HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-09-28REGULARLY ADJOlJ~:J~.-'.,D ].;];ETIEG .OF THE CITY COUECIL 0P THE CITY OF SOUTH SAlT Pi-L~NCISCO ~ · ~U~LD ~ ~.~ ~STH ,19~1. A regularlj adJournedmeeting of the City Council of the City of South San Prauei was held in the city hall Honday evening, September ~8th,19Z1. This meeting was called to order at 7;50 o'clock p.m. by councilman Joseph P. %uinlan,~,~yor of South San ~ancisco. ROLL CAT, T,. Roll call found all member~ of the c'ouncil present,to-wit;- Councilmen,¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, l~:.L~inucciani R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omi~sions were approved as read. k conm~unication was received from trfe Pac;[fic oas & Electric Company· requesting permission to cut a trench £0 inches, 6' IT.of tP.e ,~.pre'p',~rty line of First Lane,100' westerly~ from. }~!aple Avenue. Referred to counciln:a Tibbetts and the desired permit granted. Eotice was received from D'a.~e Ratto of Bond Polic~ Eo. S54£SO1,'k~rs. E.Ottenfie]~d being due. Policy ordered renewed. The South San Francisco Police Department requested p~rmission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,Saturday evening October ::rd,19Z1..Permission grauted. Five Dollars for the payment of extra police 'helxt accompanied the request. R.Bisagno,secretary of the South Sa~ Prancisco volunteer fire department, on behal 3f the organization· thanked the city council for their action taken in paying the expenses of a volunteer fireman delegate to the Cal:fornia State Firemen's Convention at ,Santa Rosa. ~cept~ and filed.. A communication was received ,from ]~.I~Belli & Company notifying the council that th, compa~:Y 'is handling ~r. bulances, Cen~ral L~.otors, Chevrolets and Buick cars, and inviting the take advantage of tl:e present low prices. Camm:unication accepted and placed on file. IT0.66- ~ouncilman Z:inucciani introduced a resolution and order providi:'g for the issuanc, of st:~eet improvement bonds·describing t~ denominations of such bonds and the interest coupons attached· under proceedings E0.66, Swift irenue:payement. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City counc il; - t o-wi t - ~ Ayes, Coumcilmen, ¥.Boido,R. Lloyd, ~,1.Lm:inucclani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. IToes, Councilmen,rone,Abseut ,Councilmen,17one.Y~ttest Daniel !fcSweeney, City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolu~.ions, ~ol.2 at page 551. ~SOLUTIOE I':O. PROC~DIi,~Go 6?. Counciln~n Tibbetts introduced a resolution and order ?.roviding for the fzsuance of street improvement bonds prescribing t .e denominations of such bonds and the interest couponl attached, under proceedin£s,IIo.67, Third Street,Town of Baden~ widening,etc., The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all'tLc members of tLe city council., to-wit-- Ayes, C:uncilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, t?.Kinucciani,~.Tibbotts,Josept: ?.Quinlan. roes, Cou~:cilmen,rone,Abse:'~t, Co~mcilmen,_~'one,.Attest Daniel Z:cSweene~, _ Cit3 Clerk. Recorded i:: book of resolutio, ns,vol.£,at page ...ced ~- ~ualmann inquired if tLe city v-ould request the Pacific Gas ~.. El:~ctric Corn-f-any to remo~'e.certain poles and wirer from t'Le sidewalk an their property om Linden ~venue at Piail'road 2~renue. Referred to c.ouncilma~, Tibbetts for investigation. Claims in the sum of ~490.64 vzere next presented to the council for payment.on .t:otion !':-~co~:no~iran Tibbetts,seco~ded .ordered p~id. S~:rvice Garage Nachine L.Penna ?eninsUla Ice Co ~uz., ~rlor Steam Laur~dry Fred J.Laut ze ~ .Lemeg~ini, Judge Edw. Farrell Joseph P. Quinlan Reese Lloyd z~od Tibbetts Vic. Boido D~n ~cSweeney Eugenio Z~ilani :¥,.,., co,~ncii~,an. Lloyd,. and re~uiQrly c~arried the claims -'..'. o0 repairs :?]_re truck" f' ..7~ t~ilet paper ~ o 5.25 distilled wa terY.Dept~ .50 ~.'ash,fire ho.1 .). ~.86 " " " ~ ~ ~ 2~ g~s, ~re ~ept. M17.00 sweepin6· streets ~78.75 k~pe:~,ses to Ik~i~o Conv't ~60.00 ¥~. 00 " " " ~ " ~aS0.00 " " " " ~; 60.00 ,, ,, . . ~ ~. 00 " " " " ~0. 00 ~arnishing Citj H~ll Drs~.14 00 wee Time of adjo~rnment, 8;45 o'clock San £r~ncisc o. P, esr, ectful 13' su?m~t'ed ~/ There bein.~ no furthez business be?ore t~e board co~,ncil~.an iii,:ucciani moved to ~djourn until the next re!.~ulsr ~eetin~, i/onday, October 5th,19211 at. 7;55 o'cioc~: S.m. The metier was seco~':~ed by co~mcilman Tibbetta~ an~ ~'e~ful~ ~,~y ~a~ried.