HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-10-19 TLe regular mooting of t'e cit~ ~ouncil of the City of South San Francisco was he: in t~o cits: La_,l ~ohday evening,October 1'~,l~,~l. The meeting was called i~o order ~'t 7;50 o'clock p.m. by councilman Joseph 2.Quinla~ !fayor of South San Fra~:cisco. Roll call found all mer,:bers of ',he city council present, to-wit;- Cou~cilmen, V.Eoido,R. Lloyd, ¥.Einucciani,Z.Tib~etts,Josepk ?.Quinlan TLc minutes of the r. revious m~uc~tirg v'-re read. There being no errors or omissions were ap}ro-,e~ as reaa. Zequest :.'as made bj tlc ~utL C~ty 'Aerie Eagles Drum Cor~s for per~.isSion to kol~ in Fraternal Hall Sat':~.rday evening,October ;'1,19.51. ~ermission granted. ~e ~zoud of :un~cipal Judde~_~' . Parrell expiring Yovember z~th, O.Z~.Ratto ~-:as aut] to renew tLe .... ~ __. ~ ~' " ~ ,,,ermlssio~ to A oO~ unicatio~% v/as r~cei%ed frok The ,~ood,~,;l~l l,,dust~-ies recueotln~ 1 solicit for discarded articles of all descri tions to be turned over to tko poor and n ?ermission granted. Irma Oalli,Seoretary of the Re ina Elena Circle Ye.70, the Drui&ess, re(~uested pert cn behalf of the circle to ho1& a sport dance on December Sth,1951. Permission granted. S~ ~ateo PPost l!o.8E,i~erican L-.gio, n requested permission to hold ~ Turkey Shoot Belle Air Island ~ ' ~- ' ~ ~ ,,~tu~a~,s and Sun~s %e,:u'een }7ovember Lst and Janu=r~ lst,19ZE. ~ermission granted. TLis boi~:2' tlc date set for tL bpening of bids for the installation of electrolie: ~.r~ld Avenue,bet~,~'een Division Street a~nd 7pruce Avenue, council~nn Tibbetts moved tko bids be opened. The motion was secondef, by council ~ ],{inucciani and regularly carried. The followin, bids "ore receia-~-d and H.O.Reid Company, ~16, ~ 00 Walker .Uartin Company, R.Platland ~16 ,~99.00 }utti~ Electrical Equipment Co. Oltj Improvement Compar.y ~?16,618.00 Butte Electrical g: !..~an~Afg,Co, ~ke Walker l~artin Company :','as +' ~:: lo:"est bidder On motion by oounc~l,:an Yinucclan~ ~b~etts, ax~ ~e~u._ rig carried *~'.- ~ids were ord<~red to the clt~ engi~ seconded by councilman m. , ~ . ....... ~ office for ex. mznatzo., and a tentative a~~'- ~, ~s. ent nap of tl.e district affected ordored made, ~me ~o ~ placed in t,.e city cl:~rk's offics for exhibition to -pzo?.erty owners. Attorney Seam] o,~ that the incidentals end oo..~, ,. added to tLe bOntractor's bid to show tko total cost of tT_~ t.,ori: ~r front foot. ~o o~dc~rod. A.i,[o~we~:e., :'as ~.r?.nted a build' iermit tO roof c store ~t S Di~-i~ion Street. The ~tew Li.hoo!n I~srh~-t '.vas 6'ran:::,d ~ermizsion to construct : garage in tl.e rear of market, on T~!rd Lane. ~ermission granted. St eve Carbarino ~-'',r ~ ._. ' ~.}~seare~ before '].~ city council an~ requested that step~ ho taken to construct s ~odestrian underpass fro~:. .... st to ~',~est ~t a%out Butler Road on the Few Highnay for the ~rotection th'~ ~eo;~le. q:.~'ineer Xnees ex]~lained tLe sar, e would cost ap~roxlm~" ~' f'SO, ~00, a prohibitive ~mov~t at the i:r cent time. .. recess of fire minutes v.'a.s declared b Quinlan. 