HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-11-02 RECULAR ~ETING OF ~q-~ CITY C0b2~CIL OF THE CITY OF ~ -~-~ ~ ~~ , H~D I,~0i~DAT, iTO~I~nd, 1 g Z1. The regula~ meeting of the city council of the City of South San Prancisco was held in the city hall ~fonday evening Lo~emo~r ~-n~, J1. ~ e meetin~ w~s called to ord~r ~t 7;Z0 o'clock p.~,. by ~.a,;or JosepL ~'.Qu.nlan. ,"~' ' " . R0~ C~. 2oli call fou~d all members of tLe cowncil present, to-wit;- Councilmen. V.Boido,iL.Lloyd,Ii.L'inucciani ,R.Tibbetts. Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions the~ were approved as read. i~equest was made by c.carl Ueller, ~nazr~:a~,Court of Honor,Troop ~70,Bo~' ~couts of ~erica, requesting permission to use the Codicil ~hambers in tlc cit$ hall for an evening sessim of the local Court of Eerier on I. ion~y evening,!(ovember 2Zrd,19Z1. Permission granted. ~k com~.~ication was received from the local i:~e~en rsking permiasion to hold a dance in Fraternal ~zall,We~es'~, ~'~ "- m~?,Thar~ks~i~'ing eve,Yovember ~oth,19Z1. z~rmission granted. = comn:unicction was rc~ceiw':d from J.J. Jo:dan,Zuierintendent of the Southern Pacific Compan~ requesting tl~e ~ity of Zouth :Z'sm Francisco to close two small areas included within tl.e offi'cial limits of Cedar Avenue, 3outL S~n Era.~cisco. Co~cilman Tibbetts moved that the pet'ti~ be denied a:o.d i~:~troduced a resolution of the Cit~ of :~outh S~_ Francisco denying the request the Southern !~acific Comp~ to close certain areas of Cedar 2,venue in the Cit~ of South Sm~ Fr~cisco.. The resolution was adopted by the m~animous vote of all the members of the cit~ . co~cil, to-wit-, " o~c~lmen, V.Boido, , , _~,es, C ' R.Lloyd, lt.!Jin~cciani R.Tibbetts Joseph P.quinlan. I~oes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, Nome. ,At t e s t Daniel }go Swe ene~ City Clerk. Recorded in ~ook of ltesolv, tions, Vol 2, at page 351. TL.e Pacific Cas ,2. Electric Comply requested permission to replace deteriorated Del'es on Badm:~ ~i~'enue,..~ear~ 0r~n<:e_ Avenue.llef.:rred to councilman Tibbetts and permission granted. .L -~tition '..~as received from thr~e ~roi.~rty owners req:esting the city to i~:slall a li:dht o:-, Laurel 2%'eT:.ue between Cra::d and Ba. en Lveuues. Zeferred to Councilman Tibbetts. ke,-uest ..... ~/as m:~de 'cj:' ~i "~ Z.~ien :.:tf~ Louis C Sanchez for perr::i~'~o~on to oI~en a business ' "m~es and sloe olish, at the ~.'/.Cor~:.er of grand ~venue and Division for the manufacture of ~.nL, . . street. !~eferred to Fire Chief Uelte Ins',:~ector B<:.attZ for i~:vestigation. ~k request for ~a refund of ~l.40 :for the cleaning of weeds was ,,~ :::$- Bertha ~328 L~ Avenus,cl:iming the weeds w~re cleane' %2.' Vt. }!oyos,i:eferred to Inspector Beatty. Leon D'.krtenay aiflied for a builfii:.s pern:it to construetand o)jerate a gasoline static and greasiuf, rack at the ~.',f.~or~-~er of ?aden ~ ~&2./~ess ~%'cnue.-ermission granted. The October monthl2 fey, errs of C]~i''~ of "olice Belloni, Inspector Ee~:*~,~,~, Judge ~rrell, Fire Chief 7elte and Cit~ Clerk !tco:~,'~,TneyO were Submitted to thr~ council and a'~jDroved wit]~ the t~.~an~s of ~a~or f~uinlan. Salia Wm. Drancis. was sworn in as e.ut~: -o'ma~master ~m~der ...... ~ou~mster Jo,~.~ ....... ...~lch, ~ction or: ~roceedinds ~o.73, tLe :'~ oaed i::stallation of electroliers o~ Crand ~-enue between Division 7t::eet and S[.ruce Lxe::ue .... o~:~ti~o~;ed until !7ovember 16th and t],s clerk inszructe& to write a return questionaire postal to' ~ach iroperty ovmer asLiz~d: if ti-e7 ~,,'ish tlc ~,,ori: done at the ~,~esent time or at ~ later date. =[ttorne:. ~ ..... ..... ~ oc~,~p~ requested tlc c 'm~cil.to have the i, ostal ~::clude the cueation : s to '~ther tho pro-f~ert7 oumer %:;,shed to ~:~ th,: worz done at a later date, ~Le Learizd' o-~ l-,rot-~s u:~der pro, ec;dinc:s . ~ .. :,*ta, the i~:stallatio~ ~f electroliers on . .... ~--,.