HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-11-16REGUT,A_R ~TING 0P THE CITY 00UNCIL OF THE CITY 0P SOUTH SAN I~RANOI$00, ' HELD NONDAY,NOVEMItER 16th, ;1951. The regular, meeting of the city council of the City of South ~an ~ranoisoo was hel~ in the city hall Monday evening, November 16th,1931, The meeting, was called to order at ?;30 o'clock p.m. by Mayor. Joseph P.0uinlan. ROLL CAIn. Roll call ~Ound all members of the council present;to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd,~M. Minucciani,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinl~. The minutes of the previous meeting were ~read. There being no errors or omissionS they were approved as read. A communication was received from the Industrial Relations Division of Labor Statistics and~aw Enforcement of the State of California suggesting a~Uniform Recced cf ~he United States Citizenship of Employees on Public Work to be kept by contractors and sub-centract~ and requesting all cities and counties to handle public work according to the suggested U~lform Record. The clerk was instructed to write for copies of the proposed measure. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission, to open a 20" trench N. of the S.line of Butler Road at the east line of Industrial Way to replace a section of 2" gas main. Referred to councilman ~ib.betts and the desired permission granted. A petition was received from seven residents and property owners in the vicinity of Railroad Avenue between Magnolia and Orange Avenues, requesting the city to install additaonal lights in that section. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. Request was made by the South 3au ~rancisco Volunteer ~ire Department for a permit to hold a Whist party and ~ance in ~raternal Hall November 21st,1931, till 1 o'clock a.m. Permit g~anted. Not!es was received from the Lwague of California Municipalities that the proceedings of the Nonterey ~onvention were ready for sale in book form at $1,~0 and $2.00. Communica~ion ordered filed. Request was made by the N0rthside Taxpayers ~rotective Association of South S~u ~ranoiSoo that trees be planted in the areas bordering Cypres Avenue and Armour Avenue from the Bay~hore High- way to School Street and in a portion of Olive Avenue, in the parking spaces. Request accepted and ordered placed on file, Mayor Quinlan stating it is the intention of thecity to proceed with such work whenever the city finances would allow of the expenditures. Another communication was received from the Northside Taxpayers Protective As,ociation of South San ~anciaco relative to the relief of ~ne~ployment in this city, and suggested work start immediately on park improvement, a~at~ngLslow P~ogress was being made along these l£nes, and that public money was being spent on work not the business of the city. The communica;ion requested that when the improvement of parks begins residents with dependant::~famllies be given first preference. ~,~yor Quinlan stated the cleaning of s~wers an* sewer maintenance is?, ~f the most Vital importance, and requires municipal attention before parks or playgrounds on any kind. He stated work would be given the poor o~ the as soon as the taxes are collected. Councilman Lloyd stated industrial Way is a city street, and, therefore Industrial Way drainage sewer as well. RESOLUTION ORDERING TPT~ PURCHASE OF A BUICK CAR. Councilman Boido ~'~:: :.~,~-, :.,fL introduced a resolution ordering the purchase of m Buick automobile for the City of South San ~rancisco,and inviting sealed proposals for the same to be received on Monday the ?th of December,1931 at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council.- to-wit;- Ayes, Councllmen,V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest~:':~:Daniel McSweenep City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 at page 352. According to the questionaire cards returned relative to the proposed installation of new lights on Grand Avenue from Spruce Avenue to Division Street, the resl~l~ proved about even,approximately 50 per cent for the work and the same against. The council decided to postpone final action till Monday evening,December ?th, in order to give the property owrers further time to answer their questionaires. The White Cat ltd{ and Bye and poli~h Company was granted permission to enga~ge in business at No. 6 Division Street,after recommendation by the fire chief. With reference to the request