0n tlc re-aLpearance of the boa.'d the roll call found the following members present. V,Boido, R. Lloyd, t% i, inucc iani,.~°. ?ihbet t s , ..~o seph ~. Quinlan. ~'rs. Carrie E 'Jinterhalter reminded t!._e council to be~in Dre!'ar~tions -~or the --~ of %]~e ar roac].i, ng Christmas, tLe li.htin; of the civic center Christmas Tree and t?'_e distril of'candies to the city's children. P'~-or,.~ Quinlan stated in response he had not forgotten the g'r-at event and would name co~'~_ittees ...... next meeting of the council, tfonday, Fovem~er f-~ The.~'-' or stat~d in re~:ard_ to "' pro~osaa.., road in ~'ec'~'s~. Lots from Randolph tLe ~artin ~ heel he ~ ~s in touch with ....... ~ sitiation ..nd it rould be some time before the Ctai~:~s in ti_e amount of .~.91. were next 'j' ~ d for payment. On motion by cou~ Boido se.-onded by co-~ciln'~n Lloyd ~-nd :'e_~.larly c~ried tlc amours were ordered paid. I~ew Lincoln ~'arket, Brilliantshine,fire dept '~ 1.40 II.Ee&eghini, Jenning' s ?rarmaoy !~to's Service Station Prod J. Laut ze Rig's sera-ice Station The Hub, swee in: streets fumi.' a tots gaso- ine fi re &ept rep. ~i e curtain fi~e ~iasol:.ne fire dept, 6 bed sheets f~re dept, dept Patrlck-~oloe-~inkner co ta:: ate stamp,19Z1 ~antlni & i%occucoi The E~t erprise V. CiaMella, ~upe, r~or Steam Laul~l~dry Her. Scamptni C .Heard bed '.q.eets,fire dept, noti~:es of sealed proposals bal. ~'.~ e ,trir_min-' trees wash :?ire ho.1 wash,fire ~o.~ gasoline p~lice dept, takir, g dorm flags 1.9~- 1.35 2~.10 8.34 ~.48 5.95 !0. ~0 5.71 4.58 52.05 4.20 TLere b~ind' no further busine,~,:'~ before tk'~ board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn ~onday el~ening, ~ovember End,19Zl,at 7; .... o clock p.m. The motion u'as seconded by councilmaz ~inucetani and regularly carried. Time of.'adjournr:ent, 8;45 O'cl~-~' ~ .... · . p.m. , Citp/Ol%rk. ~ previous were a?ro:~ed as read. 2equest ~:as made bj t~ ~ra~ernsl Hall 0at:~rdaF evening,October :'1,~9,~1. ~ermission granted. The ~-o~d of" ' ~:unzcipal ~' . Ratio u'as autk .,umce ~_ . ~arrell expiring November th, v 7,/'. to renew t~e bond. A co;~ unicatio~ was received , ~ro,,. TLe Coodwill !ndust~-ies recueot~n~ permission solicit' for discarded articles of all des,:ri tions to be tun]ed over to tlc l:oor a:~d n~edy. Permission az~z~''~ ~ted. Irma Oalli,Secretary of the Re i~:~a Elena Circle Fo.70, the Druidess, reqzested perm cn behalf of the circle t: hol~ a sport daxce on December Jth,193l. ~ermission grante~. S~ ~ateo :~Post Uo. SZ,.~nerican L [io:.'~ requested permission to hold a Turkey Shoot o Belle Air Island ~:~tu~ ........ ~s and ~unmajs %~,u'een Norember Lst and Januarj lst,1952. ?ermission granted. This bein[ tLe date set for tL 'bpening of bids for the installation of olectrolier f.r~d Avenue,between Division Street amd ~pruce Avenue, co~ciln~n Tib%etts moved the bids cpened. The motion was seconded by councii,~r~ !~inuc'ciani and regularly carried. The followin5 bids veto recei%-~d and opened;- H.C.Reid Company, $16,43£. 00 Walker ~:artin Company, ~:16,Z55.00 R.Flatland · ~16~9'9. O0 ~utt~ Electrical E~{~pmentCo..~4,~08~° ~...95 Citj Improvement Comi:ary f.