~ -, z ' 1932 Crand Aw-onue ~etweeE. ''%,rue,- e Avenue and the Vi. ~on !::o~d ~,,ao continue,, uttil Ja~,~r~ ~t~, . at 7;30 o'clock C.C.Cooper reque~:t~ l ermz~sion to construct.a z~ortable dining room on lot 19,block t46. Permission denied. Chief Belioni ~-eprorted prodress or~ Lis investigation cE conditio~s i~ertaining to proposed construction of an ~derpass o~ tlc Z-~ B~'uno Roa~ from Butler :~ioad to Peck's ~ote. Citizen ~teve Carbarino zei. orte~ '~ .... · ' ,~-.~zng t,~a~, three underpasses could be construczed for the szm of F24000. ~,a~:or Quinlan declared a recess or.five minutes. 0n tLe re-cinching of the session_,~.~-~' members of the cotneil answered the roll call, '~.Lloyd,l,%l./inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan'. to-wit;- Councilmen,V. Boido, ~. Under the head of Coed ar:d Welfare !~ayor Quinlmn anno~ced i~ conne tio;u o~ tlc forth. coming CLristmas Tree Celebration he would cal, u' on all re~idents of ~outL. can _:~m~sco to -el~ him brin[; the cel6bration to a great success, ~d called -~or a mas' ~:eeti:';[~ to be held ir, the .~l Tuesday eveniug,November 10th,1°~ Cliims ir~. the amo'~t of ~1149.70 e~e r:ext presented to the' co:ncil for psyn~ent. On motion by councilwoman Boido,seconded bL coun.ilman I&oyd tho amounts were ordered paid. C. Ifeard Hanging flags $ 6.21. R. Bisa gno " 6.21 a. Johnson " 6.21 A. Montini labor on ditch ~d. ~'~ay 20,25 ~. Bellone " 1Z.50 ~'. Mattie " 18.00 L. Rowe " 18.O0 C. Gaia " 1Z.50 A. ~irati " 22.50 M. Garcia " 20.25 F. Pistono " 13.50 C. Bertoldi " 9.00 J. Dancak " 20.25 F. Casagrande " 15.75 J. Welch ~emovin'g dogs and cats Oct. £9.50 E. Smith attending fires 2.50 A. Schmidt " 2.50 C. Brizzi " 2.50 R. Petrocchi " 2.50 A. Johnson " ~ 2.50 ~:: com~'.~m, ication was received from tke local F. ed~aen ~skind permi::.sion to hold a dar:ce in Fraternal Hall,We~le ~o~,m~Z1. Permission granted. ' communicction was raceiv~,d from J.J. Jo~dan,3ulerintendent of the Southern ~acific Oorr. pan~ requestin;j tle ~ity of :~o~.tn ,~m Prancis~co to c=ose two ~m~zl areas included within tl.e official limits of Cedar Avenue, ,3oath ~ o~.n Era..cisco. Co~cilman Tibbetts moved that the petlti~ be denied and iutroduced a resolution of the Cit~ of touth Sa~. Pra, ncisco den~:ing the request the Southern ~ ,' ~ .... -acz.~zc Compa~ to close certain areas of Cedar ~kvenAe in the Citj of SoutL Er~cisco.. The resolution was a~opte~ by the unanimous vote of all tLe members of the cit~ co~cil, to-wit-, f~:es, Co~cilmen, V.Boido, ~.Llo.,d, l%~,znAcciani, R.Tihbetts, JoaepL ~.quinlan. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, 2~tt est Daniel l~cSweene~ ' Citj Clerk. Eecorde~ in ~ook of i[e-soi~tions, Vol 2, at page 351. TLe ~acffic ~a~ ~,: Electric Comply requested permission to replace deteriorated poles on Baden ~k~enue,..~ear~ 0r~n~::e~ Avenue.llefcrred to councilman Tib~etts and permission granted. .i -etition ',?as received from thrr'e : roperty owuers req;.esting tke city to install a liffht of laurel A%'er. ue between Crud and Ba, en Aveuues. Leferred to Councilman Tib%etts. kecuest. ~,as. ...... m~.de by R TM S.~fen an2 Louis C Sanchez for perr::i~'~'~on to olden a bus,ness for tLe manufacture of i~ ~-~ ~ ..... ,m~.es an~ sloe olisL, at the r '~ ?orner of Crand ~kwen~e and .Division street. Neferred to Fire Chief ?;elte Ins-~:~ector ~eatt~~ for investigatioN. ~k request for s refm~d of ~%i.40 :,for the cleaning of weeds ?:as made ~':~- ~ertha Hoyos, ~-;~3~8 L~ ~kvenus,cl:-iming the wee~o ~re cleane, 2? ~r. Hoyos,Neferred to Inspector Beatty. Leon D'~rtenaz ~illied for a h~l,.