of Citizen Steve Garbarino for the construction of an underpass or overpass at Butler Road and the Highway, Chief Belloni reported the number cf pedestrians crossing at th~s point considerable less than at Gramd Avenue and the highway. The matter was laid over. AfteT a recess of five minutes Councilmen Boido,Lloyd,Mlnucciani, Tibbetts an& 0uinlan answwred the roll call. Fred Brown reported that Butler road is in bad condition and should be repaized. Referred to councilmanTlbbetts for investigation. Claims in the amount of $237~.79 were next presented to the council for payment;, Joe Bernardo, service at stockyards beef show R.Blsagno, " " ' " " B.J. Rodondi, public liability insurance,city La Mat's Garage gasoline police dept Schwabacher - ~rey Co ~00 crime reports A.V.Lake & Co, police codes ,, W.P.Fuller Co traffic white police dept " " " 2 gals traffic white" A.Oarlisle & Company 150 police hooks of arrest Dudley Perkins rep motor cycle ~ " ~ service on motor cycle 20.00 20.00 '~??0.80 43,15 4.11 10;00 24.50 4.30 85. ?8 8. O9 3.00 2.25 " " ". " -" ' $ $.15 Chas Lema taking connie',Butler Road passers~ 10.O0 Standard _Super-eervi¢~eSt'ation gaS-oil police dept 8 9.~ ~.,J,t,aut"Ze gas-~il,pollce dept S ~O.12 I~ank Robinson supplies police dept ~ 21.10 gg g a Uniform Recoed of ,he United States Citizenship of Employees on Public Work to be kept by contractors and sub-centraot~ and requesting all cities and counties to handle public work according to the suggested U=iform Record. The clerk was instructed to write for copies of the proposed measure. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission to Open a 2,0" trench 2,5' N. of the S.line of Butler Road at the east line of Industrial Way to replace a section of 2," gas main. Referred to councilman ~ib.betts and the desired permission granted. A petition was received from seven residents and property owners in the vicinity of Railroad Avenue between Magnolia and Orange Avenues, requesting the city to install additional lights in that section. Referred to Councilman Tlbbetts for investigation. Request was made by the South San Francisco Volunteer Pire Department for a permit to hold a Whist party and dance in Praternal Hall November 21st,1931, till I o'clock a.m. Permit ~auted. Notice was received from the League of California ~mtcipalities that the proceedings of the Monterey ~onvention were ready for sale in book form at $1.50 and $2,.00. Communica~ton ordered filed. Request was made by the Northstde Taxpayers ~rotectlve Association of South S~n Francis( that trees be planted in the areas bordering Cypres Avenue and Armour Avenue from the Bay~hore High. way to School Street and in a portion of Olive Avenue, in the parking spaces. Request accepted and ordered placed on file, },~yor Quinlan stating it is the intention of thecity to proceed with such work whenever the city finances would allow of the expenditures. Another communication was received from the Northstde Taxpayers Protective As~ociation of South San Francisco relative to the relief of unemployment in this city, and suggested work start immediately on park improvement, ~at'~g~i.stew P~.ogress was being made along these lines, and that public money was being spent on work not the business of the city. The communication requested that when the improvement of parks begins residents with dependant~famllies be given first preference. ~yor Qutnlan stated the cleaning of sewers and sewer maintenance ia~ ~f the most vital importance, and requires municipal attention before parks or playgrounds on any kind. He stated work would be given the poor of the as soon as the taxes are collected. Councilman Lloyd stated Industrial Way is a city street, and, therefore Industrial Way drainage sewer as well. RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PURCHASE O~ A BUICK CAR. Councilman Boido ~',:::r:,~:c::~ introduced a resolution ordering the purchase of ~ Buick automobile for the City of South San Prancisco,and inviting sealed proposals forths same to be received on Monday the ?th of December,19Zl at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council.. to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.Qulnlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest~ ?:?:Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2 at page .According to the questionaire cards returned relative to the proposed installation of new lights on Grand Avenue from