}16,618.00 Butte Electrical & I.[an~fg,Co, :'17 , 631. 00 2.ke Walker ~:artin Compsny '::as t'~,'~ lo'.'est bidder. On motion bF councilman Yinucciani -~ t~ bids were ord,:red to tLe c~t~ engin seconded bF councilman Tibbet~s, and regu.~.~ri~ carried '-~ ' ~- effice for exsminatiou and a tentative assnss:ent map of tLe district affected ordered made, ~me to ~-~e placed in tLe city clerk's office for exhibition to prol:erty owners. ~kttorney Scamp request ~ -~ ~ ~ theft the indidentat.s ~.nd costs ~-o added to the b0ntractor's %id to skow the ai:proxi: total cost of tLe ,~or~. t:er .front foot. ~o ordered. .,.~.c,:v/e~ne., v:as ~ranted a bu~l~ .... ~ permit .th roof ~ store at ~ Di%~ision Street. The new Lincoln ~[arket was ar~n,~ed ~ermission to construct a carage ~ tLe rear of market, on TL:~rd Lane· ~ermission granted. ~teve Carbarino appeared ~efore the city co~cil and requested that ste~ bo taken to construct s ~:odestrian underpass fron: ~.~st to .est ~,t about Butler ..uad on the Few ~ayshor I~ ~ .~. , - ~_ig~ a~ for tke i:rotection t:':': ):eoitle. E~-~:ineer }fn%es ex~laine~ the san~.e would cost apLroxima' f~50, ~00, a prohibitive 2mov~t at the l~r~'~ent time. .I recess of five minutes v:as declared Quinlan. 0n tl_e re-a?pearance of the board the roll call fo~m~ the following members present,. V.Boido TM Lloyd ~f.iJinucciani ,°.Tibbetts.~ Joseph ~.: Quinlan. ~frs. Carrie E,Winterhalter ren%i~-ded the council to begin pre~jar?tions for tke celeb: of '~e ap roac].;.ng Chris,mas, tLe li~:~htin/ of the civic center Christmas T~ee and the distri~ of~canm_es''~ to the c~t~" -~ s c~].l~en.'-' ~ .... L~or' ....kuinlan ~tated in response he had not forgotten tke d,r~at ovent and would name con'zcittees ..... next meeting of txo council, Nonday, Fovemmer "'he ~a~or stato~ in regard to "' pro])osad road in ....... ' ~u~. s Lots from kandolpk k%-enue tLe ~'ar:~in ~,.hool he uss in touch with ti situation ,.~nd it would be some time before the Claims in the amo~t of ,;a~O.91. were next presented for payment. On motion ~y coun( Boido se onded ~y co-~ciln~n Lloy~ ~'nd re_~.larly c~ried tLe amours were ordere~ itaid. Uew Lincoln ~'arket, BrJ~' '~'~* ~ .... z~z~s~zne,fire dept 1.40 l~.Iiedeghini, Jenning' s Prarmac~ F:ic's Service Station Pred .Y. Laut ze Ric's sera'ice Station The Hub, swee in~ streets fumi. ators gaso~ ~ne fi re dept rep ~:i e curtain ~ jasollne fire dept, ~ bad ~heets f~re dept, dept Patrlck-Yoise-~inkner co ta:,: ate stamp,19Z1 -tantlni £: Aoccucci TLe E~It erprise V. Ciariella, ~uper~or Steam Lamldry Her. Scampini C .Heated b ed ..... .,_.~-ets,fire dept, ~:. 5.95 Noti~:es of eealed proposals ~'~ 10.~0 bal. he,trimmin~ trees ?~ZgV.V5 v;ash -fire ho.1 ~' 5.71 wash,fire ~o.2 4.58 ~ v ~2 05 5asoline police ~pt. ~ ,... takiu5 do~:m fflags ~ 4.50 , - !~ay~6rkoT South ~au Francisco. \ There b'~in~' no further busineL::~: before tke board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn u ~[onday el~ening, ~ov~mber 2nd,19Zl,at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman },{inucciani and regularly carried. Time cf.'adjournment, 8;45 0'cl:c;k p.m.