HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-10-05~lfJ'JU~R ~ETII~G 07 '~.~ CiTY CC)Ui;CiL OP Ti~ CiTY OF
~'~ FP~NC 1SC 0, P~LD Lo~,~Y, ~C ~ OBE~
~,~H, ,19gl.
The reFular ~:~eetin~ of the cit5~ council of the ~it~' of Soath ~an Francisco was
· na=l Londay evening, October Sth,~9Zl.
held in the cit~,' '
The meetin~ was called to order st V;gO o' '
c~.oc~ r.m. by co.citroen Joseph
Quinlan, Mayor of South San Francisco.
i{ol! call found all members of 't~:':~ council present, to-~,~it;-
Councilmen, V.~oido,P~.L!oyd, ld.~iinucciani,E.%ibbetts,Jo~.:et, h P.Quinlan.
..~e minutes of tko previou~ meeting wmre read. Tkere being no errors or omi~ions
they were aT, proved as r~ad.
A~plication was made by the harmony c]~,b of South.-San Francisco, Verna ~$~Bertolozzi,
for permission to run ~d~y afternoon d~ ~ in 2r~,tern~i
~,nce. "all from 2 p.m.to 6 'p.m. co~r~e~cin~
S~dsu, October 18th,~gZ1. A permit of 90 day~ dur~.tion was gr~nted during good conduct of iLe
orgm~ation, and proper Folice protection secured by the order ~nd ?.id for by the same.
Conncilmau Liinucciani, secretary of theo~=~,'-,~v S~n Francisco Athletic Club ~ddre~sed
g letter of ~ ~ ~
~h~nx~ on behalf of the or?niz~tion to the cit~~ couucii for the ~if ~'sndeza~ uhe club
on and durinc tho L~bor D~7 Celebration, ?ept.e:?~ber last. A~cepted ~.nd -rlaced on file.
The z- · ·
~ :~cific Tel & Tel Co~:yuny requested pe~'mission to znstall g three ~ncb iron ?tie
l~teralfrom i .e ~.anhole at the Junction of LJnd~n and ~anforan Avenues to the city line.
Referred. to councilman Tibbetts and the desired permit granted.
Andy Sorenson, gl9 ~[iller Avenue, requested the inst~llation of an ~ddition~;.l l~ght
in Fourth Lane between ,,,~t. le and Linden Avenues Referred to Councilmen Minucciani ~nd Ti%~,etts
for investigation and retort.
The Pacific Coast ~ufldinM Officit~ls Conference requested the city t.o rend its
in~ iuspector to the annual convention at Berkeley,October ~th to 10th. ~ayor Q~ihl~n reque~t%d
~uildinF Inspector o ~
..e.tty to attend if he ~esired.
A s~ritten report ,:as zeceived from fire Chief Welte of the convention of ?he i~cific
Co~?~t 's~-ociation of fi~'e chief~ at S~n Diego. The re!crt covezed all ph~es of tls conventions
'?rocecdi:ags. ~he chief si~to8 to t_e co~ncil thai amon~z o~her lire a!pzr~tus ~mprovements in
pros]~ee~ i~ 'Lo chanzein~ TM of thre~s of hydrants :=nd ho~e to ti:e"'St~ndard~ztation of ho~e
within u per'lcd c~ = f{ve ~m~..rs.~e. ~' g~ied ~]?=.~ conventSor. '~s the ]ar~ze~", ?aciflc-Coast A~ocsation
of fire chiefs ever he]8. The ~,:~yor thanked the chief for Li~ ~ [tention and dill?once ~,i the
The monthly re!errs of tbs Chief of ~ ' ~
, zo~ice,~,~iiding Ins~.~ctor,City T're~surer,
~lre Chief and City Clerk were subr:itted to the co~:ncil ~nd ~)ccepted.
