avenue to the easterly line of Mlseion Road and the
portion of Spruce Avenue from the northerly line of Grand Avenue to a point drawn parallel to the
nort~erly line of Grand Avenue at a distance of t~eenty-five (~5) feet at right angles thereto, in th
City of South San Francisco was submitted by tlc Cit~ Engineer of the City of South San Francisco 'fo
said work, and the plans were adopted by the unanimous vote of ~all the membe~s of the city council
pre sent. to'!wit; A~es ,O ouncilmen ,V.Boido ,M.Hinucctanl, R.Tibbet ts, Joseph ?. Quinlan.
Noes,0~cllmen, None. Abesnt,Oouncilm en,Reese Lloyd. Attest Daniel ~i~cSweeney
Recorded on Book of Resolutions,¥ol.£ at page 344. City Clerk
Councilman. Minucciani introduced a resolution of Intention of the C~ty of South San
Francisco declaring its intention to improve the portion of Grand ~venue from the easterly line of Sp
Avenue to the easterly line of Mission Road, and portions of Spruce Avenue and Oak Avenue in the
City of South San Francisco. The resolution wa~~ adopted by the umanimous vote of all the members of t
city council present,to-wit ;-
A~es;- Counctlmen,V.Boido,~.Minuccianl,R.Tlbbette, Joseph P.Quinlanl
Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent,Coo~otlmen, Reese Lloyd.
Attest Dahiel McSweeney.
City Clerk
Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol. 2~, a~ ~age~ ~AA
Claims in the amount of $124,75 were next presented to the council for payE.ent.
On motion by eouncilman Tibbet~s, seconded b~.~ councilman Boido the claims were allowed and
ord~red paid. Arthur Johnson,painting zon"es~, ~724.75. So.S.P.El.~ehool for Wilson & Truax ~1(
There being no further business councilman Ninucciani moved to 'adjourn until ~;30 p.]
~Jionday evening, f~ugust 17th,1931. The motion -~as seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly ~',
Time of adjournment 8;50 o'clock ?3.m.,
of South San Francisco
Respectfully submitted,