Spruce Avenue to Division Street, the resl~l~ proved about even,approximately 50 per cent for the work and the same against. The council decided to postpone final action till Monday evening,December ?th, in order to give the property owzers furthe~ time to answer their questionaires. The White Cat lr~ and ~ye and polish Company was granted permission to enga'ge in business at No.6 Division Street,after recommendation by the fire chief. With reference to the request of Citizen Steve Garbarino for the construction of an underpass or overpass at Butler Road and the Highway, Chief Belloni reported the number cf pedestrians crossing at th~s point considerable less than at Grand Avenue and the highway. The matter was laid over. Afte~ a recess of five minutes Councilmen Boido,Lloyd,Minucciani, Tlbbetts and 0,uinlan answwred the roll call. Fred Brown reported that Butler road is in bad condition and should be repaired. Referred to councilmanTibbetts for investigation. Claims in the amount of $23?5.?9 were next presented to the council for payment; Joe Bernardo, service at stockyards beef show R.Blsagno, B.J. Rodondi. public liability insurance.city La Mat's Garage gasoline police dept Sohwabacher - Prey Co ~00 crime reports A.V.I~ke & Co, police codes W.P.Fuller Co traffic white police dept ' " " 2, gals traffic white" A. Oarlisle& Company lO0 police hooks of arrest D~dley Perkins rep motor cycle ' " service on motor cycle 20.00 20.00 '$770.80 43,15 4.11 10;00 24.50 4.30 85. ?8 8.O9 3.00 2.~5 ~has Lema Standard ~Bper-eervic'e'~'e~ation gas-oil police dept F~[..LaU~e gas-~ll ,police dept Prank Robinson supplies police dept F,C.~homas l~n. Co arm~ cots,blankets, city Jail ~aek ~.~okey, 24 lamps w,~.,~bke~ repairing relief vale taking census', Butler Road passe~s$ 10.00 $ 9.52 50.18 2,1.10 55.60 6.60 $ 2.15 Cl&~ms paid, continued;- Jack Hlckey, ~4 lamps ~i' ~- C,,"~ Paul Hamilton, fire alarm maintenance, 0ct, So. City Plumbing Shop pipe-eells So. City Lumber & Supply Co ~ed & Black Loquer Frank Robinson, Roy's rep Shop American Fire Extg Co Ric' Service Sta, Slaperior Steam Laundry La )~rs Garage supplies fire dept rep. siren fire dept foam & recharges globes,dashlight,fire dept wash fire Ho'.l, Oct " " 2, Oct, gas,fire dept Oct Standard Super Service Sta gas 'fire dept, 0c~, Gen. Electrtc Sup. Corp, relay contact box fire dept 6.60 20.00 8.65 Z.10 7'. ~2 2.00 22.80 5. O0 6.8~ l~. 88 lO.~O 6.0~ The Seagrave Corp, Service Garage, N. Medeghini D.W,Ratto F. J. Laut ze, Western Pipe & Steel 0o Standard 0il Co Union Oil Co Of Cal. Old Reliance Gagage Sc~mpini Set Sra. tube & labor " " $ 25.00 repairS, fire dept, Jul, Aug, 0ct, ~ 26.65 sweeping streets, ins. prem,Chevrolet gas,oil, street dep t culvert couplimgs,etc Zeroline as~ahalt, 25 tons, rep. to ChevroletAug. Sept,0ct gasoline street dept Sept 52. S5 6,19 24.18 1o5.74 8.88 4.49 69.70 La M~rs Garage ' . " Burroughs Adding ~ach Co,service sSx months F, E. M~_r r ay D.W. Ratto Patrick-Klinkner Co Frank Robinsom Safeguard Sales Cc San Marco Co. Title Co., H.A.Cavassa, C .Heard " 0ct rent, comptometer bond prem,asst,dep tax coll dating bands clerks supplies,clerk&$ dept renewal checkwriter policy daily reports Jul. Aug. Sept supplies clerk' s dept taking down flags R.Btsagno A.C.Johnson General Elec Co., Pacific Gas & El. Co Bank So.S.P. Galland Laundry Jennings Pharmacy, Joseph P.Quinlan Calif PaC.Tltle Co., John Corse S.~netti, G.Schmidt ~.Casagrande Bank So.S.F. The Enterprise Press contacts remov, electroliez Royal Gordon Rowe claim towel set Aug. Sept,0ct fumigators 22.48 5.55 12.50 2§.oo 1.6o 6.95 60.00 4. so 4.~5 5.70 5.70 5.70 9.9S $15o.oo 15.oo 1.co fares,expenses asso. dinners $ 4.10 des P.G.& E.& S.F.Power R/W $ 10.00 rem. garbage,dogs etc, Sept,Oct $ 8.00 rep urihal & Basin $ ~.6~ digging ditch labor claims digging ditch post cards,inspection forms notice to taxpayers ere slips,police dept $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $166.50 $ 21.75 $ 29.00' C.Bollazzi supplies park So. City Lumber &Sup. So.,material for park O.~.Blshop rep lawn mower W.P.Puller Co 'benoh paint Hallewell Seed Co pansies So. City Lumber & Sup Co.,supplies, park Total There being no further business councilman Lloy~ moved to adjourn until Monday, December ?th,193l,at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilmab Boido and regul oa~ried . Time of adjournment, 9.15 o'clock p.~. AP South San ~ranoisco Respectfully~i~, ~!ty Clerk