'~,u~ ~ceived from Jo~'n ~, :ne~etti, owner f lot l,~]cck
200 3zan8 Avenue, South f~m ~rancisco,C-,iifornia s:c8 ' .v. . ,
the proyo?ed in~y, rovement z~ork on Grand Avenue under -proc,~:edinzs Nc. TS, ~Le installation: of ~ev~ ,
lights ~y, on ~rand Avenue 7rom Division Street to St,ruce ~venae The ?~otest contained
The co,tncii ordered tLe protest ?laced on file
Eeed ,~q~ ,ja,=ii~,an requested action on their request to the cit>~, to h~ve l,}~e Pac-~fi~
~ ..... ;~'~ f~'ont of '[Leiz property, off tLe si~ev,~!k,
~: .... lectric Co~ ::~.~ h~.ve certain voles removed f~'om
~,~nd cartoon .o!es and wires removed from their ian~. ,',~7or Q~'inl~n ~t~te~! the council would he
]:,lead. ed to meet with teed 5 .~ualm~n ~_~nd ~n.V time, , nd ~,re.,ue~' ted the city Clerk to so inJ'orm them.
Clm~ms in ~he amouz:t of ~;l~0,Vf :.ere n;kt pze~ented to the city council for
t,s~ent. 0n motion b'v councilman L!o[d econd~ :'y co~,~,cilm.~.n '.zo_~,tts ~,nd re~uza~l~ c;~rried the
claimr we]'e ordered
._. ,_ ': 'e.~: "5 O0
~oe ~ernardo, atten~in? z~l v, ·
~.~,,yerie " " ::'5 O0
Louie Sew~res "~ " ~ [.00
~.Jo?..n~:o:} ;; "etc 50
E.Sen,,rdini " " ~ ~ 50
A.~chmzat " 5 O0
' ~ " "~'5 O0
B.2rovn " " ~ [.00
G.cani " 5.00
J.Ferri " " Y
E.Ko~I ows'ki ,, ,, ~ 5.00
~, 5.00
A,Colombo " " ~) 5.0C
E,Galli " " ~ 5,00
~a, ul Bari]ton Tire a!~rri ,u~int~na~ce ~eFt, ~20'00
A.johnson ~leanin?z' Jail ?e~'te~]~er ,. 5.00
'/,' 4 25
Lous ~el_ioni · feeding' ~ri~'oners ~{I~t, ~ ~1
6.Heard attend~n~ fi~es ~=, ~ 00
J.Weich z, emovin~ do,z~, c~ts Se?t, ~27 50
There beinC no further business' ?,ere, re the council councilman ~z,bett~
to adjourn ,mt!l the next regular meetin;~,.~ L:onday,, October lgth,~.o]~c~, ~,t 7;L0 o'c]ock
The n~otion ~',',~s seconded by counci].m~n Lloyd ~:n~ regularly c~:,rried.
Time of ~djournment ~...!5 o'clock i~/m.
F,e~lcectffNlly submi.tted ,/
they were approved as r~ad.
A~plication was mr~d.e by the h~rmony climb of South.-Sa.n Franci~ c¢,, Verna ~.~erto]ozzi,
for permission to run ~und~y afternoon dances in ~ .... .
~r~,ternv, i ~,]! from 2 ]~.m.to 6 'o.m conmencin¢
Sund~v, October 18th,~gZ1. A permit of 90 day~ dur~tion v, as cr~nted ~uring ~:~,~od conduct of tlc
org~tion, and proyer to,ice ?rotection ~ecured b7 the order and ?aid for by the same.
Cooncilmau L~inucciani, ~'ecretary of the South e
~n Francisco AthJetic C~ub ~ddre~
~ letter of ..... ,~o ~.e city couucii for the ~i~ :~derad he
~n~ on behalf of the orgeniz~tion to ~ -
on snd durin~i the Lsbor D~7 Celebration, ~ept.ember last. Aocepted ~.nd ~laced on file.
The Pucific Tel & Tel Cot:yany requested permission to install ~ three inch iron ]~iIe
l~teralfrom t ~e ~anhole at the JunCtion off LJnd~n and Tanforan Avenues to the city line.
Referred. to councilman Tibbetts and the desired permit ~ranted.
Andy Sorens'on, ~ Miller Avenue, requested tLe inst:~ll~tion of s~n ~,ddition~l lzcht
in Fourth L~ne between L[a~le and Linden Avenues Referred to Councilmen L[inucciani ~nd
flor investifation ~,md retort.