~:~.~ permit to construotand operate a ~asoline static and gre~.sin;j rack at the Y.',f. corner of ~aden f: .it/tess i~rcnue.- ermission granted. The October monthly' reports of C]~iof of~['olice Belloni, Inspector Eeatty, Judge ~rrell, Tire Chief Uelte and Oit~ Clerk !~cS~,/~:eney were Submitted to th~'~ council and . ~ or Quinlan. 5alia ?fm.i'rancts. was sworn fn as ~:elut2 ..... ~ ~ution oR Proceedin[s Yo.73, the ro osed installation off electroliers on Crand ~-enue between Division ?treet and 2prate ~r~ii~ ~ ~gtponed unt~l ![ovember 16th and tl,e clerk ins:ruc~e~ to write a return questionaire postal ~o' ~ach'prop~rty ov~er asking if tt.ey wish the ',,' at tke present time or at a later ~ate. AttorneL Scampini requested the c~m~cil.to have tke iostal ir~clude the ~uestion "s to 'q~ether the property ovmer wished to ha~e tho work done at a later ~ate, ~ the installation ~f electroliers on ~he hearing of protests under proceedings ~rT4, Crand Avm~ue between ~pruue Avenue and the ~fi,:~.on !{cad was continuea mtil Jan~ry at 7;30 o'clock p.m.' C.C.Cooper requested permission to construct.a portable dining room on lot f46. ~ermission denied. Chief ~elioni ~eprorted pro[ress on l~is investigation of con~itious pertaining propos:~d construction of an m%derpass on the Z~: Bruno Road from Butler Road to Peck's Lots. Citizen 2teve C-ar~arino reported '~'-in~~..~ that three ~mmerpas~s could be construczed for the s'o~m of ~[24000. ~,azor %uinlan dec!are~ a recess ~.fire minutes. On the re-openin~ of the session all members of tke cotn<-:.il answered tke roll call, z~ z.,.=zubetts, to-wit;2 Couneilmen,V. Boido, _,.Lloyd,!%Linucciani,~ ='' Jo~opk P.Quinlan'. · Under ~'- ~ of "- .:~uznl~n anno~ced in conne~ tioi'i of the fforth- ~e beam Coo& a~d Welfare ~a~-or r · coming Christn!as Tree Celebration he v,'oule ~z~ u on all residents of Couth. ~ ~ ~ ' him %ring the celebration to a great success, r~'~d called ~'or a mas~ ~::eetixi to ~e hel& ir, tLe Ctt2 Hall Tuesday eveniug,Eovember 10th,19~ C!iims ir the ar~o'm~t of ~1149.70 c~i~e Rext presented to the council for !:syrient. 0n motion b,-r council:,~an Boido,seconded bL ooun .ilrzc, n -': ~n~_; amounts were ordered paid. C. t~eard R. Bisagno ~. Johnson A. Montini V. Bell one '~'. ~attie L. Rowe C · C, aia A. ~[irati ~[. Garcia F. Pistono C. Bertoldi ~. Dancak F. Gasagr~nde J. Welch R. Snith a. Schmidt ¢. Brizzi R. Petrocchi A. John~ on DuSle~ Perkins DuPle [ ~erkins Hanging flags $ 6.21 " 6.21 " 6.21 labor on ditch Snd. ~¥ay 20,25 " 1Z .50 " 18. O0 " 18.00 " 13.50 " 22.50 " 20.25 " 1S. 50 " 9 · O0 " ~0 .~5 " lg. 75 ~emovin'g dogs and cats Oct. 29.50 attending fires £.~0 ,, 2.50 ,, £. 50 ,, 2.50 " ~ 2.50 tires ~nd re,aires motorcycle 18.flZ rmintenanc e motoroygl~ 4.25 Dudley ]~erkin~ joe Lomb~rdi A. Johnson Roy's rep$ir ~hop N, Medeghini Roy's Repair Shop Joe Bernardo R. BisRgno B. J. Rodondi ~ m~teri~ls and service wash, etc police c~r clean J~il Oct. service & u~teri~ls police car labo~ ~wee?ing street oil'~ police de?t. service stock yards Ins. prem. Pol. ~A¥790009 Total - - - 8'2,0 6,50 5.00 2.80 49.50 4.90 20.,30 20.00 7'/O.80 1149' 70 There being nO further business before the board Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting,~onday,Nov~n~ber 16th,1931 at 7;Z0 o'clock p., TLe motion was se seconded by councilman Boido and regularl? carried. Time of adjour~E%ent, 9;15 o'clock D.m. Respectfully submitted,