The Pacific Coast ~uildin~ 0ffici~ls Con['erence requested the city t,o : end it~~ build-
in~ iuspector to the annuo, 1 convention at Berkeley,October 5th to 10th. l~laTor Quinl~n reque~:~t%d
.~e.tty to attend if he Jesired.
~uildin~ Inspector o ~
A written report v:as ~eceived from Fire Chief Welte of the convention of ~he Eacific
Co~t As~-ociation of fi~e chief~ ~t S~n Diego. ~' = .
~I ph~es of ILe conventions
proceedings. ~he chief s!ated to t~_e oo~ncii t~t amon~ olher lire a~'F~r~tu~ ~mprovements in
prosl~ee~ is ~he chan~ein~TMof thre~s of~- ~*~ '
.. nymra~ ~nd hose to tl:e"'St~nd,a, rdiz~,tion of hose
within u per'iod of five irears.~e s{ried ~he convention v:~s the l.': .= ~'~. ~
~ .r,.e, ,, Pacific'Coast As~ocuation
of fire chiefs ever held. The },:u, yor thanked the chief ~or Lis r ~tention and dilicence ,~,~ ~he
oui~dins Insyactor,CitI~ T~ebsurer,
The monthly re~ort~' of the Chief of Police, ~ ~ .
Fire Chief and City Clerk were subr,::itted to the eo~ncil ~nd sccepted. ~:,~. THE Ci~~ COUNCIL '~ ~"~
?'"~ ' ~'~'~ "" Debenefetti owner of lot t,~',]ock
C~L~:~:u,t~ 'a~s ~$c~ived."from John I,
200 Ozand Avenue, ~outh fhm 2rancisco,C~lifornia, sr, 8 J~.J.Sc~:,.!ini, ~'~torney, ?rote~tin~
the pro~,o~ed improvement work on Grand Avenue under 'procaedinFs t~o.TZ, LLe installatio~ of
lights ~pon ~rand Avenue [~rom Division Street to S~,ruce ~venue The l~rotest cont~ined lS~points:j
The co~tncil ordered tlc ]~rotest placed on file
~.eed (t ~u~ii~:,an requested action on their ~'-eque~t to the cit~J to h~ve tlc Pacafib Gas.
~, ,:~le~:~ric Co:~u~ h~ve certain Toles removed f~'om t~Le front of tLeir property, off t~e siSev,~!k,
:~:r,d cert~on ,oles a~d wires removed from their lanTs. ],~yor Q~inl~n ~'tate8 the council would he
l?le~e~ to meet w/th Reed ~ '~u~l~nan snd shy ~'-' . .
~.,e, ~:nS,,z'e~ue~ted the city Clerk to so iu~'or~
Ol~im~ in the amount of Ol~O;V[ ~¥eze n,f~t pk'e~ented to the city council for
ps~ent. On motion b'y councilman Llold ~econd~ hy coancilman Tibbetts snd - ~'~.-- y
rea~l,:~l~ c;~'ried tho
ordered paid.
]~oe ~ernardo, attending fizes
J.Mayerie " "
Lol~ie Sev~i'es "' "
E.Venturi " "
" "
E. ,~ e n~r ~ ini "
~. Schmi d t '~ "
G.$~ni " "
J.Ferri "
A. Col omb o " "
E.Galli "
2~,ul Han'i]ton fire all, rtl maintenar~ce ~ept,
A.Joi:nson cleaning J~il ?e!'tenber
Lous Belioni · feedin~ prisoners ~pt,
O.iieard attending fi:es
? .[enoski " "
J.Wei~h removing do~s, cats Sept,
5 '100
~ .00
£. 50
· ~'. 14 O. 'lb
,~ere beinC no further business before the council councilman ?it,bett~ moved
to adjourn ,mtil the ne:<t re~ular~ meeting, !~ond~Tf,, October lC, th. ,193], ~,t 7'[30, o'c~ock I.n:,
The motion v;as secended by councilman Lloyd ~nd ~'eful,~r!:f c~rried.
~ime. of ~djournment c,..~_~,,.~ o'clock i~,/m. ,~
. , ~/1~ of ~out]t'2~n },lroncz.eco.
~e~icect£Nlly submi'.tted~, /